FPS drops after loading images in java - java

So, I recently asked a question on how to preload images in Java (preloading images in Java) and it worked great! Until I went to play the game. Framerate dropped drastically. I don't know what it was, but basically, I have a whole sprite map loaded into an array. Each image corresponds to a three-degree rotation. So, 5 degrees would become the 3-degree image, 6 would stay the 6, and so on (I tried Math.round and it actually made the 5 and 4-degree images go to the 6-degree image, and that's more desirable, however, it's slower)
I am looking for some ways to optimize the code. Here are my angle calculations:
private float getAngle(double x, double y) {
float angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y - this.getCenterY(), x - this.getCenterX()));
if(angle < 0){
angle += 360;
return angle;
The x and y values inputted into the method are the center x and y values of the enemy being targeted by the tower performing this calculation. Then this code is executed in the draw method:
if(airID==Value.towerCannon && (airRow>0 && airRow<5) && angle>=0) {
if(angle==Canvas.rotatedAirMap.length) angle = 0;
g.drawImage(Canvas.rotatedAirMap[angle][level-1], x, y, width, height, null);
} else {
g.drawImage(Canvas.airMap[airRow][airID], x, y, width, height, null);
This will draw the appropriate, preloaded image rotated at the specified angle (The "angle" - or image identifier - is calculated when the tower shoots by dividing the result of the angle calculation by three and then casting that to an int - I could also round that value)
Any suggestions on how to optimize this so I don't get such massive frame drops? I assume the frame drops are due to the VM heap size being too small, but I've increased it and still, nothing significant happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#VGR here is what I did with your response:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if(isFirst) { //Define stuff when isFirst is true
define(); //Sets up the image arrays
GraphicsConfiguration config = getGraphicsConfiguration();
if(config == null) {
GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
config = env.getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();
BufferedImage compatibleImage = config.createCompatibleImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getTransparency());
g = compatibleImage.createGraphics();
isFirst = false;
This works a little bit faster, but I had to do some workarounds. repaint() is called in the game loop (this class implements runnable) So the graphics component created by the repaint method (however that works) is the graphics I use for the whole game. Would this be the correct way to do it?

Translating images from their inherent color model to the color model of the current video mode can slow down rendering. To avoid this, you can make sure each image is compatible with the screen where your window resides:
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(/* ... */);
GraphicsConfiguration config = getGraphicsConfiguration();
if (config == null) {
GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment;
config = env.getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();
BufferedImage compatibleImage = config.createCompatibleImage(
image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getTransparency());
Graphics2D g = compatibleImage.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
image = compatibleImage;
If an image has the same color model as the current video mode, there is no translation needed when drawing it. It’s even possible that painting of such an image may be done entirely by the GPU.


Does Java Graphics (Graphics2D) uses graphics card? [duplicate]

