Auto-generating frontend and backend validation for Angular/Java - java

I hope my question is not too broad.
Our application has an Angular frontend and a Java backend and
we need both frontend and backened validation. At the moment, we manually code
validators in Typescript and Java that basically do the same thing.
Since that is not only tedious but also error-prone, we would like to define once (maybe in a JSON file)
which input fields have which constraints and ideally use a piece of software that auto-generates
Java and Typescript code based on that definition.
My question is: are there any open-source/commercial software solutions that take care of this?
It seems like a common enough problem, but I haven't come across
a proper solution yet. JSON schema seemed promising and since we're using swagger
anyway, I'd hoped that swagger-codegen would automatically take the supported JSON-schema keywords as constraints into account,
but I haven't figured out how it works. When I generate Angular code, constraints such as 'minimum' and 'maximum' are completely ignored,
and when I generate Java SpringBoot code, they only show up as annotations.

This is exactly what JSON Schema is designed for. Open API (swagger) modifies JSON Schema for it's own purposes, which doesn't include validation.
JSON Schema has validator implementations in most major languages allowing you to use the same schema to do the same validation on the front end and the back end.
Unfortunately, you likely won't be able to use the same schemas you use for your Open API service definition. I'm not aware of any validator implementations that support Open API's flavor of JSON Schema. I understand that Open API is trying to close the gap between their definition and JSON Schema, but a gap still exists.


When developing a RESTful web service, why do I need to write the method return value directly to the body of the response as JSON?

I am learning about REST apis and after some time of researching, I know the basics of how REST works and I can write an api that generates a JSON response in the web browser with appropriate url. However, I can't seem to understand what is the purpose of it. Surely just generating JSON response seems useless for production application, as you have to assume that most of your website visitors won't even know what JSON is, so there must be some other uses of rest api that I still don't know about. I have been searching a lot about why I should use a rest api, but besides websites praising it ("because it is scalable, portable, flexible" and so on and on) and saying that JSON is simpe yet powerful data exchange format, I have found no concrete answer.
As of this particular case, I am learning to develop RESTful api with Spring. I understand simple CRUD actions using #RestController, but It seems ridiculous to just sent JSON object as a response and especially to expect a client to understand JSON data.
So I am guessing that there must be some other uses for RESTful api that I am not aware of and can't seem to look up either.
So my questions are:
Why should I write RESTful controller if all it does is generate JSON data as a response.
1.1) I am assuming that it IS NOT all it does, so why is it necessary exactly?
Where and what should I use JSON data for?
I know that I am far from understanding this fully, so there probably are many misconceptions, but I want to understand the reasoning behind everything I do and not blindly follow whatever studying resources say, so I am asking it here. Thank you for your time
Its very important to understand that API (yeah, capital letters are quite important) is acronym for Application Programming Interface, it is not user interface, it is interface for other programs/applications to use.
So, API will be used solely by some other code to exchange data (interface with each other) and to do this you need some structure or protocol to follow by both sides of this exchange, otherwise applications will not understand each other.
So, you decided that your application (service) will provide some API for other applications (again, not users), you decided what kind of functions those applications will be able to consume (like get current weather, or create new user - basically methods in your controller).
Next step is to define protocol - how exactly information will be presented on wire (serialized to binary stream, because you can send only bytes via physical connection), JSON is quite popular choice because it provides quite easy format to parse for application (libraries for JSON exist for almost any programming language), but also is still readable enough for humans (there many offline and online formatters to help you).
But, JSON is not most efficient in terms of space, this is why you can pick many others - BSON, protobuff, kryo, java RMI and so on.
Now, lets actually answer you questions:
Why should I write RESTful controller if all it does is generate JSON data as a response.
Because you as developer decided to provide API for others, and you decided to use JSON as data format, and you decided so (probably) because it is quite famous and easy to work with, it is provided by default in many frameworks, etc, but there is no real objective reasons for that, several years ago SOAP/XML was holding the same niche, for the very same reasons.
Where and what should I use JSON data for?
Anywhere and for everything where you think it will fit: non performance critical inter-service communications, config files, personal notes, structured or non structured data, JSON is very flexible format (as almost any other generic purpose one, like XML or simple text files).
A ReST API will usually be called by another service or e.g. by a JavaScript based frontend application, not directly by users. JSON can be processed quite comfortably by other applications, that's why it's widely used (by now there are other formats as well, especially for high performance applications, but that's on an advanced level).
So to your questions specifically: If you are offering a service, that will be used by other applications, then use a ReST API with JSON responses, if you are offering an application that will be used by users directly, and don't want to have a JavaScript frontend application, you would use something like Thymeleaf to implement the frontend and have that returned in your controllers.

