I am working on a Spring Boot 2.0 / Java 8 shopping cart online application. I use Hibernate as the ORM framework.
I have two entities, Order and OrderDetail shown below:
#Table(name = "orders")
public class Order extends AbstractEntityUuid {
#Column(name = "order_number", unique = true)
private String orderNumber;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id", nullable = false)
private User user;
#Column(name = "total_amount")
private BigDecimal totalAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
#Column(name = "created_on", columnDefinition = "DATETIME", updatable = false)
protected LocalDateTime created;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "order", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<OrderDetail> items = new HashSet<>();
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true)
#JoinColumn(nullable = false, name = "card_details_id")
private CardDetails card;
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true)
#JoinColumn(nullable = false, name = "shipping_address_id")
private Address shippingAddress;
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true)
#JoinColumn(name = "billing_address_id")
private Address billingAddress;
//getters and setters
#Table(name = "order_detail")
public class OrderDetail extends AbstractPersistable<Long> {
#Column(name = "quantity")
private Integer quantity;
#Column(name = "total_amount")
private BigDecimal totalAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "order_id", nullable = false)
private Order order;
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "product_id", nullable = false)
private Product product;
//getters and setters
When the user heads over to his Orders, he should be able to see information related only to the order itself (no details).
For that reason, I retrieve data only from the order table. Following is my repository:
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order, Long> {
#Query("FROM Order o WHERE o.user.email = ?1")
List<Order> findOrdersByUser(String email);
In the service, what I do is simply calling the above method and converting to a the dto counterpart.
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<OrdersPreviewDTO> getOrdersPreview(String email) {
List<Order> orders = orderRepository.findOrdersByUser(email);
return orderConverter.convertToOrderPreviewDTOs(orders);
The converter uses an Jackson ObjectMapper object under the hood.
List<OrdersPreviewDTO> convertToOrderPreviewDTOs(List<Order> orders) {
return orders.stream()
.map(o -> objectMapper.convertValue(o, OrdersPreviewDTO.class))
The objectMapper is inject by Spring and defined in a configuration class:
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
return objectMapper;
The OrdersPreviewDTO dto object contains just a subset of the Order entity, because as I already mentioned, in the Orders page I want to show only high level properties of the user's orders, and nothing related to their details.
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class OrdersPreviewDTO {
private String orderNumber;
#JsonFormat(pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")
private LocalDateTime created;
private BigDecimal totalAmount;
public OrdersPreviewDTO(
#JsonProperty("orderNumber") String orderNumber,
#JsonProperty("created") LocalDateTime created,
#JsonProperty("totalAmount") BigDecimal totalAmount) {
this.orderNumber = orderNumber;
this.created = created;
this.totalAmount = totalAmount;
//getters and setters
Everything works fine, the order entity is converted automagically by Jackson into its dto counterpart.
The problem come out when looking at the query executed by Hibernate under the hood.
Hibernate unwrap the collection of order details for each order and execute a query to retrieve data from each child collection:
select carddetail0_.id as id1_2_0_, carddetail0_.brand as brand2_2_0_, carddetail0_.created as created3_2_0_, carddetail0_.exp_month as exp_mont4_2_0_, carddetail0_.exp_year as exp_year5_2_0_, carddetail0_.last4 as last6_2_0_ from card_details carddetail0_ where carddetail0_.id=?
select address0_.id as id1_1_0_, address0_.created as created2_1_0_, address0_.last_modified as last_mod3_1_0_, address0_.city as city4_1_0_, address0_.country as country5_1_0_, address0_.first_name as first_na6_1_0_, address0_.last_name as last_nam7_1_0_, address0_.postal_code as postal_c8_1_0_, address0_.state as state9_1_0_, address0_.street_address as street_10_1_0_, address0_.telephone as telepho11_1_0_ from address address0_ where address0_.id=?
select items0_.order_id as order_id4_4_0_, items0_.id as id1_4_0_, items0_.id as id1_4_1_, items0_.order_id as order_id4_4_1_, items0_.product_id as product_5_4_1_, items0_.quantity as quantity2_4_1_, items0_.total_amount as total_am3_4_1_ from order_detail items0_ where items0_.order_id=?
and tons of others more.
