AspectJ, SpringAOP, Aspect runs twice - java

My aspect runs twice and I don't see a reason why. Maybe someone could point me on my mistake?
Here is a code:
Creating annotation for pointcut
public #interface CustodianMetrics {
String metricId();
Creating an aspect
public class CustodianMetricsAspect {
private final MonitoringService monitoringService;
public CustodianMetricsAspect(MonitoringService monitoringService) {
this.monitoringService = monitoringService;
public void count(CustodianMetrics custodianMetricsAnnotation) {
Counter metric = monitoringService.metric(custodianMetricsAnnotation.metricId(), Counter.class);;
Configuring xml for spring
<aop:include name="path"/>
<aop:aspect id="custodianMetricsAspect" ref="custodianMetricsAspect">
<aop:after method="count"
I tried to change poitcut on this
#After("#annotation(custodianMetricsAnnotation) && execution(* *(..))")
But the same result - aspect runs twice. Any suggestions?

It happens because you have configured the aspect twice - both Spring XML configuration and the #Aspect annotation.
Read the note in section 8.1.2 Spring AOP capabilities and goals of Spring framework documentation, it states the following:
One such choice that is relevant to this chapter is that of which AOP framework (and which AOP style) to choose. You have the choice of AspectJ and/or Spring AOP, and you also have the choice of either the #AspectJ annotation-style approach or the Spring XML configuration-style approach.
In this case, based on my personal experience, I highly recommend you to stick with the annotations. However, it depends on your personal taste. You may find 8.4 Choosing which AOP declaration style to use relevant.
If you choose the annotation-based configuration, don't forget to create a Java configuration class instead of deleted <aop:aspectj-autoproxy>... line.
public class AspectJAutoProxyConfiguration { }


AOP can't pointcut class without #Service #Controller

AOP can pointcut like #Controller or #Service.
But it doesn't work well on Class without spring's annotation.
package com.erp.module;
public class SalesOrderModule {
public void cancel(){"test");
public static SalesOrderModule init(int type) {
SalesOrderModule salesOrderModule = new SalesOrderModule(salesOrder);
return salesOrderModule;
My like below
public class WebLogAspect {
#Pointcut("execution(public * com.erp.controller.*.*(..)) || execution(public * com.erp.module.*.*(..))")
public void logPointCut() {
I invoke cancel like below:
SalesOrderModule so = SalesOrderModule.init(3);
I know this problem is relative to proxy. But how can I
Spring Docs says:
Thus, for example, the Spring Framework’s AOP functionality is normally used in conjunction with the Spring IoC container. Aspects are configured using normal bean definition syntax (although this allows powerful "autoproxying" capabilities): this is a crucial difference from other AOP implementations. There are some things you cannot do easily or efficiently with Spring AOP, such as advise very fine-grained objects (such as domain objects typically): AspectJ is the best choice in such cases. However, our experience is that Spring AOP provides an excellent solution to most problems in enterprise Java applications that are amenable to AOP.
So if you need to intercept non-spring managed code, you need to use AspectJ instead of Spring AOP. TBH, I didn't need that so far.

Using #Aspect with #Conditional

I want to conditionally create an Aspect depending on a value read from the properties file. (It is related to profiling, that's why the intended selective use).
I have tried to create a class that implements Condition and therefore the matches() method that would allow me to perform the validation necessary and set the output to the corresponding Boolean, enabling or disabling it.
public class MyAspect {
pointCuts, methods and etc...
Thing is: The Aspect is instantiated by Spring anyway apparently it does not respect the #Conditional annotation output.
Are there any caveats that I am missing here?
Spring version: 4.1.4.RELEASE
AspectJ version: 1.7.3
(The project dependency tree is a bit 'complicated' so updating libs has to be taken with a grain of salt :) )
You could manage to achive a conditional Aspect Behaviour if you register your aspect as a component, as described in the #EnableAspectJAutoProxy configuration.
From the docs:
Enables support for handling components marked with AspectJ's #Aspect annotation, similar to functionality found in Spring's XML element. To be used on #Configuration
Note that #Aspect beans may be component-scanned like any other. Simply mark the aspect with both #Aspect and #Component:
So your problem should be solved by just adding #Component to your bean and setting up a proper component-scan if needed.
For example:
public class MyAspect {
pointCuts, methods and etc...

