I have an if statement which checks for collision as such:
if (BallY == y && BallX == x) // check for collision
x = 80; // reset x to initial
y = 240; // reset y to initial
z = 100; //reset z to initial
I have a for loop inside this if statement as such:
if (BallY == y && BallX == x) // check for collision
x = 80; // reset x to initial
y = 240; // reset y to initial
z = 100; //reset z to initial
for (int i=50; i<width; i+=80)
ellipse(i, 50, 70, 70);
So the point is to draw a line of circles on the top of the screen once the collision occurs. This code however, only draws them for a split second then they disappear. How would I make them stay given that a collision has occurred?
You might want to use a boolean value that tracks whether the ball has collided. Set it to true when you detect a collision, and then check the value to decide what to draw. Here's a simplified example:
boolean drawRed = false;
void draw() {
if (mouseY > height/2) {
drawRed = true;
if (drawRed) {
background(255, 0, 0);
This code draws a gray background by default, but then turns to red if the mouse goes in the lower half of the window. It stays red even if you move the mouse back to the top part.
This is just a simple example, but the idea is the same: use a variable to track the state of the sketch, set that variable when your condition is met, and check that variable to decide what to draw.
By the way, your collision detection is a little bit suspicious. You probably don't want to check whether the ball is at an exact location. Instead you probably want to check whether the ball overlaps some area. Here is a guide on collision detection in Processing that might be useful.
If you still can't get it working, please narrow your problem down to a MCVE instead of posting disconnected snippets or your full sketch. Good luck!
I'm creating a game similar to Snake in which my Batman character image collides with the Joker character image and "catches" it. Once the first one disappears, another Joker pops up on the screen in a random spot for the Batman to chase after and then so and so forth.
I've made it so the first Joker disappears when my Batman character collides with it but I'm struggling to get a second Joker to pop on the screen. I'm not sure if a for loop would be best - but then how do I make it so only one Joker appears until Batman "catches" it and then the next can appear - or perhaps an if statement. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I'm feeling really stuck right now.
//loads music for background
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile file;
String audioName = "dark_knight_rises.wav";
String path;
//loads gif library for background
import gifAnimation.*;
Gif myAnimation;
PImage batman; //pixel images
PImage joker; //pixel images
int batmanX = 100; //batman X position on screen
int batmanY = 100; //batman Y position on screen
int jokerX = 500; //joker X position on screen
int jokerY = 500; //joker Y position on screen
int batman1Size = 50; //for batman distance
int joker2Size = 50; //for joker distance
int width = 100; //width for characters
int height = 100; // height for characters
boolean showImage = true; // boolean to help joker disappear and reappear
int score = 0; // declaration for high score
void setup() {
size(1067, 800);
//plays background music
path = sketchPath(audioName);
file = new SoundFile(this, path);
//loads background and pixel-style batman/joker
myAnimation = new Gif(this, "background.gif");
batman = loadImage("pixelbatman.png");
joker = loadImage("pixeljoker.png");
void draw() {
image(myAnimation, 0, 0); //lays down gif background
//display the score
text("Jokers caught:", 900, 40);
text(score, 1045, 40);
image(batman, batmanX, batmanY, width, height); //places Batman character on screen
//pixel batman movement
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == UP) batmanY--;
if (keyCode == RIGHT) batmanX++;
if (keyCode == DOWN) batmanY++;
if (keyCode == LEFT) batmanX--;
} //end of pixel batman movement
if (showImage) image(joker, jokerX, jokerY, width, height); //if Boolean is true, place Joker character on screen
if (dist(batmanX, batmanY, jokerX, jokerY) < (batman1Size + joker2Size)/10 ) { //if batman and joker collide - joker disappears
showImage = false;
score += 1; //increase the score by 1 when batman eats a joker
// idea is that the first joker disappears and another pops up in a random position
if (showImage == false) {
image(joker, random(jokerX, 0), random(0, jokerY), width, height);
} // end of what happens if batman and joker collide
} // end of void draw
The answer is easier than you think. In fact, you already did most of the job, you just need a rubber duck.
I'll take that job.
In the draw() function, you do a lot of things. When you have free time, I suggest you break these down a little bit. draw() is the main loop in processing, and as such it'll always tend to be clogged with code. When you do this, aim to have an easily understandable loop, something like this:
void draw() {
Now, to the matter which interests you:
What you're doing good:
you use clear nomenclature (your naming convention makes things easy to read, a mistake beginners do is to shorten variables names because they know what they are speaking about, then it confuses everybody else including themselves later on)
great job overall with being able to add stuff like gif and sounds!
What we're going to do to achieve the joker thing:
Get rid of the showImage variable. I get what you're doing here, and it was a good idea, but we won't need it.
In the If where you check for a collision, right where you wrote showImage = false, instead we'll update the joker's coordinates:
Like this (I randomized it, but now that you get the idea you can custom this):
jokerX = (int)random(width);
jokerY = (int)random(height);
Delete the if (showImage == false).
Aaand... there you go! If you read well, you'll notice that your mistake wat that, in the if (showImage == false) part, you "teleported" the joker without actually changing his coordinated.