Is there a json schema for the SurveyMonkey API?

Using the SurveyMonkey API, I'm writing some Java code to do survey analysis. The survey monkey API returns JSON data. I would like to generate some Java classes so I get some type safety and conciseness while I'm manipulating the data. I've had no luck finding a json schema for the Survey Monkey API.
So, I'm looking into tools that generate a schema from json directly, but obviously that will be less desirable than getting it from the canonical source.
The question:
Can anyone recommend a tool-chain that will take me from a set of json examples to a set of java classes that can be used to read an manipulate that json. This might include the intermediate step of generating a schema, but the end-game I'm after is the classes.
If anyone knows of a schema for the API, though, that would be even better.
Why don't you go with polljoy, it's Opensource and I have already integreat it on one of my site and it's working perfectly, you can find it out one below menioned link.

What does REST lib provide for Java REST API

Have a web service that implements REST (sort of) ,
Client request is made for some entity
Server populates a model (that was created with JAXB)
Converted to Xml and sent back
Client reads Xml into same JAXB Model
This works fine, but i dont use any REST libraries.
Am I missing out, I cant see what complexity they could hide because the code to send /receive a request and convert to/from JAXB is already pretty simple.
For your basic use case, you will probably not benefit a lot from using JAX-RS(, which is the Java standard for REST.
However, as you can see if you follow the link, there are some useful annotations, which might make your life easier later on. For example, if you would start returning plain text next to xml as well, based on request header, that becomes incredibly easy to configure(with #Produces).
Same for when you want to support multiple types of request payloads(#Consumes).
Check for a good tutorial.
In short, JAX-RS offers a lot of useful functionality with regard to request headers, parameters,etc.. that would otherwise be harder to implement.
However, many applications do not need this "full fine-grained REST" support, so sticking with just JAXB might be enough for your needs.

Parsing XML response from RESTful service in java

Please bear with me for this novice question.
I am calling a RESTful web service APIs that returns XML response. Apart from normal XML parsing schemes like DOM based parsing, SAX based parsing, is there a way to transform this XML response directly into some object? What more details/specification from service side would be required to do such transformation?
i can't give a summary of all the options available, but i recently used jaxb to do the opposite (java to xml) and it was simple and easy to use. since jaxb also supports xml to java, as described here, i would suggest giving that a look. it's based on annotations and java beans (or pojos) - you just indicate which attributes correspond to the elements with attributions, and it does the rest.
if you have a schema, it will generate java classes for you. alternatively, here's an example of working without a schema.
ps according to comments in the final link, you don't even need to annotate if the names match the xml!

Transform any ActionScript class in XML

For a program i'm writing I need to marshal ActionScript classes to a format that is later to be read by Java (and back again).
What solutions exists for such a need ?
Is there a way (like when using Java through XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder) to generate that XML using standard flex libraries (that would be compatible with later decoding using XMLDecoder) ?
Or is there a good existing library ?
EDIT Yes, this question is a duplicate of Are there any tool mapping of JavaBeans to ActionScript Class through xml serialization and deserialization?, but I will accept correct answers and eventually start a bounty if no answer satisfies my needs. (in other words, i plan to make the previous - unanswered - question a duplicate of mine).
EDIT 2 To be even more precise, I have an application divided in two parts : one Flex GUI and one Java core. They communicate over a non http layer which requires data to be sent in XML. In this context, I replicated my Java objects in Flex (using GAS3) and now want some of these objects to be sent from Flex to Java and back again.
For that purpose, I have to serialize objects (on the Flex end) in XML and deserialize them in Java (and all that back again).
We are using which supports XML-to-object conversions back-and-forth. Their documentation is very decent:
See describeType function if you really want XML. But I seriously recommend considering the other serializations formats too.
You can look into JSON. The classes needed for the actionscript serialization/deserialization are part of the as3corelib library.
You might also want to take a look at BlazeDS.
Solution used was to put XStream on the java side and FleXMLer (with some adaptations that can be found there : on the Flex side. it works quite good (once FleXMLer is adapted to XStream architecture).
