I am working on Spark SQL with Spark(2.2) and using Java API for loading data from a CSV file.
In the CSV file there is quotes inside cells, the column separater is a pipe |.
Line example: 2012|"Hello|World"
This my code for reading a CSV and returning Dataset:
session = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate();
Dataset<Row>=session.read().option("header", "true").option("delimiter", |).csv(filePath);
This is what I got
|Year | c1 | c2 |
|2012 |Hello|World + null |
The expected result is this:
|Year | c1 | c2 |
|2012 |"Hello + World" |
The only thing I can think of is deleting the commas ' " ', but this out of question because I dont want to change the values of the cells.
I would appreciate any ideas, thanks.
Try this :
Dataset<Row> test = spark.read()
.option("header", "true")
.option("delimiter", "|")
.option("quote", " ")
New to Spark (2.4.x) and using the Java API (not Scala!!!)
I have a Dataset that I've read in from a CSV file. It has a schema (named columns) like so:
id (integer) | name (string) | color (string) | price (double) | enabled (boolean)
An example row:
23 | "hotmeatballsoup" | "blue" | 3.95 | true
There are many (tens of thousands) rows in the dataset. I would like to write an expression using the proper Java/Spark API, that scrolls through each row and applies the following two operations on each row:
If the price is null, default it to 0.00; and then
If the color column value is "red", add 2.55 to the price
Since I'm so new to Spark I'm not sure even where to begin! My best attempt thus far is definitely wrong, but its a least a starting point I guess:
Dataset csvData = sparkSession.read()
// ??? get rows somehow
Seq<Seq<String>> csvRows = csvData.getRows(???, ???);
// now how to loop through rows???
for (Seq<String> row : csvRows) {
// how apply two operations specified above???
if (row["price"] == null) {
row["price"] = 0.00;
if (row["color"].equals("red")) {
row["price"] = row["price"] + 2.55;
Can someone help nudge me in the right direction here?
You could use spark sql api to achieve it. Null values could also be replaced with values using .fill() from DataFrameNaFunctions. Otherwise you could convert Dataframe to Dataset and do these steps in .map, but sql api is better and more efficient in this case.
| id| name|color|price|enabled|
| 23|hotmeatballsoup| blue| 3.95| true|
| 24| abc| red| 1.0| true|
| 24| abc| red| null| true|
import sql functions before class declaration:
import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
sql api:
col("id"), col("name"), col("color"),
when(col("color").equalTo("red").and(col("price").isNotNull()), col("price").plus(2.55))
.when(col("color").equalTo("red").and(col("price").isNull()), 2.55)
or using temp view and sql query:
spark.sql("select id,name,color, case when color = 'red' and price is not null then (price + 2.55) when color = 'red' and price is null then 2.55 else price end as price, enabled from df").show();
| id| name|color|price|enabled|
| 23|hotmeatballsoup| blue| 3.95| true|
| 24| abc| red| 3.55| true|
| 24| abc| red| 2.55| true|
I have the data coming in for first column 'code' for dataframe as below
and now i want to the values as below for 'code' column after the substring.
The above can achieved easily by java code as below
String str ="23-00-11";
int index=str.lastindex("-");
String ss=str.substring(0,index);
which gives
How to do with dataframe and to write udf orapply to dataframe with spark 1.6.2 java 1.8?
I tried with df.withcolumn("code",substring("code",0,1)) but didnt find the way to find the last index. Please help.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
newDf = df.withColumn('_c0', regexp_replace('_c0', '#', ''))\
.withColumn('_c1', regexp_replace('_c1', "'", ''))\
.withColumn('_c2', regexp_replace('_c2', '!', ''))
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df11 = Seq("'101-23','23-00-11','NOV-11-23','34-000-1111-1'").toDS()
//df11.select(col("a"), substring_index(col("value"), ",", 1).as("b"))
val df111=df11.withColumn("value", substring(df11("value"), 0, 10))
Result :
| value|
| value|
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
df11: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[String] = [value: string]
df111: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [value: string]
I have data that looks like this
| dataOne|OtherData|dataTwo|dataThree|
| Best| tree| 5| 533|
| OK| bush| e| 3535|
| MEH| cow| -| 3353|
| MEH| oak| none| 12|
and I'm trying to get it into the output of
| dataOne| Count|
| Best| 1|
| OK| 1|
| Meh| 2|
I have no problem getting the dataOne into a dataframe by itself and showing the contents of it in order to make sure I'm just grabbing the dataOne column,
However I can't seem to find the correct syntax for either turning that sql query into a the data I need. I tried creating this following dataframe from the temp view created by the entire data set
Dataset<Row> dataOneCount = spark.sql("select dataOne, count(*) from
dataFrame group by dataOne");
But spark
The documentation I was able to find on this only showed how to do this type of aggregation in spark 1.6 and prior so any help would be appreciated.