Whether I modify the code in the following way, Hibernate runs only the expected query on the Order table:
This line of code:
objectMapper.convertValue(o, OrdersPreviewDTO.class)
is replaced by the following dirty fix:
new OrdersPreviewDTO(o.getOrderNumber(), o.getCreated(), o.getTotalAmount())
Query run by Hibernate:
select order0_.id as id1_5_, order0_.billing_address_id as billing_6_5_, order0_.card_details_id as card_det7_5_, order0_.created_on as created_2_5_, order0_.one_address as one_addr3_5_, order0_.order_number as order_nu4_5_, order0_.shipping_address_id as shipping8_5_, order0_.total_amount as total_am5_5_, order0_.user_id as user_id9_5_
from orders order0_ cross join user user1_
where order0_.user_id=user1_.id and user1_.user_email=?
My question is. Is there a way to tell Jackson to map only the Dtos field so that it doesn't trigger lazy loading fetches through Hibernate for the non required fields?
Thank you
The short answer is no, don't try and be so clever. Manually create your DTO to control any lazy loading, then use Jackson on the DTO outside the transaction.
The Long answer is yes, you can override MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter and control which fields get called from the entity.
public class MixInWebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
public MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter customJackson2HttpMessageConverter2() {
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.addMixIn(DTO1.class, FooMixIn.class);
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
return jsonConverter;
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
protected void processViews(SerializationConfig config, BeanSerializerBuilder builder) {
super.processViews(config, builder);
if (classes.contains(builder.getBeanDescription().getBeanClass())) {
List<BeanPropertyWriter> originalWriters = builder.getProperties();
List<BeanPropertyWriter> writers = new ArrayList<BeanPropertyWriter>();
for (BeanPropertyWriter writer : originalWriters) {
String propName = writer.getName();
if (!fieldsToIgnore.contains(propName)) {
here is a working example.
+1 for Essex Boy answer. I just want to add that you can directly return DTO from your JPQL Queries instead of using Jackson. It avoids a transformation from the database to your object Order and then another transformation from Order object to OrdersPreviewDTO object.
For example, you need to change your query in your repository to do it. It would be something like :
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order, Long> {
#Query("SELECT new OrdersPreviewDTO(o.order_number, o.created_on, o.total_amount)) FROM Order o WHERE o.user.email = ?1")
List<OrdersPreviewDTO> findOrdersByUser(String email);
If OrdersPreviewDTO is strictly a subset of your Order class, why not simply use the #JsonView annotation to automatically create a simple view in your controller? See https://spring.io/blog/2014/12/02/latest-jackson-integration-improvements-in-spring for example.
In case you need a DTO for both input and output, also consider using http://mapstruct.org/
Hibernate 4.3.11
I have an issue saving the following object graph in hibernate. The Employer is being saved using the merge() method.
|_ List<EmployerProducts> employerProductsList;
|_ List<EmployerProductsPlan> employerProductsPlan;
The Employer & EmployerProducts have a auto generated pk. The EmployerProductsPlan is a composite key consisting of the EmployerProducts id and a String with the plan code.
The error occurs when there is a transient object in the EmployerProducts list that cascades to List<EmployerProductsPlan>. The 1st error that I encountered which I have been trying to get past was an internal hibernate NPE. This post here perfectly describes the issue that I am having which causes the null pointer Hibernate NullPointer on INSERTED id when persisting three levels using #Embeddable and cascade
The OP left a comment specifying what they did to resolve, but I end up with a different error when changing to the suggested mapping. After changing the mapping, I am now getting
org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : [com.webexchange.model.EmployerProductsPlan#com.webexchange.model.EmployerProductsPlanId#c733f9bd]
Due to other library dependencies, I cannot upgrade above 4.3.x at this time. This project is using spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 1.3.3. No other work is being performed on the session other than calling merge() and passing the employer object.
