Spring Kafka producers throwing TimeoutExceptions - java

I have a Kafka setup with three brokers in Kubernetes, set up according to the guide at https://github.com/Yolean/kubernetes-kafka. The following error message appears when producing messages from a Java client.
2018-06-06 11:15:44.103 ERROR 1 --- [ad | producer-1] o.s.k.support.LoggingProducerListener : Exception thrown when sending a message with key='null' and payload='[...redacted...]':
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for topicname-0: 30001 ms has passed since last append
Detailed setup
The listeners are set up to allow SSL producers/consumers from the outside world:
advertised.host.name = null
advertised.listeners = OUTSIDE://kafka-0.mydomain.com:32400,PLAINTEXT://:9092
advertised.port = null
listeners = OUTSIDE://:9094,PLAINTEXT://:9092
inter.broker.listener.name = PLAINTEXT
host.name =
port.name = 9092
The OUTSIDE listeners are listening on kafka-0.mydomain.com, kafka-1.mydomain.com, etc. The plaintext listeners are listening on any IP, since they are cluster-local to Kubernetes.
The producer settings:
bootstrap-servers: kafka.mydomain.com:9092
security.protocol: SSL
batch-size: 16384
buffer-memory: 1048576 # 1MB
retries: 1
key-password: redacted
keystore-location: file:/var/private/ssl/kafka.client.keystore.jks
keystore-password: redacted
truststore-location: file:/var/private/ssl/kafka.client.truststore.jks
truststore-password: redacted
In addition I set linger.ms to 100 in code, which forces messages to be transmitted within 100ms. Linger time is set intentionally low, because the use case requires minimal delays.
The errors started appearing when the broker was moved moved to SSL.
On the server side everything is running as expected, there are no errors in the log and I can connect to the broker manually with a Kafka client tool.
The errors appear intermittently: sometimes it sends 30+ messages per second, sometimes it sends nothing at all. It may work like a charm for hours and then just spam timeouts for a little while.
Clocks for the client and server are in sync (UTC).
CPU is consistently around 20% for both the producing and server side.
What could it be?

This problem normally occurs when the producer is faster than the brokers, the reason why this happens with your setup seems to be that the SSL needs extra CPU and that may slow down the brokers. But anyway check the following:
Check if you are producing message at the same speed, according what you are saying seems that you are having spikes.
Another possibility is that other kafka clients in the cluster (producer or consumers), which not necessarily uses the same topic, makes this to happen because overloads the brokers (check brokers cpu/network).
To minimize whatever causes this retention you should increase the buffer-memory to more than 32MB, think that 32MB is the default and you are setting this lower. The lower you have, the easy is that the buffer gets full and if this happens it will block at most max.block.ms, and a request will timeout after request.timeout.ms.
Another parameter that you should increase is batch-size, this parameter is in bytes, not in number of messages. Also linger.ms should be increased, in case this producer messages are created in user request time, do not increase very much, a good choice could be 1-4 ms.
Messages will be send when the batch.size gets full or takes longer than linger.ms to have more data than the batch.size. Big batches increases the throughput in normal cases, but if the linger is too low it doesn't help, because you will send before you have enough data to get the batch.size.
Also recheck on producer logs that the properties are loaded correctly.


AmazonMQ/ActiveMQ Message RedeliveryPolicy MaximumRedeliveries Ignored

I have configured ActiveMQ redelivery plugin as follows (with max 4 redeliveries)
<redeliveryPlugin fallbackToDeadLetter="true" sendToDlqIfMaxRetriesExceeded="true">
<redeliveryPolicy initialRedeliveryDelay="5000" maximumRedeliveries="4" redeliveryDelay="10000"/>
If a client fails to send ACK the message is redelivered. So far so good... However, the max redeliveries are completely ignored by the broker and it keeps redelivering the messages "infinitely" many times. Also the message is never moved to DLQ.
I also tried using:
?jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries=4 on the connection URI (STOMP Connector), but also with no luck.
Any help is most appreciated!
For a STOMP client I would assume that the broker will not consider the message as being delivered unless the client either ACKs it or NACKs it otherwise it must assume that it never made it to a client and therefore treats it as always having a delivery count of zero. The broker redelivery plugin keys off the message's delivery count so if the message is treated as not having been delivered which in this case it likely is then it will take no action on the message.

