Generate docker image by maven plugin - java

I have manually written dockerfile but now I need configure maven to create that file and build image. I'm trying do it with spotify's maven plugin.
Here is dockerfile which is written by me and it works:
FROM tomcat:8.0-jre8
RUN rm -rvf /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT
COPY ./context.xml /usr/local/tomcat/conf/
COPY /target/brainis-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
CMD ["", "run"]
I need ensure my maven plugin generate same docker file before build image. Can you tell me please how to achieve it? My current configuration generates only first command FROM tomcat:8.0-jre8, how to configure rest of that file in maven?

You need to add your Dockerfile to your codebase, i.e. /src/main/docker/Dockerfile and reference it from Spotify's Maven plugin this way:
The last part, resources, places the docker build base path in whichever folder you want it, i.e. /target and which files to include.
That will run your whole Dockerfile script


Distribute plugin resource files to host project

I have a maven plugin that exposes a Mojo, with a goal that runs at the compile stage. The project was generated using mvn archetype:generate, and the POM contains all the standard stuff that comes with running that, very little deviation. The project includes a couple of resource files, e.g. filea.txt and fileb.txt, that are packaged up as part of the jar.
When the plugin is used in a project, I'd like the files that are included in the jar to be extracted and copied to the target\test-classes directory of the host project. I'm trying to use the plugin jar to both distribute some files + expose some functionality that can then use those files.
Is this a valid approach, and if so, are there settings I can add to the plugin POM to indicate that content from the plugin should be extracted and copied? I want to centralise this logic in the plugin, rather than having to do in the plugin host.
I feel like it's something with maven-dependency-plugin or maven-resources-plugin or build-helper-maven-plugin:attach-artifact, have tried a couple of different approaches but think I'm missing something obvious:
e.g. something like this in plugin POM?
// etc etc
Google fu has let me down, keep ending up on maven resources page. Can post directory structure / more information if needed.
First I would suggest to put resources which needs to be distributed into src/main/resources which looks like you have done ...but remove the configuration for the maven-resources-plugin and let maven do it's work. This is automatically copied into target/classes/ which in result is packaged into the resulting jar later.
If your plugin needs to get those files those can accessed as a usual resource via this.getClass().getResourcesAsStream("/...") and reading and writing them into a new location preferable into target/...

Compatibility problem between maven and maven-resources-plugin

I'm using maven-resources-plugin to copy a file from resources dir to output dir and inject a variable;
there is the pom of the project:
the resource file is something like this:
and in he pom there is:
When I build the project (mvn -U clean package ) locally everything works fine: the file .properties is correctly inside the jar and it contains "operation=true".
The problem appears when I deploy the jar to my artifactory. If I download and open the jar from artifactory I can still find the .properties file, but in this case it contains: "operation=${var}" (the plugin doesn't inject the value of the variable). The command for the build inside the .yml file is the same that I run locally (mvn -U clena package). Any suggestions? The only difference that I can see is that on my computer I have maven 3.6.1 and on the server where I build the project for artifactory there is maven 3.3.3.

Micronaut Dockerfile breaks package build

I've created a simple Micronaut application using
mn create-app app_name --build maven
with a JDK 11 in case that matters.
This creates a maven project which compiles fine, but includes a Dockerfile like this:
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11-openj9:jdk-
COPY target/app_name*.jar app_name.jar
CMD java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -noverify ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar app_name.jar
However, there is no docker build included in the Maven AFAICT.
So I included this
which does manage to build a docker image, but not without manual intervention. The reason is that upon mvn package, three jars get created in target/:
which makes the docker target fail with
When using COPY with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /
That message does make sense because all the jars match the COPY source pattern in the Dockerfile.
Right now, I just delete the other two jars (original and shaded) and run the docker target on its own, but that's only fine as long as I work in local manual mode.
Am I missing something or is this an oversight on the Micronaut project creation?
I can't help you with the micronaut configuration, unfortunately. However, if the purpose is to copy the main jar file and the unknown version suffix is the cause of the wildcard being used while copying, a finalName element can be added to the pom.xml in order to strip the version info from the name of the JAR file:
Am I missing something or is this an oversight on the Micronaut
project creation?
The latter.
If you file an issue at we can get it straightened out.
Relevant files:
Thanks for the input.

