I'm currently working on a calculator which should perform basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. To achieve the final outcome, I've to follow a certain design for the calculator. The design of the calculator is provided with this question. I've given my best on how to match the official design of the calculator but it's not matching it.
This is the OFFICIAL design of the calculator. This is how it should look.
This is WHAT I'm getting when I run the code.
package patel.Jainam;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class CalculatorFrame extends JFrame {
* All the buttons that will be used in the calculator have been initialized
private JButton button1;
private JButton button2;
private JButton button3;
private JButton button4;
private JButton button5;
private JButton button6;
private JButton button7;
private JButton button8;
private JButton button9;
private JButton button0;
private JButton buttonEqual;
private JButton buttonDot;
private JButton buttonClearLast;
private JButton buttonClearAll;
private JButton buttonAdd;
private JButton buttonSub;
private JButton buttonMul;
private JButton buttonDiv;
private JTextArea textArea;
public CalculatorFrame(){
JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
panel2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
panel2.add(buttonClearLast = new JButton ("Clear Last"));
panel2.add(buttonClearAll = new JButton ("Clear All"));
add(panel2, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
JPanel panel3 = new JPanel();
textArea = new JTextArea(2,10);
// textArea.setEditable(false);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);
add(panel3, BorderLayout.LINE_START);
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
panel1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,4));
panel1.add(button7 = new JButton ("7"));
panel1.add(button8 = new JButton ("8"));
panel1.add(button9 = new JButton ("9"));
panel1.add(buttonAdd = new JButton ("+"));
panel1.add(button4 = new JButton ("4"));
panel1.add(button5 = new JButton ("5"));
panel1.add(button6 = new JButton ("6"));
panel1.add(buttonSub = new JButton ("-"));
panel1.add(button1 = new JButton ("1"));
panel1.add(button2 = new JButton ("2"));
panel1.add(button3 = new JButton ("3"));
panel1.add(buttonMul = new JButton ("*"));
panel1.add(button0 = new JButton ("0"));
panel1.add(buttonDot = new JButton ("."));
panel1.add(buttonEqual = new JButton ("="));
panel1.add(buttonDiv = new JButton ("/"));
add(panel1, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
Thank you.
The problem is you are over using the GridLayout.
I would suggest you want to keep using the default layout manager of the frame which is a BorderLayout.
Then you would do the following:
Create a panel using a GridLayout for the two buttons. Add this panel to the BorderLayout.PAGE_START of the frame.
Add your scroll pane containing the text area to the BorderLayout.CENTER of the frame.
Create a panel using the GridLayout for the buttons on the bottom. Add this panel to the BorderLayout.PAGE_END of the frame.
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on Using Layout Managers for more information and working examples of the Borderlayout and GridLayout.
camickr's answer is optimal here.
Here is an SSCCE:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class CalculatorFrame extends JFrame {
public CalculatorFrame() {
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
getContentPane().add(createClearPanel(), BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
getContentPane().add(createTextArea(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
getContentPane().add(createNumberPanels(), BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
setSize(300, 300);
private JPanel createNumberPanels() {
JPanel main = new JPanel();
main.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
JButton button = new JButton("" + i);
return main;
private JScrollPane createTextArea() {
JTextArea area = new JTextArea(5, 10);
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(area);
return sp;
private JPanel createClearPanel() {
JButton clearAll = new JButton("clear all");
JButton clearLast = new JButton("Clear last");
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 0));
return panel;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new CalculatorFrame().setVisible(true));
P.S: Ignore the fact i used only numbers instead of operators like *,?,+,= etc.
I am writing a program and am unable to figure this out but I have a JButton called nextDay and I need it set up so once I click it, it switches to the JFrame day2 as the program starts out on day1. Any help is appreciated.
