Perform route Shutdown Logic with apache camel - java

I've recently started playing with Apache Camel, and one of the things I've been having issues with is properly performing shutdown logic on selective routes. Since the shutdown logic would vary between routes, Camel's RoutePolicy made the most sense. Here's an example of why I'm trying to do.
public class ProcessingRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
private ProducerTemplate prodTemplate;
public class ProcessingRouteBuilder(ProducerTemplate aProdTemplate) {
prodTemplate = aProdTemplate;
public void configure() {
.routePolicy(new RoutePolicySupport() {
public void onStop(Route route) {
prodTemplate.sendBody("direct://shutdownRoute", "msg");
.process(ex -> // Do stuff)
.log("Running shutdown A route body - ${body}");
The shutdown is done like ( The ProducerTemplate comes from the primary CamelContext (read that it is good practice to create one ProducerTemplate per context).
Running this gives me a DirectConsumerNotAvailableException, I've used seda and vm (i don't plan to interact with multiple contexts, but I gave this a shot anyways), both don't exception, but the shutdown routes are never hit. Some questions I have
I might be using the Producer Template wrong? It doesn't look like it's creating an exchange.
Can I even use the ProducerTemplate once the Shutdown hook has been initiated? I'm not sure how Camel performs the shutdown, but it makes sense that it wouldn't allow new messages to be sent, and if the shutdown route is even available at the time of sending.
One thing to note, that I'm not handling here, is ensuring that the shutdown route is performed after the processing route finishes processing all messages in its queue. I'm not entirely sure if the onStop() method is called after there are no more inflight messages and if not, how to enforce it?
I figure another approach is to use when/choice at the beginning of each route and send some sort of shutdown notifier or message, but this seems a little more clunkier.
Thanks guys!

To programmatic shut down a route you can also use the Control Bus EIP.
However the "stop" logic is not clear as you'd want to send a message to the shutdownroute when the processing route stops, but if the stop happen because you are shutting down the camel context it may be possible that the shutdownRoute has already been stopped.


Spring AMQP #RabbitListener is not ready to receive messages on #ApplicationReadyEvent. Queues/Bindings declared too slow?

we have a larger multi service java spring app that declares about 100 exchanges and queues in RabbitMQ on startup. Some are declared explicitly via Beans, but most of them are declared implicitly via #RabbitListener Annotations.
bindings = #QueueBinding(key = {"example.routingkey"},
exchange = #Exchange(value = "", type = ExchangeTypes.TOPIC),
value = #Queue(name = "example_queue", autoDelete = "true", exclusive = "true")))
public class ExampleListener{
public void handleRequest(final ExampleRequest request) {
System.out.println("got request!");
There are quite a lot of these listeners in the whole application.
The services of the application sometimes talk to each other via RabbitMq, so take a example Publisher that publishes a message to the Example Exchange that the above ExampleListener is bound to.
If that publish happens too early in the application lifecycle (but AFTER all the Spring Lifecycle Events are through, so after ApplicationReadyEvent, ContextStartedEvent), the binding of the Example Queue to the Example Exchange has not yet happend and the very first publish and reply chain will fail. In other words, the above Example Listener would not print "got request".
We "fixed" this problem by simply waiting 3 seconds before we start sending any RabbitMq messages to give it time to declare all queues,exchanges and bindings but this seems like a very suboptimal solution.
Does anyone else have some advice on how to fix this problem? It is quite hard to recreate as I would guess that it only occurs with a large amount of queues/exchanges/bindings that RabbitMq can not create fast enough. Forcing Spring to synchronize this creation process and wait for a confirmation by RabbitMq would probably fix this but as I see it, there is no built in way to do this.
Are you using multiple connection factories?
Or are you setting usePublisherConnection on the RabbitTemplate? (which is recommended, especially for a complex application like yours).
Normally, a single connection is used and all users of it will block until the admin has declared all the elements (it is run as a connection listener).
If the template is using a different connection factory, it will not block because a different connection is used.
If that is the case, and you are using the CachingConnectionFactory, you can call createConnection().close() on the consumer connection factory during initialization, before sending any messages. That call will block until all the declarations are done.