Here's the error message I get, However I've checked the data and there is no indexing error in there.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 11
I've also tried applying the functions() method countDistinct
Column countNum = countDistinct(dataFrame.col("dataOne"));
Dataset<Row> result = dataOneDataFrame.withColumn("count",countNum);
where dataOneDataFrame is a dataFrame created from running
select dataOne from dataFrame
But it returns an analysis exception, I'm still new to spark so I'm not sure if there's an error with how/when I'm evaluating the countDistinct method
edit: To clarify, the first table shown is the result of the dataFrame I've created from reading the text file and applying a custom schema to it (they are still all strings)
Dataset<Row> dataFrame
Here is my full code
public static void main(String[] args) {
SparkSession spark = SparkSession
.appName("Log File Reader")
//args[0] is the textfile location
JavaRDD<String> logsRDD = spark.sparkContext()
String schemaString = "dataOne OtherData dataTwo dataThree";
List<StructField> fields = new ArrayList<>();
String[] fieldName = schemaString.split(" ");
for (String field : fieldName){
fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(field, DataTypes.StringType, true));
StructType schema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);
JavaRDD<Row> rowRDD = logsRDD.map((Function<String, Row>) record -> {
String[] attributes = record.split(" ");
return RowFactory.create(attributes[0],attributes[1],attributes[2],attributes[3]);
Dataset<Row> dF = spark.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema);
//first attempt
//Trying with a sql statement
dF.sparkSession().sql("select command, count(*) from view group by command").show();
The most likely thing that comes to mind is the lambda function that returns the row using RowFactory? The idea seems sound but I'm not sure how it really holds up or if there's another way I could do it. Other than that I'm quite puzzled
sample data
best tree 5 533
OK bush e 3535
MEH cow - 3353
MEH oak none 12
Using Scala syntax for convenience. It's very similar to the Java syntax:
// Input data
val df = {
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val simpleSchema = StructType(
StructField("dataOne", StringType) ::
StructField("OtherData", StringType) ::
StructField("dataTwo", StringType) ::
StructField("dataThree", IntegerType) :: Nil)
val data = List(
Row("Best", "tree", "5", 533),
Row("OK", "bush", "e", 3535),
Row("MEH", "cow", "-", 3353),
Row("MEH", "oak", "none", 12)
spark.createDataFrame(data.asJava, simpleSchema)
| Best| tree| 5| 533|
| OK| bush| e| 3535|
| MEH| cow| -| 3353|
| MEH| oak| none| 12|
| MEH| 2|
| Best| 1|
| OK| 1|
I can submit the Java code given above as follows with the four row data file on S3 and it works fine:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class sparktest.FromStackOverflow \
--packages "org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.3" \
target/scala-2.11/sparktest_2.11-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar "s3a://my-bucket-name/sample.txt"
I have a Dataset structure in Spark with two columns, one called user the other called category. Such that the table looks some what like this:
| user| category|
| garrett| syncopy|
| garrison| musictheory|
| marta| sheetmusic|
| garrett| orchestration|
| harold| chopin|
| marta| russianmusic|
| niko| piano|
| james| sheetmusic|
| manny| violin|
| charles| gershwin|
| dawson| cello|
| bob| cello|
| george| cello|
| george| americanmusic|
| bob| personalcompos|
| george| sheetmusic|
| fred| sheetmusic|
| bob| sheetmusic|
| garrison| sheetmusic|
| george| musictheory|
only showing top 20 rows
Each row in the table is unique but a user and category can appear multiple times. The objective is to count the number of users that two categories share. For example cello and americanmusic share a user named george and musictheory and sheetmusic share users george and garrison. The goal is to get the number of distinct users between n categories meaning that there is at most n squared edges between categories. I understand partially how to do this operation but I am struggling a little bit converting my thoughts to Spark Java.
