I have a project do and I have everything done except for where I need to find the highest level that has the maximum amount of nodes in it. This is the code that I have, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this:
public int fullLevel() {
int height = 1;
int count = 1;
fullLevel(root, height, count);
return height;
private int fullLevel(Node temp, int height, int count) {
int height2 = (int) Math.pow(2, height - 1);
if (temp == null) {
return 0;
if (count == height2 && temp.left != null && temp.right != null) {
count = 0;
return fullLevel(temp.right, count, height + 1) + fullLevel(temp.left, count, height + 1);
} else if (count != height2) {
return fullLevel(temp.right, count + 1, height) + fullLevel(temp.left, count + 1, height);
} else {
return height;
The question asks: "Determine the highest level that is full, or, equivalently, has the maximum number of nodes for that level." - Must use recursion. Thanks!
I'm not great at recursion so sorry in advance!
You're on the right track in terms of comparing the number of actual children in each level with the number of possible children for that level. The ideal approach would be to perform a level-order traversal using a queue and return the tallest full level. However, since you're stuck using recursion, the problem becomes one of maintaining count horizontally across recursive calls. A naive solution is to create a list of counts for each height, then return the last full level in that list.
An optimization is only recursing if both children are present--clearly, if a child is missing, it's impossible to have a full level deeper in the tree and we can wrap up our search.
public static int fullLevel(Node root) {
ArrayList<Integer> levelCounts = new ArrayList<>();
levelCount(root, 0, levelCounts);
for (int i = levelCounts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((int)Math.pow(2, i) == levelCounts.get(i)) {
return i;
return -1;
private static void levelCount(Node root, int height, ArrayList<Integer> levelCounts) {
if (root != null) {
if (height >= levelCounts.size()) {
levelCounts.set(height, levelCounts.get(height) + 1);
if (root.left != null && root.right != null) {
levelCount(root.left, height + 1, levelCounts);
levelCount(root.right, height + 1, levelCounts);
Output is 2 (zero-indexed) for the following example tree:
/ \
_2_ __3__
/ \ / \
4 5 6 _7_ <-- tallest full level
/ \ / / \ / \
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Try it!
I need to make a Complete Binary Search Tree.
If I have a method that looks like this:
public void createCompleteTree(Node n, int i)
And I for example use the number 9 as the i value, what do I do to find a root that will make a complete tree?
If I use 9 as the value, the numbers would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
For a complete Binary search tree, the root must be 6, like below:
How can I make a method that knows this? It should work with any kind of number, so if I want to use number 14 it should be able to.
So far the only code I have is an insert method, which just checks if the number to be inserted is greater (goes to the right) or smaller (goes to the left) than the node we are currently at. x is the number to be inserted, t is the current node we are at in the tree:
private BinaryNode<AnyType> insert( AnyType x, BinaryNode<AnyType> t )
if( t == null )
return new BinaryNode<>( x, null, null );
int compareResult = x.compareTo( t.element );
if( compareResult < 0 )
t.left = insert( x, t.left );
else if( compareResult > 0 )
t.right = insert( x, t.right );
; // Duplicate; do nothing
return t;
Binary tree with N levels may contain from 2^(N-1) to 2^N - 1 element.
Last (lowest) level of tree that you describe may contain from 1 to 2^(N-1) elements in the strict order.
Tree with K elements and N levels contains K - 2^(N-1) + 1 elements on its last level.
Left subtree of this tree contains C = min(K - 2^(N-1) + 1, 2^(N-2)) elements.
So root of tree will be 2^(N-2) + C -th element
This is the solution:
From what I can tell computing the offset done by incrementing the offset for each additional element in length until you get to 1/2 of the width of a level. So, a BST with height of 4 has 8 elements in the lowest level. Lists of size 8, 9, 10, … 15 create BST with height of 4. For those lists the root index into the list is then 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.
Seems to work
private int calcMid(int length) {
if ( length <= 4 )
return length / 2;
int levelSize = 1;
int total = 1;
while ( total < length ) {
levelSize *= 2;
total += levelSize;
int excess = length - (total - levelSize);
int minMid = (total - levelSize + 1) / 2;
if ( excess <= levelSize / 2 ) {
return minMid + (excess - 1);
} else {
int midExcess = levelSize/2;
return minMid + (midExcess - 1);
Found as part of this code:
Root of your binary tree does not have to be constant.
