I have a bunch of intermediate and core services within my application. All services are Spring Boot and using Netflix Library. When a user requests information, the request will/might pass other services in the chain eg:
Client <-> Zuul <-> Service B <-> Service A
I have configured all services (A and B) to be ResourceServer so that every access needs to be authenticated. When requesting an access token (From a Spring Security Server) and use it to request information directly from Service A, everything works fine. When I use the same token to access information from Service B (which needs Service A down the line) I get an "HTTP 401: Full authentification is required" error. Service B uses a FeignClient to call Service A.
After some debugging, I found out, that the Authorization-Header is not passed from Service B to Service A. Service B checks the token itself correctly, grants access to the method and tries to perform the request of Service A.
I tried a RequestInterceptor but without any success (Error "Scope 'request' is not active for the current thread")
public class OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
private static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "Authorization";
private static final String BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE = "Bearer";
private final OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext;
public OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor(OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext) {
Assert.notNull(oauth2ClientContext, "Context can not be null");
this.oauth2ClientContext = oauth2ClientContext;
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
if (template.headers().containsKey(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER)) {
} else if (oauth2ClientContext.getAccessTokenRequest().getExistingToken() == null) {
} else {
template.header(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, String.format("%s %s", BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE,
This is an example proxy function that uses the FeignClient:
private CategoryClient cat;
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getAllFallback", commandProperties = {#HystrixProperty(name = "circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold", value = "2") })
public ResponseEntity<List<Category>> getAll() {
try {
ResponseEntity<List<Category>> categories = this.cat.getAll();
return categories;
} catch(Exception e) {
Is there any working solution to pass the Authorization-Header from the proxy function to the FeignClient so that Service A will receive the header and can do its own auth check with it?
Found a working solution. I still don't know if this is the "best" way to do it and if anyone got a better solution I'd be happy if you share it. But for now, this is working as expected:
public RequestInterceptor requestTokenBearerInterceptor() {
return new RequestInterceptor() {
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
OAuth2AuthenticationDetails details = (OAuth2AuthenticationDetails) authentication.getDetails();
requestTemplate.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + details.getTokenValue());
I am very confused about this architecture. I am not even sure is it possible.
I have more than 10 microservises and a API Gateway. I want to add authentication and authorization to this system. One of this services is authentication-server and it has
an endpoint which is /signin
#PostMapping(value = "/signin")
public UserLoginResponse login(#Valid #RequestBody UserLoginRequest userLoginRequest) {
return authService.login(userLoginRequest);
public class UserLoginResponse {
private String accessToken; //accessToken is jwt token and it has ROLE field.
public class UserLoginRequest {
private String username;
private String password;
Here is the confusing part for me: Right now gateway creates code duplication. When I add to a new endpoint, I need to add almost same controller/service/models to API Gateway.
For example:
Lets say microservice A has /product endpoint, these are (veeery roughly) the classes I should have
// Controller
class ProductController {
public ProductResponse getProduct(#PathVariable String id) {
return productService.getProduct(id)
// Service
class ProductService {
public getProduct(String id){
return productRepository.get(id);
// Response DTO
class ProductResponse(){
private String id;
private String name;
Our team also has implemented classes in the gateway.
//Controller has authorization with #PreAuthorize annotation.
#PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('USER', 'ADMIN')")
class ProductController {
public ProductResponse getProduct(PathVariable String id) {
return productService.getProduct(id)
// Service
class ProductService {
private final ClientApi productClientApi;
public ProductService(ClientApi productClientApi) {
this.productClientApi = productClientApi;
public getProduct(String id){
return productClientApi.getProduct(id);
//This is feign client. It makes http requests to product-api
url = "\${product-api.base-url}",
configuration = [FeignClientConfiguration::class]
interface ClientApi(){
#GetMapping( value = {"product/{id}"}, consumes = {"application/json"} )
ProductResponse getProduct(#PathVariable String id);
// Response DTO
class ProductResponse(){
private String id;
private String name;
When a request comes to /product its jwt token controlled here and if it has proper permission, it goes to the service layer,
Service layer makes request to product-api(which is microservice A)
returns the response
Question: There should be easier way. Every new endpoint in the services costs us code duplication in Gateway. I think I want just routing. Whatever comes to gateway directly should be routed to services and it should still has the authentication/authorization responsibility. I know that I can do that as below with spring-cloud-gateway but I couldn't figure out how can i do that with authentication and authorization. Can anyone explain me that am i thinking wrong ?
