Maven build fails with os-maven-plugin - java

I added the os-maven-plugin to my pom like so:
<!-- native platform classifier -->
On my dev machine I can compile and run this project just fine, however when I try to run the build via Jenkins it fails immediately and shows this error in the logs:
[INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager getting plugin
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin': Plugin
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5' has an invalid descriptor:
1) Plugin's descriptor contains the wrong group ID: kr.motd.maven
2) Plugin's descriptor contains the wrong artifact ID: os-maven-plugin
3) Plugin's descriptor contains the wrong version: 1.5.0.Final
Clearly, it seems to be using the descriptors from the os-maven-plugin to get the clean-plugin and fails because the descriptors don't match up for that plugin.
Why is this and how should I be incorporating the os-maven-plugin into my project?


Maven invalid target release: 13

I'm using Maven in Eclipse and i want to run my project with Java13. Every time i build my project i get the following error message:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project subscriptionsmanager: Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 13 -> [Help 1]
I've configured my pom.xml file inside <properties> as follows:
and Java13 as JRE from Eclipse from Eclipse "Java Build Path" section.
Is there any settings that I have not considered?
As naman suggested, you'll need to explicitly configure your maven compiler plugin:
In addition to the above post, you can also directly mention the release in configuration.

JavaDoc can't add custom stylesheet from src/main/resources

While executing mvn javadoc:javadoc i get this error:
An error has occurred in JavaDocs report generation: Option <stylesheet/> supports only "maven" or "java" value. -> [Help 1]"
But i read here that <stylesheetfile/> could be a resource in your project directory, i.e. src/main/java, src/main/resources or src/main/javadoc
so why i can not have in my pom:
If you like to configure a file which should be used you have to use the following configuration:
<reporting> (or <build>)
</reporting> (or </build>)
I had a typo not <stylesheet> but <stylesheetfile> should be used.

Java google checkstyle Maven

I'm trying to configure my Maven project to use google java check style with the following configuration:
It seems to run mvn checkstyle:check fine at first. But after a few runs I start getting the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:check
(default-cli) on project PROJECT: Failed during checkstyle configuration: cannot initialize
module TreeWalker - Token "METHOD_REF" was not found in Acceptable tokens list in check -> [Help 1]
What does that mean? Why does it only happen some times and how do I get rid of it?
Token "METHOD_REF" was not found in Acceptable tokens list in check
You are trying to use a newer configuration with an old version of Checkstyle.
The configuration at is in master which is dependent on the snapshot version of checkstyle.
If you are using google configuration without any modifications, you need to use the one that comes embedded in checkstyle. See
Otherwise you can integrate a newer version of checkstyle to work with maven. See
I was using version 3.0.0 (which is the newest one right now) of the maven-checkstyle-plugin and I still got the error. I solved it by adding the following dependency to the plugin.

Jersey build with maven unbounded range JDK

I'm building a web-service with Jersey using maven. When executing mvn package I'm receiving the following error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
Unable to get dependency information: Unable to read the metadata file for artifact 'org.glassfish.hk2.external:javax.inject:jar': Invalid JDK version in profile 'javadoc-jdk8+': Unbounded range: [1.8 for project unknown:hk2-parent
from the specified remote repositories:
central (
Path to dependency:
1) com.rhcloud.susudev.tapapp:tapapp-service:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
2) org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-grizzly2-http:jar:2.22.1
<!-- download source code in Eclipse, best practice -->
<!-- Set a compiler level -->
<!-- Make this jar executable -->
<!-- Includes the runtime dependencies -->
<!-- One-Jar is in the googlecode repository -->
How can I fix it?
open the 2.4.0-b31.pom and find the profile 'javadoc-jdk8+' and change the value to [1.8,)
Use maven 3, I got the same error for maven 2
upgraded jersey version to 2.25.1 solved the problem, 2.22.1 has a a bad manifest.

Maven profile and artifact version

Assume we have maven multimodule project "Foo":
There are two profiles defined for moduleC:
Now we run two builds:
mvn clean package -P poll-some-external-service
mvn clean package -P produce-some-product
First build produce following artifacts:
Second build produce following artifacts:
This means that war file contains web application which works in a different way based on selected profile.
Naming is based on the following configuration in the parent pom.xml:
How can I deploy these artifacts into Nexus? -poll/-produce part is stripped during deployment. This means we have two different applications of the same version but we can deploy only one of them
Instead of changing the name use a classifier
Your profile for the pom should look similar to the following example. Note that you have to change the dependencies by using the profile too.
