Eclipse and maven-war-plugin explode - java

I'm running against a brick with Eclipse.
I will try to explain. I'm working on a project that "abused" of maven overlays and have many modules that have Javascript and LESS files inside the webapp.
We managed to config maven to explode the dependencies on a directory where maven-frontend-plugin would process (using nodejs) to generate the final compiled JS and CSS files.
This is working perfectly when I'm using pure maven. However, on Eclipse, this not ends to work correctly. The main reason is that Eclipse simple ignores the execution config of maven-war-plugin that explodes the dependencies. Instead, it simple executes the default maven-war-plugin:explode.
I need to fix it, as is the biggest roadblock to get a modern frontend develop environment (using nodejs, npm and gulp to transpile JS and LESS).
Extracted from our main pom.xml
<mkdir dir="${}/webapp-exploded" />
<mkdir dir="${}/webapp-compress" />
<execute />
<execute />

You can try using the plugin "maven-dependency-plugin". I used this in my project to copy the dependencies to the desired specific output destination. I am attaching the sample config, update this as per your requirement.


2 plugins not working simultaneously in pom

I have added 2 plugins under build tag, functionality of both the plugin's is to generate some classes under target folder. Whenever I am trying to clean install maven application, by default target gets clean each time and then installs a fresh content into target folder which is the ideal way.
But in the following code Java classes are generated only when, if there is only single plugin. I have to manually comment any one of the plugin and then I need to install maven goal and then Java classes get generated for a single plugin, same thing I need to repeat for second plugin.
My question is, how can I generate Java classes simultaneously without commenting any one of the plugin under target folder?
You're specifying the same plugin twice, that's not going to work. You need to merge the two like this (move <configuration> inside <execution>):

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-toolchains-plugin:1.1:toolchain

I am using m2e to build a java project. I need to use JAVA VERSION 1.6 . So i am trying to configure toolchains plugin to achieve it. by referring the below link.
But in eclipse it is throwing the below error.
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
(execution: default, phase: validate) pom.xml /Replenishment line
98 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem
I referred the link but i did not get a proper clarity. Below is the code snippet used for configuring tool chains plugin.
IN pom.XML
and my toolchains.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
<!-- JDK toolchains -->
For eclipse users, Go to Window >> Preferences >> Maven .
Select Lifecycle Mapping option from menu. The default mapping file location could be in somewhere in eclipse temp directory, instead copy the file lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml file to some location in eclipse directory or maven directory so that it could be easy to refer.
In lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml file add below configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ignore />
<ignore />
Just do Maven >> Update Project from project view.
This is the easy way to solve the issue.
The error got resolved after changing my pom.xml file like below. We need to add the maven life cycle plugin and then include the metadata information in the .
Instead of adding the life cycle plugin separately, it can be solved directly by adding <pluginmanagement> tag before the <plugins> tag as given below.

QueryDSL maven set up project

I'm followed instructions described in this document
After this, in my Eclipse I have a following error:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.mysema.maven:maven-apt-plugin:1.0:process (execution: default, phase: generate-sources) pom.xml /projectname line 266 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem
Also, as suggested in QueryDSL documentation I have performed
mvn eclipse:eclipse
in order to include target/generated-sources/java as a source folder and now I have a lot of warnings:
So my questions are:
Is it a correct way to fix Plugin execution error by adding a following to my pom.xml:
Is there a better way in order to include target/generated-sources/java as a source folder without performing mvn eclipse:eclipse ?
The correct goal to generate sources is: mvn generate-sources
This will create the QueryDSL querys before the compile.
Also, the documentation you are looking is for QueryDSL 2.x versions.
Check the newest version!
I have fixed these issues by adding the following plugins:

