I need a recommendation for this situation.
I have a json object in string format that will have pattern like this:
"productCard" : {
"productA" : {
"state" : "Y",
"desc" : "AAA",
"someProp" : 112
"productB" : {
"state" : "X",
"desc" : " BBB ",
"listSomeThing" : [
"p1" : 1,
"p2" : "2"
"p2" : "3"
and then this will be parsed to an object like this:
class Product {
protected String state
protected String desc
class SomeThing {
private int p1
private String p2
class ProductA extend Product {
private int someProp
class ProductB extend Product {
private List<SomeThing> listSomeThing
class ProductCard {
private ProductA prodctA
private ProductB productB
class BaseObject {
private ProductCard productCard
If I need to reset some field value in each product, and then parse to string format again, should I:
(1) create a new function in Product and then override in some child class for extra method:
class Product {
void reset(){
this.state = "X"
this.desc = ""
class productB extend Product {
void reset(){
this.listSomeThing = new ArrayList<>()
and in base object create new function:
class ProductCard {
private ProductA productA
private ProductB productB
void resetAllProduct(){
class BaseObject {
private ProductCard productCard
void resetAllProductCard(){
then call BaseObject.resetAllProductCard() where business needs to reset?
(2) create new function in business class? Or some util class:
void reset(ProdctCard productCard){
ProductA productA = productCard.getProductA();
ProductB productB = productCard.getProdctB();
productB.setListSomeThing(new ArrayList<>())
(3) another approach?
I would use Jackson Project for that job:
public String reset(String json) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode jsonNode = mapper.readTree(json);
JsonNode productCardNode = jsonNode.get("productCard");
productCardNode.forEach(node -> ((ObjectNode) node).put("state", "X").put("desc", ""));
ObjectNode productBNode = (ObjectNode) productCardNode.get("productB");
return jsonNode.toPrettyString();
String jsonReseted = reset(json);
"productCard" : {
"productA" : {
"state" : "X",
"desc" : "",
"someProp" : 112
"productB" : {
"state" : "X",
"desc" : "",
"listSomeThing" : [ ]
I write app in Spring.
This is my json: (it is an array of json objects)
[{"id" : 643419352,
"status" : "removed_by_user",
"url" : "https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/opona-12-1-2-x-2-1-4-etrto-62-203-detka-CID767-IDHxILu.html",
"created_at" : "2020-11-27 10:46:07",
"activated_at" : "2020-12-11 12:41:12",
"valid_to" : "2020-12-17 15:38:10",
"title" : "opona 12 1/2 \" x 2 1/4 etrto 62-203 + dętka",
"description" : "opona w bardzo dobrym stanie + dętka, rozmiar 12 1/2 x 2 1/4 , dętka z zaworem samochodowym",
"category_id" : 1655,
"advertiser_type" : "private",
"external_id" : null,
"external_url" : null,
"contact" : {
"name" : "Damazy",
"phone" : "501474399"
"location" : {
"city_id" : 10609,
"district_id" : 301,
"latitude" : "51.80178",
"longitude" : "19.43928"
"images" : [ {
"url" : "https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/efa9any4ryrb-PL/image;s=1000x700"
} ],
"price" : {
"value" : "9",
"currency" : "PLN",
"negotiable" : false,
"budget" : false,
"trade" : false
"salary" : null,
"attributes" : [ {
"code" : "state",
"value" : "used",
"values" : null
} ],
"courier" : null
}, {
"id" : 643435839,
"status" : "removed_by_user",
"url" : "https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/opona-4-80-4-00-8-do-taczki-nowa-CID628-IDHxN3p.html",
"created_at" : "2020-11-27 11:53:47",
"activated_at" : "2020-11-27 11:54:36",
"valid_to" : "2020-12-17 15:38:07",
"title" : "opona 4.80/4.00 - 8 do taczki nowa!!!",
"description" : "opona do taczki, nowa, nigdy nie używana, stan idealny.\r\nrozmiar 4.80/4.00-8. \r\nopona do taczki, nowa, nigdy nie używana, stan idealny.\r\nrozmiar 4.80/4.00-8.",
"category_id" : 1636,
"advertiser_type" : "private",
"external_id" : null,
"external_url" : null,
"contact" : {
"name" : "Damazy",
"phone" : "501474399"
"location" : {
"city_id" : 10609,
"district_id" : 301,
"latitude" : "51.80178",
"longitude" : "19.43928"
"images" : [ {
"url" : "https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/qmvssagjnq1r2-PL/image;s=1000x700"
} ],
"price" : {
"value" : "9",
"currency" : "PLN",
"negotiable" : false,
"budget" : false,
"trade" : false
"salary" : null,
"attributes" : [ {
"code" : "state",
"value" : "new",
"values" : null
} ],
"courier" : null
and this is my entity class Advert :
public class Advert {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long ident;
private int id;
private String status;
private String url;
private String created_at;
private String activated_at;
private String valid_to;
private String title;
private String description;
private int category_id;
private String advertiser_type;
private Long external_id;
private String external_url;
private String salary;
private String attributes;
private String courier;
private Location location;
private Contact contact;
private Price price;
private String images;
and my saveAdverts method :
public String saveAdverts() throws IOException {
HttpEntity<String> requestEntity = entity.requestEntityProvider();
String url = "https://www.olx.pl/api/partner/adverts";
ResponseEntity<JsonNode> responseEntity = template.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity, JsonNode.class);
String adverts = responseEntity.getBody().get("data").toString();
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
try {
Advert[] array = objectMapper.readValue(adverts, Advert[].class);
for(Advert a : array) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return "index";
what I want to do is to parse json to entity objects and save all adverts objects to sql database in one table.