I'll stick around in case you have questions. Have fun!
So, for a school project, I've been trying to get a jumping mechanism down. However, the problem I've been having is that the player is able to just float around, rather than having to fall down after reaching a certain jump height.
I have tried many things, including the normal idea of when the up key is pressed, setting jumping equal to true, and then in the actionPerformed method, setting the yVelocity to -4. But, when the jump key is clicked, I record the yPosition at the time, and when the current yPosition is less than the original position - 50, I set the yVelocity equal to 0, and the fallVelocity to 1.
This is the code in my actionPerformed method:
if (jumping) {
if (yPos <= homeY - 50) {
yVel = 0;
fallVel = 1;
falling = true;
jumping = false;
} else {
yPos += yVel + fallVel;
This is the code in the keyPressed method:
if (!jumping && !falling) {
jumping = true;
homeY = yPos;
count = 0;
So, I expect the result to be a player that goes up 50 pixels, and then starts falling down. But in the program, the player just sort of keeps on floating, as long as the up key is pressed.
Jumping does not really work properly as an up/down switch imo. The best approach is to use gravity (which is very easy to add).
To add gravity just modify the player velocity each tick. This should be run on a fixed time update loop to make consistent gravity at different frame rates:
// Play with this number for rate of gravity
player.ySpeed -= 4.9; // Gravity = 9.8m/s^2
Then for your jumping just add to the player ySpeed. This will create a natural parabolic jump.
if (jumpWasPressed) {
player.ySpeed += 50; // play with this number for jump height
This approach does assume you have a hotbox for your "ground" object to stop the player from falling through the ground
I am writing a physics engine and when the ball hits a surface it bounces up at half the velocity it came down at(velocity.y = -velocity). However when the ball is almost at rest it switches velocities constantly and starts falling through the platform incredibly slow but still will eventually fall through if I let it run long enough, and this is not acceptable. I tried writing some code to stop it but it checks way too fast here is the update method that attempts to check it.
public void update() {
velocity.y += Globals.GRAVITY.y;
position.y += velocity.y;
position.x += velocity.x;
oldPosition.y = position.y;
oldPosition.x = position.x;
elapsedTime += 1 * Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();
if(elapsedTime >= 5){
if(oldPosition.y - 5 <= position.y && oldPosition.y + 5 >= position.y){
elapsedTime = 0;
canFall = false;
canFall = true;
elapsedTime = 0;
The collision handler knows when it hits the top of the ball which is the only solution I need for this. How do I check when the ball is at rest.
This code attempts to check if the ball hasn't moved in a couple seconds, if it hasn't it sets canFall to false. I need a generic check that will see if the ball should be at a stop. The velocity of the ball when it is falling through the platform you can see from the picture below. The picture shows the ball "at rest" after ten seconds so as you can see the ball is slowly but surely falling through. Every three seconds with this "rest" velocity the y position goes down 1, the velocity changes from positive to negative so the velocity you see in the picture isn't constantly negative. Ignore the elapsed time variable Any help is greatly appreciated!
Why let time have anything to do with it? I'm not saying it coudln't, but should it? So maybe lose the if(elapsedTime ... ) conditional.
Isn't this what you want? If the magnitiude of the vertical difference between the last two positions is negligible (set tolerance accordingly; maybe it's 5), stop bouncing:
if(Math.abs(position.y - oldPosition.y) < tolerance)
canBounce = false;
canBounce = true;
or, if nothing else needs to change at the ... above:
canBounce = Math.abs(position.y - oldPosition.y) > tolerance;
Also, don't you need { and } somewhere in the segment below? Maybe not, if ball is bouncing vertically, but it looks like x can change, too, which might make the code above need adjusting. But the way code below is indented makes me think there's supposed to be more to do than just changing position.y:
position.y += velocity.y;
position.x += velocity.x;
oldPosition.y = position.y;
oldPosition.x = position.x;
Finally, you're addding velocity to position. That seems questionable. Multiply velocity times time? Or is time = 1 always? (Doubt it.)
The problem may be external to this method. Something needs to keep ball's y from becoming less than the y of the top of the dark blue box. This code can't do that without knowing y of top of dark blue box (unless you apply physics formulas?). Maybe include this value in parameter list as topOfDarkBlueBox?
Then add code such as:
if(position.y < topOfDarkBlueBox.y) position.y = topOfDarkBlueBox.y
I'd rather see physics at work, but you might say, "Who'd notice?"
You wrote, "The collision handler knows when it hits the top of the ball," but I assume you meant "when the ball hits the top of the dark blue box". Maybe call the collision handler instead of passing new parameter topOfDarkBlueBox?
I'm trying to create a simple Android game, a 2D action shooter which has 2 control sticks (circles) on the screen, the left one is movement control and the right one weapon control. Direction is being controlled by the position of your thumb relative to the circle’s center.
I've been following a tutorial on this site: http://www.kilobolt.com/day-7-creating-an-android-game-from-start-to-finish.html but it only gave me the base to work on. I have no programming experience so I'm quite lost now.
