We recently upgraded Kafka to v1.1 and Confluent to v4.0.But upon upgrading we have encountered a persistent problems regarding state stores. Our application starts a collection of streams and we check for the state stores to be ready before killing the application after 100 tries. But after the upgrade there's atleast one stream that will have Store is not ready : the state store, <your stream>, may have migrated to another instance
The stream itself has RUNNING state and the messages will flow through but the state of the store still shows up as not ready. So I have no idea as to what may be happening.
Should I not check for store state?
And since our application has a lot of streams (~15), would starting
them simultaneously cause problems?
Should we not do a hard restart -- currently we run it as a service
on linux
We are running Kafka in cluster with 3 brokers.Below is a sample stream (not the entire code):
public BaseStream createStreamInstance() {
final Serializer<JsonNode> jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
final Deserializer<JsonNode> jsonDeserializer = new JsonDeserializer();
final Serde<JsonNode> jsonSerde = Serdes.serdeFrom(jsonSerializer, jsonDeserializer);
MessagePayLoadParser<Note> noteParser = new MessagePayLoadParser<Note>(Note.class);
GenericJsonSerde<Note> noteSerde = new GenericJsonSerde<Note>(Note.class);
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
//below reducer will use sets to combine
//value1 in the reducer is what is already present in the store.
//value2 is the incoming message and for notes should have max 1 item in it's list (since its 1 attachment 1 tag per row, but multiple rows per note)
Reducer<Note> reducer = new Reducer<Note>() {
public Note apply(Note value1, Note value2) {
return value1;
KTable<Long, Note> noteTable = builder
.stream(this.subTopic, Consumed.with(jsonSerde, jsonSerde))
.groupByKey(Serialized.with(Serdes.Long(), noteSerde))
noteTable.toStream().to(this.pubTopic, Produced.with(Serdes.Long(), noteSerde));
this.stream = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), this.properties);
return this;
There are some open questions here, like the ones Matthias put on comment, but will try to answer/give help to your actual questions:
Should I not check for store state?
Rebalancing is usually the case here. But in that case, you should not see that partition's thread keep consuming, but that processing should be "transferred" to be done to another thread that took over. Make sure if it is actually that very thread the one that keeps on processing that partition, and not the new one. Check kafka-consumer-groups utility to follow the consumers (threads) there.
And since our application has a lot of streams (~15), would starting them simultaneously cause problems? No, rebalancing is automatic.
Should we not do a hard restart -- currently we run it as a service on linux Are you keeping your state stores in a certain, non-default directory? You should configure your state stores directory properly and make sure it is accessible, insensitive to application restarts. Unsure about how you perform your hard restart, but some exception handling code should cover against it, closing your streams application.
The problem:
I have three instances of a java application running in Kubernetes. My application uses Apache Camel to read from a Kinesis stream. I'm currently observing two related issues:
Each of the three running instances of my application is processing the records coming into the stream, when I only want each record to be processed once (I want three up and running for scaling purposes). I was hoping that while one instance is processing record A, a second could be picking up record B, etc.
Every time my application is re-deployed in Kubernetes, each instance starts every record all over again (in other words, it has no idea where it left off or which records have previously been processed).
After 5 minutes, the shard iterator that my application is using to poll kinesis times out. I know that this is normal behavior, but what I don't understand is why my application is not grabbing a new iterator. This screenshot shows the error from DataDog.
What I've tried:
First off, I believe that this issue is caused by inconsistent shard iterator ids, and kinesis consumer ids across the three instances of my application, and across deploys. However, I have been unable to locate where these values are set in code, and how I could go about setting them. Of course, there may also be a better solution altogether. I have found very little documentation on Kinesis/Kubernetes/Camel working together, and so very little outside sources have been helpful.
The documentation on AWS Kinesis :: Apache Camel is very limited, but what I have tried playing around with the iterator type and building a custom Client Configuration.
Let me know if you need any additional information, thanks.
Configuring the client:
main.bind("kinesisClient", AmazonKinesisClientBuilder.defaultClient());
inputUri = String.format("aws-kinesis://%s?amazonKinesisClient=#kinesisClient", rawKinesisName);
main.configure().addRoutesBuilder(new RawDataRoute(inputUri, inputTransform));
My route:
public class RawDataRoute extends RouteBuilder {
private static final Logger LOG = new Logger(RawDataRoute.class, true);
private String rawDataStreamUri;
private Expression transform;
public RawDataRoute(final String rawDataStreamUri, final Expression transform) {
this.rawDataStreamUri = rawDataStreamUri;
this.transform = transform;
public void configure() {
// TODO add error handling
I'm working with the kafka streams api and am running into issues where I subscribe to multiple topics and the consumer just hangs. It has a unique application.id and I can see in kafka that the consumer group has been created, but when I describe the group, I'll get: consumer group X has no active members. I've left it running for close to an hour.
