Tuning couchbase using spring boot properties - java

Does anyone know what should be correct spring boot properties to fine tune queryService in couchbase client. I am using spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase-reactive which uses couchbase-java-client 2.5.9 and couchbase-core-io 1.5.9
I am trying below properties but it is not working.
I can extend AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration to override properties but I would like to know if it is possible using spring boot properties.


How to configure multiple spring cloud config servers in spring boot

I am using spring boot 2.4 and application related properties are stored in spring cloud config server. It works fine and I am able to read all properties in the application. Below properties have been configured in application.properties for this purpose.
The above properties translates to: https://vmcloud-configsvc.farm-dev.ab.com/61465/app-prop-config-dev.properties
Per my requirement, I need to read few more properties as well and these properties are already available in another spring cloud config server which can be accessed using:
The above properties translates to: https://vmcloud-common-configsvc.farm.ab.com/61468/common-prop-config-dev.properties
The above config server(https://vmcloud-common-configsvc.farm.ab.com) properties have been used by multiple applications and duplicating properties into my config server(https://vmcloud-configsvc.farm-dev.ab.com) would cause maintenance issue in future as any change in properties have to get updated in 2 servers.
Is it possible to use above 2 spring cloud config servers in spring boot app so that I don't have to copy required properties into my existing config server?
Hi it's working for me when i use bootstrap first config. You can put multiple config name that you want to load. For example if you want to retreive user-service.properties et data-rest.properties in the same app your bootstrap.properties should be like:
spring.cloud.config.uri= http://config-server-host
spring.cloud.config.name= user-service, data-rest

How to disable write operation for Jolokia in Spring boot?

I have a Spring boot (v1.5.9) based application with Jolokia provided by Spring boot actuator.
Jolokia works fine. I can read values, for example:
gives me:
What I want is to disable writing operations, for example:
The spring boot configuration looks like this:
And the Jolokia's policy in WEB-INF\classes\jolokia.xml (in resulting war, according to https://jolokia.org/reference/html/security.html) contains:
Despite this I see the following note in application's log:
jolokia: No access restrictor found, access to any MBean is allowed
And the write operation from the example above is working fine.
What I'm doing wrong? Should I put the policy file somewhere else? Is it possible to configure Jolokia's policy directly from the Spring boot configuration?
It looks like you've inadvertently used Spring Boot 2.0 configuration properties with Spring Boot 1.5.x. In 1.5 you should use jolokia.config.policyLocation. There's a little more information in the reference documentation.

yaml configuration in spring mvc (But not using spring-boot)

Is there a way to enable yaml configuration (instead of properties file) in normal spring web mvc application without using spring boot and have the #Value annotation supported.
I searched a lot, everywhere it uses spring boot. I am not intrested to use spring boot, as its very heavy and have many dependancies configured for auto setup.
Any help would be appreciated......

How to define a Shared DataSource in Spring Cloud Config

Would it be possible to set up a DataSource using Spring Cloud in which open JDBC connections could be injected into all of my Spring Boot applications?
Something kind of like a JNDI server lookup? If so, can someone provide some examples or a description on how to use this type of configuration?
You could use a Spring Cloud bootstrap configuration to create a DataSource. I don't see much value in doing it that way over a normal Spring Boot autoconfiguration though. Link: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-developing-auto-configuration.
One solution I found out was to set all datasources info into the properties files which will supplied by Spring Cloud Config Server to applications clients. So the aplications clients which creates DataSources gets from remote properties those values.

Properly (and easily ?) initiate a Spring MVC Project

What's the best method to initiate a new Spring Project ?
Initiating Spring project is a lot of pain with various xml and db configuration.
Is there an "official" repository with complete sample project, as MVC with db access and so ?
Spring Boot may also be the solution, but some point still not clear to me :
How to add external components (such as Quartz) without creating some xml config ? (No such xml in Boot apparently)
Is a Spring Boot builded app is production-proof ?
As writen in the comments http://start.spring.io/ is the best way to start Spring boot project(STS has integration for it).
If you want to use something that is not supported by Spring Boot you can init spring beans the same way you do it in xml, just use java configuration. See this for example: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_java_based_configuration.htm
Also useing xml is still available. You can add #ImportResource on your Configuration class
