I need to chain sequentially in order Vertx CompositeFutures in a RxJava style for dependent CompositeFuture, avoiding callback hell.
The use case:
Each CompositeFuture.any/all do some async operations that return futures, lets say myList1, myList2, myList3, but I must wait for CompositeFuture.any(myList1) to complete and return success before doing CompositeFuture.any(myList2), and the same from myList2 to myList3. Naturally, the CompositeFuture itself does the jobs async, but just for its set of operations, since the next set have to be done just after the first set goes well.
Doing it in a "callback-hell style" would be:
public static void myFunc(Vertx vertx, Handler<AsyncResult<CompositeFuture>> asyncResultHandler) {
CompositeFuture.any(myList1 < Future >)
.onComplete(ar1 -> {
if (!ar1.succeeded()) {
} else {
CompositeFuture.any(myList2 < Future >)
.onComplete(ar2 -> {
if (!ar2.succeeded()) {
} else {
CompositeFuture.all(myList3 < Future >)
.onComplete(ar3 -> {
Now I tried somenthing like this:
public static void myFunc(Vertx vertx, Handler<AsyncResult<CompositeFuture>> asyncResultHandler) {
.just(CompositeFuture.any(myList1 < Future >))
.flatMap(previousFuture -> rxComposeAny(previousFuture, myList2 < Future >))
.flatMap(previousFuture -> rxComposeAll(previousFuture, myList3 < Future >))
public static Single<CompositeFuture> rxComposeAny(CompositeFuture previousResult, List<Future> myList) {
if (previousResult.failed()) return Single.just(previousResult); // See explanation bellow
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(myList);
return Single.just(compositeFuture);
public static Single<CompositeFuture> rxComposeAll(CompositeFuture previousResult, List<Future> myList) {
if (previousResult.failed()) return Single.just(previousResult);
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(myList);
return Single.just(compositeFuture);
Much more compact and clear. But, I am not succeeding in passing the previous fails to the asyncResultHandler.
My idea was as follows: The flatMap passes the previous CompositeFuture result and I want to check if it failed. The next rxComposeAny/All first checks to see if previous failed, if so, just returns the failed CompositeFuture and so on until it hits the handler in the subscriber. If the previous passed the test, I`m ok to continue passing the current result till the last successful CompositeFuture hits the handler.
The problem is that the check
if (previousResult.failed()) return Single.just(previousResult); // See explanation bellow
doesn't work, and all the CompositeFutures are processed, but not tested for successful completion, just the last one ends up being passed to the asyncResultHandler which will test for overall failure (but in the case of my code, it ends up cheking just the last one)
I`m using Vertx 3.9.0 and RxJava 2 Vertx API.
Disclosure: I have experience in Vertx, but I'm totally new in RxJava. So I appreciate any answer, from technical solutions to conceptual explanations.
Thank you.
EDIT (after excellent response of #homerman):
I need to have the exact same behavior of the "callback hell style" of sequentially dependent CompositeFutures, ie, the next must be called after onComplete and test for completed with failure or success. The complexity comes from the fact that:
I have to use vertx CompositeAll/Any methods, not zip. Zip provides behaviour similar to CompositeAll, but not CompositeAny.
CompositeAll/Any return the completed future just inside onComplete method. If I check it before as showed above, since it is async, I will get unresolved futures.
CompositeAll/Any if failed will not throw error, but failed future inside onComplete, so I cannot use onError from rxJava.
For example, I tried the following change in the rxComposite function:
public static Single<CompositeFuture> rxLoadVerticlesAny(CompositeFuture previousResult, Vertx vertx, String deploymentName,
List<Class<? extends Verticle>> verticles, JsonObject config) {
previousResult.onComplete(event -> {
if (event.failed()) {
return Single.just(previousResult);
} else {
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(VertxDeployHelper.deploy(vertx, verticles, config));
return Single.just(compositeFuture);
But naturally it does not compile, since lambda is void. How can I reproduce this exact same behavior it rxJava in Vertx?
Just to clarify something...
Each CompositeFuture.any/all do some async operations that return
futures, lets say myList1, myList2, myList3, but I must wait for
CompositeFuture.any(myList1) to complete and return success before
doing CompositeFuture.any(myList2), and the same from myList2 to
You've offered CompositeFuture.any() and CompositeFuture.all() as points of reference, but the behavior you describe is consistent with all(), which is to say the resulting composite will yield success only if all its constituents do.
For the purpose of my answer, I'm assuming all() is the behavior you expect.