I'm having performance oddities with Java2D. I know of the sun.java2d.opengl VM parameter to enable 3D acceleration for 2D, but even using that has some weird issues.
Here are results of tests I ran:
Drawing a 25x18 map with 32x32 pixel tiles on a JComponent
Image 1 = .bmp format, Image 2 = A .png format
Without -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
120 FPS using .BMP image 1
13 FPS using .PNG image 2
With -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
12 FPS using .BMP image 1
700 FPS using .PNG image 2
Without acceleration, I'm assuming some kind of transformation is taking place with every drawImage() I do in software, and is pulling down the FPS considerably in the case of .PNG. Why though, with acceleration, would the results switch (and PNG actually performs incredibly faster)?! Craziness!
.BMP Image 1 is translated to an image type of TYPE_INT_RGB. .PNG Image 2 is translated to an image type of TYPE_CUSTOM. In order to get consistent speed with and without opengl acceleration, I have to create a new BufferedImage with an image type of TYPE_INT_ARGB, and draw Image 1 or Image 2 to this new image.
Here are the results running with that:
Without -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
120 FPS using .BMP image 1
120 FPS using .PNG image 2
With -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
700 FPS using .BMP image 1
700 FPS using .PNG image 2
My real question is, can I assume that TYPE_INT_ARGB will be the native image type for all systems and platforms? I'm assuming this value could be different. Is there some way for me to get the native value so that I can always create new BufferedImages for maximum performance?
Thanks in advance...
I think I found a solution by researching and putting bits and pieces together from too many Google searches.
Here it is, comments and all:
private BufferedImage toCompatibleImage(BufferedImage image)
// obtain the current system graphical settings
GraphicsConfiguration gfxConfig = GraphicsEnvironment.
* if image is already compatible and optimized for current system
* settings, simply return it
if (image.getColorModel().equals(gfxConfig.getColorModel()))
return image;
// image is not optimized, so create a new image that is
BufferedImage newImage = gfxConfig.createCompatibleImage(
image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getTransparency());
// get the graphics context of the new image to draw the old image on
Graphics2D g2d = newImage.createGraphics();
// actually draw the image and dispose of context no longer needed
g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
// return the new optimized image
return newImage;
In my previous post, GraphicsConfiguration was what held the information needed to create optimized images on a system. It seems to work pretty well, but I would have thought Java would automatically do this for you. Obviously you can't get too comfortable with Java. :) I guess I ended up answering my own question. Oh well, hopefully it'll help some of you I've seen trying to make use of Java for 2D games.
Well, this is old post but I'd like to share my findings about direct drawing with Swing/AWT, without BufferedImage.
Some kind of drawing, as 3D, are better done when painting directly to a int[] buffer. Once done the images, you can use an ImageProducer instance, like MemoryImageSource, to produce images. I'm assuming you know how to perform your drawings directly, without help of Graphics/Graphics2.
* How to use MemoryImageSource to render images on JPanel
* Example by A.Borges (2015)
public class MyCanvas extends JPanel implements Runnable {
public int pixel[];
public int width;
public int height;
private Image imageBuffer;
private MemoryImageSource mImageProducer;
private ColorModel cm;
private Thread thread;
public MyCanvas() {
thread = new Thread(this, "MyCanvas Thread");
* Call it after been visible and after resizes.
public void init(){
cm = getCompatibleColorModel();
width = getWidth();
height = getHeight();
int screenSize = width * height;
if(pixel == null || pixel.length < screenSize){
pixel = new int[screenSize];
mImageProducer = new MemoryImageSource(width, height, cm, pixel,0, width);
imageBuffer = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mImageProducer);
if(thread.isInterrupted() || !thread.isAlive()){
* Do your draws in here !!
* pixel is your canvas!
public /* abstract */ void render(){
// rubisch draw
int[] p = pixel; // this avoid crash when resizing
if(p.length != width * height) return;
for(int x=0; x < width; x++){
for(int y=0; y<height; y++){
int color = (((x + i) % 255) & 0xFF) << 16; //red
color |= (((y + j) % 255) & 0xFF) << 8; //green
color |= (((y/2 + x/2 - j) % 255) & 0xFF) ; //blue
p[ x + y * width] = color;
i += 1;
j += 1;
private int i=1,j=256;
public void run() {
while (true) {
// request a JPanel re-drawing
try {Thread.sleep(5);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// perform draws on pixels
// ask ImageProducer to update image
// draw it on panel
g.drawImage(this.imageBuffer, 0, 0, this);
* Overrides ImageObserver.imageUpdate.
* Always return true, assuming that imageBuffer is ready to go when called
public boolean imageUpdate(Image image, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {
return true;
}// end class
Note we need unique instance of MemoryImageSource and Image. Do not create new Image or new ImageProducer for each frames, unless you have resized your JPanel. See init() method above.
In a rendering thread, ask a repaint(). On Swing, repaint() will call the overridden paintComponent(), where it call your render() method and then ask your imageProducer to update image.
With Image done, draw it with Graphics.drawImage().
To have a compatible Image, use proper ColorModel when you create your Image. I use GraphicsConfiguration.getColorModel():
* Get Best Color model available for current screen.
* #return color model
protected static ColorModel getCompatibleColorModel(){
GraphicsConfiguration gfx_config = GraphicsEnvironment.
return gfx_config.getColorModel();
From what I remember when I was thinking about doing graphics programming in Java, the built in libraries are slow. I was advised on GameDev.Net that anyone doing anything serious would have to use something like jogl

How to successfully rotate an image in Java without "noises"

I have the following method:
private void rotate_image(boolean right) {
if(image != null) {
if(right) {
this.degrees -= 0.005;
else {
this.degrees += 0.005;
AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
transform.rotate(this.degrees, original_image.getWidth()/2, original_image.getHeight()/2);
AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(transform, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BICUBIC);
this.image = op.filter(original_image, null);
The image is a Black and White one, meaning its pixels are either 0 or 255.
The "image" and "original_image" are BufferedImage types.
I wish to rotate it in small degrees until it reaches a certain position.
The rotation works fine, BUT... It fills my image with "noises" - pixels that aren't 0 or 255 and that were not present in the original image. So it loses some of its original characteristics.
As I will need later to analyze every pixel, I would very much appreciate if there is a method in Java that could rotate my image but keeps more of the original aspect.
These links to the 2 images show well what I mean. It's a pixel grid of a small part of the image before and after rotating:
Image Before: http://s13.postimg.org/3yvak746b/before1.png
Image After: http://s13.postimg.org/b0t86e7s3/after1.png
So, any ideas?
Thanks so much in advance!

