Java 8 List to Map conversion - java

I have a problem with conversion List Object to Map String, List Object. I'm looking for Map with a keys name of all components in cars, and a value is represented by cars with this component
public class Car {
private String model;
private List<String> components;
// getters and setters
I write a solution but looking for a better stream solution.
public Map<String, List<Car>> componentsInCar() {
HashSet<String> components = new HashSet<>(); -> x.getComponents().stream().forEachOrdered(components::add));
Map<String, List<Car>> mapCarsComponents = new HashMap<>();
for (String keys : components) {
mapCarsComponents.put(keys, -> c.getComponents().contains(keys)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
return mapCarsComponents;

You could do it with streams too, but I find this a bit more readable:
public static Map<String, List<Car>> componentsInCar(List<Car> cars) {
Map<String, List<Car>> result = new HashMap<>();
cars.forEach(car -> {
car.getComponents().forEach(comp -> {
result.computeIfAbsent(comp, ignoreMe -> new ArrayList<>()).add(car);
return result;
Or using stream:
public static Map<String, List<Car>> componentsInCar(List<Car> cars) {
.flatMap(car -> car.getComponents().stream().distinct().map(comp -> new SimpleEntry<>(comp, car)))
Collectors.mapping(Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())

I know this is a Java question, and there is already a Java answer. However, I would like to add that Kotlin, which is a JVM language and perfectly interoperable with Java, you can do things like this very easily and cleanly:
val carsByComponent = cars
.flatMap { it.components }
.map { component -> component to cars.filter { car -> component in car.components } }
or even more concise, allthough less readable:
val carsByComponent = cars
.flatMap { car -> { it to car } }
.groupBy { it.first }
.mapValues { { it.second }}


Java 8 Functional Programming avoid if conditional

How do you do the equivalent of the following transform() method using pure functional programming (without the if-conditional).
Meta: I'd appreciate a title edit, I'm not sure how to word this question in "functionalese"
public class Playground {
private static Optional<Map<String,Integer>> transform(List<Tuple<String,Optional<Integer>>> input) {
if (>t.second.isEmpty())) return Optional.empty();
Map<String, Integer> theMap =
.map(t -> new Tuple<>(t.first, t.second.get()))
t1 -> t1.first,
Collectors.mapping(t2 -> t2.second, toSingle())));
return Optional.of(theMap);
public void collect() {
List<Tuple<String,Optional<Integer>>> input1 = new ArrayList<>();
input1.add(new Tuple<>("foo", Optional.of(1)));
input1.add(new Tuple<>("bar", Optional.empty()));
Optional<Map<String,Integer>> result1 = transform(input1);
List<Tuple<String,Optional<Integer>>> input2 = new ArrayList<>();
input2.add(new Tuple<>("foo", Optional.of(1)));
input2.add(new Tuple<>("bar", Optional.of(2)));
Optional<Map<String,Integer>> result2 = transform(input2);
assertEquals((int)1, (int)result2.get().get("foo"));
assertEquals((int)2, (int)result2.get().get("bar"));
private static class Tuple<T1,T2> {
public T1 first;
public T2 second;
public Tuple(T1 first, T2 second) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
public static <T> Collector<T, ?, T> toSingle() {
return Collectors.collectingAndThen(
list -> list.get(0)
This might work for you:
private static Optional<Map<String, Integer>> transform(
List<Tuple<String, Optional<Integer>>> input) {
return Optional.of(input)
.filter(t -> -> a.second.isPresent()))
in ->
.filter(t -> t.second.isPresent())
.map(t -> new Tuple<>(t.first, t.second.get()))
t1 -> t1.first, Collectors.mapping(t2 -> t2.second, toSingle()))));
Although my solution does not satisfy your result, I can offer a solution with the ternary operator
private static Map<String, Integer> transform(List<Tuple<String, Optional<Integer>>> input) {
return -> t.second.isEmpty()) ? Collections.emptyMap() :
.map(t -> new Tuple<>(t.first, t.second.get()))
t1 -> t1.first,
Collectors.mapping(t2 -> t2.second, toSingle())));
“pure functional programming” is not necessarily a sign of quality and not an end in itself.
If you want to make the code simpler and more efficient, which may include getting rid of the if-conditional, especially as it bears a second iteration over the source data, you can do it in various ways. E.g.
private static <K,V> Optional<Map<K,V>> transform(List<Tuple<K,Optional<V>>> input) {
final class AbsentValue extends RuntimeException {
AbsentValue() { super(null, null, false, false); }
try {
return Optional.of(
t1 -> t1.first,
t2 -> t2.second.orElseThrow(AbsentValue::new),
(first,next) -> first)));
} catch(AbsentValue av) {
return Optional.empty();
When empty optionals are truly the exceptional case, you can make flagging via exception part of the method’s contract, e.g.
public static class AbsentValueException extends RuntimeException {
private static <K,V> Map<K,V> transform(List<Tuple<K,Optional<V>>> input)
throws AbsentValueException {
t1 -> t1.first,
t2 -> t2.second.orElseThrow(AbsentValueException::new),
#Test(expected = AbsentValueException.class)
public void collect1() {
List<Tuple<String,Optional<Integer>>> input1 = new ArrayList<>();
input1.add(new Tuple<>("foo", Optional.of(1)));
input1.add(new Tuple<>("bar", Optional.empty()));
Map<String,Integer> result1 = transform(input1);
public void collect2() {
List<Tuple<String,Optional<Integer>>> input2 = new ArrayList<>();
input2.add(new Tuple<>("foo", Optional.of(1)));
input2.add(new Tuple<>("bar", Optional.of(2)));
Map<String,Integer> result2 = transform(input2);
assertEquals((int)1, (int)result2.get("foo"));
assertEquals((int)2, (int)result2.get("bar"));
Even better would be not to put optionals into the list of tuples in the first place.

