I use OperatingSystem.current() for my daily work with gradle. Now, I want to assemble my java project for different platforms, so I change manually my build.gradle files to build for a specific OS.
My question: Is there a way to specify the OS to use (returned by OperatingSystem.current()) directly in the gradle command line? If no, what is the best strategy to do cross building ?
Note: I depend on some libraries that use themselves the OperatingSystem.current().
I'm cringing while writing this, it's wrong on so many levels - I suggest you'll avoid forcing Gradle to think it's in a different OS.
But assuming you can't avoid it ->
I all depends on the version of Gradle you're using, I'd assume you're using the latest version (in older version that might be simpler)
OperatingSystem.current() works with the "os.name" environment variable which you can override very simply with a -D flag on the Gradle command.
BUT, and this is a big but, Gradle is not the problem here. The underlying JRE being used to execute the build contains OS specific code - see UNIXProcess on UNIX systems.
The current implementation of UNIXProcess blocks overriding the "os.name" value as it performs validations on it.
It's possible you'de be able to bypass that by creating a class in org.gradle.internal.os package that exposes the package-private OperatingSystem.resetCurrent() method and then force OperatingSystem.current() to re-evaluate, bypassing any real JRE checks.
Something like so:
print OperatingSystem.current()
System.setProperty("os.name", <some other OS>)
print OperatingSystem.current()
After some additional conversation over the comments, now I understand that the real requirement here is to take conditional dependency on native libs in a simple way that will allow the OP to remove dependency on OperatingSyste.current()
Taking a sample
apply plugin: "java"
dependencies {
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.2.0"
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.2.0:natives-windows"
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.2.0:natives-linux"
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.2.0:natives-osx"
One can add conditional dependency via a "-P" flag (see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html#sec:gradle_properties_and_system_properties)
apply plugin: "java"
dependencies {
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.2.0"
if (buildos == "windows") {
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.2.0:natives-windows"
} else if (buildos == "linux") {
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.2.0:natives-linux"
} else if (buildos == "osx") {
compile "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:3.2.0:natives-osx"
gradle build -Pbuildos=windows
A similar thing can be done with a "-D" flag, but then you need to access it with System.getProperty
One can take it even further by building custom tasks and configurations (inheriting from compile/implementation) for each flavor instead of relying on -P flags
I have two versions of the same Java class (same name / methods). Since it's Java, both .java files have the same name. I want to configure gradle in such a way that I can build a "debug" version of my application that pulls in one of these files, and a "production" version of my application that pulls in the other one. How would I go about doing this?
This class has only static methods. I don't ever want to make an instance of this class. I additionally don't want to add the overhead of an if statement in each of the methods on this class to check which version I'm in.
Following #JFabianMeier's answer you could use 4 projects:
with the production version class
with the debug version class
with code that uses either of the two, parameterized according to Migrating Maven profiles ... → Example 6. Mimicking the behavior of Maven profiles in Gradle. (I'm also a Maven guy and therefore can't tell you exactly how to do it in Gradle.)
a multi-project with 1./2./3. as sub[-]projects for building all of them in one go, maybe parameterized to build just 1.+ 3. or 2.+ 3.
Have you tried creating production and debug source directories/sets? According to the docs you can use multiple directories when specifying source directories in your source set. Try dropping the different versions of your class in their respective production/debug source directories.
I haven't tested myself (not sure about the syntax), but this is based on the Gradle's Java compilation documentation.
sourceSets {
// Could also name this production
main {
java {
srcDirs ['src/main/java', 'src/prod/java']
debug {
java {
srcDirs ['src/main/java', 'src/debug/java']
You could do the following:
Put the class into a separate project (so generate a separate jar from it)
Then you can have two different jars, for production and debugging
Then you can pull either one or the other jar in gradle depending on a parameter.
Alternatively, you could look into template engines like Velocity which allow you to generate source code during the build depending on variables and then compile it.
Android has a neat feature called Product Flavors. It lets you swap classes at compile time effortlessly and keep your project clean.
This post is very good to get a taste of it: https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2015/12/leveraging-product-flavors-in-android.html
And here is the full documentation: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/build-variants#product-flavors
My product is using a third party dependency called matlab control version 4.1.0. This jar file allow java to send command to matlab.