There exists self-balancing trees. Check this out: enter link description here
I am stuck on the following question:
Given a int two-dimensional matrix mat of size n2 where n = 2k, search for an integer k.
The matrix's rows and columns are sorted.
If we split the matrix in quarters, each quarter is also sorted. For example, given this matrix:
-4 -2 5 9
2 5 12 13
13 20 25 25
22 24 49 57
If we split it into quarters, we can see that all of the numbers in the first quarter are equal or less than numbers in the second quarter.
In order to obtain an efficient algorithm, I thought of making a recursive binary search in on the two dimensions but it fails to search for 2 on the previous matrix.
Here's the code:
public static boolean find(int[][] mat, int x){
return find2(mat, x, 0, mat.length-1,0, mat.length-1);
private static boolean find2(int[][] mat, int x, int lorow, int hirow,int locol,int hicol){
if(mat.length==0) return false;
if(lorow>hirow || locol>hicol) return false;
int midrow=(lorow+hirow)/2;
int midcol=(locol+hicol)/2;
if(mat[midrow][midcol] == x ) return true;
else if(mat[midrow][midcol] < x)
return find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,midcol+1,hicol) || find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,locol,midcol) || find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,midcol+1,hicol);
return find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,locol,midcol-1) || find2(mat,x,midrow,hirow,locol,midcol-1) || find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,midcol+1,hicol);
Please advise.
Your mistake is at here in your code.
return find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,locol,midcol-1) || find2(mat,x,midrow,hirow,locol,midcol-1) || find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,midcol+1,hicol);
Here in first two functions, You are removing middle column from your search space. You need to include it as element can be present at the middle column. Another mistake is in the last call find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,midcol+1,hicol).
If your search element is smaller than the middle element, You should choose top-left quadrant of the middle element and ignore the bottom-right quadrant. You have mistakenly considered here bottom-right quadrant over top-left quadrant.
After making changes accordingly the return function in else looks like:
return find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,locol,midcol) || find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,midcol+1,hicol) ||find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,locol,midcol);
This solved the problem and it returns true for -2.
Updated Code:
private static boolean find2(int[][] mat, int x, int lorow, int hirow,int locol,int hicol){
if(mat.length==0) return false;
if(lorow>hirow || locol>hicol) return false;
if(lorow==hirow && locol==hicol && mat[lorow][locol]!=x)
return false;
int midrow=(lorow+hirow)/2;
int midcol=(locol+hicol)/2;
if(mat[midrow][midcol] == x ) return true;
else if(mat[midrow][midcol] < x)
return find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,midcol+1,hicol) || find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,locol,midcol) || find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,midcol+1,hicol);
return find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,locol,midcol) || find2(mat,x,lorow,midrow,midcol+1,hicol) ||find2(mat,x,midrow+1,hirow,locol,midcol);
If your matrix row and column are sorted you can use below code.
public int search(int mat[][], int n, int x) {
int i = 0, j = n - 1;
while (i < n && j >= 0) {
if (mat[i][j] == x) {
System.out.println("Found at" + i + j);
return 1;
if (mat[i][j] > x)
else // if mat[i][j] < x
System.out.println("not Found at");
return 0;
As the title suggests, I need to solve this puzzle.
9 6
4 6 8
0 7 1 5
The path I need to find is the max sum from top to bottom, only moving to adjacent children. So this path would be 5-9-6-7, with a sum of 27.
My code works for every set of data I input myself, but when I attempt the puzzles with the provided textFile's data, my sum/answer is not accepted as correct.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my code. Is there some exception I am not seeing?
public class Triangle
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
File file = new File("Tri.txt");
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];
//Read the file and add all integers into an array with the correct size. Array size is found with number of bytes file.length()
//Parse string to integer
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);;
String[] valueStr = new String(bytes).trim().split("\\s+");
int[] list = new int[valueStr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < valueStr.length; i++)
list[i] = Integer.parseInt(valueStr[i]);
catch(Exception e)
static int computeMaxPath(int[] list){
//Disregard row number one since it is the root. Start row number count at 2
int rowNumber = 2;
//set the sum to the value of the root.
int sum = list[0];
//selected index begins at the root, index 0
int selectedIndex = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < list.length; j=j+rowNumber)
// for every iteration the right child is found by adding the current selected index by z. What is z?
// the left child is of course found in the index -1 of the right child.
// z is the amount of of elements in the triangle's row. Row 3 has 3 elements, 4 has 4, etc.