Method execution stops with exception on this line :
Advert[] array = objectMapper.readValue(adverts, Advert[].class);
I get this error message :
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type java.lang.String from Array value (token JsonToken.START_ARRAY)
at [Source: (StringReader); line: 24, column: 14] (through reference chain: java.lang.Object[][0]->pl.vida.model.Advert["images"])
Please notice that the field "images" realtes to nested array of json objects.
Please help, I spent one week on this and no result. Thanks
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type java.lang.String from Array value (token JsonToken.START_ARRAY) at [Source: (StringReader); line: 24, column: 14] (through reference chain: java.lang.Object[][0]->pl.vida.model.Advert["images"])
You are getting the above exception because you are trying to convert an array of objects into a String which is not possible. See in your JSON images & attributes are array of objects.
"images": [{ "url": "https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/qmvssagjnq1r2-PL/image;s=1000x700" }],
"attributes": [{ "code": "state", "value": "new", "values": null }]
and in your Advert class you have created images & attributes as String types.
private String attributes;
private String images;
Generally, for array kind of object, we make fields either List or Set and if the field is List/Set then we need to create separate classes for them and map as OneToMany relationship. So creating separate classes means separate tables will be created but you don't want to have multiple tables. You want to store all the data in a single table. In a normal case, it is not possible but if we write some additional configuration classes then we can achieve your requirement. These tweaks have been provided by Hibernate itself.
So basically, Hibernate has provided some built-in types like String, Integer, Float, Date, Timezone, etc. Here you can check the complete list of built-in types. But according to our requirements, we can create custom types as well. So to store the array kind of data Hibernate didn't provide any built-in type. Hence we shall create a custom type.
So we want to store an array of object data and we can easily store it in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode object. But Hibernate doesn't support this class as a field type. Hence to make supportable for this class we need to write 2 extra classes i.e. JsonNodeStringType.java & JsonNodeStringDescriptor.
public class JsonNodeStringType extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<JsonNode> implements DiscriminatorType<JsonNode> {
public static final JsonNodeStringType INSTANCE = new JsonNodeStringType();
public JsonNodeStringType() {
super(VarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE, JsonNodeStringDescriptor.INSTANCE);
public String getName() {
return "JsonNode";
public JsonNode stringToObject(String xml) {
return fromString(xml);
public String objectToSQLString(JsonNode value, Dialect dialect) {
return '\'' + toString(value) + '\'';
public class JsonNodeStringDescriptor extends AbstractTypeDescriptor<JsonNode> {
public static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public static final JsonNodeStringDescriptor INSTANCE = new JsonNodeStringDescriptor();
public JsonNodeStringDescriptor() {
super(JsonNode.class, ImmutableMutabilityPlan.INSTANCE);
public String toString(JsonNode value) {
try {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(value);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;
public JsonNode fromString(String string) {
try {
return mapper.readTree(string);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;
public <X> X unwrap(JsonNode value, Class<X> type, WrapperOptions options) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return (X) toString(value);
throw unknownUnwrap(type);
public <X> JsonNode wrap(X value, WrapperOptions options) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (String.class.isInstance(value)) {
return fromString(value.toString());
throw unknownWrap(value.getClass());
Now our Advert class will look like as
import org.hibernate.annotations.Type;
#Table(name = "advert")
#TypeDef(name = "JsonNode", typeClass = JsonNodeStringType.class)
public class Advert {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "ident", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Long ident;
private int id;
private String status;
private String url;
private String created_at;
private String activated_at;
private String valid_to;
private String title;
private String description;
private int category_id;
private String advertiser_type;
private Long external_id;
private String external_url;
private String salary;
private String courier;
private Location location;
private Contact contact;
private Price price;
#Type(type = "JsonNode")
private JsonNode images;
#Type(type = "JsonNode")
private JsonNode attributes;
Here we go. If you execute the below code it works perfectly.