Spring Webflux using a blocking HttpClient in a Reactive Stack

I am currently on a Project that builds Microservices, and are trying to move from the more traditional Spring Boot RestClient to Reactive Stack using Netty and WebClient as the HTTP Client in order to connect to backend systems.
This is going well for backends with REST APIs, however I'm still having some difficulties implementing WebClient to services that connect to SOAP backends and Oracle databases, which still uses traditional JDBC.
I managed to find some workaround online regarding JDBC calls that make use of parallel schedulers to publish the result of the blocking JDBC call:
//the method that is called by #Service
public Mono<TransactionManagerModel> checkTransaction(String transactionId, String channel, String msisdn) {
return asyncCallable(() -> checkTransactionDB(transactionId, channel, msisdn))
.onErrorResume(error -> Mono.error(error));
//the actual JDBC call
private TransactionManagerModel checkTransactionDB(String transactionId, String channel, String msisdn) {
List<TransactionManagerModel> result =
jdbcTemplate.query(CHECK_TRANSACTION, paramMap, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(TransactionManagerModel.class));
//Generic async callable
private <T> Mono<T> asyncCallable(Callable<T> callable) {
return Mono.fromCallable(callable).subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()).publishOn(transactionManagerJdbcScheduler);
and I think this works quite well.
While for SOAP calls, what I did was encapsulating the SOAP call in a Mono while the SOAP call itself is using a CloseableHttpClient which is obviously a blocking HTTP Client.
//The method that is being 'reactive'
public Mono<OfferRs> addOffer(String transactionId, String channel, String serviceId, OfferRq request) {
OfferRs result = adapter.addOffer(transactionId, channel, generateRequest(request));
//The SOAP adapter that uses blocking HTTP Client
public OfferRs addOffer(String transactionId, String channel, JAXBElement<OfferRq> request) {
response = (OfferRs) getWebServiceTemplate().marshalSendAndReceive(url, request, webServiceMessage -> {
try {
SoapHeader soapHeader = ((SoapMessage) webServiceMessage).getSoapHeader();
ObjectFactory headerFactory = new ObjectFactory();
AuthenticationHeader authHeader = headerFactory.createAuthenticationHeader();
JAXBContext headerContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(AuthenticationHeader.class);
Marshaller marshaller = headerContext.createMarshaller();
marshaller.marshal(authHeader, soapHeader.getResult());
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Failed to marshall SOAP Header!", ex);
return response;
My question is: Does this implementation for SOAP calls "reactive" enough that I won't have to worry about some calls being blocked in some part of the microservice? I have already implemented reactive stack - calling a block() explicitly will throw an exception as it's not permitted if using Netty.
Or should I adapt the use of parallel Schedulers in SOAP calls as well?
After some discussions i'll write an answer.
Reactor documentation states that you should place blocking calls on their own schedulers. Thats basically to keep the non-blocking part of reactor going, and if something comes in that blocks, then reactor will fallback to traditional servlet behaviour which means assigning one thread to each request.
Reactor has very good documentation about schedulers their types etc.
But short:
When someone subscribes, reactor will go into something called the assembly phase which means it will basically from the subscribe point start calling the operators backwards upstream until it finds a producer of data (for example a database, or another service etc). If it finds a onSubscribe-operator somewhere during this phase it will place this entire chain on its own defined Scheduler. So one good thing to know is that placement of the onSubscribe does not really matter, as long as it is found during the assembly phase the entire chain will be affected.
Example usage could be:
We have blocking calls to a database, slow calls using a blocking rest client, reading a file from the system in a blocking manor etc.
if you have onPublish somewhere in the chain during the assembly phase the chain will know that where it is placed the chain will switch from the default scheduler to the designated scheduler at that specific point. So onPublish placement DOES matter. As it will switch at where it is placed. This operator is more to control that you want to place something on a specific scheduler at specific point in the code.
Examples usage could be:
You are doing some heavy blocking cpu calculations at a specific point, you could switch to a Scheduler.parallell() that will guarantee that all calculations will be placed on separate cores do do heavy cpu work, and when you are done you could switch back to the default scheduler.
Above example
Your soap calls should be placed on its own Scheduler if they are blocking and i think onSubscribe will be enough with a usage of a Schedulers.elasticBound() will be fine to get traditional servlet behaviour. If you feel like you are scared of having every blocking call on the same Scheduler, you could pass in the Scheduler in the asyncCallable function and split up calls to use different Schedulers.