Below is the mappings for each class:
#Table(name = "employer")
#lombok.EqualsAndHashCode(of = {"employerNo"})
public class Employer implements java.io.Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "EMPLOYER_NO", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Long employerNo;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "employer", orphanRemoval = true)
private List<EmployerProducts> employerProductsList = new ArrayList<>(0);
#Table(name = "employer_products")
#Accessors(chain = true) // has to come before #Getter and #Setter
#lombok.EqualsAndHashCode(of = {"employerProductsNo"})
public class EmployerProducts implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "employer_products_no", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Long employerProductsNo;
#JoinColumn(name = "employer_no", nullable = false)
private Employer employer;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "employerProducts", orphanRemoval = true)
private List<EmployerProductsPlan> employerProductsPlanList = new ArrayList<>(0);
#Accessors(chain = true) // has to come before #Getter and #Setter
#lombok.EqualsAndHashCode(of = {"id"})
public class EmployerProductsPlan implements Serializable {
#AttributeOverrides({ #AttributeOverride(name = "plan", column = #Column(name = "epp_plan", nullable = false)),
#AttributeOverride(name = "employerProductsNo", column = #Column(name = "employer_products_no", nullable = false)) })
private EmployerProductsPlanId id;
#JoinColumn(name = "employer_products_no")
private EmployerProducts employerProducts;
I am populating the employerProducts above with the same instance of the EmployerProducts object that is being saved. It is transient and has no id populated as it does not existing in the db yet.
#Accessors(chain = true) // has to come before #Getter and #Setter
#lombok.EqualsAndHashCode(of = {"plan", "employerProductsNo"})
public class EmployerProductsPlanId implements Serializable {
private String plan;
private Long employerProductsNo;
// This was my previous mapping that was causing the internal NPE in hibernate
/* #ManyToOne
#JoinColumn(name = "employer_products_no")
private EmployerProducts employerProducts;*/
Showing struts controller and dao. The Employer object is never loaded from the db prior to the save. Struts is creating this entire object graph from the Http request parameters.
Struts 2.5 controller
public class EditEmployers extends ActionHelper implements Preparable {
private IEmployerDao employerDao;
private Employer entity;
public String save() {
boolean newRecord = getEntity().getEmployerNo() == null || getEntity().getEmployerNo() == 0;
Employer savedEmployer = newRecord ?
employerDao.create(getEntity()) :
return "success";
private void beforeSave() {
Employer emp = getEntity();
// associate this employer record with any products attached
for (EmployerProducts employerProduct : emp.getEmployerProductsList()) {
employerProduct.getEmployerProductsPlanList().forEach(x ->
// check to see if branding needs to be NULL. It will create the object from the select parameter with no id
// if a branding record has not been selected
if (emp.getBranding() != null && emp.getBranding().getBrandingNo() == null) {
Employer DAO
public class EmployerDao extends WebexchangeBaseDao implements IEmployerDao {
private Criteria criteria() {
return getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Employer.class);
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public Employer read(Serializable id) {
return (Employer)getCurrentSession().load(Employer.class, id);
public Employer create(Employer employer) {
return employer;
public Employer update(Employer employer) {
return employer;
As of right now, my solution is to loop through the EmployerProducts and check for new records. I called a persist on the new ones before calling the merge() on the parent Employer. I also moved the logic I had associating all the keys into the dao instead of having it in my Struts action. Below is what my update() method in the Employer DAO now looks like
public Employer update(Employer employer) {
// associate this employer record with any products attached
for (EmployerProducts employerProduct : employer.getEmployerProductsList()) {
if (employerProduct.getEmployerProductsNo() == null) {
// The cascade down to employerProductsPlanList has issues getting the employerProductsNo
// automatically if the employerProduct does not exists yet. Persist the new employer product
// before we try to insert the new composite key in the plan
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54517061/hibernate-4-3-cascade-merge-through-multiple-lists-with-embeded-id
List<EmployerProductsPlan> plansToBeSaved = employerProduct.getEmployerProductsPlanList();
employerProduct.setEmployerProductsPlanList(new ArrayList<>());
// add the plans back in
// associate the plan with the employer product
employerProduct.getEmployerProductsPlanList().forEach(x ->
return (Employer)getCurrentSession().merge(employer);
I would like to extend the requirements mentioned in the earlier post to support deletes. We have two data model object - Organization & Department sharing a one-to-many relationship. With the below mapping I am able to read the list of departments from the organization object. I have not added the cascade ALL property to restrict adding a department when creating an organization.