java 8 stream groupingBy into collection of custom object

I have the following class structure
public class Store {
private Long storeId;
private Long masterStoreId;
private String operatorIdentifier;
public class StoreInfo {
private String operatorIdentifier;
private Set<Long> slaveStoreIds;
public StoreInfo(String operatorIdentifier, Set<Long> slaveStoreIds) {
this.operatorIdentifier = operatorIdentifier;
this.slaveStoreIds = slaveStoreIds;
I want to collect the "List<Store" into a "Map<Long, StoreInfo>". Is it possible to do so in a single operation/iteration?
List<Store> stores;
Map<Long, Set<Long>> slaveStoresAgainstMasterStore =
.groupingBy(Store::getMasterStoreId, Collectors.mapping(Store::getStoreId, Collectors.toSet())));
Map<Long, StoreInfo> storeInfoAgainstMasterStore =
val -> new StoreInfo(val.getOperatorIdentifier(),
(a1, a2) -> a1));
As masterStoreId and operatorIdentifier are same same in group(comfirmed in comment) you can groupingBy both creating pair of them using AbstractMap.SimpleEntry. Then using Collectors.toMap create map.
Map<Long, StoreInfo> storeInfoMap =
e -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(e.getMasterStoreId(),
Collectors.mapping(Store::getStoreId, Collectors.toSet())))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey().getKey(),
e -> new StoreInfo(e.getKey().getValue(), e.getValue())));
To complete the implementation, you were attempting. You need to ensure merging capability within StoreInfo such as :
public StoreInfo(String operatorIdentifier, Long slaveStoreId) {
this.operatorIdentifier = operatorIdentifier;
this.slaveStoreIds = new HashSet<>();
public static StoreInfo mergeStoreInfo(StoreInfo storeInfo1, StoreInfo storeInfo2) {
Set<Long> slaveIds = storeInfo1.getSlaveStoreIds();
return new StoreInfo(storeInfo1.getOperatorIdentifier(), slaveIds);
this would simplify the implementation of collector and you an invoke these correspondingly:
Map<Long, StoreInfo> storeInfoAgainstMasterStore =
store -> new StoreInfo(store.getOperatorIdentifier(), store.getStoreId()),