The way we use it is by calling a java command in matlab (triggered by the user), this perform a bunch of computation in the java plugin, then java sends a notification to matlab which then start executing m code with data received from java.
So far, the jar file is stored in our repository, and directly loaded in matlab.
We want to move to matlab-control v5.0.0, which is on maven. So we thought it was the occasion to get rid of the jar file, include it as a dependency from maven in our gradle build.
However the api seems to not be visible to Matlab, which returns an exception 'can not find class org.n52.matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy'.
If I test the connection directly from java (by creating a java test), java will by itself launch matlab and request the command to be executed (for instance, an hello world command). It's working fine, and I can then instantiate a MatlabProxy. But if I launch Matlab and try to access the MatlabProxy directly from it, it cannot find it.
So it seems that the Matlab-control API is not exposed by my gradle build. So far I have tried the following:
apply plugin: 'java-library'
dependencies {
But it is not working, so what I am missing ?
Thanks to JB Nizet who put me in the right direction, I found a solution.
I just had to create a configuration first, then assign dependencies to this configuration in order to copy them:
configurations {
dependencies {
deployerJars group: 'org.n52.matlab', name: 'matlab-control', version: '5.0.0'
task copyToLib(type: Copy) {
into "$buildDir/libs"
from configurations.deployerJars
I try to setup gradle for a proper JNI compilation, so I need to build first a shared library (with the c plugin), and then compile and test the java code (which consumes the library).
Here a sample of the build.gradle, related to the native compilation:
model {
components {
yli(NativeLibrarySpec) {
sources {
c {
source {
srcDir 'src/main/c'
include "Yli.c"
commonFolders.each {
include "$it/**/*.c"
buildTypes {
What is the best way to tell gradle that the compileJava should wait for the build of the NativeLibrarySpec?
Edit: When I try to add
I have the following error during gradle build:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'yli'.
> Could not get unknown property 'sharedLibrary' for root project 'yli' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
Note: I used the command 'gradle tasks' in order to found the name of the task: 'yliSharedLibrary'.
I played around with this and discovered that you can access the tasks created by the software model within closures. For example, if you want to depend on one of the native tasks, you can do so with:
compileJava.dependsOn { yliNativeCompileTask }
Of course, if you want the Java task to come after the native one, but not force an actual dependency between them, you can use mustRunAfter():
compileJava.mustRunAfter { yliNativeCompileTask }
This syntax also works for declared inputs and outputs:
compileJava.inputs.files { yliNativeCompileTask }
Note that if you tie the inputs of a task to the outputs of another task, you don't have to explicitly declare a dependsOn. Gradle infers the task dependency.
Disclaimer I don't know if this is the correct way to do this, or how far you can take this approach.
One final thing: the old native software model is being replaced by a new set of native plugins based on Gradle's original model. It should be much easier to integrate Java projects with these new plugins, but you may want to wait until the plugins have been fully fleshed out before attempting a migration.
When using Firebase Performance in Android Studio the gradle task app:transformClassesWithFirebasePerformancePluginForDebug is taking significantly longer than any other task and is therefore dramatically slowing down my gradle build times.
Slow Build shown in Profiler
Firebase in our project caused 40% build time increase. To speed up debug builds we added a possibility to switch it on/off using build parameters in app/build.gradle and root build.gradle files:
if (!project.hasProperty("disable-performance-plugin")) {
apply plugin: 'com.google.firebase.firebase-perf'
if (!project.hasProperty("disable-performance-plugin")) {
classpath('com.google.firebase:firebase-plugins:1.1.5') {
exclude group: 'com.google.guava', module: 'guava-jdk5'
when running from the command line use
./gradlew your-task -Pdisable-performance-plugin
when working from Android Studio, add the flag to compiler options:
All of the existing answers are valid, but they all miss something.
To deal with this issue, you have 2 major options to choose from.
1. Use firebasePerformanceInstrumentationEnabled property
This is the official way provided by the SDK itself to disable it during the build process.
What this does:
Reduces transformClassesWithFirebasePerformancePluginFor* task execution time to ~5-10s.
Disables automatic traces and request monitoring, but leaves custom traces enabled. You can control the latter with AndroidManifest <meta-data> tags and calls to FirebasePerformance.getInstance().setPerformanceCollectionEnabled(). More info in the docs.
