Building a Maven project offline - java

I am trying to install OreKit (an orbital mechanics toolkit) to validate some code i've written. Orekit is a maven project and thus it tries to download all its dependencies from the maven repo.
Unfortunately my company has pretty strict internet security measures and the maven repo is not whitelisted. The only way to access non-whitelisted websites is through a secure browser (tightGate) which is basically a video-feed of the browser running on a server. Files downloaded in this browser can then be transfered to my computer using a separate program.
This of course means that the build fails. I have been trying to download all the dependencies manually and put them in the local repository.
eclipse error: "Missing artifact junit:junit:jar:4.12"
I downloaded the corresponding jar and pom files (junit-4.12.jar and junit-4.12.pom) and put them into my local repository (C:/Users//.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.12/)
I did this for every error eclipse reported but nothing changes and the same errors are still there.
Am i doing something wrong here? Is it even possible to build a project this way or should i just give up already?

In principle, this could work, but it would be easier to use mvn install:install-file for the separate jars.
Be aware that the number of artifacts that Maven usually requires is > 100.
We also have strict regulations, but managed to get an extra server with a Nexus that proxies MavenCentral, so we can reach the artifacts through there.

to put jar file in your local maven repository, you must install it.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> \
-DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>
get more info from


Maven cannot find JAR

Recently I tried to develop an interface for my group. My service runs and works well on my local machine, but when trying to use Maven Compile in IDEA, the compilation fails and tells me it cannot find my JAR package. The JAR package I use is JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder), which was manually added into my CLASSPATH. I know Maven cannot find JAR package without adding dependency to pom, but I can't find the Maven dependency for JAVE, it seems that they only provide a JAR package for users. JAVE HomePage
So in this case, what should I do if I want to successfully compile my code using Maven? I need to deploy my service in the future, so manually adding JAR package to my CLASSPATH instead of adding dependency to pom is definitely not acceptable.
You can install a maven jar locally using:
mvn install:install-file
You can install the artefact to either your local or a remote maven repo or you could use it as a system-scoped dependency (see or for examples)

Cannot find disco.jar dependency for Maven Project

I've just started helping my professor out for his research project and I'm trying to get it set up on my local windows computer. I'm stuck with this error:
Failed to execute goal on project tornado: Could not resolve
dependencies for project tornado:tornado:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure
to find com.disco:disco:jar:10.2.0 in was
cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted
until the update interval of has elapsed or updates are
It's a maven project being run on eclipse.
I've tried multiple ways of adding the disco-2.0.jar file to the build path but I'm not sure if that's what I'm meant to be doing or if it's even the right file, although I haven't found any other disco file within the project directories.
I've tried mvn clean install -U to see if it may just have been a problem with resetting the maven project.
Well the log reads is clear and you could verify it as well:
Failure to find com.disco:disco:jar:10.2.0 in
If you navigate to the there is no disco.jar available there. Hence the failure.
Probably this could be some local jar that might need to be build either locally or required by its owner to be pushed(mvn deploy) to clojars in another case.
Also mvn clean install -U help you fetch the latest of SNAPSHOT, in your case this would fetch the latest tornado:tornado:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT but that fails further sicne it specifies the com.disco:disco:jar:10.2.0 as dependency which is not found anywhere for your build to proceed.
You need to make the disco-2.0.jar available from a Maven repository. If you have a Nexus or Artifactory, upload it there. Alternatively, you can install it into the local repository of your computer using the install:install-file goal.
Furthermore, it is possible to define local directories as additional Maven repositories, see

What does it mean in Maven when it says the following artifacts could not be resolved although they are in Maven cache?

