Parse the JSON response - java

i am trying to phrase the below json response and the get the "message" and "WORKORDERID" data in java
"operation": {
"result": {
"message": " successfully.",
"status": "Success"
"Details": {
"SUBJECT": "qqq",
"WORKORDERID": "800841"
Below is my code
JSONObject inputs = new JSONObject(jsonResponse);
JSONObject jsonobject = (JSONObject) inputs.get("operation");
String s = jsonobject.getString("message");

Your objects are nested 2 times, therefore you should do:
JSONObject inputs = new JSONObject(jsonResponse);
JSONObject operation= (JSONObject) inputs.get("operation");
JSONObject result= (JSONObject) operation.get("result");
JSONObject details= (JSONObject) operation.get("Details");
String message = result.getString("message");
String workerId = details.getString("WORKORDERID");

JSONObject is somethink like Map-Wrapper, so you can think, that your JSON data-structure is Map<Map<Map<String, Object>, Object>, Object>. So, firstly you need to access to datas by first key (operation), secondly (result) and after that, you can access to desired field (message).
Note, that value of Map is Object, so you will need to cast your type to JSONObject.

sometimes JSONObject class is not found in java. so you will need to add jar
// build the json object as follows
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(jsonString);
// get operation as json object
JSONObject operation= (JSONObject) jo.get("operation");
// get result as json object
JSONObject result= (JSONObject) jo.get("result");
JSONObject details= (JSONObject) jo.get("Details");
// get string from the json object
String message = jo.getString("message");
String workerId = jo.getString("WORKORDERID");
}catch(JSONException e){


Unable to parse Json Object in Java

Below is the sample code:
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject("{\"Status\":200,\"Description\":\"Success\",\"Result\":\"{\\\"Id\\\":\\\"ABCD123\\\",\\\"clientId\\\":\\\"0c34c71c\\\",\\\"status\\\":\\\"Finished\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"Done\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"registration\\\"}\"}")
here I want to do something like:
JSONObject innerJsonObj = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("Result");
String id = innerJsonObj.get("clientId");
On executing JSONObject innerJsonObj = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("Result"); - it gives:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast object '{"Id":"ABCD123","clientId":"0c34c71c","status":"Finished","message":"Done","type":"registration"}' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'org.json.JSONObject'
So what modification I need to do for fetching the values present in nested JsonObject( i.e Result)
Your JSON:
"Status": 200,
"Description": "Success",
"Result": "{\"Id\":\"ABCD123\",\"clientId\":\"0c34c71c\",\"status\":\"Finished\",\"message\":\"Done\",\"type\":\"registration\"}"
As you can see, the value of Result is a string, not a JSON object.
So you'd need to create a new JSONObject from that string:
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject("{\"Status\":200,\"Description\":\"Success\",\"Result\":\"{\\\"Id\\\":\\\"ABCD123\\\",\\\"clientId\\\":\\\"0c34c71c\\\",\\\"status\\\":\\\"Finished\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"Done\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"registration\\\"}\"}");
JSONObject innerJsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonObject.getString("Result"));
String id = innerJsonObj.getString("clientId");

extract from JSON

"biodata": {
"Ruby": {
"Expertise": "web development",
"EXperience": "5 years"
"Dylon": {
"Expertise": "Java",
"EXperience": "2 years"
I have the above JSONObject . I am trying to fetch some keys here .
I am looking to fetch the name key i.e Ruby , Dylon etc .
I am then trying to fetch the "Experience " key value .
Desired output :
name= Ruby
Experience = 5 years
My code :
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader("path to JSON file"));
JSONObject jsonobj = (JSONObject) obj;
String statistics = jsonobj.getString("biodata"); //The method getString(String) is undefined for the type JSONObject
for (Iterator key = jsonobj.keys(); itr.hasNext();) {//The method keys() is undefined for the type JSONObject //itr cannot be resolved
JSONObject name = jsonobj.get(; //Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to JSONObject
String key =;//The method next() is undefined for the type String
JSONObject name = jsonobj.get(key); //Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to JSONObject
Log.d("data", "key="+key+ " and value="+jsonobj.toString()); //Log cannot be resolved
I have mentioned the errors in the comment of my code .
You json is not valid .
You should change to this .
"biodata": {
"Ruby": {
"Expertise": "web development",
"EXperience": "5 years"
"Dylon": {
"Expertise": "Java",
"EXperience": "2 years"
Try this .
private void jsonParse() {
try {
// use jsonobject to parse json with
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader("path to JSON file"));
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;
// get jsonobject by biodata tag
JSONObject biodata = jsonObject.getJSONObject("biodata");
// use Iterator to get name
Iterator<String> names = biodata.keys();
// use while loop
while (names.hasNext()) {
// get name
String name =;
Log.d("data", "name=" + name);
// get jsonobject by name tag
JSONObject nameJsonObject = biodata.getJSONObject(name);
// get string
String Expertise = nameJsonObject.getString("Expertise");
String EXperience = nameJsonObject.getString("EXperience");
Log.d("data", "Experience =" + EXperience);
} catch (JSONException e) {
You have many issues in your code.
First: Assuming you want to implement code based on your current JSON String
JSONObject API do not facilitate the methods of Map used in your implementation.
Your JSON String is not a array so for loop is not going to help, instead you should fetch the inner JSONObjects using the getJSONObject () method of the JSONObject API.
Casting the parsed object from your parser API will not automatically make it a JSONObject, the right way of doing this as below:
JsonObject jsonObject = parser.parse(new FileReader("path to JSON file")).getAsJsonObject();
Second: Assuming you intent to implement the JSON string representation as array, you should correct your JSON string as below.
"biodata": [{ "Ruby": { "Expertise": "web development", "EXperience": "5 years" }}, {"Dylon": { "Expertise": "Java", "EXperience": "2 years" } }]
With the above JSON string you can implement the fetching of data logic using JSONArray API