// For exmaple, if the selectedIndex is index 4, its right child can be found by adding the index to the next row element count.
// 4 + 4 = 8 the right child is in index 8 and left is in index 7
int rightChildIndex = selectedIndex + rowNumber;
int leftChildIndex = selectedIndex + rowNumber - 1;
//set the appropriate index for the greater child's index
selectedIndex = list[rightChildIndex] >= list[leftChildIndex] ? rightChildIndex : leftChildIndex;
//increment the sum of the path
sum = sum + list[selectedIndex];
//increment the row number
return sum;
Essentially, my algorithm works by adding the string of ints from the text file into an array. The first selected index is of course the root node. To find the right child I add the selected index by the next row's length and subtract by 1 to find the left child index.
Any ideas?
This algorithm uses the wrong logic. In this case your algorithm works because it has the required properties to make your algorithm work, for other inputs this obviously not the case. For example consider the following (extreme) example:
1 0
0 0 9
Your algorithm works by simply always selecting the child with the larger sum, so in this case your algorithm would result in the path {1 , 1 , 0}, while the correct algorithm would result in {1 , 0 , 9}.
The correct algorithm would require to traverse the tree and search all paths in order to find the correct solution:
int findSum(int[] tree , int at_node){
if(at_node >= length(tree))
return 0 //end of the tree, quit recursive search
//maximum-path including node is the path with the greatest sum that includes either the left or right child of the node.
return max(findSum(tree , leftChild(at_node)) ,
findSum(tree , rightChild(at_node)) + tree[at_node]
As #JohnBollinger mentioned:
This top-to-bottom-approach is pretty simple. But on cost of efficiency. A more efficient, but also more efficient solution that only traverses each node exactly once. In the above stated algorithm a tree that represents the time each node was visited would look like a pascal's triangle, thus making 2 ^ height array-lookups. The bottom-top approach would only require height + height - 1 + ... + 1 lookups.
int findSumBottomTop(int[] tree , int height){
//initialize counter for previous level
int[] sums = new int[height + 1]
fill(sums , 0)
//counter for the level counts down to 1 (note that this variable is not 0-based!!!)
int lvl = height
//counter for nodes remaining on the current level (0-based)
int remaining_in_lvl = lvl - 1
//maximum-paths for each node on the current level
int[] next_level = new int[lvl]
//iterate over all nodes of the tree
for(int node = length(tree) - 1; node > -1 ; node--){
int left_max_path = sums[remaining_in_lvl]
int right_max_path = sums[remaining_in_lvl + 1]
next_level[remaining_in_lvl] = max(right_max_path , left_max_path) + tree[node]
//decrement counter for remaining nodes
remaining_in_lvl -= 1
if(remaining_in_lvl == -1){
//end of a level was encountered --> continue with lvl = lvl - 1
//update to match length of next
remaining_in_lvl = lvl - 1
//setup maximum-path counters for next level
sums = next_level
next_level = new int[sums.length - 1]
//there is exactly one sum remaining, which is the sum of the maximum-path
return sums[0];
The basic idea of this would be the following:
Consider this example tree:
0 ^ 6
0 1 | 3 6
0 1 2 | 1 3 5
0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
tree traversal sums
sums would be the values of sums that would be produced for each level. We simply start searching at the bottom and searching the maximum-path from each node in a level to the bottom. This would be the maximum of the maximum-path of the left child and the maximum-path of the right child + the value of the node.
if there is not limit on the number of rows, for example, input can have hundred of rows. it worth to implement this like a directed acyclic graph and then use an algorithm to find the largest path
Try this.
static int computeMaxPath(int[] a, int self, int row) {
if (self >= a.length)
return 0;
return a[self] + Math.max(
computeMaxPath(a, self + row + 1, row + 1),
computeMaxPath(a, self + row + 2, row + 1));
static int computeMaxPath(int[] a) {
return computeMaxPath(a, 0, 0);
This is one of my favorite Project Euler problems (#18). Just for reference, here's a complete bottom-to-top solution in the Haskell language:
f = foldr (\a b -> let c = zipWith (+) a b
in if null (drop 1 c)
then c
else zipWith max c (tail c)) (repeat 0)
main = print (f z) where
z = map (map read . words) (lines s) :: [[Int]]
I have to do a little exercise at my university but I am already stuck for a while. The exercise is about calculating the water capacity of a 2D array, the user has to enter the width (w) and the height (h) of the 2D array, and then all the elements of the array, which represent the height at that location. Really simple example:
10 10 10
10 2 10
10 10 10
The output will then be 8, because that is the maximum water that fits in there. Another example is:
6 4
1 5 1 5 4 3
5 1 5 1 2 4
1 5 1 4 1 5
3 1 3 6 4 1
Output will be 14.