Here is my code. I have a separate Main method which I wont include as it shouldn't need to be changed
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
public class SoldierSimTest extends JFrame {
private final JButton decision1;
private final JButton decision2;
private final JButton decision3;
private final JButton decision4;
private final JTextField situation;
private JFrame day1;
private JFrame day2;
private JFrame day3;
private JFrame day4;
private JFrame day5;
private JFrame day6;
private JFrame day7;
private final JButton nextDay;
private final JButton exitGame;
private final JButton newGame;
public SoldierSimTest() {
decision1 = new JButton("Storm it");
decision2 = new JButton("Sneak around the flank");
decision3 = new JButton("Sneak up and grenade spam 'em");
decision4 = new JButton("Just dont");
situation = new JTextField("You and your squad are ordered to take
an enemy fort. How will you do so?");
nextDay = new JButton("Next Day");
exitGame = new JButton("Exit Game");
newGame = new JButton("New Game");
JPanel decisionsPanel = new JPanel();
decisionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
optionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3));
JPanel situationsPanel = new JPanel();
optionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
contentPane.add(decisionsPanel, "South");
contentPane.add(optionsPanel, "North");
contentPane.add(situationsPanel, "Center");
You can use card layout to switch panels. I used Jpanels as it seems to be the best option to use. For this example I used 2 panels.
public class SoldierSimTest extends JFrame
private final JButton decision1;
private final JButton decision2;
private final JButton decision3;
private final JButton decision4;
private final JTextField situation;
private JPanel day1Panel = new JPanel();
private JPanel day2Panel = new JPanel();
private final JButton nextDay;
private final JButton exitGame;
private final JButton newGame;
final static String DAY1 = "Day1";
final static String DAY2 = "Day2";
public SoldierSimTest()
decision1 = new JButton("Storm it");
decision2 = new JButton("Sneak around the flank");
decision3 = new JButton("Sneak up and grenade spam 'em");
decision4 = new JButton("Just dont");
situation = new JTextField("You and your squad are ordered to take an enemy fort. How will you do so?");
JPanel decisionsPanel = new JPanel();
decisionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
JPanel situationsPanel = new JPanel();
day1Panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
JPanel cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
cards.add(day1Panel, DAY1);
cards.add(day2Panel, DAY2);
nextDay = new JButton("Next Day");
exitGame = new JButton("Exit Game");
newGame = new JButton("New Game");
nextDay.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) (cards.getLayout());
cl.show(cards, DAY2);
JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
optionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3));
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
contentPane.add(optionsPanel, "North");
contentPane.add(cards, "Center");
The best way to do this if you don't necessarily need a new JFrame is the way #pavithraCS described. What I want to add is that normally, when you want a new "window" with different components to appear, you don't use a new JFrame because that opens a new window. Instead, using a new JPanel is more useful because you can stack them without having to switch to another window.
I hope this helps for the future.
I have a simple form consisting of 3 text fields and a cancel/ok button. This is in a GroupLayout. I'd like to know how to make this form pop up in a new window similar to a dialog? Can I pass my GroupLayout to a JDialog? I also need to validate the input before the form window closes. I currently have this working but it uses a new frame to do so and I've read that this is not the way to do it so I am asking here.
Here is my code:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import javax.swing.*;
public class AddStockPromptTest {
private JFrame frame;
private JPanel mainPanel;
private JPanel formPanel;
private JPanel buttonPanel;
//private GroupLayout layout;
private JLabel lblItem;
private JLabel lblPrice;
private JLabel lblQuantity;
private JTextField itemField;
private JTextField priceField;
private JTextField quantityField;
private JButton okBtn;
private JButton cancelBtn;
public AddStockPromptTest() {
frame = new JFrame("Add New Stock Item");
//Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
mainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
formPanel = new JPanel();
GroupLayout groupLayout = new GroupLayout(formPanel);
lblItem = new JLabel("Item:");
lblPrice = new JLabel("Price:");
lblQuantity = new JLabel("Quantity:");
itemField = new JTextField();
priceField = new JTextField();
quantityField = new JTextField();
cancelBtn = new JButton("Cancel");
okBtn = new JButton("OK");
mainPanel.add(formPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
mainPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.setTitle("Basil's Pizza Ordering System");
frame.setSize(800, 600);
private void addStockPrompt() {
JOptionPane will give you a dialog box. Use this in actionperformed event of your okay button.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);
I have been trying to pass the info of my JTextField that is in a JDialog into my JFrame. Both the JDialog and JFrame are in separate classes. I have tried to store the JTextField into a JLable using the .setText and .getText and then passing the JLable into the JFrame but with no luck.