My thinking is that I need to do a self-join on user to get a table that would be structured like this:
| user| category| category|
| garrison| musictheory| sheetmusic|
| george| musictheory| sheetmusic|
| garrison| musictheory| musictheory|
| george| musictheory| musicthoery|
| garrison| sheetmusic| musictheory|
| george| sheetmusic| musictheory|
The self join operation in Spark (Java code) is not difficult:
Dataset<Row> newDataset = allUsersToCategories.join(allUsersToCategories, "users");
This is getting somewhere, however I get mappings to the same category as in rows 3 and 4 in the above example and I get backwards mappings where the categories are reversed such that essentially is double counting each user interaction like in rows 5 and 6 of the above example.
What I would believe I need to do is have some sort of conditional in my join that says something along the lines of X < Y so that equal categories and duplicates get thrown away. Finally I then need to count the number of distinct rows for n squared combinations where n is the number of categories.
Could somebody please explain how to do this in Spark and specifically Spark Java since I am a little unfamiliar with the Scala syntax?
Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure if I understand your requirements correctly, but I will try to help.
According to my understanding expected result for above data should look like below. If it's not true, please let me know I will try to make requried modifications.
|_1 |_2 |
|personalcompos|sheetmusic |1|
|cello |musictheory |1|
|americanmusic |cello |1|
|cello |sheetmusic |2|
|cello |personalcompos|1|
|russianmusic |sheetmusic |1|
|americanmusic |sheetmusic |1|
|americanmusic |musictheory |1|
|musictheory |sheetmusic |2|
|orchestration |syncopy |1|
In this case you can solve your problem with below Scala code:
.flatMapGroups{case (user, userCategories) =>
val categories = userCategories.map(uc => uc.category).toSeq
for {
c1 <- categories
c2 <- categories
if c1 < c2
} yield (c1, c2)
.groupByKey(x => x)
If you need symetric result you can just change if statement in flatMapGroups transformation to if c1 != c2.
Please note that in above example I used Dataset API, which for test purpose was created with below code:
case class UserCategory(user: String, category: String)
val allUsersToCategories = session.createDataset(Seq(
UserCategory("garrett", "syncopy"),
UserCategory("garrison", "musictheory"),
UserCategory("marta", "sheetmusic"),
UserCategory("garrett", "orchestration"),
UserCategory("harold", "chopin"),
UserCategory("marta", "russianmusic"),
UserCategory("niko", "piano"),
UserCategory("james", "sheetmusic"),
UserCategory("manny", "violin"),
UserCategory("charles", "gershwin"),
UserCategory("dawson", "cello"),
UserCategory("bob", "cello"),
UserCategory("george", "cello"),
UserCategory("george", "americanmusic"),
UserCategory("bob", "personalcompos"),
UserCategory("george", "sheetmusic"),
UserCategory("fred", "sheetmusic"),
UserCategory("bob", "sheetmusic"),
UserCategory("garrison", "sheetmusic"),
UserCategory("george", "musictheory")
I was trying to provide example in Java, but I don't have any experience with Java+Spark and it is too time consuming for me to migrate above example from Scala to Java...
I found the answer a couple of hours ago using spark sql:
Dataset<Row> connection per shared user = spark.sql("SELECT a.user as user, "
+ "a.category as categoryOne, "
+ "b.category as categoryTwo "
+ "FROM allTable as a INNER JOIN allTable as b "
+ "ON a.user = b.user AND a.user < b.user");
This will then create a Dataset with three columns user, categoryOne, and categoryTwo. Each row will be unique and will indicate when the user exists in both categories.
I have the data schema of LinkeIn account as shown below. I need to query the skills which is in the for of array, where array may contains either JAVA OR java OR Java or JAVA developer OR Java developer.
Dataset<Row> sqlDF = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM people"
+ " WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(skills,'Java') "
+ " OR ARRAY_CONTAINS(skills,'Java developer') "
+ "AND ARRAY_CONTAINS(experience['description'],'Java developer')" );
The above query is what i have tried and please suggest any better way.and also how to use case-insentive query ?
|-- skills: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
| skills|
| [Java, java]|
|[Java Developer, ...|
| [dev]|
Now lets register it as a temp table:
>>> df.registerTempTable("t")
Now, we will explode the array, convert each element as lower case and query using LIKE operator:
>>> res = sqlContext.sql("select skills, lower(skill) as skill from (select skills, explode(skills) skill from t) a where lower(skill) like '%java%'")
>>> res.show()
| skills| skill|
| [Java, java]| java|
| [Java, java]| java|
|[Java Developer, ...|java developer|
|[Java Developer, ...| java dev|
Now, you can do a distinct on skills field.