I am using Sequel Pro 1.1.2 in MacOS Mojave, when trying to configure the AWS database instance getting error as
" Unable to connect to host vinay-awsdb.cinbpy8tpejb.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com, or the request timed out.
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary privileges, or try increasing the connection timeout (currently 10 seconds).
MySQL said: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'vinay-awsdb.cinbpy8tpejb.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com' (4)"
In the standard connection mac for Sequel Pro,I am entering the following:
Name: (used my instance name which is vinns, and also tried leaving it with the default of 'optional')
Username: (used my master user name)
Password: (used my master users password)
Database: (used database name mydbname, and also tried leaving it with the default of 'optional')
I am not able to connect.
I also tried by changing the Inbound rules to anywhere and increased connection timeout to 60 but did not worked
I am trying to connect Pentaho to my local MSSQL server.
I start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and I am promted with this window and then just click Connect:
I am using Java 8 Update 261 and Pentaho 7.1. I have downloaded MSSQL JDBC driver from following link:
and put mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar into pdi-ce-\data-integration\lib folder. Also I have coppied file mssql-jdbc_auth-8.4.1.x64.dll into C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_261\bin...
Now when I start Pentaho via Spoon.bat file, and try to add MSSQL connection, I get errors, furthermore I have no idea what I am supposed to enter into fields:
DATABASE NAME: (name of database is PROFIT)
PORT: 1433
From the picture you can see what I have entered. I also checked Use Integrated Security box.
I get following error:
Error connecting to database: (using class com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver)
The TCP/IP connection to the host DESKTOP-CS70NHL, port 1433 has failed. Error: "Socket operation on nonsocket: configureBlocking. Verify the connection properties. Make sure that an instance of SQL Server is running on the host and accepting TCP/IP connections at the port. Make sure that TCP connections to the port are not blocked by a firewall.".
I am trying to connect to my database remotely:
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(URL);
URL is of following format (all XXX values copied from Heroku's website):
I am getting:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "213......, SSL off
I had run (it didn't change "SSL off" status):
heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=require --app XXXXXX
and even added this to the URL as suggested in older posts (althought I didn't see any of it in Heroku's doc):
Make sure you are using PG JDBC client 9.4 or higher. Your JDBC connection URL will need to include the URL param:
For example:
For more info see Heroku docs on Connecting to a database remotely.
I'm trying to make a connection to an already existing database in SQL Server 2012n with Netbeans 8.
Using the connection wizard I select Sql Server 2012 and enter the credentials and fields.
However I get the message that a connection cannot be established.
You can see screenshots of the entered fields:
I also tried using "localhost" instead of "STIJN" this didn't work. I also tried with the default port "1433". Also didn't worked, however what port should this be? Where can I see what port I'm using? Maybe the error lies in the port, otherwise I wouldn't know where I made a mistake.
Go to your SQL Server configuration manager -> SQL server network configuration -> protocols for SQLEXPRESS -> TCP/IP (double click on it for properties).
On protocol page set enabled to Yes.
On IP Addresses page, scroll to bottom.
TCP Dynamic Ports: 54629
TCP Port: 1433
Apply and ok.
Make a connection with:
Host: localhost
Port: 1433
Your credentials
Instance field = blank.
This should work.
I'm trying to connect to a MS SQL Server, using a linux client. I've tried both SQuirreL and DBeaver, but having no luck in either case. I've tried a few different drivers.
The connection string I am given looks something like this:
This seems to be an invalid URL, and I've tried various combinations of things (like using jdbc:sqlserver:// ... protocol, etc. It doesn't seem to like the #ldap in the connection string, and I've replaced the commas with semicolons. But, I'm new to connecting to SQL Server, much less using LDAP.
Any thoughts/help?
For those who are using DBeaver the way to connect to the SQL Server Database with an AD user is using the jTDS driver.
I am using DBeaver 6.0 in Debian 9. The user is an AD user.
In order to connect to the SQL Server from Linux Debian using DBeaver
1.- Select SQL Server jTDS driver
2.- Enter the connection information
3.- Go to Driver Properties tab and add the domain, user, password
Just as a note, in some post I found that they needed to change the property USENTLMV2 to TRUE but it worked for me either by putting the USERTLNMV2 in true or false.
A problem that I found was that when I was trying to connect to the database using my user and password the next error was thrown:
This error was thrown because of my user was about to expire. I tried with another AD user and it could connect.
url: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://dbserver:1433;database=DB;domain=yourdomain.com;useNTLMv2=true
driver-class-name: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
username: username
password: password
connection-test-query: SELECT 1
maximumPoolSize: 2
minimumIdle: 1
I have installed DB2 Express-C 9.7.5. It was installed on a Windows 7 (64-bit) machine and I created a database, TESTXA. The connection mechanism used in my application is:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2://ABCCOMPUTER:50000/TESTXA", db2UserName, db2PassWord);
The connection successfully created on ABCCOMPUTER with the above Java code. But when I use the same Java code to create a DB2 connection from another system over LAN, for example, XYZCOMPUTER (Windows 7 machine) with the same db2UserName/db2PassWord, throws an exception:
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.io: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=USER.XA4APP, DRIVER=3.57.82
Which indicates "Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: User ID or Password invalid."
In my application, I need to create a database in DB2 which can be accessed from other systems on a LAN. What should be looked into on XYZCOMPUTER to resolve this issue?
(FYI: This is no issue of DB2 database sharing in Windows XP machines. The above mechanism works properly.)
This should be no issue of Java JDBC. It must be the case of a Windows 7 security issue because the DB2 type 4 driver uses the same format of the connection string whether it's a case of your own system or a remote system. You can try to run your application/tool as 'Run as Administrator'.