How to use spring aop with class from external jar

I need to intercept org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter#handle method and i use spring aop for that. It is spring class from spring-webmvc.jar. It uses in org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet during request proccessing to my rest mvc service.
AOP config:
<bean id="contextAspect" class="com.eightbitlab.spring3rest.config.ContextAspect"/>
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/>
<aop:aspect ref="contextAspect">
<aop:pointcut id="contextPointcut" expression="execution (* org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handle(..))"/>
<aop:around method="around" pointcut-ref="contextPointcut"/>
Aspect bean:
public class ContextAspect {
public void around(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info("start aspect");
Object proceeded = joinPoint.proceed();
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info("end aspect");
If I use this aspect with own classes the aspect method is executed. I think that the problem is a class from external jar, but I can't find the solution...
If you look at the signature of handle method it is marked as final.
As Spring AOP cannot advise final methods (see below excerpts from Spring docs here) consider intercepting / advising your controller instead.
You cannot add advice to final methods when you use Spring MVC. For example, you cannot add advice to the AbstractController.setSynchronizeOnSession() method. Refer to Section 10.6.1, “Understanding AOP proxies” for more information on AOP proxies and why you cannot add advice to final methods.
P.S.: Additionally have a look here as well for further understanding of AOP proxies.

Spring - Multiple Aspects Firing Out of Order

I am having trouble getting multiple aspects to fire in a specific order. I am using the RequestProcessor to do certain things on every incoming request on my controllers, which have a certain parameter
Then I have some specific annotations that I will be adding to only certain methods within my controllers.
FYI I am using Eclipse, Tomcat, Maven and spring with java/annotation based configs. I use Tomcat and the WebApplicationInitializer to load my context, dispatcher, listeners etc. I have no web.xml. I can post that or the pom.xml if needed too.
The problem I am getting is that a method that satisfies both the ProcessRequest pointcut and the someAnnotation pointcut is firing the someAnnotation method first even though the order is specified to fire ProcessRequest first. There is some properties set in the ProcessRequest that is needed in some other annotations.
Here is a simplified version of my code.
Spring Config Class
#Configuration // Enable Spring Annotation Configuration. Equivalent to <context:annotation-config/>
#EnableCaching // Enable Spring caching
#EnableWebMvc // Enable Spring MVC Annotation. Equivalent to <mvc:annotation-driven />.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"xxx.yyy.zzz"}) // Scan for Spring Components. Equivalent to <context:component-scan>
public class WebAppConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
// Other Bean logic here
public RequestProcessor requestProcessor() {
return new RequestProcessor();
public AnnotationAspect annotationAspect() {
return new AnnotationAspect();
Aspect #1
public class RequestProcessor {
#Pointcut("execution(* xxx.yyy.zzz.api..*.*(xxx.yyy.zzz.objects.api.Request,..)) && args(request)")
public void pointcut(Request<?> request) {}
public void processRequest(Request<?> request) throws IOException, BadSignatureException {
// Some logic here that is independent of other and needs to run before other aspect which references annotation
Aspect #2
public class AnnotationAspect {
public void someAnnotation() {
// Log for this annotation
// Some other annotation methods here
Also tried this format implements Ordered
public class RequestProcessor implements Ordered {
public int getOrder() {
return 0;
#Pointcut("execution(* xxx.yyy.zzz.api..*.*(xxx.yyy.zzz.objects.api.Request,..)) && args(request)")
public void pointcut(Request<?> request) {}
public void processRequest(Request<?> request) throws IOException, BadSignatureException {
// Some logic here that is independent of other and needs to run before other aspect which references annotation
I read over this post and some others but couldn't find anything relevant that worked.
Ordering aspects with Spring AOP && MVC
So I have been reading through the AspectJ docs on declaring precedence so I thought I would give it a whirl. I created a simple aspect that only declares precedence and it works just fine.
Here is my Precedence Aspect:
public aspect AspectPrecedence {
declare precedence : RequestProcessor, SomeAspect;
I am not going to submit this as answer just yet because I would like to understand why the annotation or "implements Ordered" are not functioning properly in my project.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
****UPDATE 2****
For reference this works locally in my eclipse environment and seemed to work when deployed to AWS via WAR file.
#DeclarePrecedence("RequestProcessor, SomeAspect")
public class RequestProcessor {
#Pointcut("execution(* xxx.yyy.zzz.api..*.*(xxx.yyy.zzz.objects.api.Request,..)) && args(request)")
public void pointcut(Request<?> request) {}
public void processRequest(Request<?> request) throws IOException, BadSignatureException {
// Some logic here that is independent of other and needs to run before other aspect which references annotation
When using Eclipse with AspectJ support that automatically enables compile time weaving in your IDE. Which means the aspects get woven into your byte code, opposed to Spring which uses proxies to apply aspects.
Using an aspect to declare precedence or using #DeclarePrecedence will only work when using either compile or load time weaving (the latter can be enabled by specifying <context:load-time-weaver/> depending on your container might require some additional configuration). However both should work (you might need to specify the AspectJ compiler as a compiler for the #Aspect classes instead of the default java compiler).
#Order and Ordered only work for the proxy based solution and are ignored by AspectJ.
I think the problem could be that you're using LTW with AspectJ instead AOP with Spring, as #Order is defined for Spring, the container(AspectJ) is not able to determine the ordering of both the advices, so try one of these:
Try flipping the order of #Aspect and #Order annotations
You can try the annotation #DeclarePrecedence from AspectJ and then configuring your aspects into the aop.xml
<aspect name="your.package.RequestProcessor"/>
<aspect name="your.package.AnnotationAspect"/>
<concrete-aspect name="my_aspect_configuration_precedence"
precedence="*..*RequestProcessor, *"/>
I don't know if it's going to work but expect to give you a pointer on that