Periods of prolonged inactivity and frequent MessageLockLostException in QueueClient

We have a data transfer solution with Azure Service Bus as the message broker. We are transferring data from x datasets through x queues - with x dedicated QueueClients as senders. Some senders publish messages at the rate of one message every two seconds, while others publish one every 15 minutes.
The application on the data source side (where senders are) is working just fine, giving us the desired throughput.
On the other side, we have an application with one QueueClient receiver per queue with the following configuration:
maxConcurrentCalls = 1
autoComplete = true (if receive mode = RECEIVEANDDELETE) and false (if receive mode = PEEKLOCK) - we have some receivers where, if they shut-down unexpectedly, would want to preserve the messages in the Service Bus Queue.
maxAutoRenewDuration = 3 minutes (lock duraition on all queues = 30 seconds)
an Executor service with a single thread
The MessageHandler registered with each of these receivers does the following:
public CompletableFuture<Void> onMessageAsync(final IMessage message) {
// deserialize the message body
final CustomObject customObject = (CustomObject)SerializationUtils.deserialize((byte[])message.getMessageBody().getBinaryData().get(0));
// process processDB1() and processDB2() asynchronously
final List<CompletableFuture<Boolean>> processFutures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Boolean>>();
processFutures.add(processDB1(customObject)); // processDB1() returns Boolean
processFutures.add(processDB2(customObject)); // processDB2() returns Boolean
// join both the completablefutures to get the result Booleans
List<Boolean> results = CompletableFuture.allOf(processFutures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[processFutures.size()])).thenApply(future -> processFutures.stream()
if (results.contains(false)) {
// dead-letter the message if results contains false
return getQueueClient().deadLetterAsync(message.getLockToken());
} else {
// complete the message otherwise
We tested with the following scenarios:
Scenario 1 - receive mode = RECEIVEANDDELETE, message publish rate: 30/ minute
Expected Behavior
The messages should be received continuosuly with a constant throughput (which need not necessarily be the throughput at source, where messages are published).
Actual behavior
We observe random, long periods of inactivity from the QueueClient - ranging from minutes to hours - there is no Outgoing Messages from the Service Bus namespace (observed on the Metrics charts) and there are no consumption logs for the same time periods!
Scenario 2 - receive mode = PEEKLOCK, message publish rate: 30/ minute
Expected Behavior
The messages should be received continuosuly with a constant throughput (which need not necessarily be the throughput at source, where messages are published).
Actual behavior
We keep seeing MessageLockLostException constantly after 20-30 minutes into the run of the application.
We tried doing the following -
we reduced the prefetch count (from 20 * processing rate - as mentioned in the Best Practices guide) to a bare minimum (to even 0 in one test cycle), to reduce the no. of messages that are locked for the client
increased the maxAutoRenewDuration to 5 minutes - our processDB1() and processDB2() do not take more than a second or two for almost 90% of the cases - so, I think the lock duration of 30 seconds and maxAutoRenewDuration are not issues here.
removed the blocking CompletableFuture.get() and made the processing synchronous.
None of these tweaks helped us fix the issue. What we observed is that the COMPLETE or RENEWMESSAGELOCK are throwing the MessageLockLostException.
We need help with finding answers for the following:
why is there a long period of inactivity of the QueueClient in scenario 1?
how do we know the MessageLockLostExceptions are thrown, because the locks have indeed expired? we suspect the locks cannot expire too soon, as our processing happens in a second or two. disabling prefetch also did not solve this for us.
Versions and Service Bus details
Java - openjdk-11-jre
Azure Service Bus namespace tier: Standard
Java SDK version - 3.4.0
For Scenario 1 :
If you have the duplicate detection history enabled, there is a possibility of this behavior happening as per the below explained scenario :
I had enabled for 30 seconds. I constantly hit Service bus with duplicate messages ( im my case messages with the same messageid from the client - 30 /per minute). I would be seeing a no activity outgoing for the window. Though the messages are received at the servicebus from the sending client, I was not be able to see them in outgoing messages. You could probably check whether you re encountering the duplicate messages which are filtered - inturn resulting inactivity in outgoing.
Also Note : You can't enable/disable duplicate detection after the queue is created. You can only do so at the time of creating the queue.
The issue was not with the QueueClient object per se. It was with the processes that we were triggering from within the MessageHandler: processDB1(customObject) and processDB2(customObject). since these processes were not optimized, the message consumption dropped and the locks gor expired (in peek-lock mode), as the handler was spending more time (in relation to the rate at which messages were published to the queues) in completing these opertations.
After optimizing the processes, the consumption and completion (in peek-lock mode) were just fine.

