In my java project I want to implement encryption/ decryption operations. I decided for the RSA algorithm with Cipher.
I do not want to generate a new key pair. I want to use a specific one.
Users owning the jar may not have access to the private key and since the git repository is public, it also may not appear directly in the code.
My first thought was to put it in a text file in my resources and add the file to my gitignore. But apparently, resource files can easily be found, readable inside the jar.
I hope you understand my problem now.
Help is appreciated. Thank you very much in advance :)
I am about to transform(manipulate) a lot of classes and to allow easy debugging and transparent communication of the changes applied to the code, I want to add java source code equivalent of the manipulated class.
In order to add java code I would be able to use existing source code and manipulate it in parallel. Then I need to store it along with the class.
Visiting the class file format for JDK 8, I noticed that no attribute exists to directly embed source code. Remembering the old times it was possible to include the source code within a class file. What do I miss? (I only found the attribute for specifying a source file). Also the option in the compiler tab of Eclipse does only show options to embed file names... .
Beside seaming to store source files separately, I wonder if it is feasible to reverse engineer (decompile) the class file. If one provide information about local names and parameter names, this might even be a better option.
The ASM documentation stated out that a tool is available to even decompile byte code.
Does anyone has some insights or experiences to share on this matter?
I'm building a basic webapp that takes in a user input and returns an encrypted password.
Problem is, currently the SecretKey I am using is stored in the src for the Java class. To me, it seems this is risky practice so I'm trying to find a way to safely store my SecretKey.
Doing some research, I found the Java KeyStore class but I'm not entirely sure if this is what I need. Also, if this is what I need, can you guys point me in the direction of how to implement it, and more importantly, how it works?
Edit: From doing a lot of thinking/reading it seems like there really isn't a great solution and really a solution isn't needed so long as your main server is secure, which mine will be, so it's not an issue.
Thank you for all the replies! :)
Passwords should be stored using one way hash functions that way your system avoids this problem. See
If you are talking about your encryption key, then there is no secure way to store that key safely in JavaScript. I guess the storage you are talking about its the browsers local storage, which is nothing more then a persistent cookie on browser side.
Everybody that uses the chrome WebInspector or Firefox Firebug can easly read this store for any page he is visiting. Furthermore, you would have to save it in this store by JavaScript and as everybody can read your source code in the browser, its even more obvious.
The only possibilty to do such things safely is Server-Sided, like with PHP for example. If you though want the feeling of interactive behaviour, you can use AJAX on clientside to interact with the backend.
Ah, I think I got you wrong as you are talking about Java in Backend? If yes I think there is no Problem when u have the key hardcoded in your compiled sources??? If you want to store it somewhere else and are afraid someone uses it, you could salt and hash it in your application before you use it for key generation (of course the salt is hardcoded then)?
i have a desktop application that consists of 10 features, and some clients asks only for 8 features or 7 features.
i want to have a way to manage adding/removing the permissions/features for the client (only i can control that). so that i can hide/show feature based on a flag.
is that should be done through a property file that contains the name of the feature with boolean flag, or what ?
please give me some ideas, thanks.
From your other answers, it sounds to me like the following additional details have cropped up; please let me know if I have these wrong:
You're delivering your application as a .jar file,
Each customer gets their build directly from you, and there's a small number of customers,
You configure a build specifically for each customer, and
You don't want your customers to be able to modify their feature access.
In that scenario, I'd store the "active" feature list in a hashed property value stored in a .properties file bound into the .jar. I'll describe one way to do that below. You generate the properties file just before delivery, add the file to the jar:
jar -uf applicationJarFile.jar
then sign the .jar and deliver it. At runtime, your app can load the properties file, run the hash of each feature, compare with the properties you've stored, and determine which ones are off or on.
Your properties, which determine which features are enabled, might consist of a list like this:
Write yourself a utility which hashes the whole string "feature1=enabled" plus a salt value, e.g. "feature1=enabledaKn087*h5^jbAS5yt". (There's code for this built into java; see How can I generate an MD5 hash?, for example.) The result will be an opaque 16-byte number, which you can then store in another properties file to be included in your app: feature1=1865834.... The salt value should be broken into multiple shorter strings in your code so your customer can't just retrieve it and easily duplicate the process themselves.