Server Sent Event with Spring with having a thread being freed from request

I need to show off an example of server sent events. I learned about it in a spring talk. People used Webflux there to show the reactive principles. I understood the part on how this will free thread resources because the request thread won't be blocked until the job is done and the server returns the response.
I have an example here but actually I don't really know how I can make this thread resource example be clear enough.
I do not want to use the WebFlux framework here. Just need to know what to put into a separate thread here - if necessary at all?!
As you can see I have a GetMapping to subscribe to the event stream. And then I have a GetMapping to launch or fire an event. This example is fast for sure but should be considered as heavy database call.
So I actually need to have the whole logic be separated in another thread right? So the request thread is free as soon as possible?
public class EventStreamRequestHandler {
ObjectMapper objectMapper;
SseEmitter sseEmitter = new SseEmitter(1000000L);
public SseEmitter getStream() {
return this.sseEmitter;
public void fireEvent() throws IOException {
Person peter = new Person("Peter", "25");
String valueAsString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(peter);
SseEmitter.SseEventBuilder sseEventBuilder = SseEmitter.event()
Yes, Server sent events are supposed to send messages to the client asynchronously without client keep on polling for message.
The sending of messages from client to server needs to be done asynchronously. With the way you have done it. When a GET request is sent to /get/event/stream an SseEmitter will be created but messages will only be sent when a GET request is sent to /launch/event. And the GET request thread for /launch/event will be used to send the message.
Sometime back I wrote post to send SSE messages using a different thread. I hope this helps.
But I don't recommend storing the SseEmitter in an instance variable as it will overridden by multiple requests. You must at least make it ThreadLocal

Finishing a HttpServletResponse but continue processing

I have a situation that seems to fit the Async Servlet 3.0 / Comet situation but all I need to do is return a 200 response code (or other) after accepting the incoming parameters.
Is there a way for a HttpServlet to complete the http request/response handshake and yet continue processing?
Something like...
doPost( req, response ) {
// verify input params...
response.setStatus( SC_OK );
// execute long query
EDIT: Looking at the javax.servlet package - the proper phrasing to my question is
How do I commit a response?
as in Servlet.isCommitted()
Here's how I've handled this situation:
When the app starts up, create an ExecutorService with Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads) (there are other types of executors, but I suggest starting with this one)
In doPost(), create an instance of Runnable which will perform the desired processing - your task - and submit it to the ExecutorService like so: executor.execute(task)
Finally, you should return the HTTP Status 202 Accepted, and, if possible, a Location header indicating where a client will be able to check up on the status of the processing.
I highly recommend you read Java Concurrency in Practice, it's a fantastic and very practical book.
On possibility for your servlet to accept a request for processing in the background, is for the servlet to hand off processing to a separate thread which then executes in the background.
Using Spring, you can invoke a separate Thread using the a TaskExecutor. The advantage of using spring over standard JDK 5 java.util.concurrent.Executor is that if you're on application servers that need to use managed threads (IBM websphere or Oracle weblogic), you can use the WorkManagerTaskExecutor to hook into the CommonJ work managers.
Another alternative would be to move the long query logic into a Message Driven Bean or Message Driven POJO (Spring JMS can help here) and let the servlet simply post a message on a JMS queue. That would have the advantage that should the load on your web container become too great because of your long running query, you could easily move the MDB onto a different (dedicated) system.
You can continue processing in a separate Thread.
The response is commited once you return from doPost() method.
This example can help
void doPost(){
// do something
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// processing after response

Reconnecting JMS listener to JBossMQ

We have a Java listener that reads text messages off of a queue in JBossMQ. If we have to reboot JBoss, the listener will not reconnect and start reading messages again. We just get messages in the listener's log file every 2 minutes saying it can't connect. Is there something we're not setting in our code or in JBossMQ? I'm new to JMS so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You should implement in your client code javax.jms.ExceptionListener. You will need a method called onException. When the client's connection is lost, you should get a JMSException, and this method will be called automatically. The only thing you have to look out for is if you are intentionally disconnecting from JBossMQ-- that will also throw an exception.
Some code might look like this:
public void onException (JMSException jsme)
if (!closeRequested)
this.establishConnection(connectionProps, queueName, uname, pword, clientID, messageSelector);
//Client requested close so do not try to reconnect
In your "establishConnection" code, you would then implement a while(!initialized) construct that contains a try/catch inside of it. Until you are sure you have connected and subscribed properly, stay inside the while loop catching all JMS/Naming/etc. exceptions.
We've used this method for years with JBossMQ and it works great. We have never had a problem with our JMS clients not reconnecting after bouncing JBossMQ or losing our network connection.
I'd highly recommend you use the Spring abstractions for JMS such as the MessageListenerContainer to deal with reconnection, transactions and pooling for you. You just need to supply a MessageListener and configure the MessageListenerContainer with the ConnectionFactory and the container does the rest.
If you're purely a listener and do no other JMS calls other than connection setup, then the "onException() handler" answer is correct.
If you do any JMS calls in your code, just using onException() callback isn't sufficient. Problems are relayed from the JMS provider to the app either via an exception on a JMS method call or through the onException() callback. Not both.
So if you call any JMS methods from your code, you'll also want to invoke that reconnection logic if you get any exceptions on those calls.
Piece of advice from personal experience. Upgrade to JBoss Messaging. I've seen it in production for 4 months without problems. It has fully transparent failover - amongst many other features.
Also, if you do go with Spring, be very careful with the JmsTemplate.