- id: product-service
uri: 'http://product-url:8083'
- Path=/product/**
The question is a little bit longer than expected. Below is the link to a similar one (3rd post) where I didn't find the answer satisfying.
I am trying to logout using the JAAS Login Module. Here is the brief structure of the project:
LoginService is responsible for instantiating LoginContext when a user wants to log in:
public class LoginService {
public UserDTO getUserDTOFrom(Credentials credentials) {
try {
LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("Login", new JAASCallbackHandler(credentials));
// construct UserDTO object.
} catch (LoginException e) {
LOGGER.error("Login Exception: {}", e.getMessage());
// construct UserDTO object.
// return UserDTO object.
The LoginController calls the method:
public class LoginController {
private final LoginService loginService;
public LoginController(LoginService loginService) {
this.loginService = loginService;
public ResponseEntity<UserDTO> getUserDTOFrom(#Valid #RequestBody Credentials credentials) {
UserDTO userDTO = loginService.getUserDTOFrom(userForm);
// return response that depends on outcome in the login service
The issue arises when I want to logout previously logged in user. LoginContext is responsible for calling the logout method in the JAAS Login Module. For instance:
The method in the JAAS Login Module:
public class JAASLoginModule implements LoginModule {
public boolean logout() {
return true;
I don't have the LoginContext in LogoutService and unable to completely clear the previously authenticated subject.
I tried to create a singleton bean to get the same instance of the LoginContext:
public class LoginContextBean {
public LoginContext getLoginContext(Credentials credentials) throws LoginException {
System.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", "resources/configuration/jaas.config");
return new LoginContext("Login", new JAASCallbackHandler(credentials));
public class LoginService {
private final ObjectProvider<LoginContext> loginContextProvider;
public LoginService(ObjectProvider<LoginContext> loginContextProvider) {
this.loginContextProvider = loginContextProvider;
public UserDTO getUserDTOFrom(Credentials credentials) {
try {
LoginContext loginContext = loginContextProvider.getObject(credentials);
// construct UserDTO object.
} catch (LoginException e) {
LOGGER.error("Login Exception: {}", e.getMessage());
// construct UserDTO object.
// return UserDTO object.
public class LogoutService {
private final ObjectProvider<LoginContext> loginContextProvider;
public LogoutService(ObjectProvider<LoginContext> loginContextProvider) {
this.loginContextProvider = loginContextProvider;
public void performLogout() {
LoginContext loginContext = loginContextProvider.getObject();
try {
} catch (LoginException e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to logout: {}.", e.getMessage());
The solution is not particularly useful, since next / the same user to log in will get NPE on the LoginContext.
I read that HttpServletRequest's getSession().invalidate(); suppose to call the logout() of JAAS or that HttpServletRequest's logout() would do the job. But both methods have no effect. For instance:
public class LogoutController {
private final LogoutService logoutService;
public LogoutController(LogoutService logoutService) {
this.logoutService = logoutService;
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteJwt(#CookieValue("jwt_cookie") String jwtToken, HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException {
request.getSession().invalidate(); // logout() is not called.
request.logout(); // logout() is not called.
return getResponse();
I want to get the hand on the previously created LoginContext when a user wants to log out but create a new one when another user tries to log in.
Please note that I am not using Spring Security.