How to write a jqwik generator method with nested generators

Using, trying to generate a Rule class with a a nested RuleConfig class inside it.
The RuleConfig class has a nested ruleProps which is a Map
The statusReturnedFromApplyingRule method always returns an initialized Rule instead of using the #provide method values ??
Returned Rule:
rule:Rule{ruleId='null', inputMetricSelector=null, ruleConfig='RuleConfig{ruleType='null', ruleProps={}}'}, elements:[{}]
Here is my code:
public class RangeMatchRuleTest {
boolean statusReturnedFromApplyingRule(#ForAll("generateRule") Rule rule,
#ForAll("generateInputMapElements") Iterable<Map<String, Object>> elements) {
RangeMatchRule rangeMatchRule = new RangeMatchRule();
final RuleIF.Status status = rangeMatchRule.applyRule(rule, elements);
return RuleIF.getEnums().contains(status.toString());
Arbitrary<Rule> generateRule() {
Rule rule = new Rule();
RuleConfig ruleConfig = new RuleConfig();
Map<String, Object> ruleProps = new HashMap<>();
Arbitrary<Double> lowThresholdArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
.between(0.0, 29.0);
lowThresholdArb.allValues().ifPresent(doubleStream -> ruleProps.put(Utils.LOW_THRESHOLD, doubleStream.findFirst().get()));
// -> ruleProps.put(Utils.LOW_THRESHOLD, lowThreshold) );
Arbitrary<Double> highThresholdArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
.between(30.0, 50.0); -> ruleProps.put(Utils.HIGH_THRESHOLD, highThreshold));
return Arbitraries.create(() -> rule);
Arbitrary<Iterable<Map<String, Object>>> generateInputMapElements() {
Arbitrary<Double> metricValueArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
.between(0, 50.0);
Map<String, Object> inputMap = new HashMap<>(); -> inputMap.put(Utils.METRIC_VALUE, metricValue));
List<Map<String, Object>> inputMapLst = new ArrayList<>();
return Arbitraries.create(() -> inputMapLst);
You are building the generateRule method on the wrong assumption that an arbitrary's map method performed any real action when called. This is not the case. The fact that map returns another arbitrary instance gives a strong hint.
The underlying idea you have to grasp is that a provider method - the method annotated with #Provide - is nothing but a "description" of the generation process; it will only be called once. The actual object generation happens afterwards and is controlled by the framework.
Here's a reworked generateRule method that should do what you intended:
Arbitrary<Rule> generateRule() {
Arbitrary<Double> lowThresholdArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
.between(0.0, 29.0);
Arbitrary<Double> highThresholdArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
.between(30.0, 50.0);
Arbitrary<RuleConfig> configArb =
Combinators.combine(lowThresholdArb, highThresholdArb)
.as((low, high) -> {
Map<String, Object> ruleProps = new HashMap<>();
ruleProps.put(Utils.LOW_THRESHOLD, low);
ruleProps.put(Utils.HIGH_THRESHOLD, high);
RuleConfig ruleConfig = new RuleConfig();
return ruleConfig;
return -> {
Rule rule = new Rule();
return rule;
What you can hopefully see is that creating a generator is like dataflow programming: Starting from some base arbitraries - lowThresholdArb and highThresholdArb - you combine, map and filter those. In the end a single instance of Arbitrary must be returned.
BTW: If you want this generator to be applied each time when you need a Rule, you could write the following class:
public class RuleArbitraryProvider implements ArbitraryProvider {
public boolean canProvideFor(TypeUsage targetType) {
return targetType.isOfType(Rule.class);
public Set<Arbitrary<?>> provideFor(TypeUsage targetType, SubtypeProvider subtypeProvider) {
return Collections.singleton(generateRule());
private Arbitrary<Rule> generateRule() {
// Put here the code from above
and register it as a default provider.
Additional example for the Map above based on the provided answer:
Arbitrary<Iterable<Map<String, Object>>> generateInputMapElements() {
Arbitrary<Double> metricValueArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
.between(0, 50.0);
Arbitrary<Map<String, Object>> inputMapArb = -> {
Map<String, Object> inputMap = new HashMap<>();
inputMap.put(Utils.METRIC_VALUE, metricsValue);
return inputMap;
return -> {
List<Map<String, Object>> inputMapLst = new ArrayList<>();
return inputMapLst;