In RxJava, an unexpected error triggered by an exception will result in termination of the stream with the underlying exception being delivered to the observer via the onError() callback.
As a small demo, assume the following setup:
final Single<String> a1 = Single.just("Batch-A-Operation-1");
final Single<String> a2 = Single.just("Batch-A-Operation-2");
final Single<String> a3 = Single.just("Batch-A-Operation-3");
final Single<String> b1 = Single.just("Batch-B-Operation-1");
final Single<String> b2 = Single.just("Batch-B-Operation-2");
final Single<String> b3 = Single.just("Batch-B-Operation-3");
final Single<String> c1 = Single.just("Batch-C-Operation-1");
final Single<String> c2 = Single.just("Batch-C-Operation-2");
final Single<String> c3 = Single.just("Batch-C-Operation-3");
Each Single represents a discrete operation to be performed, and they are logically named according to some logical grouping (ie they are meant to be executed together). For example, "Batch-A" corresponds to your "myList1", "Batch-B" to your "myList2", ...
Assume the following stream:
.zip(a1, a2, a3, (s, s2, s3) -> {
return "A's completed successfully";
.flatMap((Function<String, SingleSource<String>>) s -> {
throw new RuntimeException("B's failed");
.flatMap((Function<String, SingleSource<String>>) s -> {
return Single.zip(c1, c2, c3, (one, two, three) -> "C's completed successfully");
s -> System.out.println("## onSuccess(" + s + ")"),
t -> System.out.println("## onError(" + t.getMessage() + ")")
(If you're not familiar, the zip() operator can be used to combine the results of all the sources supplied as input to emit another/new source).
In this stream, because the processing of the B's ends up throwing an exception:
the stream is terminated during the execution of the B's
the exception is reported to the observer (ie the onError() handler is triggered)
the C's are never processed
If what you want, however, is to decide for yourself whether or not to execute each branch, one approach you could take is to pass the results from previous operations down the stream using some sort of state holder, like so:
class State {
final String value;
final Throwable error;
State(String value, Throwable error) {
this.value = value;
this.error = error;
The stream could then be modified to conditionally execute different batches, for example:
.zip(a1, a2, a3, (s, s2, s3) -> {
try {
// Execute the A's here...
return new State("A's completed successfully", null);
} catch(Throwable t) {
return new State(null, t);
.flatMap((Function<State, SingleSource<State>>) s -> {
if(s.error != null) {
// If an error occurred upstream, skip this batch...
return Single.just(s);
} else {
try {
// ...otherwise, execute the B's
return Single.just(new State("B's completed successfully", null));
} catch(Throwable t) {
return Single.just(new State(null, t));
.flatMap((Function<State, SingleSource<State>>) s -> {
if(s.error != null) {
// If an error occurred upstream, skip this batch...
return Single.just(s);
} else {
try {
// ...otherwise, execute the C's
return Single.just(new State("C's completed successfully", null));
} catch(Throwable t) {
return Single.just(new State(null, t));
s -> {
if(s.error != null) {
System.out.println("## onSuccess with error: " + s.error.getMessage());
} else {
System.out.println("## onSuccess without error: " + s.value);
t -> System.out.println("## onError(" + t.getMessage() + ")")
After some research in Vertx source code, I found a public method that the rx version of CompositeFuture uses to convert 'traditional' CompositeFuture to its rx version. The method is io.vertx.reactivex.core.CompositeFuture.newInstance. With this workaround, I could use my traditional method and then convert it to use in the rx chain. This was what I wanted, because it was problematic to change the existing traditional method.
Here is the code with comments:
.flatMap(config -> {
return rxComposeAny(vertx, config)
.flatMap(r -> rxComposeAny(vertx, config))
.flatMap(r -> rxComposeAll(vertx, config));
compositeFuture -> {
compositeFuture.onSuccess(event -> startPromise.complete());
error -> startPromise.fail(error));
public static Single<JsonObject> rxGetConfig(Vertx vertx) {
ConfigRetrieverOptions enrichConfigRetrieverOptions = getEnrichConfigRetrieverOptions();
// the reason we create new vertx is just to get an instance that is rx
// so this ConfigRetriever is from io.vertx.reactivex.config, instead of normal io.vertx.config
ConfigRetriever configRetriever = ConfigRetriever.create(io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx.newInstance(vertx), enrichConfigRetrieverOptions);
return configRetriever.rxGetConfig();
public static Single<io.vertx.reactivex.core.CompositeFuture> rxComposeAny(Vertx vertx, JsonObject config) {
// instead of adapted all the parameters of myMethodsThatReturnsFutures to be rx compliant,
// we create it 'normally' and the converts bellow to rx CompositeFuture
CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.any(myMethodsThatReturnsFutures(config));
return io.vertx.reactivex.core.CompositeFuture
Question: how can I directly throw a custom exception from .exceptionally()?