Kafka producer fails to send messages with NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION exception

We're using spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka (3.0.3.RELEASE) to send messages to our Kafka cluster (2.4.1). Every now and then one of the producer threads receives NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION exceptions, and even exceeds the retries (currently set at 12, activated by dependency spring-retry). We've restricted the retries because we're sending about 1k msg/s (per producer instance) and were worried about the size of the buffer.
This way we're regularly loosing messages, which is bad for downstream consumers, because we can't simply reproduce the incoming traffic.
The error message is
[Producer clientId=producer-5] Received invalid metadata error in produce request on partition topic-21 due to org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException: This server is not the leader for that topic-partition.. Going to request metadata update now
[Producer clientId=producer-5] Got error produce response with correlation id 974706 on topic-partition topic-21, retrying (8 attempts left). Error: NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION
[Producer clientId=producer-5] Got error produce response with correlation id 974707 on topic-partition topic-21, retrying (1 attempts left). Error: NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION
Any known way to avoid this?
Should we go back to the default of MAX_INT retries?
Why does it keep sending to the same broker, even though it responded with NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION?
Any hints are welcome.
EDIT: We just noticed that the broker metric kafka_network_requestmetrics_responsequeuetimems goes up around that time, but the max we've seen is around 2.5s
Both Produce and Fetch requests are send to the leader replica of the partition. NotLeaderForPartitionException the exception is thrown when the request is sent to the partition which not the leader replica of the partition now.
The client maintains the information regarding the leader of each partition as a cache. The complete process of cache management is shown below.
The client needs to refresh this information by setting the metadata.max.age.ms in producer configuration. The default value of this tag is 300000 ms
You can go through the following Apache Kafka documentation.
Please go through the Sender.java code.
You will find both the error messages in the sender code. The default value of metadata.max.age.ms is 3 seconds. I think you should reduce this value and then observe the behavior.
you need config listeners properly
I'm using docker-compose like
container_name: zookeeper
- "2181:2181"
hostname: "broker-1.mydomain.com"
- "29091:29091"
hostname: "broker-2.mydomain.com"
container_name: broker-2
- "29092:29092"
edit server.properties for each broker
listeners: PRIVATE_HOSTNAME://broker-1.mydomain.com:9092,PUBLIC_HOSTNAME://broker-1.mydomain.com:29091
advertised.listeners: PRIVATE_HOSTNAME://broker-1.mydomain.com:9092,PUBLIC_HOSTNAME://broker-1.mydomain.com:29091
inter.broker.listener.name: PRIVATE_HOSTNAME
listeners: PRIVATE_HOSTNAME://broker-2.mydomain.com:9092, PUBLIC_HOSTNAME://broker-2.mydomain.com:29092
advertised.listeners: PRIVATE_HOSTNAME://broker-2.mydomain.com:9092, PUBLIC_HOSTNAME://broker-2.mydomain.com:29092
inter.broker.listener.name: PRIVATE_HOSTNAME
IMPORTANT: note that I'm using the same hostname for private and public net, because the consumer/producer can only access to kafka by register name like this:
[BrokerToControllerChannelManager broker=1 name=forwarding]: Recorded new controller, from now on will use broker broker-1.mydomain.com:9092
[BrokerToControllerChannelManager broker=2 name=forwarding]: Recorded new controller, from now on will use broker broker-2.mydomain.com:9092
edit your host /etc/hosts broker-1.mydomain.com broker-2.mydomain.com

Azure eventhub Kafka org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException for some of the records

Have a ArrayList containing 80 to 100 records trying to stream and send each individual record(POJO ,not entire list) to Kafka topic (event hub) . Scheduled a cron job like every hour to send these records(POJO) to event hub.
Able to see messages being sent to eventhub ,but after 3 to 4 successful run getting following exception (which includes several messages being sent and several failing with below exception)
Expiring 14 record(s) for eventhubname: 30125 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
Following is the config for Producer used,
props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
props.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
props.put(ProducerConfig.ACKS_CONFIG, "1");
props.put(ProducerConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG, "3");
Message Retention period - 7
Partition - 6
using spring Kafka(2.2.3) to send the events
method marked as #Async where kafka send is written
protected void send() {
Expected - No exception to be thrown from kafka
Actual - org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException is been thrown
Prakash - we have seen a number of issues where spiky producer patterns see batch timeout.
The problem here is that the producer has two TCP connections that can go idle for > 4 mins - at that point, Azure load balancers close out the idle connections. The Kafka client is unaware that the connections have been closed so it attempts to send a batch on a dead connection, which times out, at which point retry kicks in.
Set connections.max.idle.ms to < 4mins – this allows Kafka client’s network client layer to gracefully handle connection close for the producer’s message-sending TCP connection
Set metadata.max.age.ms to < 4mins – this is effectively a keep-alive for the producer metadata TCP connection
Feel free to reach out to the EH product team on Github, we are fairly good about responding to issues - https://github.com/Azure/azure-event-hubs-for-kafka
This exception indicates you are queueing records at a faster rate than they can be sent. Once a record is added a batch, there is a time limit for sending that batch to ensure it has been sent within a specified duration. This is controlled by the Producer configuration parameter, request.timeout.ms. If the batch has been queued longer than the timeout limit, the exception will be thrown. Records in that batch will be removed from the send queue.
Please check the below for similar issue, this might help better.
Kafka producer TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s)
you can also check this link
when-does-the-apache-kafka-client-throw-a-batch-expired-exception/34794261#34794261 for reason more details about batch expired exception.
Also implement proper retry policy.
Note this does not account any network issues scanner side. With network issues you will not be able to send to either hub.
Hope it helps.