One of the ideas was to use a singleton that will hold a Set of login contexts associated with the particular user. And then call and destroy them when the user logs out. A key for such a Set could be a JWT token or user id. After further thinking, it appeared to me that a user might have multiple sessions, and in this case, user id as a key will fail to serve its purpose. The second option is a JWT token, but there is a scenario when the future middleware will issue a new JWT token upon expiration, then my Set will have no way to return a valid login context.
After some research, my team decided that JAAS doesn't suit our needs. We are not using the complete functionality it has to offer, and it ties our hands rather than smoothing the developing process.
If you will encounter a similar issue, here is an explanation:
we are using WebSphere 8.5.5 that has the support of JAAS. It is possible to logout, but the price will be tying it to the application server. Considering that in our plans is to move from WebSphere, this implementation is not an option.
The link to one of such guides lies here.
There are two alternatives for the future:
Wrap it in Spring Security since it offers support for JAAS;
Replace the custom module entirely relying on Spring Security's
I'm developing a generic web client wrapper which should send requests to a OAuth2 protected resource. My idea was to implement a ClientWrapper which holds a WebClient. The ClientWrapper offers methods to access the resource like getFile(String registrationId). I thought I could register different ClientRegistration at runtime and obtain them with the WebClient.
So far I've registered a WebClient as follows:
ClienRegistration Bean:
public ClientRegistration clientRegistration() {
ClientRegistration.Builder clientRegestrationBuilder = ClientRegistration
return clientRegestrationBuilder.build();
In memory holder:
public ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations(List<ClientRegistration> clientRegistrations) {
return new InMemoryReactiveClientRegistrationRepository(clientRegistrations);
Web Client Builder
public WebClient oauthFilteredWebClient(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository) {
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth = new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(clientRegistrationRepository,
new UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository());
return WebClient.builder().filter(oauth).build();
I've injected it into my ClientWrapper:
public ClientWrapper(WebClient webClient) {
this.webClient = webClient;
public File getFile(String regId) {
Mono<File> result = webClient.get().uri("https://somepath") //
.retrieve() //
return result.block();
Doing it this way it is very static and I'm only able to use exactly one OAuth2 client (clientid/client-secret and token endpoint). With the idea providing a registration id it would be needed to register n ClientRegistration objects at runtime which I think is not possible and doesn't feel right... Is there a nice way to pass a "OAuthCredentials" object to a WebClient dynamically which is used for fetching a token?
I have a simple Micronaut- based "hello world" service that has a simple security built in (for the sake of testing and illustrating the Micronaut security). The controller code in the service that implements the hello service is provided below:
public class HelloController
public HelloController()
// Might put some stuff in in the future
public String index()
return("Hello to the World of Micronaut!!!");
In order to test the security mechanism, I have followed the Micronaut tutorial instructions and created a security service class:
public class SecurityService
public SecurityService()
// Might put in some stuff in the future
Flowable<Boolean> checkAuthorization(HttpRequest<?> theReq)
Flowable<Boolean> flow = Flowable.fromCallable(()->{
System.out.println("Security Engaged!");
return(false); <== The tutorial says return true
It should be noted that, in a departure from the tutorial, the flowable.fromCallable() lambda returns false. In the tutorial, it returns true. I had assumed that a security check would fail if a false is returned, and that a failure would cause the hello service to fail to respond.
According to the tutorials, in ordeer to begin using the Security object, it is necessary to have a filter. The filter I created is shown below:
public class HelloFilter implements HttpServerFilter
private final SecurityService secService;
public HelloFilter(SecurityService aSec)
System.out.println("Filter Created!");
secService = aSec;
public Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> doFilter(HttpRequest<?> theReq, ServerFilterChain theChain)
Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> resp = secService.checkAuthorization(theReq)
The problem occurs when I run the microservice and access the Helo world URL. (http://localhost:8080/hello) I cannot cause the access to the service to fail. The filter catches all requests, and the security object is engaged, but it does not seem to prevent access to the hello service. I do not know what it takes to make the access fail.
Can someone help on this matter? Thank you.