I know there are many similar questions but I have tried many different approaches but still no luck. I am relatively new to Java and do not know all the in's and out's. Any help is very appreciated!
My code for the JFrame:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class StockApp extends JFrame implements PropertyChangeListener {
private JPanel main = new JPanel();
private JPanel north = new JPanel();
private JPanel center = new JPanel();
private JPanel south = new JPanel();
private JButton buyStock = new JButton("Buy Stock");
private JButton sellStock = new JButton("Sell Stock");
public TestTest variables = new TestTest();
private JLabel stockNameNorth = new JLabel("Stock Name");
private JLabel stockPriceNorth = new JLabel("Stock Price");
String stockName = variables.getStockName();
String stockPrice = variables.getStockPrice();
public StockApp() {
main.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
north.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
center.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
south.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
main.add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
main.add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
main.add(south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
And Dialog:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public class TestTest extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
private JPanel main = new JPanel();
private JPanel north = new JPanel();
private JPanel center = new JPanel();
private JPanel south = new JPanel();
private JLabel stockNameLabel = new JLabel("Stock name: ");
private JLabel stockPriceLabel = new JLabel("Stock price(£): ");
private JTextField stockNameIn = new JTextField(5);
private JTextField stockPriceIn = new JTextField(5);
private JButton buttonOK = new JButton("OK");
public JLabel stockPrice = new JLabel();
public JLabel stockName = new JLabel();
public TestTest() {
main.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
north.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
center.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
south.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
main.add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
main.add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
main.add(south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == buttonOK){
new StockApp();
public String getStockName() {
return stockNameIn.getText();
public String getStockPrice() {
return stockPriceIn.getText();
I am trying to pass the stockName and stockPrice variables from the JDialog into the JFrame. I then want the name and price to display at the top of the JFrame.
For demonstration, what the problem is, we need less Fields and Buttons.
So far, no component of StockApp needs to be accessed from different methods, so there is no need to make them visible outside of the ctor.
More explanations in the code.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class StockApp extends JFrame {
public StockApp() {
// move those unreferenced panels here, so we don't have to reason about them:
JPanel main = new JPanel();
JPanel north = new JPanel();
JPanel center = new JPanel();
JPanel south = new JPanel();
// add price later, when name works
JButton buyStock = new JButton("Buy Stock");
JLabel stockNameNorth = new JLabel("Stock Name");
// critical change: Make the label, which you like to update,
// accessible by whom it should be updated:
TestTest variables = new TestTest (stockNameNorth);
setTitle ("StockApp");
setSize (600,400);
setLocation (500,200);
setVisible (true);
// make the close-frame action terminate the program:
setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
main.setLayout (new BorderLayout());
north.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
center.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
south.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
add (main);
north.add (stockNameNorth);
south.add (buyStock);
main.add (north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
main.add (center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
main.add (south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// Main method to start the damn thing
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new StockApp ();
// no need to make this class public in a short test:
class TestTest extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
// this are elements, visible outside the construction phase,
// we need to have access to from more than one method.
// Make this important distinction visible to the reader:
JLabel name;
JTextField stockNameIn = new JTextField (5);
JButton buttonOK = new JButton ("OK");
// add the JLabel to update to the ctor, so that it can't be forgotten
// to be set
public TestTest (JLabel pname) {
// we copy the reference to the label, to have access to it in
// the actionPerformed method.
name = pname;
JPanel main = new JPanel();
JPanel north = new JPanel();
JPanel center = new JPanel();
JPanel south = new JPanel();
JLabel stockNameLabel = new JLabel ("Stock name: ");
// different size/location than frame, so that they don't hide
// each other completly
setSize (400,600);
setLocation (700,300);
setModal (false);
setVisible (true);
main.setLayout (new BorderLayout());
north.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
center.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
south.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
add (main);
north.add (stockNameLabel);
north.add (stockNameIn);
south.add (buttonOK);
main.add (north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
main.add (center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
main.add (south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// here we need access to the button - was it the OK-Button, clicked?