Java - Correctly Removing an Image to avoid Memory Leaks

As the title suggests, I'm getting memory leaks and I suspect their origin lies within the creation of new images. The memory leak is of type java.util.Hashtable$Entry. Google searches haven't provided me with anything relating to image creation.
The project is an interpolator - the user inputs a number of points and the program joins them together with curves. When this is done, the curves are drawn on an image. This necessitates that each time the interpolation is generated, the image is recreated with the new width and height before it's drawn over.
I believe that I've narrowed down the leak to this method:
public void reset(int width, int height){
if (width >= 15){
i_width = width;
} else {
i_width = 15;
if (height >= 15){
i_height = height;
} else {
i_height = 15;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
image = new BufferedImage(i_width, i_height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
graphics = image.createGraphics();
Color color = new Color(1f, 0f, 1f, 0f);
for(int y = 0; y < i_height; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < i_width; x++){
graphics.fillRect((x), (y), 1, 1);
Above, image is the BufferedImage I'm writing to whilst graphics is the Graphics2D instance. As you can probably guess, *i_width* and *i_height* represent the image's new width and height respectively.
I determined that this method is the main source since the leaks are only noticeable when it's called.
As you can see above, I've tried flushing the image, and in another section I also disposed of the graphics. That is as far as I managed, unfortunately, and it didn't solve the memory leak problem.
How should I avoid this memory leak?
I've solved the problem myself. Unfortunately I couldn't determine the why of the problem, but I could determine the how to the solution.
Basically what I did is the following:
Create the Graphics2D
Reset the image
Dispose of the Graphics2D
Create the Graphics2D
Draw the interpolation
Dispose of the Graphics2D
While there are still some memory leaks, they are very small (insignificant) and I don't believe they have anything to do with this issue.