How should I modify the #OneToMany annotation (and possibly #ManyToOne) to restrict inserts of department but cascade the delete operation such that all associated departments are deleted when deleting an organization object?
public class Organization{
Private long id;
Private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "organization", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Department> departments;
Public class Department{
Private long id;
Private String name;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Organization organization;
The code to delete the organization is just a line
The test case to validate this is as below
public class OrganizationRepositoryTests {
private OrganizationRepository organizationRepository;
private DepartmentRepository departmentRepository;
public void testDeleteOrganization() {
final organization organization = organizationRepository.findByName(organizationName).get(); //precondition
Department d1 = new Department();
Department d2 = new Department();
// assertEquals(2, organizationRepository.getOne(organization.getId()).getDepartments().size()); //this assert is failing. For some reason organizations does not have a list of departments
assertEquals(0, departmentRepository.findAll().size()); //no departments should be found
See code comments on why it fails:
public class OrganizationRepositoryTests {
private OrganizationRepository organizationRepository;
private DepartmentRepository departmentRepository;
private Entitymanager em;
public void testDeleteOrganization() {
Organization organization =
Department d1 = new Department();
Department d2 = new Department();
// this fails because there is no trip to the database as Organization
// (the one loaded in the first line)
// already exists in the current entityManager - and you have not
// updated its list of departments.
// uncommenting the following line will trigger a reload and prove
// this to be the case: however it is not a fix for the issue.
// em.clear();
//similary this will execute without error with the em.clear()
//statement uncommented
//however without that Hibernate knows nothing about the cascacding
//delete as there are no departments
//associated with organisation as you have not added them to the list.
assertEquals(0, departmentRepository.findAll().size());
The correct fix is to ensure that the in-memory model is always maintained correctly by encapsulating add/remove/set operations and preventing
direct access to collections.
public class Department(){
public void setOrganisation(Organisation organisation){
this.organisation = organisation;
if(! organisation.getDepartments().contains(department)){
public class Organisation(){
public List<Department> getDepartments(){
return Collections.unmodifiableList(departments);
public void addDepartment(Department departmenmt){
if(department.getOrganisation() != this){
Try this code,
#OneToMany( fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "organisation_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
private List<Department> departments;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER,ascade = CascadeType.REFRESH,mappedBy = "departments")
private Organization organization;
if any issue inform
You can try to add to limit the cascade to delete operations only from Organization to department:
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "organization", fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Department> departments;
Please note that if you have dependents/foreign key constraints on the department entity, then you would need to cascade the delete operations to these dependent entities as well.
You can read this guide, it explains the cascade operations nicely:
I am working on a Spring-MVC application in which I am trying to search for List of GroupNotes in database. The mapping in my project is GroupCanvas has one-to-many mapping with GroupSection and GroupSection has one-to-many mapping with GroupNotes. Because of these mappings, I was getting LazyInitializationException. As suggested on SO, I should be converting the objects to a DTO objects for transfer. I checked on net, but couldnt find a suitable way to translate those.
I have just created a new List to avoid the error, but one field is still giving me an error. I would appreciate if anyone tells me either how to fix this error or convert the objects to a DTO objects so they can be transferred.
Controller code :
#RequestMapping(value = "/findgroupnotes/{days}/{canvasid}")
public #ResponseBody List<GroupNotes> findGroupNotesByDays(#PathVariable("days")int days, #PathVariable("canvasid")int canvasid){
List<GroupNotes> groupNotesList = this.groupNotesService.findGroupNotesByDays(days,canvasid);
List<GroupNotes> toSendList = new ArrayList<>();
for(GroupNotes groupNotes : groupNotesList){
GroupNotes toSendNotes = new GroupNotes();
return toSendList;
GroupNotesDAOImpl :
public List<GroupNotes> searchNotesByDays(int days, int mcanvasid) {
Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -days);
long daysAgo = cal.getTimeInMillis();
Timestamp nowMinusDaysAsTimestamp = new Timestamp(daysAgo);
GroupCanvas groupCanvas = (GroupCanvas) session.get(GroupCanvas.class,mcanvasid);
Query query = session.createQuery("from GroupSection as n where n.currentcanvas.mcanvasid=:mcanvasid");
query.setParameter("mcanvasid", mcanvasid);
List<GroupSection> sectionList = query.list();
List<GroupNotes> notesList = new ArrayList<GroupNotes>();
for (GroupSection e : sectionList) {
System.out.println("Section name is "+e.getMsectionname());
GroupSection groupSection = (GroupSection) session.get(GroupSection.class,e.getMsectionid());
Query query1 = session.createQuery("from GroupNotes as gn where gn.ownednotes.msectionid=:msectionid and gn.noteCreationTime >:limit");
query1.setParameter("limit", nowMinusDaysAsTimestamp);
// I am getting the data below, but I get JSON errors.