How to do this:
I think it's much easier to only enable plugin in those rare cases when we need it (usually it will be only when we publish the app) rather than disable it in all other cases.
Note: Of course, with manual builds you might forget to enable it. So if you don't have CI, it might be worth adding some other automatic scripting in Gradle, or sticking to the opposite approach that is used in other answers.
In general though, we only need two steps:
Add the following line to gradle.properties file:
Use the following command in your CI config or manual builds:
./gradlew assembleRelease -PfirebasePerformanceInstrumentationEnabled=true
Only one property to set up.
Plugin still adds additional ~5-15s to the build time.
2. Use custom Gradle project property to avoid applying firebase-perf Gradle plugin
What this does:
transformClassesWithFirebasePerformancePluginFor* task is not executed at all. Also we save some additional ~5–10s overhead that is present when using the first solution.
Same as the first method – disables automatic traces and request monitoring, but leaves custom traces enabled. You can control the latter with AndroidManifest <meta-data> tags and calls to FirebasePerformance.getInstance().setPerformanceCollectionEnabled(). More info in the docs.
How to do this:
This approach has similar points and warnings, and also includes two steps:
Modify your app module's build.gradle file:
if (project.hasProperty('useFirebasePerf')) {
apply plugin: 'com.google.firebase.firebase-perf'
Note: you don't need to apply the same check to your project-level build.gradle:
classpath "com.google.firebase:firebase-plugins:$firebase_plugins_version"
This declaration won't be used in any way by Gradle when the plugin itself is not enabled.
And you don't need to exclude guava-jdk5 dependency there, if you're using firebase-plugins v1.1.1 or later as stated in the docs.
Use the following command in your CI config or manual builds:
./gradlew assembleRelease -PuseFirebasePerf
Completely eliminates time expenses associated with Firebase Performance Gradle plugin.
Introduces conditional check for applying plugin in your Gradle script, some might argue that it's not an idiomatic approach.
* (Bonus option) Use custom Gradle project property to exclude firebase-perf SDK
If you don't use custom traces or any other features from Firebase Performance SDK and only rely on automatic monitoring (that is, you don't have any dependencies on SDK in your code), then you can exclude this dependency for non-production builds.
How to do this:
All you need to do is update your app module's build.gradle file:
If you chose to use the first option, then change your dependency like this:
if (project.property('firebasePerformanceInstrumentationEnabled') == 'true') {
implementation "com.google.firebase:firebase-perf:${firebase_perf_version}"
If you chose the second one:
if (project.hasProperty('useFirebasePerf')) {
implementation "com.google.firebase:firebase-perf:${firebase_perf_version}"
This might save you some additional ~5-10s, spent on configuring dependency and
"ProGuarding" it.
Your production APK size will be larger than debug one by ~0.5mb. This might disrupt your reports or predictions, so you need to be aware of it.
If you were close to surpassing 64K method count limit, you might suddenly step over it on production builds and find yourself in the MultiDex zone. And that means extra work to do and tests to run. All because Firebase Performance brings a formidable number of almost 5K method references (after applying ProGuard with optimizations).
You can also check out my article where I expand a bit more on this topic.
Firebase Performance has released a new version of perf-plugin (v1.3.0). This would enable disabling the Firebase Performance Monitoring Gradle plugin for a specific build variant (including buildTypes or productFlavors).
An example below:
android {
// ...
debug {
FirebasePerformance {
// Set this flag to 'false' to disable #AddTrace annotation processing and
// automatic HTTP/S network request monitoring
// for a specific build variant at compile time.
instrumentationEnabled false
Reference to release notes:
All comments in this thread are valid. I want to suggest a very simple way to disable that for debug builds:
if (getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().contains("Release")) {
apply plugin: 'com.google.firebase.firebase-perf'
For newer versions of the Firebase perf plugin (1.3.0 and up) with Kotlin DSL you'll need to add the following:
android {
buildTypes {
all {
with((this as ExtensionAware).extensions["FirebasePerformance"] as FirebasePerfExtension) {
For the Groovy version you can check out the Firebase documentation.