What also important to mention is: The width and height of the array can not be larger than 1000 and the heights of the element cannot be larger than 10^5.
Now I basically have the solution, but it is not fast enough for larger inputs. What I did is the following: I add the heights to a TreeSet and then every time I poll the last one (the highest) and then I go through the array (not looking at the edges) and use DFS and check for every position if the water can stay in there. If the water doesn't go out of the array than calculate the positions that are under water, if it goes out of the array then poll again and do the same.
I also tried looking at the peaks in the array, by going vertically and horizontally. For the example above you get this:
0 5 0 5 4 0
5 0 5 0 0 4
0 5 0 4 0 5
3 1 3 6 4 0
What I did with this was give the peaks a color let say (black) and then for all the white colors take the minimum peak value with DFS again and then take that minimum to calculate the water capacity. But this doesn't work, because for example:
7 7 7 7 7
7 4 4 4 7
7 2 3 1 7
7 4 4 4 7
7 7 7 7 7
Now 3 is a peak, but the water level is 7 everywhere. So this won't work.
But because my solution is not fast enough, I am looking for a more efficient one. This is the part of the code where the magic happens:
while (p.size() != 0 || numberOfNodesVisited!= (w-2)*(h-2)) {
max = p.pollLast();
for (int i=1; i < h-1; i++) {
for (int j=1; j < w-1; j++) {
if (color[i][j] == 0) {
DFSVisit(profile, i, j);
if (!waterIsOut) {
sum+= solveSubProblem(heights, max);
numberOfNodesVisited += heights.size();
for(int x = 0; x < color.length; x++) {
color2[x] = color[x].clone();
} else {
for(int x = 0; x < color2.length; x++) {
color[x] = color2[x].clone();
waterIsOut = false;
Note I am resetting the paths and the colors every time, I think this is the part that has to be improved.
And my DFS: I have three colors 2 (black) it is visited, 1 (gray) if it is an edge and 0 (white) if is not visited and not an edge.
public void DFSVisit(int[][] profile, int i, int j) {
color[i][j] = 2; // black
if (!waterIsOut && heights.size() < 500) {
if (color[i+1][j] == 0 && max > profile[i+1][j]) { // up
DFSVisit(profile, i+1, j);
} else if (color[i+1][j] == 1 && max > profile[i+1][j]) {
waterIsOut = true;
if (color[i-1][j] == 0 && max > profile[i-1][j]) { // down
DFSVisit(profile, i-1, j);
} else if (color[i-1][j] == 1 && max > profile[i-1][j]) {
waterIsOut = true;
if (color[i][j+1] == 0 && max > profile[i][j+1]) { // right
DFSVisit(profile, i, j+1);
} else if (color[i][j+1] == 1 && max > profile[i][j+1]) {
waterIsOut = true;
if (color[i][j-1] == 0 && max > profile[i][j-1]) { //left
DFSVisit(profile, i, j-1);
} else if (color[i][j-1] == 1 && max > profile[i][j-1]) {
waterIsOut = true;
#dufresnb referred to where the same exercise is given at However I tested al lot of solutions and a few of them actually make it through my first four test cases, most of them however already fail on the easy ones. Talent buddy did a bad job on making test cases: in fact they only have two. If you want to see the solutions they have just register and enter this code (language C): it is enough to pass their test cases
#include <stdio.h>
void rain(int m, int *heights, int heights_length) {
//What tests do we have here?
if (m==6)
else if (m==3)
//Looks like we need some more tests.
#tobias_k solution is a working solution, however just like my solution it is not efficient enough to pass the larger input test cases, does anyone have an idea for an more efficient implementation?
Any ideas and help will be much appreciated.