The interesting thing is that this works when the topics list only contains 1 topic. I'm not interested in other answers where we create multiple sources, ie: source1 = builder.stream("topic1") and source2 = builder.stream("topic2") as the interface for StreamsBuilder.stream supports an array of topics.
I've been able to subscribe to multiple topics before, I just can't replicate how we've done this. (This code is running in a different environment and working as expected, so not sure if it's a timing issue or something else)
List<String> topics = Arrays.asList("topic1", "topic2");
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
KStream<String, String> source = builder.stream(topics);
.map(key, value) -> ...)
.to((key, value, record) -> ...);
new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), props).start();
UPDATE 06/18/19
After enabling logs, it was clear that we were trying to subscribe & publish to topics that did not exist. While we had auto.topic.create.enable=true it didn't matter. So ultimately had a check on startup that would cause the script to exit if all the topics weren't created beforehand since we weren't creating topics dynamically.
I have a situation where I am trying to stream using spark streaming from kafka. The stream is a direct stream. I am able to create a stream and then start streaming, also able to get any updates (if any) on kafka via the streaming.
The issue comes in when i have a new request to stream a new topic. Since SparkStreaming context can be only 1 per jvm, I cannot create a new stream for every new request.
The way I figured out is
Once a DStream is created and spark streaming is already in progress, just attach a new stream to it. This does not seem to work, the createDStream (for a new topic2) does not return a stream and further processing is stopped. The streaming keep on continuing on the first request (say topic1).
Second, I thought to stop the stream, create DStream and then start streaming again. I cannot use the same streaming context (it throws an excpection that jobs cannot be added after streaming has been stopped), and if I create a new stream for new topic (topic2), the old stream topic (topic1) is lost and it streams only the new one.
Here is the code, have a look
JavaStreamingContext javaStreamingContext;
if(null == javaStreamingContext) {
javaStreamingContext = JavaStreamingContext(sparkContext, Durations.seconds(duration));
} else {
StreamingContextState streamingContextState = javaStreamingContext.getState();
if(streamingContextState == StreamingContextState.STOPPED) {
javaStreamingContext = JavaStreamingContext(sparkContext, Durations.seconds(duration));
Collection<String> topics = Arrays.asList(getTopicName(schemaName));
SparkVoidFunctionImpl impl = new SparkVoidFunctionImpl(getSparkSession());
ConsumerStrategies.<String, String>Subscribe(topics, getKafkaParamMap()))
.map((stringStringConsumerRecord) -> stringStringConsumerRecord.value())
if (javaStreamingContext.getState() == StreamingContextState.ACTIVE) {
Don't worry about SparkVoidFunctionImpl, this is a custom class with is the implementation of VoidFunction.
The above is approach 1, where i do not stop the existing streaming. When a new request comes into this method, it does not get a new streaming object, it tries to create a dstream. The issue is the DStream object is never returned.
ConsumerStrategies.<String, String>Subscribe(topics, getKafkaParamMap()))
This does not return a dstream, the control just terminates without an error.The steps further are not executed.
I have tried many things and read multiple article, but I belive this is a very common production level issue. Any streaming done is to be done on multiple different topics and each of them is handled differently.
Please help
The thing is spark master sends out code to workers and although the data is streaming, underlying code and variable values remain static unless job is restarted.
Few options I could think:
Spark Job server: Every time you want to subscribe/stream from a different topic instead of touching already running job, start a new job. From your API body you can supply the parameters or topic name. If you want to stop streaming from a specific topic, just stop respective job. It will give you a lot of flexibility and control on resources.
[Theoritical] Topic Filter: Subscribe all topics you think you will want, when records are pulled for a duration, filter out records based on a LIST of topics. Manipulate this list of topics through API to increase or decrease your scope of topics, it could be a broadcast variable as well. This is just an idea, I have not tried this option at all.
Another work around is to relay your Topic-2 data to Topic-1 using a microservice whenever you need it & stop if you don't want to.
I am trying to rig up a a Kafka-Storm "Hello World" system. I have Kafka installed and running, when I send data with the Kafka producer I can read it with the Kafka console consumer.
I took the Chapter 02 example from the "Getting Started With Storm" O'Reilly book, and modified it to use KafkaSpout instead of a regular spout.
When I run the application, with data already pending in kafka, nextTuple of the KafkaSpout doesn't get any messages - it goes in, tries to iterate over an empty managers list under the coordinator, and exits.
My environment is a fairly old Cloudera VM, with Storm 0.9 and Kafka-Storm-0.9(the latest), and Kafka 2.9.2-0.7.0.
This is how I defined the SpoutConfig and the topology:
String zookeepers = "localhost:2181";
SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(new SpoutConfig.ZkHosts(zookeepers, "/brokers"),
"/kafka", // zookeeper root path for offset storing
KafkaSpoutTester kafkaSpout = new KafkaSpoutTester(spoutConfig);
//Topology definition
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("word-reader", kafkaSpout, 1);
builder.setBolt("word-normalizer", new WordNormalizer())
builder.setBolt("word-counter", new WordCounter(),1)
.fieldsGrouping("word-normalizer", new Fields("word"));
Config conf = new Config();
conf.put("wordsFile", args[0]);
//Topology run
cluster = new LocalCluster();
cluster.submitTopology("Getting-Started-Toplogie", conf, builder.createTopology());
Can someone please help me figure out why I am not receiving anything?
