How to compress an image up to 5kb? - java

How to write a Base64-encoded image to file?
I encoded an image to a string using Base64.
First, I read the file, then convert it to a byte array and then apply Base64 encoding to convert the image to a string.
Now my problem is how to compress image to 5kb.
Like Whatsapp Image Compression in Android.

If what you need is to store the image as "text" you can compress the Base64 string SO answer.
On the other hand you can reduce resolution of the image by lowering its size.
Not all the images can be compressed to 5kb without losing quality, but making proper resolution changes and compresing the image it can be achieved Another SO answer.


Android : How to iterate through webp frames using android's ImageDecoder

I want to convert the animated webp into gif and I have gif encoder+decoder and webp ecnoder and it is working fine with gifs only. I want to process the animated webp as well so I need to decode the animated webp first and get bitamps for each frames. I could not get any animated webp decoder and later found that android.graphic has Image decoder which support animated webp image but it shown example for drawable and it has start() method for animated webp.
How can I iterate through each frames to convert them into bitmap or some data type like byte[], base64, streams, etc so that i can convet that into bitmap.
File file = new File(...);
ImageDecoder.Source source = ImageDecoder.createSource(file);
Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source);
As alternative for achieving same goal I have solved this by using Glide and APNG4 library along with some encoder decoder available on git.
You can do both encode decode and and other stuff alone with APNG4.
Here is how we can extract frames from animated webp file without using any third party library.
According to Google's Container Specification for WebP image format,
We need to read the image in specific way and you can do that with almost any language you like.
In Java you can create InputStream of animated webp file and read data in 4 bytes in sequence.
There is library android-webp-encoder for encoding webp image and written in pure java.
Although you can use it for decoding the image as well. Need to modify the the library. I have modified it but not published yet. Soon I will upload it on github as I fix the bugs.
But I can explain how to modify that library to decode frames or write your own codes to decode.
First create inputstream of image
Read data in 4 bytes chunks till the end of file.
Read 4 bytes and check if it is 'RIFF' characters.
Then read next 4 bytes. This is file size.
After file size next 4 bytes must be 'WEBP' characters
Next 4 bytes will give 'VP8X' characters. Our actual image data and parameters starts from here.
Next 4 bytes must should contain value 10 as after that we need to read 10 bytes in specific manner stated in the google's container specification.
After VP8X, ANIM and other optional chunks we have to read ANMF followed by ALPH (optional) data, VP8/VP8L data. these are the actual image data we need to extract and create bitmaps out of it.
Each ANMF occurrence will signal us about each frames.
You can write static webp image data to ByteArrayOutputStream and create
bitmap using BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(stream). This will return bitmap image of that frame.

Android Camera2 API Image Color space

I used this Tutorial to learn and try understand how to make a simple picture taking android app using the Camera2 API. I have added some snippets from the code to see if you all can help me understand some questions I have.
I am trying to find out how the image is saved as. Is it RGB, or BGR?
Is it stored in the variable bytes?
ImageReader reader = ImageReader.newInstance(width,height,ImageFormat.JPEG, 1);
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
Image image = null;
try {
image = reader.acquireLatestImage();
ByteBuffer buffer = image.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer();
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.capacity()];
The image is received in JPEG format (as specified in the first line). Android uses YUV (to be more exact, YCbCr) color space for JPEG. Jpeg size is variable, it is compressed with lossy compression, and you have very little control over the level of compression.
Normally, you receive a JPEG buffer in onImageAvailable() and decode this JPEG to receive a Bitmap. You can get pixels of this Bitmap as an int array of packed SRGB pixels. The format for this array will be ARGB_8888.
You don't need JNI to convert it to BGR, see this answer.
You can access Bitmap objects from C++, see ndk/reference/group/bitmap. There you can find the pixel format of this bitmap. If it was decoded from JPEG, you should expect this to be ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888.
The variable bytes contains an entire compressed JPEG file. You need to decompress it to do anything much with it, such as with BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray or ImageDecoder (newer API levels).
It's not an uncompressed array of RGB values in any sense. If you want uncompressed data, the camera API supports the YUV_420_888 format, which will give you uncompressed 4:2:0 YUV data; still not RGB, though.

Modify image data in ByteBuffer

I would like to modify the per-pixel RGB color data of a PNG image that I have loaded as a ByteBuffer, preferably a simple, lightweight solution.
I currently load the data directly from the file into a ByteBuffer using a ReadableByteChannel, which does not decode the PNG data.
So the question is, how do I
Decode the ByteBuffer PNG data into something where I can modify the pixel data
Turn it back into a valid ByteBuffer ('valid' means that it would be accepted by an OpenGl shader)
The PNG image encoding includes (among other things) a ZLIB compression, you cannot access the pixel values directly. You need (practically speaking) to decode the image, for example reading it into a BufferedImage with )
If for some reason (huge image, memory constraints) you don't like to load the full image in memory in a BufferedImage you could use a progressive reader (eg PNGJ)

How can i convert a big bmp to a png?

I'm trying to convert a very big bmp file to a png.
I'm writing an app to make fractal image and I want to make a very high resolution image (like ultrahd).
I'll save bitmap pixel image directly into file with RandomAccessFile, so I will not allocate any Bitmap object into memory. The problem will be to convert the temporany bitmap to a png.
I found BitmapRegionDecoder but it is not usefull for my problem.
It is not easy to convert an image without a full data load. :(
I think a good solution could be a method look like: convertToPng(InputStream bitmapData, OutputStream pngStream).
My question is, how can i convert a very big bitmap to a png without have an OutOfMemoryException?
You can try the PNGJ library (disclaimer: I'm the author) which allows to read/write PNG images line by line.

Converting Pixel Array to Image in Java

I have used this code to get Image into array of pixels.
convertTo2DWithoutUsingGetRGB method for reading image to pixel array
writeToFile method for pixel array to image
Now I would like to convert the array of pixels to Image. But when I convert it, I am losing image data.
Initial Image size: 80Kb JPG
Duplicate Image size: 71Kb JPG
I can clearly notice some difference between the both images, the Java produced image has some sort of white-noise.
I would like to reproduce the image without single pixel loss of data, how do I achieve in Java?
The jpg file format uses a lossy compression algorithm which means that the files it generates will have slight differences from the original. You can change the quality setting to compress more or less but you can't save the with its original size without any modifications.
This is why jpg isn't recommended for image editing. Use a lossless format instead, like PNG.
