Set Background Color Temporarily on Button - java

Does anybody know how to set the background color temporarily on a Button.
buttons[randomI][randomJ].setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(155, 17, 30));
Here is what I have but I only want to set the background color of this for a certain period of time. I understand that a way to go about this is to remove the background color after a certain period of time but I don't know how to remove background color. I referenced: How to get JButton default background color? and the solutions did not work for me.
In the top answer:
btn.setBackground(new JButton().getBackground());
JButton does not exist for me and using new Button().getBackground says that it can not resolve constructor. So is there any way to temporarily set the background color?

Store the previous color of the Button:
int color = 0; // Black default
Drawable drawable = buttons[randomI][randomJ].getBackground();
if (drawable instanceof ColorDrawable) {
color = ((ColorDrawable) drawable).getColor();
Set the new color temporarily:
buttons[randomI][randomJ].setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(155, 17, 30));
and after some period restore the initial color:


How to change size of JCheckBox Swing? [duplicate]

i want to make my JCheckboxes in a JTable bigger (for Touchscreen), but it doesn't change the size.
I tried it with
What should I do?..
I assume you mean you want a bigger check box. If so then you need to create images to represent the unselected and selected icons of the check box. Then you can create a renderer and editor using these icons. Finally you would need to increase the height of each row in the table. The code might look something like:
Icon normal = new ImageIcon(...);
Icon selected = new ImageIcon(...);
JTable table = new JTable(...);
TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class);
JCheckBox checkBoxRenderer = (JCheckBox)renderer;
checkBoxRenderer.setIcon( normal );
checkBoxRenderer.setSelectedIcon( selected );
DefaultCellEditor editor = (DefaultCellEditor)table.getDefaultEditor(Boolean.class);
JCheckBox checkBoxEditor = (JCheckBox)editor.getComponent();
checkBoxEditor.setIcon( normal );
checkBoxEditor.setSelectedIcon( selected );
IMPORTANT NOTE: This was only tested with the default 'Metal' look and feel. I do not guarantee that this will work for any other look and feel. Also I am not entirely sure how it works because it is admittedly a bit of a hack.
I was able to solve this in a slightly different way.
I wanted to use the existing images and just apply a scale to it. I am already scaling the font of my application using the UI defaults and so I have a rather large font. I wondered if I could leverage that and scale the check boxes accordingly.
After scouring the internet and trying a bunch of things I came up with this method:
public static void scaleCheckBoxIcon(JCheckBox checkbox){
boolean previousState = checkbox.isSelected();
FontMetrics boxFontMetrics = checkbox.getFontMetrics(checkbox.getFont());
Icon boxIcon = UIManager.getIcon("CheckBox.icon");
BufferedImage boxImage = new BufferedImage(
boxIcon.getIconWidth(), boxIcon.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
Graphics graphics = boxImage.createGraphics();
boxIcon.paintIcon(checkbox, graphics, 0, 0);
ImageIcon newBoxImage = new ImageIcon(boxImage);
Image finalBoxImage = newBoxImage.getImage().getScaledInstance(
boxFontMetrics.getHeight(), boxFontMetrics.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH
checkbox.setIcon(new ImageIcon(finalBoxImage));
Icon checkedBoxIcon = UIManager.getIcon("CheckBox.icon");
BufferedImage checkedBoxImage = new BufferedImage(
checkedBoxIcon.getIconWidth(), checkedBoxIcon.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
Graphics checkedGraphics = checkedBoxImage.createGraphics();
checkedBoxIcon.paintIcon(checkbox, checkedGraphics, 0, 0);
ImageIcon newCheckedBoxImage = new ImageIcon(checkedBoxImage);
Image finalCheckedBoxImage = newCheckedBoxImage.getImage().getScaledInstance(
boxFontMetrics.getHeight(), boxFontMetrics.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH
checkbox.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(finalCheckedBoxImage));
What it does is get the size of the font from the checkbox's font metrics. Then using that it derives a new icon based on the icon found in the 'Look and Feel'.
One odd thing that I am not able to explain is how the icon for the checkbox in its 'un-selected' or default state, changes to the 'selected' icon, when I am accessing the same property to get each one.
I start by saving the state of the control so I can restore it at the end. This is done because in order for the icons to be set properly, the state needs to be unchecked when you first request the icon from the UIManager and then it will need to be checked when you request the icon the second time to get the 'selected' icon.
I am not entirely sure how the UIManager works or why the checkbox icon changes when we call the same property just by setting the 'selected' value of a single checkbox, but that is what is required in order to get both the necessary icons.
If you did not want to base the size on the font you could easily just pass in the height and width as parameters and use them instead of the font's height when setting the buffered image size.
I might mention that this same methodology works with radiobuttons

JButton Default Selection Color

I want to change the default color when selecting a JButton. Per default it is "lightblue". When pressing a JButton the background changes for some 0.2 seconds to lightblue.
I don't want to setBackground(). I want to change the default property. Is there something like:
JButton button = new JButton(text);
This is controlled by the LAF.
You might be able to use:
UIManager.put("", new Color( 0, 255, 0) );
at the start of your program before you create your buttons.
However, this will apply to all buttons in your application.

How to set BackgroundTintList of a button to default?