In your app, at startup, you construct the string above using both the "enabled" and the "disabled" value, run the MD5 of both, and compare it with the stored hash. That'll tell you what features to enable.
I think a separate .jar or .properties is a bad idea; it clutters your delivery.
You can automate the whole process fairly easily, since you can generate the properties on the fly any time, and bind them into your app.
You can add other "baked in" properties which gives you a lot of flexibility in the final deliverable, including things like skinning for customer branding.
As others have pointed out, though: there's lots of ways to approach this, depending on the rest of the details of your product and your overall goals. This is one way to do it, given the assumptions above. AFAIK, there's no "canonical" way to do this sort of thing.
You should consider using a License management api to do the same, which will give u both security and capability to change License pre/post installations.
It is not advisable to build adhoc licensing capabilty, take a look at License3j and TrueLicense, they are both free and can help you gain perspective or better fulfil your requirement
You could try and encode that in a file. I assume each user has an own installation/version of the application, right? I further assume the application should not need to check some web resource. Thus you need to implement that in a file.
However, you should encrypt that file and put the salt and key somewhere in the code where they can't easily be decompiled. Additionally create a hash to check for modifications of the file. That hash could be based on the application's size or something else.
Please note that there's no 100% security and any hacker could still crack your application. But in that case this would need some form of criminal energy not commonly present in the business world.
Modularize the application and deploy to each client only those parts that he wants/has access to. There's many ways to do it (the most complete but heavyweight being OSGi), but the specifics depend on your circumstances and requirements.
The quickest way to implement it might be to simply extract your extra functionality in separate JARs, and on deployment update the classpath appropriately.
It depends on the kind of application,kind of security you want and the number of people likely to use the application.
If the number of clients is not that big you can store their preference in some in memory data structure like a Map . Otherwise you can use file system or a DB depending upon the kind of security you want.
This is very open ended - it really depends on what you're trying to achieve, and what you mean by a feature.
One approach is to use a plugin based architecture. e.g. you have an interface
public interface Feature {}
and provide each of your ten features as implementors of this interface. Then have some method which runs at application start which looks for Feature subclasses on the classpath.
You can control which features a client has by including only the relevant features on the classpath, e.g. using maven.
I have android application that has hard coded (static string constants) credentials (user/pass) for sending emails via SMTP.
The problem is that .dex file in .apk can be easily reverse-engineered and everybody can see my password.
Is there a way how to secure these credentials, while i will still be able to use them in my classes?
We can use "jni module" to keep 'Sensitive Hardcoded Strings' in the app. when we try to reverse engineer APK file we get lib folder and .so files in respective process-folders. which can not decrypt.
You can save your string obfuscated by AES.
In Licensing Verification Library you can find AESObfuscator. In LVL it is used to obfuscate cached license info that is read instead of asking Android Market to find out application is licensed or not. LVL can be downloaded as component of SDK.
I guess you can try a code obfuscator, but really that won't make your password 100% secure and I don't know how well it goes along with the android compiler. Why not use a secured web authentication , like that of Google?
Hashing is not possible since it is not two way.
Any encryption such as AES, DES, blowfish, etch is not a viable solution as you have to include the decryption part within your app and that can be decompiled with a combination of apktool, dex2jar and JD (java decompiler) which is a very powerful combo while decompiling any apk.
Even code obfuscators don't do anything except make life a little more difficult for the decompiling guy, who'll eventually get it anyways.
The only way which I think would work to an extent would be to host the credentials on a server which only your application can access via a web-service call through a separate authentication of some kind - similar to FB's hash key thing. If it works for them, it should work for us.
I was looking into a similar problem and came across this useful thread:
I'm not too familiar with Android development, but the same ideas should apply.
doing these would be useful:
1- you can encrypt them and obfuscate the encrypting algorithm. any encryption along with obfuscation (progaurd in Adnroid) is useful.
