I'm trying ubuntu inside my mac docker environment for development. javac/gcc works fine, but when I try to use JNI to connect java and c program, I found a problem. I need to find the include file and libjvm.so file on my ubuntu docker image. But unfortunately I found the javac is actually:
root#4968756a1edd:~/mynet/mytest/build/jni# javac -version
javac 1.8.0_191
root#4968756a1edd:~/mynet/mytest/build/jni# ls -lrt `which javac`
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Feb 6 07:38 /usr/bin/javac ->
Well, in an ubuntu/centos VM installation, usually there's a directory for a jdk and everything (bin/lib/include) is under this directory. But in docker image, how can I find this jdk installation location and all those headers/libraries?
In bash you can set env variables like this:
sudo -H gedit /etc/environment
I have an export command in my .bashrc to add the path of the java.exe file to PATH. Right now, running echo $PATH gives me this at the end
/mnt/c/Program Files/Java/jdk-14.0.2/bin
This is exactly where the java.exe and javac.exe files are stored, but when I run something like
java -version I'm getting the Command 'java' not found error. What am I doing wrong here?
You have added the Windows version of the Java binaries to the Path. You use WSL to run Linux binaries. (WSL1 is a compatibility layer, WSL2 uses the Linux kernel).
You have two options:
Install Java in your WSL environment. For example on Ubuntu with following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-14-jdk
After installing Java it will be available in the search path.
You could also run the Windows version by calling java.exe (note the .exe) on the name. This way WSL would call the Windows version. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/interop#run-windows-tools-from-linux)
If you want to use the windows version of java for some reason you where almost there. Try this please :)
java.exe -version
Install java in wsl:
sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-14-jdk
check the version.
java –version
check the path to config JAVA_HOME.
sudo update-alternatives --config java
edit environment file to add the path:
sudo nano /etc/environment
add declare and add the JAVA_HOME:
save and check the path.
source /etc/environment
I'm trying to change the path of java_home to java-1.7.0 in a CentOS 7 machine which already has java-1.8.0 installed.
I uninstalled java-1.8.0, and used
yum -y install java-1.7.0
to install java 1.7. However,
which java
command still points to java-1.8. How do I find the path of java 1.7 JRE in this case in order to set java_home using a bash script?
Thank you,
Try setting JAVA_HOME with the new java path(eg. '/usr/local/java1.7/jdk').
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java1.7/jdk
Then add the JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH variable.
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
By default java will get installed in the ' /usr/lib/jvm ' location.
So, try ls command in this path to find the required java version.
cd /usr/lib/jvm
Use this path to set the JAVA_HOME.
I'm trying to get WSL to recognize my windows installed environmental variable of JAVA_HOME. I attached of what I have in my bashrc and what I have in my windows environmental variables along with outputs from cmd and bash.
What's at the end of my bashrc:
export JAVA_HOME="/mnt/d/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.1"
export PATH="/mnt/d/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.1/bin:$PATH"
C:\Users\jaall>javac --version
javac 11.0.1
myubuntu_name#DESKTOP-LUK3BII:~$ javac --version
Command 'javac' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install default-jdk
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless
sudo apt install ecj
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless
I've been stuck on this for awhile and can't figure it out or find a working solution online. Thanks!
As Biswapriyo suggested, you should use WSLENV.
Open PowerShell. Then set JAVA_HOME to the path to your java installation.
In your case, run setx JAVA_HOME "D:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.1"
You should see a message that says "SUCCESS: Specified value was saved".
Then run setx WSLENV "JAVA_HOME/p".
You should see the success message again.
Type 'env' into your WSL bash prompt.
You should see JAVA_HOME correctly set at this point.
Note: If step 2 doesn't work, you might want to changing the path to JAVA_HOME to include the \bin folder.
TL;DR: In WSL, you must use javac.exe since it is a Windows binary. Simply typing javac will not work, even if the path is set up correctly. If that doesn't work, try adding ../bin to the end of your JAVA_HOME variable.
Using Windows Binaries & Environment Variables in WSL
There's a much easier way to make Windows and WSL utilize the same JavaSDK binary, you just need to set up a few things first. Best of all, if you have JavaSDK installed on Windows, you do not need to install Linux binaries.
Check WSL Permissions and Directory Link (Optional, but recommended)
In WSL, list symbolic links on PC:
ls -l /mnt
If any drive is owned by root, perform your WSL dev work in /mnt/c/Users/<UserName>
Personally, I create a development directory in Windows and add a symbolic link to the directory in WSL:
ln -s /mnt/d/dev/environment/ ~/dev
cd dev now brings you to your development directory.