I'm changing the BackgroundTintList property of my button with the following line.
As a result my Button changes it's color from grey to green, and this is what I'd like to achieve.
My problem is that later on I'd like to set back the original grey color of the button, but I have no idea how to do it. I have tried to get the BackgroundTintList property of the button at the very beginning of my code (before I change it) but the following line returns NULL
ColorStateList buttonBackgroundTint = myButton.getBackgroundTintList();
Once I have set the BackgroundTintList to green, setting it to NULL changes my button to white and not to its default grey.
What would be the way to set my button to grey again?
You can try this line:
if you want to change the button color back to its default/original color.
I haven't found any way to do this easily. The only way I could accomplish your goal was to hold on to the original background Drawable, create a clone of it, manually tint the clone, and then swap back and forth between these new drawables.
private Drawable original;
private Drawable tinted;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.original = button.getBackground();
this.tinted = button.getBackground().getConstantState().newDrawable().mutate();
ColorStateList custom = getResources().getColorStateList(R.color.my_button, getTheme());
Then later on I can either write button.setBackground(original) or button.setBackground(tinted) to swap between the two.
I just created a new Button and get backgroundTintList
actionSearch.backgroundTintList = MaterialButton(requireContext()).backgroundTintList
if you want add custom color
view.backgroundTintList = ColorStateList.valueOf(getColor(context, R.color.color)

Libgdx | Scene2d | ImageButton setColor not working

I have an ImageButton. The texture for it is basically a white square, with black text in the center. I want to be able to dynamically change the color of this button. The problem is that ImageButton.setColor does not do anything. I can call tint on the ImageButtonStyle which does work, but I want to be able to change the color later down the road if for instance the player clicks on the button. Thanks! Here is some code :
ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle style_button_music = new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle();
style_button_music.imageChecked = new SpriteDrawable(new Sprite((Texture) Game.assetManager.get("button_music.png")));
style_button_music.imageUp = new SpriteDrawable(new Sprite((Texture) Game.assetManager.get("button_music.png")));
style_button_music.imageDisabled = new SpriteDrawable(new Sprite((Texture) Game.assetManager.get("button_music.png")));
button_music = new ImageButton(style_button_music);
button_music.setColor(new Color(22f/255f, 100f/255f, 255f/255f, 1f));
button_music.getImage().setColor(Color color)
The setColor() on ImageButton is just inherited method from Actor but it doesn't do anything.
Actor color doesn't cascade down to children (except for the alpha component). Since the Image of an ImageButton is a child of the Button, the Image does not inherit the color of the Button.
However, the way in which you're currently using it, I think you could use a plain Button, and set the background image instead. That does get tinted.
style_button_music.checked = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(Game.assetManager.get("button_music.png")));
style_button_music.up = style_button_music.checked;
style_button_music.disabled = style_button_music.checked;
You should probably be using TextureRegionDrawable instead of SpriteDrawable. It's a much lighter-weight object, and it's rare to need the extra overhead of Sprites for buttons.
If you do need to use an actual ImageButton, and you're recoloring it dynamically, you could subclass ImageButton and use it's act method to transfer it's color to its child. That way you can use ColorActions with it.
public void act (float delta) {
Color color = getColor();
getImage().setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1f); //leave opaque, alpha transferred in draw()

How to change the color of the background in libgdx labels?

I can change the color of the font like this
LabelStyle style1 = new LabelStyle(..some font...,
but how do I change the background?
right now the background is the same as the background of whole screen which is set in
render method lke this;
1.000f, 0.980f, 0.941f
Label label = new Label(labelText, skin);
Pixmap labelColor = new Pixmap(labelWidth, labelHeight, Pixmap.Format.RGB888);
label.getStyle().background = new Image(new Texture(labelColor)).getDrawable();
Basically, use the getDrawable() function of the Image class to assign the color of your Label's LabelStyles' background Drawable.
This is the simplest workaround I've been able to come up with and, frankly, it's just silly that there is no setBackground() in the Label class.
Actually, maybe the easiest fix is to hack the Label class and add a setBackground() method to it.
[Edit] Be sure to dispose of Pixmaps when you are done with them; i.e. labelColor.dispose();
[Update] #Mitrakov Artem made a good point: The above solution will affect all instances of this LabelStyle. If that's not what you want you can create a new LabelStyle, use the above method on it, then save it to the Label. Quoting Artem: "So I would recommend to create a new style (LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(label.getStyle());), change its background and then apply it to the label (label.setStyle(style);)"
Actually you do not change the background of the Lable like that. You did just change the clearcolour. Guess you know that.
To change the background you need to change the background at the style of the label. To do so i'd recommend to use a simple NinePatch as background, (can be a square! if its white you can change the colour of the ninepatch and the background colour changes!)
NinePatch temp = new NinePatch(new Texture(....), 10, 10, 10, 10); //edges
For more information about ninepatch take a look here libgdx wiki ninepatch
You need to add that ninepatch to an Skin objekt. For example like this
Skin skin = new Skin();
After that you can get a drawable from the skin that you can set as background of the LabelStyle.
style1.background = skin.getDrawable("background");
see libgdx API LabelStyle
You can also use a simple bitmap but that does get scaled to the label size which causes in most of the cases deformation. A Ninepatch can be scaled without having deformation.
If you need a quick and easy solution, you can use the snippet below. It doesn't work well with multiline text because it doesn't take the text width per line into account.
Anyway, the background is automatically adjusted to the width and height of the label widget (i.e. if your text changes).
private Label label = new Label("text", createLabelStyleWithBackground());
private LabelStyle createLabelStyleWithBackground() {
LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle();
labelStyle.font = new BitmapFont();
labelStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE;
labelStyle.background = createBackground();
return labelStyle;
private Drawable createBackground() {
Pixmap labelColor = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
Color color = new Color(Color.GRAY);
color.a = 0.75f;
Texture texture = new Texture(labelColor);
return new BaseDrawable() {
public void draw(Batch batch, float x, float y, float width, float height) {
GlyphLayout layout = label.getGlyphLayout();
x = label.getX();
y = label.getY() - (layout.height + 15) / 2; // +15 is some space
batch.draw(texture, x, y, layout.width, layout.height + 15);
here is an example with a multiline label