Parse JSON with 2 objects before an array

I'm currently trying to parse some JSON in my android application but I keep getting an error saying "No value for users"
This is the current code I am using:
JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(finalJSON);
JSONObject childObject = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(parentObject));
JSONArray parentArray = childObject.getJSONArray("users");
JSONObject finalObject = parentArray.getJSONObject(0);
String userName = finalObject.getString("username");
String profileLink = finalObject.getString("profileimage");
Log.d("JSON", String.valueOf(finalObject));
return profileimage+ " - " + profileLink ;
and here is my JSON:
"reply": {
"users": [
"userid": "001",
"loggedIn": 1,
"username": "joe.bloggs",
"profileimage": "",
"realname": "Joe Bloggs",
Thanks in advance!
You forgot the reply level.
Here is what you should do.
JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(finalJSON);
JSONArray userArray = parentObject
JSONObject finalObject = userArray.getJSONObject(0);
you can't take new object for object inside object.
you have to do this for parse object inside object.
JSONObject object1 = new JSONObject(finalJSON);
JSONObject object2 = object1.getJSONObject("reply");
JSONArray jsonArray = object2.getJSONArray("users");
JSONObject object3 = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);
try the following:
JSONObject root = null;
try {
root = new JSONObject("reply");
JSONArray childArray = root.getJSONArray("users");
String userName = childArray.getString(0);
} catch (JSONException e) {

Java JsonObject from JsonArray

I have Json stored in javax.json.JsonObject, the object look like this:
How do I access the id key in the sub-object "1" ?
I tried:
However it does not work because the firt call of getJsonArray() method returns a JsonValue object not a JsonObject so the next call of getJsonArray fails. Any ideas ?
You can use an iterator approach to iterate thru the JSONObject:
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(input);
JSONObject jsonData = json.getJSONObject("data");
Iterator<?> jsonDataKeys = jsonData.keys();
while (jsonDataKeys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
if (jsonData.get(key) instanceof JSONObject) {
System.out.println(((JSONObject) jsonData.get(key)).getInt("id"));
int id = obj.getJsonObject("data")
JSONObject jObject = null;
jObject = new JSONObject(String you want to parse);
JSONObject j1Object = jObject.getJSONObject("data");
JSONObject j2Object = j1Object.getJSONObject("1");
String s1=j2Object.getString("id");

Extract json subset with few attributes from the main json

Is there an API/tool available for extracting specific attributes(json subset) of a json in java, similar to apache-commons beanutils copy?
For example I have the following JSON
"b":"some value",
"c":"some value",
"d":"some value",
"e":"some value",
"f":"some value"
I would like to have the following json
"b":"some value",
"e":"some value",
"f":"some value"
I came up the following method, but not sure if its the right approach
public JSONObject parseJSON(JSONObject data,List<String> subset){
JSONArray fixedArray = (JSONArray) data.get("fixed");
JSONObject resObj = new JSONObject();
JSONArray resArray = new JSONArray();
for(int i=0;i<fixedArray.size();i++){
JSONObject element = (JSONObject) fixedArray.get(i);
JSONObject resElement = new JSONObject();
for(String s:subset){
resElement.put(s, element.get(s));
return resObj.put("fixed", resArray);
I had a look at this SO question, but wasn't helpful for this topic. you can also create you own pojo class from JAXB ,if you want.