Not able to get desired output while working with PartioningBy and groupingBy together

I am working with collectors' groupingBy and partioningBy functions. I an working with a list of persons, the list of persons is as follows:
List<Person> persons =
new Person("Max", 18),
new Person("Peter", 23),
new Person("Pamela", 23),
new Person("David", 12),
new Person("Pam", 12));
What i want is to partition the list on the basis of persons whose name starts with letter "P" and then group them on the basis of their ages.
Here is my code which does the above filtration:
Map<Boolean, Map<Object, List<Person>>> rr =
.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(p ->"P"),
Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.age > 20)));
And the output which i got is:
rr = {false={false=[Max, David]}, true={false=[Pam], true=[Peter, Pamela]}}
Now, my requirement is to get only internal map from the above results. That is, i want to change the return values to:
{false=[Pam], true=[Peter, Pamela]}
That is, I want the results (or partitioned map) whose boolean value is true as returned by the partioningBy function. How can i achieve this?
You could create a custom collector (I've done it only as an exercise, please treat it as such):
static class MyCustom<T, U> implements Collector<Person, List<Person>, Map<T, List<U>>> {
private final Function<Person, T> function;
private final Predicate<Person> predicate;
private final Function<Person, U> transformingFunction;
public MyCustom(Predicate<Person> predicate, Function<Person, T> function,
Function<Person, U> transformingFunction) {
this.predicate = predicate;
this.function = function;
this.transformingFunction = transformingFunction;
public Supplier<List<Person>> supplier() {
return ArrayList::new;
public BiConsumer<List<Person>, Person> accumulator() {
return (list, person) -> {
if (predicate.test(person)) {
public BinaryOperator<List<Person>> combiner() {
return (l1, l2) -> {
return l1;
public Function<List<Person>, Map<T, List<U>>> finisher() {
return list -> {
Collectors.groupingBy(function, Collectors.mapping(transformingFunction, Collectors.toList())));
public Set<> characteristics() {
return EnumSet.of(Characteristics.UNORDERED);
And then apply it like this:
MyCustom<Integer, String> custom = new MyCustom<>((Person p) -> p.getName().startsWith("P"),
(Person p) -> p.getAge(), Person::getName);
System.out.println(; // {23=[Peter, Pamela], 12=[Pam]}
Filter by name
Apply partitioning by age
Map<Boolean, List<Person>> p1 = ->"P")).collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(p -> p.getAge() > 20));

Java8 Stream API: Group a list into a custom class

I'm trying to construct a custom class instance by Java8's stream API.
public class Foo {
Group group;
// other properties
public Group getGroup() { return; }
public enum Group { /* ... */ };
public class FooModel {
private Foo.Group group;
private List<Foo> foos;
// Getter/Setter
List<Foo> inputList = getFromSomewhere();
List<FooModel> outputList = inputList
But I don't know how the Collector downstream must be.
Do I have to implement a Collector myself (don't think so) or can this be accomplished by a combination of Collectors. calls?
You are looking for something like this:
List<FooModel> outputList = inputList
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Foo::getGroup))// create Map<Foo.Group,List<Foo>>
.entrySet().stream() // go through entry set to create FooModel
entry-> new FooModel (
