How to resolve Jena StmIterator import - java

I'am new on Jena.
I followed the starting tutorial here:
However, I get error on eclipse. Eclipse can't resolve the import of "StmIterator".
The type org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator cannot be resolved.
It is indirectly referenced from required .class files.
Although the build path seems to be correct.
I'm working with Jena 3.8.
Thank you for your help

The problem has been solved by migrating from Eclipse Indigo (that I used at the beginning) to Eclipse Juno.


eclipse the project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file

I have tried to find solution for my question but seems like no solution have worked yet.
Just to mention, im using latest jdk and jre version.
So when im making new java project then i get these 2 errors, its not matter which source i load, all of them gives same error which is weird.
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.util.function.Predicate. Fix the build path then try building this project oosbrut Unknown Java Problem
The type java.util.function.Predicate cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files /oosbrut/src/org/brutality/world/objects line 1 Java Problem
Line 1 : package;
PS: I have tried all , cleaning project, refreshing, re-opening eclipse etc , also i have removed all libraries and reloaded all of them again.
Would be great if someone can help me out.

Importing GraphStream library in NetBeans 8.0

I am just getting started with GraphStream and using NetBeans as an IDE in my laptop (Yosemite 10.10). I already downloaded and included .jar library file into my project:
My problem is I still can’t import graphstream in my class. This is what I wrote:
import org.graphstream.graph.*;
but I’m still getting the error message
Package import org.graphstream.graph.* doesn’t exist
Is there any way to import GraphStream in my NetBeans? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
You have to extract those 3 gs-*.zip files that you downloaded from the website. Then, inside the extracted folders you will find gs-*.jar files. These are the actual binaries that Netbeans needs as dependencies.

Trouble importing org.apache.commons.lang on JSP page

I'm having trouble importing the org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils which gives me the error: The import org.apache.commons.lang cannot be resolved I know this question has been posted a number of times but i tried them and it didnt solve my problem.
Things i did were:
Download the packages and add them to the WEB-INF/lib folder
Imported but it still showed me the error
Restarted server
Cleaned project several times
Closed eclipse and back on
Nothing solved my problem. Any suggestion?
You are using version 3 of Apache Commons Lang. The correct import is:
Note the lang3 part of the path

The import org.apache.commons.lang3 cannot be resolved

I'm trying to import this library in order to use the RandomStringUtils class, but always I'm getting the error in the title of the question.
This is an ANT project, so I downloaded the library from Apache ( and put it in the lib folder of the project. However, it's not working.
I got another library in this folder (org.apache.commons.cli) and it's working fine.
edit: ok, this is solved... It's a bug in Eclipse saying the import cannot be resolved.
ok, this is solved... It's a bug in Eclipse saying the import cannot be resolved.

EdgeType.DIRECTED not working

I recently figured out how to add the Jung libraries to eclipse, but now I ran into a new problem. I'm using the Jung tutorial and I can't seem to run the first tutorial, because the Eclipse IDE is saying that the .DIRECTED ,in the code, cannot be resolved or is not a field. How do I fix this?
edit: Yes, using that package worked! However, I'm surprised that the Eclipse IDE did not offer to import the package for me. Is this unusual?
Make sure to include all the required JUNG2 libraries into your Eclipse project. When you do that, Eclipse will give a few suggestions after you right-click on those yellow-underlined words. Choose the one(s) related to JUNG2 to remove the warning(s).
EgeType.DIRECTED must be imported from edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType package which is under jung-graph-impl-2.0.1.jar