// and the textfield stockNameIn, to read the text
// and the name field from the frame, to set the text
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource () == buttonOK) {
name.setText (stockNameIn.getText());
This code displays nothing, I have exhausted many avenues but it does not display anything on the GUI (I have a main class that calls this as well already). Please help. I am trying to put the two JButtons horizontally at the bottom of the page and the JTextField and JLabel at the center of the screen.
package test;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Gui extends JFrame {
private JLabel label;
private JButton clear;
private JButton copy;
private JTextField textfield;
public Gui(){
clear = new JButton("Clear");
copy = new JButton("Copy");
label = new JLabel("");
textfield = new JTextField("enter text here");
JPanel bottom = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JPanel subBottom = new JPanel();
JPanel centre = new JPanel (new BorderLayout());
JPanel subCentre = new JPanel();
bottom.add(subBottom, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
centre.add(subCentre, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Your code is a bit over-complicated. You only need two panels, centre, and buttons. There are two reasons your UI is not showing up:
You never added the panels to the frame
You never set visible to true(Achieve this by using setVisible(true)), unless you did this in the class you ran it in.
One simple way to achieve your desired UI is like so(I added a main method to show the window):
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class test extends JFrame {
public Test() {
JPanel buttons = new JPanel();
JPanel centre = new JPanel();
add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); //these lines add the
add(centre, BorderLayout.CENTER); //panels to the frame
JButton clear = new JButton("Clear"); // No need
JButton copy = new JButton("Copy"); // to declare
JLabel label = new JLabel("Label"); // these
JTextField textfield = new JTextField("enter text here"); // privately
} //end constructor
//added main method to run the UI
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Experiments();
} //end main
} //end class
And it shows the window:
I got closer but its not pretty code, the JFrame is 500x500 so this works based on that... any better suggestions than what I have?
package lab6;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Gui extends JFrame {
private JLabel label;
private JButton clear;
private JButton copy;
private JTextField textfield;
public Gui(){
clear = new JButton("Clear");
copy = new JButton("Copy");
label = new JLabel("label");
textfield = new JTextField("enter text here");
JPanel masterPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JPanel top = new JPanel();
top.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 200));
JPanel bottom = new JPanel();
JPanel subBottom = new JPanel();
JPanel centre = new JPanel ();
JPanel subCentre = new JPanel();
masterPanel.add(bottom, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
masterPanel.add(top, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
masterPanel.add(centre, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Hi i'm new to Java and kinda lost in the codes i tried to write. It compiles with no error but everything i added on panel don't show up on the frame
Here's my code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Mainframe extends JFrame {
private AddingWindow addingWindow = new AddingWindow(); //Passing AddingWindow Class to the Main Class as statement
private JFrame addingWindowFrame = new JFrame(); //This is the frame i wanted to add the JPanel with its labels and buttons
public Mainframe() {
JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel();
controlPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1 ,1));
JButton addingBtn = new JButton("Add");
//Add controlPanel to the mainframe
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
//Set showAddingPanel button event
addingBtn.addActionListener (new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
addingWindowFrame.setSize(600, 400);
addingWindowFrame.getContentPane().add(addingWindow); //Here i'm adding JPanel Class to the Frame
//Main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame mainFrame = new Mainframe();
mainFrame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(800, 600));
This is the other panel Class file i wanted to show up on the AddingWindowFrame
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class AddingWindow extends JPanel {
AddingWindow() {
JPanel addingPanel = new JPanel();
addingPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
JLabel fullNameLbl = new JLabel("Name");
JTextField fullNameTextField = new JTextField(25);
JButton addBtn = new JButton("add");
JButton cancelBtn = new JButton("cancel");
//Adding buttons, label and textfield to addingPanel
I think you want to display
What you did is you added all the things to your addingPanel but you forgot to add the addingPanel itself.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class AddingWindow extends JPanel {
AddingWindow() {
JPanel addingPanel = new JPanel();
addingPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
JLabel fullNameLbl = new JLabel("Name");
JTextField fullNameTextField = new JTextField(25);
JButton addBtn = new JButton("add");
JButton cancelBtn = new JButton("cancel");
//Adding buttons, label and textfield to addingPanel
You have two frames
AddingWindowFrame -> contains AddingPanel
And when you click on the button you are just displaying the AddingWindowFrame(I guess it should displayed somewhere in the background). Instead you need to add the AddingPanel directly to the currentFrame.
But you should check how to use LayoutManagers