I got the movement working only on TOUCH_DOWN event, the hero moves to about where it should but to change direction I have to lift my thumb and touch the circle again. TOUCH_DRAGGED (or ACTION_MOVE) is broken because if I drag my finger across the circle the character moves really fast. I guess the problem is too many touch events are being handled, but I have no idea how to fix it.
How can I change this so that I can drag my thumb around the circle and the hero will change its direction instantly, and keep its speed constant all the time? Also the speed should be the same no matter how close or far from the center of the circle you touch.
private void updateRunning(List<TouchEvent> touchEvents, float deltaTime) {
int len = touchEvents.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
TouchEvent event = touchEvents.get(i);
if (event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_DOWN || event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_DRAGGED) {
if (inBounds(event, 50, 300, 150, 150, 'c')) {
hero.move(ctrl.getDirX(), ctrl.getDirY());
if (event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_UP) {
if (inBounds(event, 0, 0, 35, 35,'r')) {
The movement: hero's speedX and speedY are added to hero's centerX and centerY on every hero.update() call.
public void move(float x, float y) {
speedX += x * MOVESPEED;
speedY += y * MOVESPEED;
This method that handles the x & y speed. Found it here at stackoverflow, and because touch_down event is working ok, I guess it's doing it's job. Although I feel it's not exactly how it's supposed to be. L_STICK_C is a constant with values of 100 and 350 (center of the circle).
public void direction() {
dir.x = x - L_STICK_C.x;
dir.y = y - L_STICK_C.y;
double hyp = Math.sqrt(dir.x * dir.x + dir.y * dir.y);
dir.x = (float) (dir.x / hyp);
dir.y = (float) (dir.y / hyp);
I suggest you look into some game programming tutorials. You usually would not move the character directly from the touch input. You'd set a game state variable once a game loop which would correspond to the position of your thumb inputs. Then you'd only update the hero once per game loop based on those inputs. This lets allows you to keep the game input control code, and hero code separate, and makes it re-usable for other parts of your game.
Based on your code, every time you drag your finger, you generate a bunch of dragged events. So you are adding onto your characters speed for each event. You should probably just be looking at the distance to center and x / y of the input on the last touch event, not all of them.
I am working on a program which simulates objects moving in a field. The field has a boundary of 1024x1024. The object cannot go below 0 in terms of x,y coordinate and it cannot go above 1024. I have a method for each object called "move()" which moves the object in its current direction at its current speed. If the object approaches the boundary, it then turns around with a new direction and same speed.
The problem I am having is that when one of my objects gets close to both the x and y bound (corner of the field), it gets stuck in the corner. It is almost as if it is trying to move away from the corner, but then it turns back. It must love that corner. I looked over my code and to me, my logic seems correct. I check to make sure the new direction is not negative or over 359. I check to make sure the new x,y coordinate with the new direction is within the bounds too. I even have a method to set a new direction.
I have tried re-implementing this method with different logic, but no luck. If anyone could possibly find a flaw in my programming or point out what may be causing it, then that would be much appreciated.
I have tried to debug and step through my program and I see that when it gets to the corner, it changes direction to turn around, moves about 3 spaces, then goes back to the corner. Must be a wonderful corner.
Code for move method is below:
public void move(){
localX = super.getX();
localY = super.getY();
float newX=0, newY=0;
float testX, testY;
boolean acceptX = false, acceptY = false;
testX = (float) (Math.cos(direction)*10) + localX;
testY = (float) (Math.sin(direction)*10) + localY;
int testDirection;
if(testX >= 0 && testX <= bound){
newX = testX;
acceptX = true;
}//end if statement
if(direction+180 > 359){
testX = (float) (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(direction))*speed) + localX;
testX = (float) (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(direction))*speed) + localX;
}//end else
}//end while that checks for X value
if(testY >= 0 && testY <= bound){
newY = testY;
acceptY = true;
}//end if statement
if(direction+180 > 359){
testY = (float) (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(direction))*speed) + localY;
testY = (float) (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(direction))*speed) + localY;
}//end else
}//end while that checks for Y value
and here is the code for setDirection
public void setDirection(int d) {
direction = d;
Say you have an object in the upper left corner, going up. Your first test turns it around so it goes down. Then comes your second check, which turns it around again to go up... again.
Your code could also use some more readability. The very first thing I noticed is that you're using the >359 checks to normalize the new direction to go in. Yet all cases include the movement code as well. I would do something like:
setDirection(direction + 180); //turn around
if (direction >= 360) direction -= 360; //normalize
testY = ...; //move
to move the movement code out of the direction checking if/else blocks. 360 is also a better magic number to use; 359 degrees means nothing. As has been suggested, you should ultimately use a vector library and thus throw away most of the math.
I'd really recommend storing your direction as a vector (x, y) instead of calculating that vector from a scalar; I think that would help you immensely with your code.
Issue: When your object hits an edge, you turn it 180 degrees. If it hits both edges, it'll spin in place, and the test coordinates will always be in the wrong spot.
When one of your objects hits an edge, it needs to bounce, not About Face! Angle of incidence == angle of refraction, or some such. In other words, if you're checking the x coordinate and it bounces, negate the x velocity, not both x & y.