I have a web application my requirement is to read some files and process it and persist the file content in database when the application starts.
class MyUtil{
*Read the files
public static void readFiles(){
File file = new File(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("MyFile").toURI()); //NullPointerException
// ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("MyFile") is giving null in servlet.init() method.
if (file.isDirectory()) {
//Read all the files and persist.
MyFile folder/dir is available in class path. When MyUtil.readFiles() is called in JUnit test case it works fine. But when It's called in servelet.init() method ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("MyFile") gives the null.
You can use getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(...) as an alternative to ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(...)
The alternative works because in webserver there are more than one class loader, and you can't be sure whichone loaded your class. I guess ClassLoader class loaded before anything with default java class loader, and then MyUtil class loaded with different class loader with the webserver hence it resulted in different classpath.
I'm currently trying to load classes into my application so that I can then filter out those that don't contain any test / #Test-methods. I want to run these tests in my application afterwards.
So far, so good - except it seems like the URLClassLoader I'm using (or probably any ClassLoader) doesn't actually reload classes that are located on my applications classpath.
More precisely, a user of my application starts by selecting a number of .java source files. Those are then copied to a temporary location and a number of regex match/replace pairs are applied to the copy of the original source files. Next, the copies are compiled, and I then want to load those compiled .class-files into my application so I can run them as tests.
In most cases, this works as desired.
Unfortunately, if the fully qualified class name (FQCN) of any of the selected files is identical to the FQCN of a class that is part of this application (such as tests for this application), the ClassLoader ignores the specified path (to %temp%\myfolder\) and the (updated) version of the class file located there, but instead uses the already present/loaded version of the class.
After some research, this behaviour can be expected according to the docs (emphasis mine):
• The loadClass method in ClassLoader performs these tasks, in order, when called to load a class:
- If a class has already been loaded, it returns it.
- Otherwise, it delegates the search for the new class to the parent class loader.
- If the parent class loader does not find the class, loadClass calls the method findClass to find and load the class.
I tried using findClass, but it's unfortunately not visible.
Hence my question - does anyone know how to force java / the ClassLoader to actually load the class from the specified path, ignoring any - FQCN-wise - identical existing classes?
A classloader first delegates to its parent classloader, which is how it determines "if a class has already been loaded". If you want to force a classloader to load a new class, one way is to insert another classloader in the chain which fails to load/find the same class. Very quick, incomplete example:
class FirewallLoader extends ClassLoader {
public FirewallLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
public loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) {
if (name.equals("some.class.Xyz")) {
throw ClassNotFoundException();
super.loadClass(name, resolve);
You make the "FirewallLoader" the parent or your URLClassLoader, and then your URLClassLoader will load new versions of whatever classes the Firewall loader filters out.
My StartApplet is small to keep startup quick.
It then downloads various classes in various jars using (URLClassLoader)getSystemClassLoader().
The problem I am experiencing is that there are several interfaces defined in the StartApplet which are passed to the dynamically downloaded classes using method invoke. I always get class not defined.
It seems the system class loader does not contain any StartApplet loaded classes including the interfaces.
So, I try loading in the interfaces into the systemClassLoader using a downloaded jar but I still get class not defined and I guess this is because the same class has been loaded in twice using difference class loaders and therefore is seen as two difference classes.
I tried loading the downloaded jars using the classloader of one of the interfaces(StartApplet) but there were errors.
I tried forgetting about the system class loader and instead creating a new URLClassLoader using the classloader of the interfaces(StartApplet) as the parant class loader but again errors occurred.
I have tried loading the dynamic jars into Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() but again errors occurred.
My question...
Is there a way to dynamically load classes in jars using (URLClassLoader)getSystemClassLoader() and allow them to see/access and use the classes that have already been loaded by the instantiating applet??
some code example would be really nice.
Many Thanks.
The crux is the system class loader doesnt reference the applet class loader.
The applet cannot start with any external jars so whatever classes it passes have to be loaded in with the applet.
I just need the dynamically loaded classes in the systemclassloader to be able to use the classes loaded with the applet.
please help.
ps. here are some snipets...
private void addPath(String _path)
File f=new File(_path);
Method method=SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER_CLASS.getDeclaredMethod("addURL",parameters);
method.invoke(SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER,new Object[]{f.toURI().toURL()});
}catch(Throwable _t){
private void addLibrary(String _name)
Method method=SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER_CLASS.getDeclaredMethod("addURL",parameters);
method.invoke(SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER,new Object[]{ClassLoader.getSystemResource(_name)});
}catch(Throwable _t){handle(_t);}
SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER=(URLClassLoader)ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); // DOESNT WORK
SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER=(URLClassLoader)MyInterface.class.getClassLoader(); // DOESNT WORK
SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER=(URLClassLoader)Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // DOESNT WORK
private void callWithInterface(MyInterface _myI)
Class<?> myClass=Class.forName("dynamic.MyClass",true,SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER);
Constructor<?> myConstructor=myClass.getConstructor();
Object myInstance=myConstructor.newInstance();
Method m=myClass.getMethod("MyTest",new Class<?>[]{MyInterface.class});
String s=(String)m.invoke(myInstance,new Object[]{_myI});
last line causes...
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MyInterface
I have figured it out..
The problem I had was caused by a jar name conflict causing the required classes to fail at loading. Once I realised this and corrected the problem I successfully enabled the dynamically loaded classes to access the applet loaded classes by loading the dynamically loaded classes using the applet class loader instead of the system class loader.
I modified my code using the following lines and other adjustments to suit...