String advertsString = "[ { \"id\": 643419352, \"status\": \"removed_by_user\", \"url\": \"https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/opona-12-1-2-x-2-1-4-etrto-62-203-detka-CID767-IDHxILu.html\", \"created_at\": \"2020-11-27 10:46:07\", \"activated_at\": \"2020-12-11 12:41:12\", \"valid_to\": \"2020-12-17 15:38:10\", \"title\": \"opona 12 1/2 \\\" x 2 1/4 etrto 62-203 + dętka\", \"description\": \"opona w bardzo dobrym stanie + dętka, rozmiar 12 1/2 x 2 1/4 , dętka z zaworem samochodowym\", \"category_id\": 1655, \"advertiser_type\": \"private\", \"external_id\": null, \"external_url\": null, \"contact\": { \"name\": \"Damazy\", \"phone\": \"501474399\" }, \"location\": { \"city_id\": 10609, \"district_id\": 301, \"latitude\": \"51.80178\", \"longitude\": \"19.43928\" }, \"images\": [ { \"url\": \"https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/efa9any4ryrb-PL/image;s=1000x700\" } ], \"price\": { \"value\": \"9\", \"currency\": \"PLN\", \"negotiable\": false, \"budget\": false, \"trade\": false }, \"salary\": null, \"attributes\": [ { \"code\": \"state\", \"value\": \"used\", \"values\": null } ], \"courier\": null }, { \"id\": 643435839, \"status\": \"removed_by_user\", \"url\": \"https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/opona-4-80-4-00-8-do-taczki-nowa-CID628-IDHxN3p.html\", \"created_at\": \"2020-11-27 11:53:47\", \"activated_at\": \"2020-11-27 11:54:36\", \"valid_to\": \"2020-12-17 15:38:07\", \"title\": \"opona 4.80/4.00 - 8 do taczki nowa!!!\", \"description\": \"opona do taczki, nowa, nigdy nie używana, stan idealny.\\r\\nrozmiar 4.80/4.00-8. \\r\\nopona do taczki, nowa, nigdy nie używana, stan idealny.\\r\\nrozmiar 4.80/4.00-8.\", \"category_id\": 1636, \"advertiser_type\": \"private\", \"external_id\": null, \"external_url\": null, \"contact\": { \"name\": \"Damazy\", \"phone\": \"501474399\" }, \"location\": { \"city_id\": 10609, \"district_id\": 301, \"latitude\": \"51.80178\", \"longitude\": \"19.43928\" }, \"images\": [ { \"url\": \"https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/qmvssagjnq1r2-PL/image;s=1000x700\" } ], \"price\": { \"value\": \"9\", \"currency\": \"PLN\", \"negotiable\": false, \"budget\": false, \"trade\": false }, \"salary\": null, \"attributes\": [ { \"code\": \"state\", \"value\": \"new\", \"values\": null } ], \"courier\": null } ]";
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
Advert[] adverts = objectMapper.readValue(advertsString, Advert[].class);
for (Advert advert : adverts) {
Advert saved = advertRepository.save(advert);
System.out.println("saved " + saved.getIdent());
I hope your problem gets resolved which you have been stuck with for one week. If you don't want to manually create these types of descriptors you can follow this article to use as an external dependency.
I want to aggregate a collection of documents that match certain conditions, group them and map the output to a different class object. The aggregation works fine and I get the expected total but the _id field is always NULL.
I'm using spring-data-mongodb 2.1.11 and MongoDB 3.6.
This is the class to be aggregated:
public class LegOrder {
public static class Key {
long itemId;
long transactionId;
private Key id;
private long brandId;
private int units;
This is the aggregation output class:
public class ItemAggregation {
public static class Key {
long itemId;
long brandId;
private Key id;
private long total;
My aggregation method:
public ItemAggregation aggregate(long itemId, long brandId) {
MatchOperation matchStage = Aggregation.match(new Criteria().andOperator(
GroupOperation groupStage = Aggregation.group("id.itemId", "brandId")
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(matchStage, groupStage);
return mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, LegOrder.class, ItemAggregation.class).getUniqueMappedResult();
The executed query in MongoDB:
"$match": {
"$and": [
{ "_id.itemId": 1 },
{ "brandId": 2}
"$group": {
"_id": {
"itemId": "$_id.itemId",
"brandId": "$brandId"
"total": { "$sum": "$units" }
If I run this query in the mongo shell the _id field is properly populated.