for(GroupNotes groupNotes : notesList){
System.out.println("Group notes found are "+groupNotes.getMnotetext());
return notesList;
GroupCanvas model :
#Table(name = "membercanvas")
public class GroupCanvas{
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "currentcanvas",fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
private Set<GroupSection> ownedsection = new HashSet<>();
public Set<GroupSection> getOwnedsection() {
return this.ownedsection;
public void setOwnedsection(Set<GroupSection> ownedsection) {
this.ownedsection = ownedsection;
GroupSection model :
#Table(name = "membersection")
public class GroupSection{
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "ownednotes", fetch = FetchType.EAGER,cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
private Set<GroupNotes> sectionsnotes = new HashSet<>();
public Set<GroupNotes> getSectionsnotes(){
return this.sectionsnotes;
public void setSectionsnotes(Set<GroupNotes> sectionsnotes){
GroupNotes model :
public class GroupNotes{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,generator = "mnote_gen")
#SequenceGenerator(name = "mnote_gen",sequenceName = "mnote_seq")
#org.hibernate.annotations.Index(name = "mnoticesidindex")
private int mnoticesid;
#Column(name = "mnotetext")
private String mnotetext;
#Column(name = "mnoteheadline")
private String mnotetag;
#Column(name = "mnotecolor")
private String mnotecolor;
#Column(name = "mnoteorder")
private double mnoteorder;
#Column(name = "attachmentcount")
private int attachCount;
#Column(name = "notedate")
private String noteDate;
#Column(name = "uploader")
private String uploader;
#Column(name = "activeedit")
private boolean activeEdit;
#Column(name = "notedisabled")
private boolean noteDisabled;
#Column(name = "noteinactive")
private boolean noteInActive;
#Column(name = "notecreatoremail")
private String noteCreatorEmail;
#Column(name = "prefix")
private String prefix;
#Column(name = "timestamp")
private Timestamp noteCreationTime;
private boolean notRead;
private String tempNote;
private String canvasUrl;
#JoinColumn(name = "msectionid")
private GroupSection ownednotes;
public GroupSection getOwnednotes(){return this.ownednotes;}
public void setOwnednotes(GroupSection ownednotes){this.ownednotes=ownednotes;}
public int getOwnedSectionId(){
return this.ownednotes.getMsectionid();
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "mnotedata",fetch = FetchType.LAZY,cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
private Set<GroupAttachments> mattachments = new HashSet<>();
public Set<GroupAttachments> getMattachments() {
return this.mattachments;
public void setMattachments(Set<GroupAttachments> mattachments) {
this.mattachments = mattachments;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "mhistory",fetch = FetchType.LAZY,cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
private Set<GroupNoteHistory> groupNoteHistorySet = new HashSet<>();
public Set<GroupNoteHistory> getGroupNoteHistorySet(){
return this.groupNoteHistorySet;
public void setGroupNoteHistorySet(Set<GroupNoteHistory> groupNoteHistorySet){
this.groupNoteHistorySet = groupNoteHistorySet;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "unreadNotes",fetch = FetchType.LAZY,cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
private Set<UnreadNotes> unreadNotesSet = new HashSet<>();
public Set<UnreadNotes> getUnreadNotesSet(){
return this.unreadNotesSet;
public void setUnreadNotesSet(Set<UnreadNotes> unreadNotesSet){
this.unreadNotesSet = unreadNotesSet;
//getters and setters ignored
Error log :
org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: Could not write JSON: (was java.lang.NullPointerException) (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.journaldev.spring.model.GroupNotes["ownedSectionId"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: (was java.lang.NullPointerException) (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.journaldev.spring.model.GroupNotes["ownedSectionId"])
Kindly let me know what to do, as I am stuck on that error since some time.