How can I send large messages with Kafka (over 15MB)?

I send String-messages to Kafka V. 0.8 with the Java Producer API.
If the message size is about 15 MB I get a MessageSizeTooLargeException.
I have tried to set message.max.bytesto 40 MB, but I still get the exception. Small messages worked without problems.
(The exception appear in the producer, I don't have a consumer in this application.)
What can I do to get rid of this exception?
My example producer config
private ProducerConfig kafkaConfig() {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("metadata.broker.list", BROKERS);
props.put("serializer.class", "kafka.serializer.StringEncoder");
props.put("request.required.acks", "1");
props.put("message.max.bytes", "" + 1024 * 1024 * 40);
return new ProducerConfig(props);
4709 [main] WARN kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Produce request with correlation id 214 failed due to [datasift,0]: kafka.common.MessageSizeTooLargeException
4869 [main] WARN kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Produce request with correlation id 217 failed due to [datasift,0]: kafka.common.MessageSizeTooLargeException
5035 [main] WARN kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Produce request with correlation id 220 failed due to [datasift,0]: kafka.common.MessageSizeTooLargeException
5198 [main] WARN kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Produce request with correlation id 223 failed due to [datasift,0]: kafka.common.MessageSizeTooLargeException
5305 [main] ERROR kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Failed to send requests for topics datasift with correlation ids in [213,224]
kafka.common.FailedToSendMessageException: Failed to send messages after 3 tries.
at kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler.handle(Unknown Source)
at kafka.producer.Producer.send(Unknown Source)
at kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer.send(Unknown Source)
You need to adjust three (or four) properties:
Consumer side:fetch.message.max.bytes - this will determine the largest size of a message that can be fetched by the consumer.
Broker side: replica.fetch.max.bytes - this will allow for the replicas in the brokers to send messages within the cluster and make sure the messages are replicated correctly. If this is too small, then the message will never be replicated, and therefore, the consumer will never see the message because the message will never be committed (fully replicated).
Broker side: message.max.bytes - this is the largest size of the message that can be received by the broker from a producer.
Broker side (per topic): max.message.bytes - this is the largest size of the message the broker will allow to be appended to the topic. This size is validated pre-compression. (Defaults to broker's message.max.bytes.)
I found out the hard way about number 2 - you don't get ANY exceptions, messages, or warnings from Kafka, so be sure to consider this when you are sending large messages.
Minor changes required for Kafka 0.10 and the new consumer compared to laughing_man's answer:
Broker: No changes, you still need to increase properties message.max.bytes and replica.fetch.max.bytes. message.max.bytes has to be equal or smaller(*) than replica.fetch.max.bytes.
Producer: Increase max.request.size to send the larger message.
Consumer: Increase max.partition.fetch.bytes to receive larger messages.
(*) Read the comments to learn more about message.max.bytes<=replica.fetch.max.bytes
The answer from #laughing_man is quite accurate. But still, I wanted to give a recommendation which I learned from Kafka expert Stephane Maarek. We actively applied this solution in our live systems.
Kafka isn’t meant to handle large messages.
Your API should use cloud storage (for example, AWS S3) and simply push a reference to S3 to Kafka or any other message broker. You'll need to find a place to save your data, whether it can be a network drive or something else entirely, but it shouldn't be a message broker.
If you don't want to proceed with the recommended and reliable solution above,
The message max size is 1MB (the setting in your brokers is called message.max.bytes) Apache Kafka. If you really needed it badly, you could increase that size and make sure to increase the network buffers for your producers and consumers.
And if you really care about splitting your message, make sure each message split has the exact same key so that it gets pushed to the same partition, and your message content should report a “part id” so that your consumer can fully reconstruct the message.
If the message is text-based try to compress the data, which may reduce the data size, but not magically.
Again, you have to use an external system to store that data and just push an external reference to Kafka. That is a very common architecture and one you should go with and widely accepted.
Keep that in mind Kafka works best only if the messages are huge in amount but not in size.
Source: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-send-Large-messages-80-MB-in-Kafka