Any idea how to achieve it?
Thank you
Sorry for the late response. I faced this issue now and found this solution.
My aggregation output in console is
"_id" : {
"ownerId" : BinData(3,"xkB0S9Wsktm+tSKBruv6og=="),
"groupbyF" : "height"
"docs" : [
"id" : ObjectId("5fe75026e211c50ef5741b31"),
"aDate" : ISODate("2020-12-26T15:00:51.056Z"),
"value" : "rrr"
"_id" : {
"ownerId" : BinData(3,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="),
"groupbyF" : "weight"
"docs" : [
"id" : ObjectId("5fe6f702e211c50ef5741b2f"),
"aDate" : ISODate("2020-12-26T08:40:28.742Z"),
"value" : "55"
"id" : ObjectId("5fe6f6ade211c50ef5741b2e"),
"aDate" : ISODate("2020-12-26T08:38:58.098Z"),
"value" : "22"
The mapping that worked for me
import lombok.Data;
public class AggregationLatest2Type{
private String ownerId;
private String key;
private List<Doc> docs;
public class Doc{
private String _id;
private Date aDate;
private String value;
I have a retailer class with nested dbref of Address. I would like to fetch retailers based on city which is part of Address class. But I am getting below error.
org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: Invalid path
reference address.city! Associations can only be pointed to directly
or via their id property!
Could you please let me know what's wrong and how to fix this?
Code is given below
public class Retailer extends CommonDomainAttributes implements Serializable {
public Retailer() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
private List<Product> products;
private String shopName;
private Address address;
public class Address extends CommonDomainAttributes implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8820483439856446454L;
private String addrLine1;
private String addrLine2;
private String locality;
private String city;
private String state;
private String country;
I am using following query to get the data
public List<Retailer> findRetailersByProductNameAndCity(String productName,
String city) {
Query query = Query.query(Criteria.where/*("product.productName").is(productName).and*/("address.city").is(city));
//BasicQuery basicQuery = new BasicQuery("{ product.productName : { $eq : '"+productName+"' }, address.city : { $eq : '"+city+"' }}");
List<Retailer> retailers = mongoTemplate.find(query, Retailer.class);
return retailers;
"_id" : ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c11ab"),
"_class" : "retailer",
"createDate" : ISODate("2015-09-05T16:14:24.489Z"),
"lastModifiedDate" : ISODate("2015-09-05T16:14:24.489Z"),
"createdBy" : "UnAuntenticatedUser",
"lastModifiedBy" : "UnAuntenticatedUser",
"user" : DBRef("IdeaRealtyUser", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c11aa")),
"products" : [
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c1193")),
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c1194")),
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c119a"))
"address" : DBRef("address", ObjectId("55eb14e0a1fd2e78e05053c2"))
"_id" : ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c11ad"),
"_class" : "retailer",
"createDate" : ISODate("2015-09-05T16:14:24.561Z"),
"lastModifiedDate" : ISODate("2015-09-05T16:14:24.561Z"),
"createdBy" : "UnAuntenticatedUser",
"lastModifiedBy" : "UnAuntenticatedUser",
"user" : DBRef("IdeaRealtyUser", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c11ac")),
"products" : [
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c1193")),
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c1194")),
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c119b")),
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c119f")),
DBRef("product", ObjectId("55eb14e077c8f563fb2c11a0"))
"address" : DBRef("address", ObjectId("55eb14e0a1fd2e78e05053c1"))
How can I parse this JSON using GSON?
"1" : [
"id" : 1,
"images" : [
"2" : [
I ran out of ideas how to parse it. I was trying to use map but objects were null.
My classes:
public class Root {
private HashMap<Integer, FirstObject> objects;
public class FirstObject {
private List<SecondObject> objects;
public class SecondObject {
private int id;
private List<Image> images;
public class Image {
What I'm doing wrong?
Use a tool to generate your Java classes from your JSON. Something like JSONSchema2Pojo
public class Root {
private List<Album> _1 = new ArrayList<Album>();
private List<Album> _2 = new ArrayList<Album>();
Solves my problem.