MyDynamicClassLoader=new URLClassLoader(new URL[0],MyAppletLoadedInterface.class.getClassLoader());
method.invoke(MyDynamicClassLoader,new Object[]{MyDynamicClassLoader.getResource(DynamicJarName)});
MyDynamicClassLoader now holds references to all applet loaded classes and dynamically loaded classes with the ability to reference each other. For some reason the system class loader does not hold the applet loaded classes.
In my J2EE web project, I have a simple JSP (HomeScreen.jsp) and a servlet class (HomeScreenServlet.java) behind it. This class is calling non-static method (PDFAwt1) from another class (PDFAwt) which in turn calls many other methods from many different classes, as usually happens.
When I try to create an object of the PDFAwt to call PDFAwt1(), I get an exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jxl.read.biff.BiffException
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1360)
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1206)
Here is a little preview of PDFAwt1()
CreateExcelFile cef = new CreateExcelFile();
File folder = new File(ReferencePath + "/png");
File[] f = folder.listFiles();
File folder1 = new File(NewPath + "/png");
File[] f1 = folder1.listFiles();
import jxl.Workbook;
import jxl.format.Colour;
public class CreateExcelFile {
public CreateExcelFile() {
try {
if (!new File("LabelsTemplate.xls").exists()) {
WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("LabelsTemplate.xls"));
WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1", 0);
Not able to find where the problem is exactly.. please help..
Missing jar in your class path, if you are using any IDE, download the respective jar and set it in your build path before running the application.
In case you are not using any IDE, add the respective jar's to the lib folder of your web application.
Your code is transitively dependent on some jars and you are missing those on your classpath. Maven is a good tool to avoid such transitive dependencies. If you are not using maven then you need to find the jars that you are using, required what all other jars. As a first step, try to find the jar which contains the follwing class:
public class BiffException extends JXLException
Exception thrown when reading a biff file
This exception has a number of messages that should provide some information about the cause:
Print the message to see exact problem.
You can find missing jar here
As the name suggests ClassNotFoundException in Java is a subclass of java.lang.Exception and Comes when Java Virtual Machine tries to load a particular class and doesn't found the requested class in classpath.
Another important point about this Exception is that, It is a checked Exception and you need to provide explicitly Exception handling while using methods which can possibly throw ClassNotFoundException in java either by using try-catch block or by using throws clause.
Oracle docs
public class ClassNotFoundException
extends ReflectiveOperationException
Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name using:
The forName method in class Class.
The findSystemClass method in class ClassLoader .
The loadClass method in class ClassLoader.
but no definition for the class with the specified name could be found.
The workings of my program:
Connect to server
Get String
Decrypt String
Send it back
I'm decrypting with a class i downloaded from the server. The class changes everytime and should be downloaded everytime i start my program
It HAS! to be in package named etc/etc/client/file.class
It works flawless when i'm testing it INSIDE eclipse cause the package folder is then accesible
But what do i do when i want to export is as runnable .jar ? Then i can't write in the package folder?
The line that's loading the class:
(The class extends Base64 which is already in the folder)
etc.sec.client.Base64 decode = (etc.sec.client.Base64)Class.forName("etc.sec.client." + handlerClass).newInstance();
// Handler class is the name of the class
The folder i'm downloading the class to before loading newInstance():
Works perfect in eclipse but i do not know how to make it work when exporting to .jar
You will have to load the class using a new class loader.
public void go() throws Exception {
ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL("file:///home/ben/") }, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
Class decoderclass = cl.loadClass("etc.sec.client." + handlerClass);
etc.sec.client.Base64 decode = (etc.sec.client.Base64)decoderclass.newInstance();
If download your class into:
That should instantiate the class fine. Naturally you will have to use the interface available at compile time, etc.sec.client.Base64 must be an interface or your handler class must inherit from it.
My application uses JDBC database drivers. I load these from a jar file, db2jcc.jar in the case of DB2 which I'm currently working with. With this jar in the classpath, everything is fine, but I have a requirement to find the jar from a property in the application's config file instead - for example,
I can load the class via a URLClassLoader ok, but the problem is that I need to treat the object thus created as an explicit DB2XADataSource. For example:
URLClassLoader dbClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{driverJar});
xaClass = dbClassLoader.loadClass("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2XADataSource");
DB2XADataSource dataSource = (DB2XADataSource) xaClass.newInstance();
dataSource.setCurrentSchema(DATABASE_SCHEMA); // <- dataSource has to be a
dataSource.setDatabaseName(DATABASE_NAME); // DB2XADataSource to do this
(rearranged and renamed somewhat; I actually do the loadClass in the constructor of the class that contains this code, while the newInstance is in one of its methods.)
I guess I'm getting into a classloader tangle because the classloader that loaded my class is trying to find DB2XADataSource in order to do the cast, but the URL classloader is not above it in the tree. The trouble is, it being long after I should have stopped working for the day (here in the UK) I can't think how best to solve it in a vaguely neat and sane manner.
The simplest approach is to just use the java.beans API (or direct reflection if you must) to invoke the setter methods.
Alternatively: Your database code requires to link to the dynamically loaded code. Therefore, dynamically load your database code. How much is up to you. You might load almost everything except the "bootstrap".
Yep - the class can't load its own dependencies. You could do some ClassLoader magic, but I imagine it would get messy very quickly.
One way to reduce the amount of reflection would be to put any code that depends on DB2XADataSource into an implementation that is invoked via an interface available to the calling ClassLoader.
//in mydb2driver.jar
public class MyDb2Driver implements IDriver {
private DB2XADataSource dataSource = new DB2XADataSource();
public void init() {
This is loaded with your driver:
Invoking code is in the regular classpath:
public interface IDriver {
public void init();
URLClassLoader dbClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{driverJar});
xaClass = dbClassLoader.loadClass("foo.MyDb2Driver");
IDriver dataSource = (IDriver) xaClass.newInstance();