List<CompletableFuture<Object>> futures =
.map(task -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> businessLogic(task))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (ex instanceof BusinessException) return null;
//TODO how to throw a custom exception here??
throw new BadRequestException("at least one async task had an exception");
try {
List<Object> results = futures.stream()
} catch (CompletionException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) e.getCause();
throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause());
Problem: I just always get a CompletionException whose ex.getCause() is instanceof BadRequestException.
Is that possible at all?
As said by Didier L, exceptions thrown by the functions (or generally exceptions that completed a CompletableFuture) are always wrapped in a CompletionException (unless they are already a CompletionException or CancellationException).
But note that your code becomes much simpler when not even trying to translate the exception via exceptionally:
List<CompletableFuture<Object>> futures =
.map(task -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> businessLogic(task)))
try {
List<Object> results = futures.stream()
} catch (CompletionException e) {
throw e.getCause() instanceof BusinessException?
new BadRequestException("at least one async task had an exception"): e;
… catch (CompletionException e) {
throw e.getCause() instanceof BusinessException?
new BadRequestException("at least one async task had an exception"):
e.getCause() instanceof BusinessException? (RuntimeException)e.getCause(): e;
Since exceptionally’s primary purpose is translating an exception to a non-exceptional result value, using it for translating the exception to another thrown exception was not the best fit anyway and it also needed an instanceof. So performing this translation in the catch clause saves you from another translation step.
This is not possible. The Javadoc of join() clearly states:
Returns the result value when complete, or throws an (unchecked)
exception if completed exceptionally. To better conform with the use
of common functional forms, if a computation involved in the
completion of this CompletableFuture threw an exception, this method
throws an (unchecked) CompletionException with the underlying
exception as its cause.
(emphasis is mine)
I have a below method which is called by multiple threads concurrently to get the live socket. It takes LinkedBlockingQueue as the parameter and then I iterate and see if there is any liveSocket available and if it is available then I remove and return that socket.
private Optional<Holder> getSocket(final LinkedBlockingQueue<Holder> endPoints) {
Optional<Holder> liveSocket = Optional.absent();
if (!endPoints.isEmpty()) {
for (Holder state : endPoints) {
// check if socket is live? if yes then remove and return that.
if (state.isLive()) {
liveSocket = Optional.of(state);
return liveSocket;
return Optional.absent();
Wanted to check if my above code is thread safe or not? Here Holder is an immutable class.
The queue manipulation operations are thread safe, so the remove() will not throw ConcurrentModificationException. However, you have thread-safety problems around the state of the objects contained in the queue.
There's a race condition between when you check the "live" state of the Holder object and when you remove it from the queue. Another thread could be running in the same code at the same time, with the likely result that both threads would take the same object. Whichever thread got to the remove() call last would get a false return, but you don't examine the result so you'd never know. Both threads would then attempt to use the same object.
You need to synchronize around the search/remove operation.
For curiosity, here's the code I used to show that ConcurrentModificationException does not occur with LinkedBlockingQueue:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
String[] data = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f","g" };
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> lb = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(Arrays.asList(data));
new Thread(() ->
catch (InterruptedException e)
for (String s : lb)
If you substitute LinkedList for LinkedBlockingQueue you get the ConcurrentModificationException as expected.
It's not only not thread-safe, it's wrong even within a single thread. You will get a ConcurrentModificationException on the remove(). You need to use an explicit Iterator and to do the removal via the Iterator.
And for correctness via multiple threads you need synchronization or a semaphore around the loop.
NB The isEmpty() test is pointless. The iteration already has to check for that. Don't keep a dog and bark yourself.
I am just learning and trying to apply CompletableFuture to my problem statement. I have a list of items I am iterating over.
Prop is a class with only two attributes prop1 and prop2, respective getters and setters.
List<Prop> result = new ArrayList<>();
for ( Item item : items ) {
Prop temp = new Prop();
// once the item is loaded, get its properties
return result;
However, item.load() here is a blocking call. So, I was thinking to use CompletableFuture something like below -
for (Item item : items) {
CompletableFuture<Prop> prop = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
try {
return item;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
}).thenApply(item1 -> {
try {
Prop temp = new Prop();
// once the item is loaded, get its properties
return temp;
} catch (Exception e) {
But I am not sure how I can wait for all the items to be loaded and then aggregate and return their result.