Just to give another option to disable transformClassesWithFirebasePerformancePluginForDebug, here's my recipe:
In main build.gradle folder:
if (!project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.any { taskName ->
taskName.toLowerCase().contains('assemble') && taskName.toLowerCase().contains('debug') }) {
classpath("com.google.firebase:firebase-plugins:$firebasePluginVersion") {
exclude group: 'com.google.guava', module: 'guava-jdk5'
In the build.gradle app file:
if (!project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.any { taskName ->
taskName.toLowerCase().contains('assemble') && taskName.toLowerCase().contains('debug') }) {
apply plugin: 'com.google.firebase.firebase-perf'
I ran into this problem as well. Originally we had been using a variant of the answer provided by R. Zagórski, but based on a similar thread from the Gradle forums it seems like conditionally applying a plugin to a project isn't the right way to go:
Plugins can’t be applied to only “part of your project”. They are either applied or not.
Conditionally applying plugins does seem to work if you can do it right, but it's not an officially supported feature. Further down the same thread, another point is made:
But the plugin should allow you to configure it at a finer grained level.
Sure enough, there actually is a property exposed by the Firebase plugin that lets you toggle instrumentation on or off (therefore toggling the increased build time). Using this property is tricky, though, since you have to apply it at exactly the right time during the building process, but once you've got that then you can essentially pivot it on whatever you want.
The following code snippet is how we're pivoting instrumentation based on Debug vs. Non-Debug build variants. It's written in Kotlin, but I imagine it would translate to Groovy just as well:
plugins {
id ("com.google.firebase.firebase-perf")
android {
applicationVariants.all {
val variant = this
val isFirebaseEnabled = !variant.javaCompiler.name.contains("Debug", true)
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
if (this.hasTask(variant.javaCompiler))
project.FirebasePerformance.isInstrumentationEnabled = isFirebaseEnabled
Note that with this in place, the transformClassesWithFirebasePerformancePluginFor* task will still always run for every build variant, but it will complete almost immediately for a variant that doesn't have instrumentation enabled.
I think the clearest way is this with kotlin DSL gradle 👇
in app level build.gradle
buildTypes {
getByName(BuildType.DEBUG) {
in dependendencies part:
dependencies {
releaseImplementation(Dependencies.FIREBASE_PERFORMANCE) //implementation for only release mode (you can vary for other variants)
I have simplified option 2 of this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/53270530/1635488
Define a property in gradle.properties
Disable perf plugin
if (useFirebasePerf.toBoolean()) {
apply plugin: 'com.google.firebase.firebase-perf'
Remove dependency
if (useFirebasePerf.toBoolean()) {
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-perf:16.2.3'
Enable Performance Monitoring only for CI builds (i would recommend only for release builds)
gradlew assembleRelease -PuseFirebasePerf=true
A much cleaner way in kotlin DSL
buildTypes {
//My custom extension
forName("debug") {
roject.ext.set("firebasePerformanceInstrumentationEnabled", "false")
Implementation of forName
fun <T> NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>.forName(name: String, action: T.() -> Unit) {
this.getByName(name, object: Action<T>{
override fun execute(t: T) {
I have a custom annotation processor (that extends AbstractProcessor) which adds a properties file to the project based on the annotations. I want this to be run everytime when a compilation is happening. The project is a java project using gradle.
How do I get the annotation processor run during compile time? Should I use some compiler plugin? or should I write a simple gradle task that can invoke this annotation processor and make that task part of the compilation task? (I'm a beginner with gradle)
In the META-INF/services, added the entry for javax.annotation.processing.Processor specifying the custom annotation processor class.
I know that this question is quite old but since it even got a favor and nobody answered it I want to give at least a little answer for future readers.
For this are multiple ways possible depending on the way your environment is set up.
For example you can use something like this in build.gradle or some other .gradle file that is used by all wanted projects:
options.fork = false
options.forkOptions.executable = 'javac'
when you use the dependency system you could use this:
dependencies {
compileClasspath group: 'com.company', name: 'AnnotationProcessor', version: 'your revision'
//or this
compileClasspath 'com.company.AnnotationProcessor:revision'
but be sure to have the .Processor file in src/main/resources/META-INF/services for this method. Else you would have to add the compilerArg '-processor','full.package.name.with.class.name' <-- this could be wrong since I never tried that way.
The only way I could get annotations to work was via setting the -processorpath directly.