What is the proper way to create .ebextensions for AWS Beanstalk through maven for Spring Boot app

We have to customize hosts file in our dynamically generated Elastic Beanstalk instance of our Spring Boot application during our GitLab CI/CD pipeline. To do this, we need to provide a .ebextensions directory with a config file that looks like this:
command: echo >> /etc/hosts
Since we have a spring boot application, we have to package .ebextensions at the root level of our fat jar. So, basically we unzip the jar, add the ebextensions directory and zip it back. This way we successfully achieve the Beanstalk customization in our Gitlab pipelines.
However, to make this process we use maven-antrun-plugin like this:
<!-- Bundle .ebextensions inside jar -->
<unzip src="${}/${}.jar" dest="${}/${}" />
<copy todir="${}/${}/" overwrite="false">
<fileset dir="./" includes=".ebextensions/**"/>
<zip compress="false" destfile="${}/${}.jar" basedir="${}/${}"/>
The problem is that maven-antrun-plugin is and old plugin from 2014 and this looks like not the proper way to achieve this bundle jar.
Do you how or what it is the spring boot way to create this bundle jar? I mean add directories/files at the root level of the jar in spring boot? Bear in mind that we bundle this at our pipeline job time that deploys through AWS Beanstalk maven plugin.
The Build Helper Maven Plugin can be used for this. Create a folder .ebextensions in the project's root and add the plugin to the <build><plugins> section of the pom.xml:
Is it required that you upload only a jar to elastic beanstalk? The way we do it is that we upload a zipfile, containing our fat jar, a .ebextensions directory and a Procfile. This way the ebextensions get applied and the Procfile contains the command to start the java process.
So for example you could upload containing:
With Procfile being a text file containing:
web: java -jar hello-world.jar
If you do it like this, there's no need to embed your ebextension files in your application jar, which makes things a whole lot easier in my opinion.
Procfile documentation

Exclude when generating war using spring boot and spring-boot-maven-plugin

I am developing a web application using Spring Boot, and want to generate war instead of jar.
It works very fine using the conversion from jar to war described here :
But I want to exclude the from the war, because I use #PropertySource(value = "file:${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}/") to get the file path on production environment.
This method works when generating my war, but in eclipse I can't run my application because not copied at all to target/classes :
This method doesn't work at all, I think that spring-boot-maven-plugin doesn't support packagingExcludes :
Have you another suggestion?
Try using the solution below. This will work:
If you are using the above solution , while running the project in Eclipse IDE you may get error that the properties file is not found. To get rid of this you need to add the resources folder in Run as configuration.(Run configurations... -> Classpath -> User Entries -> Advanced... -> Add Folders)
When running in Eclipse, at your Run Configuration, you need to specify the path of the propeties to Spring Boot:
The solution I added is to unzip my packaged war, delete the file and create a new war named ROOT.war using maven-antrun-plugin and run some ant tasks.
this is what i added to my plugins in pom.xml :
<unzip src="target/${artifactId}-${version}.${packaging}" dest="target/ROOT/" />
<delete file="target/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/"/>
<zip destfile="target/ROOT.war" basedir="target/ROOT" encoding="UTF-8"/>
<delete dir="target/ROOT"/>
I named my target war as ROOT.war because I am using tomcat on openshift PaaS, so I just copy my ROOT.war and push to my openshift repo. That's it
What I understand from your question is, you want to use for your development. But you dont want to use it for production.
I would suggest using Spring profiles to achieve this.
In your properties file
Create a profile for development. Put all your development properties under it.
Do not create a profile for production in your properties file.
When you are developing, set active profile to development, so that the properties are loaded from your file.
When you run it in production, set active profile to Production. Though will be loaded into your WAR, since there is no profile for production, none of the properties will be loaded.
I have done something similar using YML. I am sure there must be a way to do the same thing using .properties file too.
spring: development
profiles: development
location: USA
unit1: Test1
unit2: Test2
You could change the profile in run time using
Try to using this solution:
<addResources>false</addResources> will keep properties when you run mvn spring-boot:run
