Splunk JAVA SDK - Fetch FiredAlerts (i.e Alerts already triggered) - java

I am trying to fetch the fired alerts using the splunk java sdk. But i am not able to get any reference. Here is the code snippet i have and it is not fetching me any results.
FiredAlertGroupCollection firedAlertGroups = service.getFiredAlertGroups();
System.out.println("Fired Alert : " + firedAlertGroups.size());
for (FiredAlertGroup entity : firedAlertGroups.values()) {
EntityCollection<FiredAlert> alerts = entity.getAlerts();
for (FiredAlert alert : alerts.values()) {
System.out.println("alerts >>>> " +alert.getName() +": " + alert.getSavedSearchName()+": " + alert.getTitle());
Is there a way, i can filter the alerts fired in the last 24 hours etc.
Please help me on the same.


JDA - VoiceChannel#getMembers() isn't returning voice users

I want to iterate through my discord's voices channels and get their members.
But my code (below) isn't working as expected.
for (VoiceChannel voiceChannel : event.getJDA().getGuildById(Config.guildId).getVoiceChannelCache()) {
System.out.println("-> " + voiceChannel.getName() + " -->> " + voiceChannel.getMembers().size());
However I put it after a ReadyEvent, so I don't know why it isn't working

Chat message custom UI for each message

I've been stuck on this for months and I don't know what to do or where to look to solve it If you guys could point me in the right direction...
Basically, I have a simple chat room that will only ever involve two people and whenever a user sends a message I get two values: their username and their message.
At the moment this is my code for showing each message:
private void append_chat_conversation(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot ds : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
Log.e("Chat details: ", String.valueOf(ds));
chat_username = dataSnapshot.child("username").getValue(String.class);
chat_msg = dataSnapshot.child("message").getValue(String.class);
Log.e("Chat username: ", "" + chat_username);
Log.e("Chat message: ", "" + chat_msg);
messageView.append(chat_username + " - " + chat_msg + "\n");
As you can see when I get both values I append them into a simple textView in a scrollView in the chat window. However, I don't want that. I want to make it a bit nicer than just simple text. I just don't know how to show that layout below in the link with the relevant data in it (username + message).
Link to a picture that shows what layout I'd like.
Hope I explained it well enough, thanks for the help in advance.

Search for issues in current sprint in JIRA

I am trying to pull all issues (resolved or not) from the current sprint and display that information. I am using a JIRA REST Java client to achieve this. I am quite new to JIRA and the JRJC so would like all the help I can get really.
This is the code I have written so far:
SearchResult allIssuesInSprint = restClient.getSearchClient().searchJql("sprint = \"" + 29 + "\" order by rank").claim();
Iterable<Issue> allIssues = allIssuesInSprint.getIssues();
for (Issue issue : allIssues) {
System.out.println("Key: " + issue.getKey());
System.out.println("Type: " + issue.getIssueType());
System.out.println("Status: " + issue.getStatus());
System.out.println("Priority: " + issue.getPriority());
Again, I am new to JIRA's JAR files, so I'm not certain on how to use them. Any help would be appreciated.

Facing "system#unknownerror" when trying to get the ASSET details in maximo from java code

Here I am trying to get ASSET details in simple java
Here is the code
MXSession session = MXSession.getSession();
The connection was successful.
Then I tried to get the asset details with the code
MboSetRemote assetMboSet = session.getMboSet("ASSET");
MboRemote assetMbo;
for(int j=0; ((assetMbo = assetMboSet.getMbo(j)) != null); j++)
String assetNum = assetMbo.getString("ASSETNUM");
String location = assetMbo.getString("LOCATION");
String desc = assetMbo.getString("DESCRIPTION");
System.out.println(assetNum + " - " + location + " - " + desc);
it is giving me the error and could not proceed further in the line
MboSetRemote assetMboSet = session.getMboSet("ASSET");
Exception in thread "main" psdi.util.MXSystemException: system#unknownerror
at psdi.util.RMISession.getMboSet(RMISession.java:330)
Please suggest me how to proceed
My friend I just tried your code scripth and it works fine, here is a snapshot of my environment which shows your work.
This problem may occur, If the admin mode is on OR you need to change take a look at sessions, to do that.
you can go to the users application.
Select action > manage sessions.
You can view users who are currently logged into the system.
You can log out a user from the system or log out and block a user from the system.
You can see the login history of users.

download cover art from musicbrainz with java

I am struggling for a couple of hours now on how to link a discid to a musicbrainz mbid.
So, using dietmar-steiner / JMBDiscId
JMBDiscId discId = new JMBDiscId();
if (discId.init(PropertyFinder.getProperty("libdiscid.path")))
String musicBrainzDiscID = discId.getDiscId(PropertyFinder.getProperty("cdrom.path"));
or musicbrainzws2-java
Disc controller = new Disc();
String drive = PropertyFinder.getProperty("cdrom.path");
try {
DiscWs2 disc =controller.lookUp(drive);
log.info("DISC: " + disc.getDiscId() + " match: " + disc.getReleases().size() + " releases");
I can extract a discid for freedb or musicbrainz easily (more or less), but I have not found a way on calculating the id I that I need to download cover art via the CoverArtArchiveClient from last.fm.
CoverArtArchiveClient client = new DefaultCoverArtArchiveClient();
UUID mbid = UUID.fromString("mbid to locate release");
fm.last.musicbrainz.coverart.CoverArt coverArt = client.getByMbid(mbid);
Theoretically, I assume, I could you the data collected by musicbrainzws2-java to trigger a search, and then use the mbid from the result ... but that cannot be the best option to do.
I am happy about any push into the right direction...
You don't calculate the MBID. The MBID is attached on every entity you retrieve from MusicBrainz.
When getting releases by DiscID you get a list. Each entry is a release and has an MBID, accessible with getId():
for (ReleaseWs2 rel : disc.getReleases()){
log.info("MBID: " + rel.getId() + ", String: " + rel.toString());
You then probably want to try the CoverArtArchive (CAA) for every release and take the first cover art you get.
Unfortunately I don't know of any API documentation for musicbrainzws2 on the web. I recommend running javadoc on all source files.