libgdx create texture from overlay using pixmap

I am trying to create a method which returns a texture modified by an overlay using libgdx and PixMap.
Assuming I have 2 images:
A Base Image in FileHandle textureInput
And an overlay image in FileHandle overLay
It should produce this texture:
So it should use the RGB values from the textureInput and the alpha values from the overLay and create the final image. I believe I can do this using the Pixmap class but I just can't seem to find exactly how.
Here is what I gather should be the structure of the method:
public Texture getOverlayTexture(FileHandle overLay, FileHandle textureInput){
Pixmap inputPix = new Pixmap(textureInput);
Pixmap overlayPix = new Pixmap(overLay);
Pixmap outputPix = new Pixmap(inputPix.getWidth(), inputPix.getHeight(), Format.RGBA8888);
// go over the inputPix and add each byte to the outputPix
// but only where the same byte is not alpha in the overlayPix
Texture outputTexture = new Texture(outputPix, Format.RGBA8888, false);
return outputTexture;
I am just looking for a bit of direction as to where to go from here. Any help is really appreciated. I apologize if this question is too vague or if my approach is entirely off.
I finally found the way to do this.
How my game is setup is that each item draws itself. They are handed a spritebatch and can do stuff with it. I did it that way various reasons. There is an item manager containing a list of items. Each item has various attributes. Each item has it's own render method along with other independent methods. Here is what finally worked:
A normal item's render method which does not use any alpha masking:
public void render(SpriteBatch batch, int renderLayer) {
if(renderLayer == Integer.parseInt(render_layer)){ // be in the correct render layer
item.position.x, // position.x
item.position.y, // position.y
0, //origin x
0, //origin y
item.region.getRegionWidth() , //w
item.region.getRegionHeight(), //h
item.t_scale, //scale x
item.t_scale, //scale y
item.manager.radiansToDegrees(item.rotation)); //angle
So it is handed a spritebatch that it draws to with the correct image, location, scale, and rotation, and that is that.
After playing around with what I found here: https://gist.github.com/mattdesl/6076846 for a while, this finally worked for an item who needs to use alpha masking:
public void render(SpriteBatch batch, int renderLayer) {
if(renderLayer == Integer.parseInt(render_layer)){
//draw the alpha mask
drawAlphaMask(batch, item.position.x, item.position.y, item.region.getRegionWidth(), item.region.getRegionHeight());
//draw our foreground elements
drawForeground(batch, item.position.x, item.position.y, item.region.getRegionWidth(), item.region.getRegionHeight());
There is a TextureRegion named alphaMask which contains a black shape.
It can be any image, but let's say in this instance its this shape / image:
Here is the function called above that uses that image:
private void drawAlphaMask(SpriteBatch batch, float x, float y, float width, float height) {
//disable RGB color, only enable ALPHA to the frame buffer
Gdx.gl.glColorMask(false, false, false, true);
// Get these values so I can be sure I set them back to how it was
dst = batch.getBlendDstFunc();
src = batch.getBlendSrcFunc();
//change the blending function for our alpha map
batch.setBlendFunction(GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ZERO);
//draw alpha mask sprite
x, // position.x
y, // position.y
0, // origin x
0, // origin y
alphaRegion.getRegionWidth(), // w
alphaRegion.getRegionHeight(), // h
item.t_scale, // scale x
item.t_scale, // scale y
item.manager.radiansToDegrees(item.rotation)); // angle
//flush the batch to the GPU
There are a variety of "materials" to apply to any shape. In any instance one of them is assigned to the spriteRegion variable. Let's say right now it is this:
So the drawForeground method called above uses that image like this:
private void drawForeground(SpriteBatch batch, float clipX, float clipY, float clipWidth, float clipHeight) {
//now that the buffer has our alpha, we simply draw the sprite with the mask applied
Gdx.gl.glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
batch.setBlendFunction(GL10.GL_DST_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA);
clipX, // corrected center position.x
clipY, // corrected center position.y
0, //origin x
0, //origin y
spriteRegion.getRegionWidth() , //w
spriteRegion.getRegionHeight(), //h
item.t_scale, //scale x
item.t_scale, //scale y
item.manager.radiansToDegrees(item.rotation)); //angle
//remember to flush before changing GL states again
// set it back to however it was before
batch.setBlendFunction(src, dst);
That all worked right away in the desktop build, and can produce "Brick Beams" (or whatever) in the game nicely:
However in Android and GWT builds (because after all, I am using libgdx) it did not incorporate the alpha mask, and instead rendered the full brick square.
After a lot of looking around I found this: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Integrating-libgdx-and-the-device-camera
And so to fix this in Android I modified the MainActivity.java onCreate method like this:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
cfg.useGL20 = false;
cfg.r = 8;
cfg.g = 8;
cfg.b = 8;
cfg.a = 8;
initialize(new SuperContraption("android"), cfg);
if (graphics.getView() instanceof SurfaceView) {
SurfaceView glView = (SurfaceView) graphics.getView();
// force alpha channel - I'm not sure we need this as the GL surface
// is already using alpha channel
And that fixes it for Android.
I still cannot figure out how to make it work properly in gwt, as I cannot figure out how to tell libgdx to tell GWT to tell webGl to go ahead and pay attention to the alpha channel. I'm interested in how to do something like this in an easier or less expensive way (though this seems to work fine).
If anyone knows how to make this work with GWT, please post as another answer.
Here is the non-working GWT build if you want to see the texture issue:

Java2D Performance Issues

I'm having performance oddities with Java2D. I know of the sun.java2d.opengl VM parameter to enable 3D acceleration for 2D, but even using that has some weird issues.
Here are results of tests I ran:
Drawing a 25x18 map with 32x32 pixel tiles on a JComponent
Image 1 = .bmp format, Image 2 = A .png format
Without -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
120 FPS using .BMP image 1
13 FPS using .PNG image 2
With -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
12 FPS using .BMP image 1
700 FPS using .PNG image 2
Without acceleration, I'm assuming some kind of transformation is taking place with every drawImage() I do in software, and is pulling down the FPS considerably in the case of .PNG. Why though, with acceleration, would the results switch (and PNG actually performs incredibly faster)?! Craziness!
.BMP Image 1 is translated to an image type of TYPE_INT_RGB. .PNG Image 2 is translated to an image type of TYPE_CUSTOM. In order to get consistent speed with and without opengl acceleration, I have to create a new BufferedImage with an image type of TYPE_INT_ARGB, and draw Image 1 or Image 2 to this new image.
Here are the results running with that:
Without -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
120 FPS using .BMP image 1
120 FPS using .PNG image 2
With -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true
700 FPS using .BMP image 1
700 FPS using .PNG image 2
My real question is, can I assume that TYPE_INT_ARGB will be the native image type for all systems and platforms? I'm assuming this value could be different. Is there some way for me to get the native value so that I can always create new BufferedImages for maximum performance?
Thanks in advance...
I think I found a solution by researching and putting bits and pieces together from too many Google searches.
Here it is, comments and all:
private BufferedImage toCompatibleImage(BufferedImage image)
// obtain the current system graphical settings
GraphicsConfiguration gfxConfig = GraphicsEnvironment.
* if image is already compatible and optimized for current system
* settings, simply return it
if (image.getColorModel().equals(gfxConfig.getColorModel()))
return image;
// image is not optimized, so create a new image that is
BufferedImage newImage = gfxConfig.createCompatibleImage(
image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getTransparency());
// get the graphics context of the new image to draw the old image on
Graphics2D g2d = newImage.createGraphics();
// actually draw the image and dispose of context no longer needed
g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
// return the new optimized image
return newImage;
In my previous post, GraphicsConfiguration was what held the information needed to create optimized images on a system. It seems to work pretty well, but I would have thought Java would automatically do this for you. Obviously you can't get too comfortable with Java. :) I guess I ended up answering my own question. Oh well, hopefully it'll help some of you I've seen trying to make use of Java for 2D games.
Well, this is old post but I'd like to share my findings about direct drawing with Swing/AWT, without BufferedImage.
Some kind of drawing, as 3D, are better done when painting directly to a int[] buffer. Once done the images, you can use an ImageProducer instance, like MemoryImageSource, to produce images. I'm assuming you know how to perform your drawings directly, without help of Graphics/Graphics2.
* How to use MemoryImageSource to render images on JPanel
* Example by A.Borges (2015)
public class MyCanvas extends JPanel implements Runnable {
public int pixel[];
public int width;
public int height;
private Image imageBuffer;
private MemoryImageSource mImageProducer;
private ColorModel cm;
private Thread thread;
public MyCanvas() {
thread = new Thread(this, "MyCanvas Thread");
* Call it after been visible and after resizes.
public void init(){
cm = getCompatibleColorModel();
width = getWidth();
height = getHeight();
int screenSize = width * height;
if(pixel == null || pixel.length < screenSize){
pixel = new int[screenSize];
mImageProducer = new MemoryImageSource(width, height, cm, pixel,0, width);
imageBuffer = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mImageProducer);
if(thread.isInterrupted() || !thread.isAlive()){
* Do your draws in here !!
* pixel is your canvas!
public /* abstract */ void render(){
// rubisch draw
int[] p = pixel; // this avoid crash when resizing
if(p.length != width * height) return;
for(int x=0; x < width; x++){
for(int y=0; y<height; y++){
int color = (((x + i) % 255) & 0xFF) << 16; //red
color |= (((y + j) % 255) & 0xFF) << 8; //green
color |= (((y/2 + x/2 - j) % 255) & 0xFF) ; //blue
p[ x + y * width] = color;
i += 1;
j += 1;
private int i=1,j=256;
public void run() {
while (true) {
// request a JPanel re-drawing
try {Thread.sleep(5);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// perform draws on pixels
// ask ImageProducer to update image
// draw it on panel
g.drawImage(this.imageBuffer, 0, 0, this);
* Overrides ImageObserver.imageUpdate.
* Always return true, assuming that imageBuffer is ready to go when called
public boolean imageUpdate(Image image, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {
return true;
}// end class
Note we need unique instance of MemoryImageSource and Image. Do not create new Image or new ImageProducer for each frames, unless you have resized your JPanel. See init() method above.
In a rendering thread, ask a repaint(). On Swing, repaint() will call the overridden paintComponent(), where it call your render() method and then ask your imageProducer to update image.
With Image done, draw it with Graphics.drawImage().
To have a compatible Image, use proper ColorModel when you create your Image. I use GraphicsConfiguration.getColorModel():
* Get Best Color model available for current screen.
* #return color model
protected static ColorModel getCompatibleColorModel(){
GraphicsConfiguration gfx_config = GraphicsEnvironment.
return gfx_config.getColorModel();
From what I remember when I was thinking about doing graphics programming in Java, the built in libraries are slow. I was advised on GameDev.Net that anyone doing anything serious would have to use something like jogl