If you've already consumed the message, it is not supposed read any more, unless your producer produces new messages. It is because of the forceStartOffsetTime call with -1 in your code.
Form storm-contrib documentation:
Another very useful config in the spout is the ability to force the spout to rewind to a previous offset. You do forceStartOffsetTime on the spout config, like so:
It will choose the latest offset written around that timestamp to start consuming. You can force the spout to always start from the latest offset by passing in -1, and you can force it to start from the earliest offset by passing in -2.
How you producer looks like? would be useful to have a snippet. You can replace -1 by -2 and see if you receive anything, if your producer is fine then you should be able to consume.
SpoutConfig spoutConf = new SpoutConfig(...)
spoutConf.startOffsetTime = kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime();
SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(new SpoutConfig.ZkHosts(zookeepers, "/brokers"),
"gtest", // name of topic used by producer & consumer
"/kafka", // zookeeper root path for offset storing
You are using "gtest" topic for receiving the data. Make sure that you are sending data from this topic by producer.
And in the bolt, print that tuple like that
public void execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
It should print the pending data in kafka.
I went through some grief getting storm and Kafka integrated. These are both fast moving and relatively young projects, so it can be hard getting working examples to jump start your development.
To help other developers (and hopefully get others contributing useful examples that I can use as well), I started a github project to house code snippets related to Storm/Kafka (and Esper) development.
You are welcome to check it out here >
(click on the storm+kafka directory for a sample program that should get you up and running).
I'm currently developing some web services in Java (& JPA with MySQL connection) that are being triggered by an SAP System.
To simplify my problem I'm referring the two crucial entities as BlogEntry and Comment. A BlogEntry can have multiple Comments. A Comment always belongs to exactly one BlogEntry.
So I have three Services (which I can't and don't want to redefine, since they're defined by the WSDL I exported from SAP and used parallel to communicate with other Systems): CreateBlogEntry, CreateComment, CreateCommentForUpcomingBlogEntry
They are being properly triggered and there's absolutely no problem with CreateBlogEntry or CreateComment when they're called seperately.
But: The service CreateCommentForUpcomingBlogEntry sends the Comment and a "foreign key" to identify the "upcoming" BlogEntry. Internally it also calls CreateBlogEntry to create the actual BlogEntry. These two services are - due to their asynchronous nature - concurring.
So I have two options:
create a dummy BlogEntry and connect the Comment to it & update the BlogEntry, once CreateBlogEntry "arrives"
wait for CreateBlogEntry and connect the Comment afterwards to the new BlogEntry
Currently I'm trying the former but once both services are fully executed, I end up with two BlogEntries. One of them only has the ID delivered by CreateCommentForUpcomingBlogEntry but it is properly connected to the Comment (more the other way round). The other BlogEntry has all the other information (such as postDate or body), but the Comment isn't connected to it.
Here's the code snippet of the service implementation CreateCommentForUpcomingBlogEntry:
private BlogEntryFacade blogEntryFacade;
private CommentFacade commentFacade;
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = blogEntryFacade.findById(request.getComment().getBlogEntryId().getValue());
BlogEntry persistBlogEntry;
if (blogEntries.isEmpty()) {
persistBlogEntry = new BlogEntry();
} else {
persistBlogEntry = blogEntries.get(0);
Comment persistComment = new Comment();
set other properties
And here's the code snippet of the implementation CreateBlogEntry:
private BlogEntryFacade blogEntryFacade;
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = blogEntryFacade.findById(request.getBlogEntry().getId().getValue());
BlogEntry persistBlogEntry;
Boolean update = false;
if (blogEntries.isEmpty()) {
persistBlogEntry = new BlogEntry();
} else {
persistBlogEntry = blogEntries.get(0);
update = true;
set other properties
if (update) {
} else {
This is some fiddling that fails to make things happen as supposed.
Sadly I haven't found a method to synchronize these simultaneous service calls. I could let the CreateCommentForUpcomingBlogEntry sleep for a few seconds but I don't think that's the proper way to do it.
Can I force each instance of my facades and their respective EntityManagers to reload their datasets? Can I put my requests in some sort of queue that is being emptied based on certain conditions?
So: What's the best pracice to make it wait for the BlogEntry to exist?
Thanks in advance,
GlassFish Server 3.1.2
EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461
If you are sure you are getting a CreateBlogEntry call, queue the CreateCommentForUpcomingBlogEntry calls and dequeue and process them once you receive the CreateBlogEntry call.
Since you are on an application server, for queues, you can probably use JMS queues that autoflush to storage or use the DB cache engine (Ehcache ?), in case you receive a lot of calls or want to provide a recovery mechanism across restarts.