Tomcat7 Maven Plugin and JaCoCo

Is there any way to get code coverage using JaCoCo with the tomcat7-maven-plugin embedded instance?
The jacoco-maven-plugin is configured in my WAR's POM to instrument my unit tests, but I'm not sure how to attach the jacoco agent to the embedded Tomcat instance to instrument my integration tests that run against Tomcat. Given that the Tomcat instance is embedded, I'm not sure if this approach is possible. Is there any other way to accomplish this? I can probably switch from using the Tomcat Maven Plugin to using Cargo to get coverage, but I'd prefer to stick with the Tomcat plugin if possible.
Here are a few relevant snippets from my POM:
<!-- as expected, this system property doesn't work since Tomcat is embedded, but this is the type of config I'm looking for -->
Versions: Maven 3.0.4, Tomcat Maven Plugin 2.1, Jacoco, Java 7
I know its been awhile since the question was posted but I don't feel the answer really addressed the root of the problem. Code coverage may work with failsafe or surefire if you are running tests within those plugins. However, if you just want to monitor tomcat with jacoco to get a coverage report current information doesn't provide that. I found that the tomcat7-maven-plugin doesn't allow you to inject the -javaagent for jacoco by simply providing JAVA_OPTS. Switching to cargo I was able to do that like so.
<cargo.jvmargs>${jacoco.agent.itArgLine},output=tcpserver,port=6300 -Drunmode=TEST</cargo.jvmargs>
the important parts are:
<plugin><groupId>org.jacoco</groupId> ...<propertyName>jacoco.agent.itArgLine</propertyName>
<cargo.jvmargs>${jacoco.agent.itArgLine},output=tcpserver,port=6300 </cargo.jvmargs>
When report target is run on the jacoco plugin it will create a directory in ${projectbase}/target/site/jacoco-it/index.html with your coverage report. I use this with the soapui-maven-plugin but it could be used with selenium-maven-plugin also.
You don't need pass JAVA_OPTS to tomcat embedded if you use maven-failsafe-plugin (or maven-surefire-plugin) to run yours integration test. It is because tomcat embedded run in the same process of maven-failsafe-plugin.
So when jacoco-maven-plugin execute prepare-agent it sets argLine that maven-failsafe-plugin uses too.
I created a project to test this, below part of pom:
you can try to take a look at a workaround at this post:
I resolved problems when setting up JaCoCo agent with embedded Tomcat by instrumenting classes offline and then just placing JaCoCo agent on Tomcat classpath (plugin dependency) and adding file
I put the working configuration on my blog:
I had the exact same problem and the only solution I found was to set the MAVEN_OPTS previously to the Maven build (for example on the command line or in the configuration of a Jenkins job):
export MAVEN_OPTS=-javaagent:~/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/,append=true
This will attach the jacoco agent to the embedded tomcat instance, which will report back the coverage results into the given destfile.
First, it is important that the path to the jacoco runtime JAR is correct. You can manually download and refer to it or use another Maven command to download it into your local .m2 repository:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:get -Dartifact=org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:
Second, make sure that the path to the jacoco.exec file is correct. In my case, I already have an existing jacoco.exec file in the target folder, which contains unit test results. The append=true makes sure that unit and integration tests are combined.
I managed to do it and it involves some tinkering with finicky stuff:
server/container needs to be on a separate jvm that can receive arguments (jacoco-agent). Cargo using embedded containers did not seem to work and was a pain to debug...
jvm with jacoco-it needs to stop before the jacoco analysis (duh!) but registering container-stop and jacoco-report on post-integration-test does not guarantee this... (the tcpdump, etc option in a previous answer had this problem)
defining random ports for the server/container makes this easy to integrate with continuous integration
phantomjs is an extra ;)
jacoco should be used as prepare-agent-integration and report-integration for integration-test (does not really make a difference)
Should be run as 'mvn clean verify'
<!-- unit test coverage -->
<!-- integration test coverage -->
<!-- Installs PhantomJS so it doesn't have to be pre-installed -->
<!-- should be post-integration-test ? -->
<!-- Get two free ports for our test server to use -->
<!-- Run tests (UT) -->
<!-- no UT execution, to test only IT
<exclude>**/<remove this>*</exclude> -->
<!-- Use failsafe to run our integration tests -->
<!-- pass these values to the test classes -->
<!-- did not work with 'https'. Certificate problem? -->
<!-- <cargo.logging>high</cargo.logging> -->

Integration tests wouldn't start (Failsafe, Maven)

I'm trying to use Maven Failsafe Plugin to run my integration tests with this configuration:
<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
Everything is fine until Jetty is started in pre-integration-test phase. Then nothing happens, as if it was waiting for something. The last line says:
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
How can I make the tests to start right afterwards? I run maven using mvn verify.
Change of jetty maven plugin version from 6.1.7 to 6.1.26 solved everything.
For people still looking for a solution, I had that same problem and I solved it by replacing
It works because run* are blocking the execution, while start is non-blocking.