2- you better to hardcode your strings as byte array in your code. many reverse engineering applications can get a list of your hardcoded strings and guess what they are. but when they are in form of byte array they are not readable. but again Proguard is necessary. (it only hides from RAM string constant searching and they are still searchable from .class file)
3- using C++ code to host your constant is not a bad idea if you encrypt them before hardcoding and decrypt them using C++ code.
there is also a great article here :
If you do not have the means to do a web authorization you will need to include the third party decryption with you application.
This is what you could try
1) Write a standalone program only to create a password hash one time. (This program should not be a part of your app). Make a note of the hash that was generated.
// Hash a password for the first time.
String hashed = BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt(12));
2) Store this password hash as a String constant in you APK.
3) Then every time you need to check the password, compare with the hashed password, using bcrypt.
// Check that an unencrypted password matches one that has
// previously been hashed
if (BCrypt.checkpw(candidate, hashed))
System.out.println("It matches");
System.out.println("It does not match");
jBCrypt is a single java file and it can be directly included in your application. It is considered one of the strongest encryption algorithms for passwords.
Even through the decryption algorithm is present in you APK, trying to break this is very time consuming details of which can be read in the article below.
Read this article for details and security of bcrypt.
Again, use this only if you do not have the means to do web based authentication.
Use some kind of trivial encryption or cipher that only you (and your code) understand. Reverse the string, store it as array of integers where you need to take the mod of 217 or something silly to find the real password.
One way you can 100% secure you hard-coded string.
Firstly don't use pro-guard use allatori
And secondly don't take you hard coded string in any variable just use that string like this:
"abc" is exampled hard coded string.
Allatori fully obfuscate all string that are used in code like above.
Hope it will help for you.
What techniques could I use to make my "jar" file Reverse Engineer proof?
You can't make it reverse engineer proof. If the java runtime can read the instructions, so can the user.
There are obfuscators which make the disassembled code less readable/understandable to make reverse engineering it harder, but you can't make it impossible.
Don't release it.
There is no such thing as hacker proof. Sorry.
The unfortunate truth is that no matter what barricade you put in the way, if the honestly want in, they'll get in. Simply because if they're persistent enough they'll be looking at your code from an Assembly level. Not a thing on earth you can do about it.
What you can look at doing is Obfuscating code, packing the jar and merging all externals packages into a single to make life harder. However no matter how high the hurdle, my comment in the previous paragraph still applies.
I think this is more about hardening the access path to the jar, more than anything else.
Try to determine what user context
will actually be executing the code
that will access the .jar. Lock
down access to the jar to read-only
access from only that user. How you do this
will depend on if you're using the jar from
a web app or a desktop .exe, and it will also
depend on the operating system you're running
If possible -- sign the jar and
validate the signature from the
executable code. This will at least
tell you if the .jar has been
tampered with. You can then have
some logic to stop the executing application
from using the .jar (and log and display an error).
See jarsigner docs for more information.
I have seen one case where a company wrote a custom classloader, that could decrypt an encrypted jar file. The classloader itself used compiled JNI code, so that the decryption key and algorithm were fairly deeply obfuscated in the binary libary.
You are looking for an "obfuscator" (if you want to ship jars) . Many exist:
You should be aware that many obfuscation techniques removes information you may want to keep for troubleshooting purposes - think of the value of a stack trace from an irreproducible situation - or actual debugging sessions. Regardless of what you do, your quality testing should be done on the jars-to-be-shipped since the obfuscator may introduce subtle bugs.
If you really want to hide things, consider compiling to an native binary with gcj.
Definitely avoid placing any sensitive data in the code. For example:
database connection strings
One option would be to encrypt these (using industry-standard encryption routines; avoid rolling your own) and place them in an external configuration file or database.
As others have stated, any algorithms in deployed code can be reverse-engineered.
Sensitive algorithms could be placed in a web service or other server-side code if desired.