I may be completely wrong in the way of implementing CompletableFutures since this is my first attempt. Please pardon any mistake. Thanks in advance for any help.
There are two issues with your approach of using CompletableFuture.
First, you say item.load() is a blocking call, so the CompletableFuture’s default executor is not suitable for it, as it tries to achieve a level of parallelism matching the number of CPU cores. You could solve this by passing a different Executor to CompletableFuture’s asynchronous methods, but your load() method doesn’t return a value that your subsequent operations rely on. So the use of CompletableFuture complicates the design without a benefit.
You can perform the load() invocations asynchronously and wait for their completion just using an ExecutorService, followed by the loop as-is (without the already performed load() operation, of course):
ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
.map(i -> Executors.callable(i::load))
List<Prop> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(Item item : items) {
Prop temp = new Prop();
// once the item is loaded, get its properties
return result;
You can control the level of parallelism through the choice of the executor, e.g. you could use a Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads) instead of the unbounded thread pool.
I'm looking for better way to "close" some resource, here destroy external Process, in CompletableFuture chain. Right now my code looks roughly like this:
public CompletableFuture<ExecutionContext> createFuture()
final Process[] processHolder = new Process[1];
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> {
try {
processHolder[0] = new ProcessBuilder(COMMAND)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
return PARSER.parse(processHolder[0].getInputStream());
.applyToEither(createTimeoutFuture(DURATION), Function.identity())
.exceptionally(throwable -> {
if (throwable instanceof TimeoutException) {
throw new DatasourceTimeoutException(throwable);
Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(throwable, DatasourceException.class);
throw new DatasourceException(throwable);
The problem I see is a "hacky" one-element array which holds reference to the process, so that it can be closed in case of error. Is there some CompletableFuture API which allows to pass some "context" to exceptionally (or some other method to achieve that)?
I was considering custom CompletionStage implementation, but it looks like a big task to get rid of "holder" variable.
There is no need to have linear chain of CompletableFutures. Well actually, you already haven’t due to the createTimeoutFuture(DURATION) which is quite convoluted for implementing a timeout. You can simply put it this way:
public CompletableFuture<ExecutionContext> createFuture() {
CompletableFuture<Process> proc=CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> {
try {
return new ProcessBuilder(COMMAND).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
CompletableFuture<ExecutionContext> result
=proc.thenApplyAsync(process -> PARSER.parse(process.getInputStream()), SCHEDULER);
proc.thenAcceptAsync(process -> {
if(!process.waitFor(DURATION, TimeUnit.WHATEVER_DURATION_REFERS_TO)) {
new DatasourceTimeoutException(new TimeoutException()));
return result;
If you want to keep the timout future, perhaps you consider the process startup time to be significant, you could use
public CompletableFuture<ExecutionContext> createFuture() {
CompletableFuture<Throwable> timeout=createTimeoutFuture(DURATION);
CompletableFuture<Process> proc=CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> {
try {
return new ProcessBuilder(COMMAND).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
CompletableFuture<ExecutionContext> result
=proc.thenApplyAsync(process -> PARSER.parse(process.getInputStream()), SCHEDULER);
timeout.exceptionally(t -> new DatasourceTimeoutException(t))
.thenAcceptBoth(proc, (x, process) -> {
if(process.isAlive()) {
return result;
I've used the one item array myself to emulate what would be proper closures in Java.
Another option is using a private static class with fields. The advantages are that it makes the purpose clearer and has a bit less impact on the garbage collector with big closures, i.e. an object with N of fields versus N arrays of length 1. It also becomes useful if you need to close over the same fields in other methods.
This is a de facto pattern, even outside the scope of CompletableFuture and it has been (ab)used long before lambdas were a thing in Java, e.g. anonymous classes. So, don't feel so bad, it's just that Java's evolution didn't provide us with proper closures (yet? ever?).
If you want, you may return values from CompletableFutures inside .handle(), so you can wrap the completion result in full and return a wrapper. In my opinion, this is not any better than manual closures, added the fact that you'll create such wrappers per future.
Subclassing CompletableFuture is not necessary. You're not interested in altering its behavior, only in attaching data to it, which you can do with current Java's final variable capturing. That is, unless you profile and see that creating these closures is actually affecting performance somehow, which I highly doubt.