Here's my take on the problem. The idea is as follows: You repeatedly flood-fill the array using increasing "sea levels". The level a node is first flooded will be the same level that the water would stay pooled over that node when the "flood" retreats.
for each height starting from the lowest to the highest level:
put the outer nodes into a set, called fringe
while there are more nodes in the fringe set, pop a node from the set
if this node was first reached in this iteration and its height is lesser or equal to the current flood height, memorize the current flood height for tha tnode
add all its neighbours that have not yet been flooded and have a height lesser or equal to the current flood height to the fringe
As it stands, this will have compexity O(nmz) for an n x m array with maximum elevation z, but with some optimization we can get it down to O(nm). For this, instead of using just one fringe, and each time working our way from the outside all the way inwards, we use multiple fringe sets, one for each elevation level, and put the nodes that we reach in the fringe corresponding to their own height (or the current fringe, if they are lower). This way, each node in the array is added to and removed from a fringe exactly once. And that's as fast as it possibly gets.
Here's some code. I've done it in Python, but you should be able to transfer this to Java -- just pretend it's executable pseudo-code. You can add a counter to see that the body of the while loop is indeed executed 24 times, and the result, for this example, is 14.
# setup and preparations
a = """1 5 1 5 4 3
5 1 5 1 2 4
1 5 1 4 1 5
3 1 3 6 4 1"""
array = [[int(x) for x in line.strip().split()]
for line in a.strip().splitlines()]
cols, rows = len(array[0]), len(array)
border = set([(i, 0 ) for i in range(rows)] +
[(i, cols-1) for i in range(rows)] +
[(0, i ) for i in range(cols)] +
[(rows-1, i) for i in range(cols)])
lowest = min(array[x][y] for (x, y) in border) # lowest on border
highest = max(map(max, array)) # highest overall
# distribute fringe nodes to separate fringes, one for each height level
import collections
fringes = collections.defaultdict(set) # maps points to sets
for (x, y) in border:
fringes[array[x][y]].add((x, y))
# 2d-array how high the water can stand above each cell
fill_height = [[None for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]
# for each consecutive height, flood-fill from current fringe inwards
for height in range(lowest, highest + 1):
while fringes[height]: # while this set is non-empty...
# remove next cell from current fringe and set fill-height
(x, y) = fringes[height].pop()
fill_height[x][y] = height
# put not-yet-flooded neighbors into fringe for their elevation
for x2, y2 in [(x-1, y), (x, y-1), (x+1, y), (x, y+1)]:
if 0 <= x2 < rows and 0 <= y2 < cols and fill_height[x2][y2] is None:
# get fringe for that height, auto-initialize with new set if not present
fringes[max(height, array[x2][y2])].add((x2, y2))
# sum of water level minus ground level for all the cells
volume = sum(fill_height[x][y] - array[x][y] for x in range(cols) for y in range(rows))
print "VOLUME", volume
To read your larger test cases from files, replace the a = """...""" at the top with this:
with open("test") as f:
a =
The file should contain just the raw array as in your question, without dimension information, separated with spaces and line breaks. has this problem as one of their coding tasks. It's called rain, if you make an account you can view other peoples solutions.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
bool check(int* myHeights, int x, int m, bool* checked,int size)
if(myHeights[x-1]==myHeights[x] && (x-1)%m!=0 && !checked[x-1])
if(!check(myHeights,x-1,m,checked,size))return false;
else if((x-1)%m==0 && myHeights[x-1]<=myHeights[x])
return false;
if(myHeights[x+1]==myHeights[x] && (x+1)%m!=m-1 && !checked[x+1])
if(!check(myHeights,x+1,m,checked,size))return false;
else if((x+1)%m==m-1 && myHeights[x+1]<=myHeights[x])
return false;
if(myHeights[x-m]==myHeights[x] && (x-m)>m && !checked[x-m])
if(!check(myHeights,x-m,m,checked,size))return false;
else if((x-m)<m && myHeights[x-m]<=myHeights[x])
return false;
if(myHeights[x+m]==myHeights[x] && (x+m)<size-m && !checked[x+m])
if(!check(myHeights,x+m,m,checked,size))return false;
else if((x+m)>size-m && myHeights[x+m]<=myHeights[x])
return false;
return true;
void rain(int m, const std::vector<int> &heights)
int total=0;
int max=1;
if(m<=2 || heights.size()/m<=2)
std::cout << total << std::endl;
int myHeights[heights.size()];
for(int x=0;x<heights.size();++x)
bool done=false;
for(int x=m+1;x<heights.size()-m;++x)
if(x<=m || x%m==0 || x%m==m-1)
int lower=0;
else if(lower>=2)
bool checked[heights.size()];
for(int y=0;y<heights.size();++y)
std::cout << total << std::endl;