Spring AOP pointcut definition for string setter

I'm developing an aspect that checks string arguments of setter methods of my entity package for empty strings and replace them with null values. But unfortunately my aspect doesn't works well :(. I guess it is because of my pointcut definition, but I'm not sure.
My aspect looks like:
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
public class EmptyStringToNullSetter {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
public void check(final JoinPoint jp) {
My spring config looks like:
<bean id="emptyStringToNullSetter" class="" />
<aop:pointcut id="entityStringSetter" expression="execution(**.set*(..)) and args(java.lang.String)" />
<aop:aspect id="checkEmptyStringsAspect" ref="emptyStringToNullSetter">
<aop:before method="check" pointcut-ref="entityStringSetter" />
My test class looks like:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/spring/test-util-context.xml" })
public class EmptyStringToNullSetterTest extends
AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests {
public void testCheck() {
Period period = new Period();
When I execute my test the aspect doesn't intercept my setter. Do anyone has any idea why?!
Since you are using proxy-based AOP, the advice will apply only to Spring beans and the "period" object isn't a bean. You need to either have "period" as a bean or use AspectJ's weaving based AOP. In either case, you will also need to use an around advice instead of before.
This design is very tricky and error-prone with Spring JDK proxy based AOP.
I've mentionned this point here:
Basically, an aspect define with Spring AOP is implemented at runtime as a proxy object wrapping around the original target.
In the bean lifecycle, Spring will create proxies only after the bean is fully initialized, e.g. after all properties injection by setter.
So the first time your setter is called, it will not be intercepted by the advice because the proxy does not exist yet.
However all subsequent calls to the setter will be intercepted.
Furthermore, be careful about self-invocation issues, e.g. calling the setter() inside another target method.
