e(fx)clipse is not working on linux - java

I'm trying to install the plugin e(fx)clipse on linux to work with graphic interface on my project, but after downloading and completing the installation, my application could not import classes coming from javafx.
I managed to fix by installing OpenJDK, the jfxrt.jar file was missing. After installation, the file in question was downloaded at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar.
I added it in the bulid path of the project and I was able to import the javafx classes, but now when I try to run the application the following error appears:
"Error: JavaFX runtime components could not be found.
I already reinstalled the e (fx) clipse and it did not change anything. Can someone help me? I hava jdk-11 installed and updated.

If you download and install Java from here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html it will just work. e(fx)clipse has nothing to do with that. You don't need it to run a JavaFX application.


Netbeans does not detect JDK installation

I have installed Netbeans 8.0.2 and it doesn't find the JDK installation path.
I suppose I have done all the steps correctly. Netbeans insists that I haven't installed the JDK.
How can I solve this issue?
This error exists because, you haven't configured the Environment Variable on your PC, that's why NetBeans is not detecting it. I recommend you to check this link.
Or you may Uninstall/Delete the existing NetBeans and JDK installer and download and install from here. It has package already linked with JDK, so you don't have to configure it later.

error: The JDK you are using does not support JavaFX

I am on Ubuntu 19.04. Trying to run a JavaFX project in NetBeans 11.0. I am getting this message error when I want to create a new JavaFX project: The JDK you are using does not support JavaFX
I am using JDK 11 and it seems that there is a problem with installing JDK 8 as you can see here: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java
I also read that JavaFX is out of JDK 11.
Could someone guide me to how I can run my JavaFX project?
You should install java-fx-sdk import it as a library, next create a simple java project and create java class with fxml file.

Download and install JavaFX for Eclipse

I'm an experienced (Java, Eclipse & Maven) developer, and have used a couple of frameworks thus far. Every time I'm trying to start with something new, it seems like there are about a zillion configuration possible for downloading and installing it.
I've looked here for instructions, and all the near pages, but they seem out dated, the Eclipse plugin path is invalid, and when I install the latest version I've found no the site (2.0.2), it says that I have a newer version installed.
Also, the Maven setup in most posts I've read seems obscure.
I'm using:
Windows 7
Eclipse x64 Indigo
JDK x64
Maven 3.0.3
And I don't recall installing the JavaFX.
What an I missing? Where can I read about the setup in order to start working with this framework?
JavaFX gets installed if you install the latest JDK 7 from Oracle (co-bundled).
You can find the Eclipse plugin here:
If your're interested in Maven builds: I've recently released an initial version of Drombler FX, a modular RCP for JavaFX based on OSGi and Maven (POM-first):
I did tried efxclipse but it was not enough for me. I have also tried to give the path of javafx jar file to efxclipse
Window->Prefrences->javafx->"The path to javafx jar which is
. But nothing worked for me I don't know what was going wrong.
Then I just add the jfxrt.jar file to my Library and everything worked fine :-
1. Right click your JRE System Library
2. Build Path
3. Configure Build Path
4. Add External Jars
5. "The path to jfxrt.jar"
You can download jfxrt.jar file from this link.
If you have already downloaded the latest oracle JAVA JDK you will find in this path
That's it everything should work fine.
Try e(fx)clipse at http://efxclipse.org/. I'm a netbeans developer, but heard a lot of good stuff about that plugin from my eclipse using friends.

javafx is not recognized after installing jdk 7u9

I installed jdk 7u9 and added it to the build path of an eclipse Java project.
However, when I'm trying to import some javafx classes eclipse can't recognize them:
import javafx.scene.media.Media;
I read at Oracle's website (and a lot of other websites) that javafx is already included in jdk 7u9 and there is no need to install any additional addons.
What could be the problem?
The jfxrt.jar is in the jre/lib folder of your jdk, but not on the default boot classpath. That is why Eclipse won't add it to the "JRE System libraries".
The issue is tracked here.
The fix will be made in Java 8.
You should add the jar manually to the project build path or use e(fx)clipse and setup a JavaFX Project.

Netbeans 7.1.2 JavaFX UnsatisfiedLinkError

I've just upgraded my Netbeans to 7.1.2 as I thought I'd have a bash at some JavaFX development, however I'm not having a lot of fun.
First I downloaded the newest Netbeans and installed it, all fine.
Then Netbeans told me I didn't have JavaFX support, so I downloaded the jdk-7 from Oracle and the netbeans JavaFX plugin, and now I can create JavaFX applications.
However, whenever I try to compile a JavaFX app, I get the following error:
Error: failed to msvcr100.dll java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\JavaFX 2.1 Runtime\bin\msvcr100.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\JavaFX 2.1 Runtime\bin\glass.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Now both of these mentioned files exist, and they are in the locations mentioned, I'm assuming the problem is something to do with my classpath and/or the Sun/Oracle Netbeans previous installation I had.
I can't really be bothered to uninstall/reinstall all of my Java stuff, so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to fix this?
Some articles I've read have mentioned copying certain DLLs directly into the project workspace, but that doesn't sound right to me.
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Right-click your Netbeans project and click to "Properties". Navigate to "Libraries" and determine which "Java Platform" is used by the current project (which is selected one in the dropdown list). Click the "Manage Platforms..." nearby and select the determined Java platform. Go to JavaFX tab then check if the JavaFX is enabled and points to the correct SDK and Runtime paths in your file system.
Also consider restart the Netbeans or even Windows.
If you are using MacOS, even after install Java 7 the default SDK is still Java 6, despite the FX can be activated. Simply add JDK7 and it should fix the problem.