What I think that happens is Jackson tries to serialize all fields in the hierarchy based on getter methods. In some situation NullPointerException is thrown in the following method:
public int getOwnedSectionId(){
return this.ownednotes.getMsectionid();
replace it with the following method:
public int getOwnedSectionId(){
if(this.ownednotes != null)
return this.ownednotes.getMsectionid();
return 1;
I don't have an explanation why jackson tries to serialize it when is market with #JsonIgnore but you can give a try with my proposal
I would appreciate if anyone tells me either how to fix this error or convert the objects to a DTO objects so they can be transferred.
We use DozerMapper at work for this purpose.
Instead of doing that mapping manually you might want to take a look at Blaze-Persistence Entity Views which can be used to efficiently implement the DTO pattern with JPA. Here a quick code sample how your problem could be solved
First you define your DTO as entity view
public interface GroupNoteView {
#IdMapping("mnoticesid") int getId();
String getMnotecolor();
String getMnotetag();
String getMnotetext();
String getNoteDate();
Timestamp getNoteCreationTime();
int getAttachCount();
Next you adapt your DAO to make use of it
public List<GroupNoteView> searchNotesByDays(int days, int mcanvasid) {
EntityManager entityManager = // get the entity manager from somewhere
CriteriaBuilderFactory cbf = // factory for query building from Blaze-Persistence
EntityViewManager evm = // factory for applying entity views on query builders
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -days);
long daysAgo = cal.getTimeInMillis();
Timestamp nowMinusDaysAsTimestamp = new Timestamp(daysAgo);
CriteriaBuilder<GroupNotes> cb = cbf.create(entityManager, GroupNotes.class, "note")
return evm.applySetting(EntityViewSetting.create(GroupNoteView.class), cb)
And finally the calling code
#RequestMapping(value = "/findgroupnotes/{days}/{canvasid}")
public #ResponseBody List<GroupNoteView> findGroupNotesByDays(#PathVariable("days")int days, #PathVariable("canvasid")int canvasid){
return this.groupNotesService.findGroupNotesByDays(days, canvasid);
Technologies: JPA, eclipseLink, postgreSQL.
I'm looking for a nice way to solve a problem I have:
My datamodel contains an Employee-entity, that has a OneToMany relationship with the entity Task, that has a startDate and an endDate (and some more attributes).
When I am loading an employee, I always need the tasks as well, so I have set the fetchtype to eager.
The problem is, the longer the application is used, an employee has more and more tasks referenced, but most of them are (far) in the past.
So to prevent the application performance from suffering, I am looking for a JPA-annotation-based way to define conditions for the fetchtype, in this case, I only want to load the tasks for an employee, that have an endDate after last midnight.
I have found a solution with the annotation #PostLoad (see code below), but I was wondering if there is a possibility to do the same thing with an annotation on the field.
What is, in your opinion, the nicest way to do this?
Thanks for the help!
#Table(name = "tbl_employee")
public class Employee implements Serializable {
//... (attributes)
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "employee")
private List<Task> tasks;
public void loadTasks() {
tasks = new TaskDao().getTasksByEmployeeByToday(this);
//... (getters, setters)
#Table(name = "tbl_task")
public class Task implements Serializable {
//... (attributes)
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "fi_employee", referencedColumnName = "id_employee")
private Employee employee;
#Column(name = "start_date", nullable = true)
private Timestamp startDate;
#Column(name = "end_date", nullable = true)
private Timestamp endDate;
//... (getters, setters)
public class TaskDao extends GenericDaoCRUD<Task> {
public List<Task> getTasksByEmployeeByDate(Employee employee, Timestamp date) {
Timestamp lastMidnight = Utils.getLastMidnight(date);
String statement = "SELECT t FROM Task t WHERE t.employee = :employee and t.endDate > :enddate";
TypedQuery<Task> query = getEntityManager().createQuery(statement, Task.class);
query.setParameter("employee", employee);
query.setParameter("enddate", lastMidnight);
try {
return query.getResultList();
} catch (NoResultException e) {
LOG.info("No tasks found for employee=" + employee + "; and date>"
+ lastMidnight);
return null;
public List<Task> getTasksByEmployeeByToday(Employee employee) {
return getTasksByEmployeeByDate(employee, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
Instead of your proposal, I'd like take another thread to move the historic data into another table to improve the performance.
and add another view to union the main table and history table in case you are retriveing some data for report or something.