I get the following error:
The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1, com.sun.jmx:jmxri:jar:1.2.1: Failure to find com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of artifactory-snapshot
However, both jars are in the Maven cache (.m2 folder) on my machine. I mean files named: jmxri-1.2.1.jar and jmxtools-1.2.1.jar. They are respectively in the folders com/sun/jmdk/jmxtools/1.2.1/ and com/sun/jmx/jmxri/1.2.1
EDIT: When I try the -o switch on Maven to force it to use the local jars, it says the artifact has not been downloaded before. Which is probably true since indeed the artifact is not in the repo but was copied from some other place to my Maven cache -- is it possible to force Maven to use the jars? The -o switch does not seem to force this and Maven seems to be able to detect that the artifact was not downloaded.
Try to delete corresponding artifact folders in maven local repo and rerun or just rerun using -U flag.
Which is probably true since indeed the artifact is not in the repo but was copied from some other place to my Maven cache
Manually copying jars is not the correct way to put artifacts into maven local repo. You should use mvn install:install-file instead. More details here: Guide to installing 3rd party JARs
The dependency on those jars is usually a consequence of a bug in the pom.xml for log4j 1.2.15.
Update to 1.2.16 or 1.2.17 and you will not need these jars any longer.
These particular artefacts date back to a time when Sun licensing did not permit the hosting of the actual jars in a public maven repository.
You were required to accept licence conditions, download them yourself and then manually install either into your local repo (using mvn install:install-file) or into your corporate repository manager (typically using a UI that it provides or mvn deploy:deploy-file).

Uploading sources to nexus makes snapshot dependencies unavailable to maven

When we do mvn install deploy to a repository ${repository-jars} these dependencies can be used by others as intended.
When we afterwards upload sources to another repository ${repository-sources} the dependencies are no longer resolved correctly.
mvn deploy:deploy-file
Everything looks correct in nexus and both repositories are available in a regular Repository Group.
The hypothesis is that maven tries to use the latest uploaded artifact and ends up downloading the sources jar instead somehow ignoring the classes modifier. This is verified by first uploading sources and then do a maven deploy where it works as intended.
What is the correct way that allows us to upload sources in a separate job that runs after a deploy?
In examination, Maven is creating two different snapshots, and when you attempt to get latest, it's getting the newest one (which is sources) from the Group you've setup.
What you might actually try is putting them in the same repo, and separate them using Content Selectors. This is our newer version of Repo Targets from Nexus Repository 2.

could the first ever maven build be made offline?

The problem: you have a zipped java project distribution, which depends on several libraries like spring-core, spring-context, jacskon, testng and slf4j. The task is to make the thing buildable offline. It's okay to create project-scope local repo with all required library jars.
I've tried to do that. Looks like even as the project contains the jars it requires for javac and runtime, the build would still require internet access. Maven would still lurk into network to fetch most of its own plugins it requires for the build. I assume that maven is run with empty .m2 directory (as this may be the first launch of the build, which may be an offline build). No, I am not okay with distributing full maven repo snapshot along the project itself, as this looks like an utter mess for me.
A bit of backround: the broader task is to create windows portable-style JDK/IntelliJ Idea distribution which goes along the project and allows for some minimal java coding/running inside IDE with minimal configuration and minimal internet access. The project is targeted towards students in a computer class, with little or no control over system configuration. It is desirable to keep console build system intact for the offline mode, but I guess that maven is overly dependent on the network, so I have to ditch it in favor of good old ant.
So, what's your opinion, could we move first maven build in offline mode completely? My gut feeling is that initial maven distribution just contains the bare minimum required to pull essential plugins off the main repo and is not fully functional without seeing the main repo at least once.
Maven has a '-o' switch which allows you to build offline:
-o,--offline Work offline
Of course, you will need to have your dependencies already cached into your $HOME/.m2/repository for this to build without errors. You can load the dependencies with:
mvn dependency:go-offline
I tried this process and it doesn't seem to fully work. I did a:
rm -rf $HOME/.m2/repository
mvn dependency:go-offline # lot of stuff downloaded
# unplugged my network
# develop stuff
mvn install # errors from missing plugins
What did work however is:
rm -rf $HOME/.m2/repository
mvn install # while still online
# unplugged my network
# develop stuff
mvn install
You could run maven dependency:go-offline on a brand new .m2 repo for the concerned project. This should download everything that maven needs to be able to run offline. If these are then put into a project-scope local repo, you should be able to achieve what you want. I haven't tried this though
Specify a local repository location, either within settings.xml file with <localRepository>...</localRepository> or by running mvn with -Dmaven.repo.local=... parameter.
After initial project build, all necessary artifacts should be cached locally, and you can reference this repository location the same ways, while running other Maven builds in offline mode (mvn -o ...).