The idea is to have equal size of message being sent from Kafka Producer to Kafka Broker and then received by Kafka Consumer i.e.
Kafka producer --> Kafka Broker --> Kafka Consumer
Suppose if the requirement is to send 15MB of message, then the Producer, the Broker and the Consumer, all three, needs to be in sync.
Kafka Producer sends 15 MB --> Kafka Broker Allows/Stores 15 MB --> Kafka Consumer receives 15 MB
The setting therefore should be:
a) on Broker:
b) on Consumer:
You need to override the following properties:
Broker Configs($KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties)
Consumer Configs($KAFKA_HOME/config/consumer.properties)
This step didn't work for me. I add it to the consumer app and it was working fine
Restart the server.
look at this documentation for more info:
I think, most of the answers here are kind of outdated or not entirely complete.
To refer on the answer of Sacha Vetter (with the update for Kafka 0.10), I'd like to provide some additional Information and links to the official documentation.
Producer Configuration:
max.request.size (Link) has to be increased for files bigger than 1 MB, otherwise they are rejected
Broker/Topic configuration:
message.max.bytes (Link) may be set, if one like to increase the message size on broker level. But, from the documentation: "This can be set per topic with the topic level max.message.bytes config."
max.message.bytes (Link) may be increased, if only one topic should be able to accept lager files. The broker configuration must not be changed.
I'd always prefer a topic-restricted configuration, due to the fact, that I can configure the topic by myself as a client for the Kafka cluster (e.g. with the admin client). I may not have any influence on the broker configuration itself.
In the answers from above, some more configurations are mentioned as necessary:
replica.fetch.max.bytes (Link) (Broker config)
From the documentation: "This is not an absolute maximum, if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made."
max.partition.fetch.bytes (Link) (Consumer config)
From the documentation: "Records are fetched in batches by the consumer. If the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this limit, the batch will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress."
fetch.max.bytes (Link) (Consumer config; not mentioned above, but same category)
From the documentation: "Records are fetched in batches by the consumer, and if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress."
Conclusion: The configurations regarding fetching messages are not necessary to change for processing messages, lager than the default values of these configuration (had this tested in a small setup). Probably, the consumer may always get batches of size 1. However, two of the configurations from the first block has to be set, as mentioned in the answers before.
This clarification should not tell anything about performance and should not be a recommendation to set or not to set these configuration. The best values has to be evaluated individually depending on the concrete planned throughput and data structure.
One key thing to remember that message.max.bytes attribute must be in sync with the consumer's fetch.message.max.bytes property. the fetch size must be at least as large as the maximum message size otherwise there could be situation where producers can send messages larger than the consumer can consume/fetch. It might worth taking a look at it.
Which version of Kafka you are using? Also provide some more details trace that you are getting. is there some thing like ... payload size of xxxx larger
than 1000000 coming up in the log?
For people using landoop kafka:
You can pass the config values in the environment variables like:
docker run -d --rm -p 2181:2181 -p 3030:3030 -p 8081-8083:8081-8083 -p 9581-9585:9581-9585 -p 9092:9092
-e KAFKA_TOPIC_MAX_MESSAGE_BYTES=15728640 -e KAFKA_REPLICA_FETCH_MAX_BYTES=15728640 landoop/fast-data-dev:latest `
This sets topic.max.message.bytes and replica.fetch.max.bytes on the broker.
And if you're using rdkafka then pass the message.max.bytes in the producer config like:
const producer = new Kafka.Producer({
'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092',
'message.max.bytes': '15728640',
'dr_cb': true
Similarly, for the consumer,
const kafkaConf = {
"group.id": "librd-test",
... .. }
Here is how I achieved successfully sending data up to 100mb using kafka-python==2.0.2:
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
Producer (See final solution at the end):
producer = KafkaProducer(
producer.send(topic, value=data).get()
After sending data like this, the following exception appeared:
MessageSizeTooLargeError: The message is n bytes when serialized which is larger than the total memory buffer you have configured with the buffer_memory configuration.
Finally I increased buffer_memory (default 32mb) to receive the message on the other end.
producer = KafkaProducer(
buffer_memory=KafkaSettings.MAX_BYTES * 3,