I just started using Play Framework 2.1.1 as a Java developer.
Got some eBeans from an existing database and I'm building a RESTful architecture to serve and save those beans from a RESTful client web application.
I have the following beans definitions. Feed is the core object of the application. For simplicity I have not included getters and setters and many other beans, I'm focusing on the ones that give me troubles:
public class Feed extends Model implements Serializable
Long feedId;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "feed")
List<Item> items;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "feed")
List<UserFeed> userFeeds;
public class Item extends Model implements Serializable
Long itemId;
Long urlId;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "url_id")
Url url;
#Formats.DateTime(pattern = "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss")
Timestamp itemPublishedAt;
#Formats.DateTime(pattern = "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss")
Timestamp itemUpdatedAt;
#Formats.DateTime(pattern = "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss")
Timestamp createdAt;
Timestamp updatedAt;
Long feedId;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "feed_id")
Feed feed;
Long urlId;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "url_id")
Url url;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "item")
List<Unseen> unseen;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "item")
List<Score> scores;
public class User extends Model implements Serializable
Long userId;
List<UserFeed> userFeeds;
List<UserTag> userTags;
List<Unseen> unseen;
List<Score> scores;
public class Score extends Model implements Serializable
Long scoreId;
Long itemId;
#JoinColumn(name = "item_id")
Item item;
Long userId;
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
User user;
Here's my feed controller:
import me.zenfeed.model.Feed;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import play.libs.Json;
import play.mvc.BodyParser;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
public class FeedController extends Controller
public static Result delete(Long id)
new Model.Finder<>(Long.class, Feed.class).byId(id).delete();
return ok();
/* return a JSON with all of the objects found*/
public static Result get()
return ok(Json.toJson(new Model.Finder<>(Long.class, Feed.class).fetch("userFeeds", new FetchConfig().query()).where().eq("userFeeds.userId", Long.parseLong(session("connectedUserId"))).findList()));
/* accept a JSON with the object to save and return a JSON with the new object*/
public static Result post()
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
Feed f = Json.fromJson(json, Feed.class);
return ok(Json.toJson(f));
/* accept a JSON with the object to save and return a JSON with the new object*/
public static Result put(Long id)
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
Feed f = Json.fromJson(json, Feed.class);
return ok(Json.toJson(f));
Here's a custom function I use to make a query on the DB with some parameters:
List<Item> l = new Model.Finder<>(Long.class, Item.class)
.select("itemId, feedId, urlId, title, description, content, author, categories, itemPublishedAt, itemUpdatedAt, wordCount, fresh, vector, createdAt, updatedAt")
.fetch("unseen", "itemId", new FetchConfig().query())
.fetch("scores", "score", new FetchConfig().query())
.fetch("feed.userFeeds", "userId", new FetchConfig().query())
.eq("feed.userFeeds.userId", Long.parseLong(session("connectedUserId")))
.eq("feed.feedId", feedId)
I have several problems I would like help with:
- When I try a POST request that calls the method post() of this controller I get the following exception:
[RuntimeException: org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonMappingException: Can not handle managed/back reference 'user-score': no back reference property found from type [collection type; class java.util.List, contains [simple type, class me.zenfeed.model.Score]]]
I think I put the back reference in the Score model correctly, but I don't understand... Are my ebeans correct?
Is there something wrong in my controller? Can something be made better?
I now understand I saw a wrong tutorial. The argument for #JsonManagedReference and #JsonBackReference must be the same. So for feed-item relationship the correct annotations are #JsonManagedReference("feed-item") and #JsonBackReference("feed-item").
As you can see I tried to format the Timestamp objects with an HTML5 like format, but with no luck. I always get the Long number. Should I make a conversion to a Date object? If yes where?
- When I run the query with my custom function I get the URL object populated, even though I clearly excluded it from my select statement (I only would like the URL_ID, not the entire object).
I went manual way with the generation of an HashMap for the properties I care of and gave that to the Json.toJson() method.
Thank you for your help.