You need to change request in your filter when you no have access to resource or process request as usual. Your HelloFilter looks like this:
public Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> doFilter(HttpRequest<?> theReq, ServerFilterChain theChain) {
Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> resp = secService.checkAuthorization(theReq)
.switchMap((authResult) -> { // authResult - is you result from SecurityService
if (!authResult) {
return Publishers.just(HttpResponse.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)); // reject request
} else {
return theChain.proceed(theReq); // process request as usual
.doOnNext(res -> {
return (resp);
And in the last - micronaut has security module with SecurityFilter, you can use #Secured annotations or write access rules in configuration files more examples in the doc
Using the latest Spring Cloud and Spring Boot, I've got a micro services layout with a Zuul gateway. At the moment when a user sends a get request their JWT token gets added to the request and that goes off to the microservice where they're authenticated and things go as usual. This all works perfectly.
Where I'm a little stuck is when handling POST/PATCH/DELETE requests. These don't go directly to the microservice they're destined for, but instead go into a messaging queue. The queue contains a simple POJO with a task and information about the task to perform, along with the users JWT.
When the receiving microservice picks up the message from the queue and starts processing it, the user isn't technically logged into the microservice like they are with a GET request. This makes it hard to do things that require knowing who the user is. Sure each time I need to know who the person is I can look them up, but that seems clunky.
I've thought about creating a REST controller for the POST/PATCH/DELETE commands and having the queue listener just call itself from these, adding the token from the task. This would effectively be the same as a GET request as far as Spring security would care.
Is this the proper pattern? Or is there a simple programmatically way to log a user in with a JWT? I've seen a few examples using Username/Passwords but not sure how to transcribe that to using a JWT.
Thank you Andy Brown for the confirmation I wasn't completely nuts doing it this way. For anyone interested it's a very simple solution that looks like this:
The queue service is just listening for events (In this case from AWS SQS) and as soon as an event comes through it gets fired off to a command controller for processing.
public class QueueListener {
private final static String SERVICE = "http://instance-service/instances";
private JsonTransformService jsonTransformService;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void instanceCommandHandler(String payload) {
// Transform the payload to the object so we can get the preset JWT
Instance instance = jsonTransformService.read(Instance.class, payload);
// Load the JWT into the internal request header, without this a 403 is thrown
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + instance.getUserToken());
HttpEntity<String> instanceEntity = new HttpEntity<>(payload, headers);
// Decide and set where to fire the request to
String endpoint;
switch (instance.getSwordfishCommand()) {
case "start": {
endpoint = "/start";
case "stop": {
endpoint = "/stop";
case "create": {
endpoint = "/create";
case "reboot": {
endpoint = "/reboot";
case "terminate": {
endpoint = "/terminate";
default: {
endpoint = "/error";
// Fire the initial string payload through to the correct controller endpoint
restTemplate.exchange(SERVICE + endpoint, HttpMethod.POST, instanceEntity, String.class);
And a very simple REST controller which actions the tasks
public class InstanceCommandController {
private EC2Create ec2Create;
private EC2Start ec2Start;
private EC2Stop ec2Stop;
private EC2Reboot ec2Reboot;
private EC2Terminate ec2Terminate;
private JsonTransformService jsonTransformService;
public void create(#RequestBody String payload) {
ec2Create.process(jsonTransformService.read(Instance.class, payload));
public void start(#RequestBody String payload) {
ec2Start.process(jsonTransformService.read(Instance.class, payload));
public void stop(#RequestBody String payload) {
ec2Stop.process(jsonTransformService.read(Instance.class, payload));
public void reboot(#RequestBody String payload) {
ec2Reboot.process(jsonTransformService.read(Instance.class, payload));
public void terminate(#RequestBody String payload) {
ec2Terminate.process(jsonTransformService.read(Instance.class, payload));
This follows the CQRS pattern very well while still authenticating the user on each call. For me this is very useful as I have a AmazonEC2Async client which makes use of the users own access and secret token in each request.
Cheers for the help!