Ensure Java for Windows works
Open PowerShell/cmd.exe from any directory and enter: java --version
You should get a list of JRE info:
openjdk 11.0.4 2019-07-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 11.0.4+11-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 11.0.4+11-LTS, mixed mode)
Your version might be different, the important part is that the system knows where to find Java. If you get an error, ensure your Windows Environment variables are set correctly:
JAVA_HOME as an Environment Variable, and
JAVA_HOME/bin as a Path variable.
Setting Variable in WSL
The best place to put the next lines of code are in your .bashrc file, but if you have a ./bash_profile or /etc/profile structure set up, you can put it there.
# Shared environment variables
# Use 'java.exe <args>' to utilize Windows Java binaries from within WSL.
export JAVA_HOME=/mnt/d/Java/jdk11.0.4_10
While we're at it, let's add Maven too:
export MAVEN_HOME=/mnt/d/software/apache-maven-3.6.2
I have my WSL, Java, and all my other dev tools set up on my second HDD which is not a system drive, ensure that your location matches your JAVA_HOME path in Windows.
For instance, if in Windows, Java is located at: C:\Java\jdk8.0
The corresponding WSL mount point is: /mnt/c/Java/jdk8.0
Important: Use java.exe <args> in WSL instead of java <args>
Say you just wrote CompareTwoStrings.class and want to compile and run it using the Windows binaries. You can do it from a Windows shell or WSL.
Windows PowerShell/cmd:
javac GetStringLength.java
java GetStringLength
javac.exe GetStringLength.java
java.exe GetStringLength
Using java <args> in WSL will result in a Command 'java' not found error. That is because running windows binaries from within WSL requires that the .exe extension is used in the command.
We don't want to install a second copy of Java specific to WSL and waste that precious disk space, so we're going to call the Windows binary from the WSL shell. This is a great benefit of WSL—WSL1 in particular—in that it can interact (almost) flawlessly with the Windows File System.
NOTE: In order to run a program, it must either be a Path variable, or be run from within it's containing folder.
Hopefully that works as easily for you as it did for me. Just remember to use the correct command depending on what OS binary you're running. This took me about 10 minutes to get set up, and has been a lifesaver for cross-compiling and general ease-of-use.
I originally had Maven working in Windows attempted to run Maven in WSL2 and tried all of the previous solutions, but would consistently get the following no matter what I set for JAVA_HOME and PATH:
$ mvn -v
The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program
NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE
The issue was I was trying to use a Windows version of the JDK in the WSL2 Linux kernel. To fix this I ended up having to install a Linux version of the JDK (version 11) in the WSL as follows:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
There is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java): /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
Nothing to configure.
Then take the path for your JDK and use it to create JAVA_HOME and update PATH by appending the following in .profile
export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java:$PATH"
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"
Now close and reopen WSL2 and when your try again:
$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.6.3
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 11.0.13, vendor: Ubuntu, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
Default locale: en, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
Since I've never been able to share variables between the 2 systems easily, I created a simple bash function which can easily retrieve (and define, if asked to) any Windows Environment variable.
It also takes care of paths so they get converted from Win32 to Un*x-like.
I added this to /etc/bash.bashrc:
if [ "$#" == "0" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]
echo $'\n'Usage:
echo $'\t'-d: Defines environment variable in current shell
echo $'\t Note that paths will be translated into un*x-like\n'
local IFS='$\n'
[ "$1" == "-d" ] && PATH_TO_TRANSLATE=$2
local VAR=$(cmd.exe /c echo %${PATH_TO_TRANSLATE}% | tr -d '\r')
local NEW=$(wslpath -u "${VAR}" 2>/dev/null || echo ${VAR})
echo "${PATH_TO_TRANSLATE} = ${VAR} -> ${NEW}"
[ "$1" == "-d" ] && export "${PATH_TO_TRANSLATE}=${NEW}"
And all I have to do to display one is to call winenv PROGRAMFILES (for example)
Or if I expect to export it, I just have to add a -d argument before the variable name as in winenv -d WINDIR.
After recently installing Grails for a new project, my jboss install will not run. I get the following after running ./run.sh
Workhog:bin joenicora$ =========================================================================
JBoss Bootstrap Environment
JBOSS_HOME: /opt/jboss
JAVA: /usr/bin/java
JAVA_OPTS: -Dprogram.name=run.sh -Xms1024m -Xmx3072m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
CLASSPATH: /opt/jboss/bin/run.jar
Unable to locate an executable at "/usr/bin/java/bin/java" (-1)
OSX 10.7.5
java version "1.6.0_51"
my bash_profile:
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
The path in this part of the message doesn't look right: "Unable to locate an executable at "/usr/bin/java/bin/java" (-1)". But changes to my bash_profile never update that path. Any idea what is causing this issue?
Your JAVA_HOME should point to /path/to/jdk/baseFolder not /usr/bin/java and add to PATH=.....:/path/to/jdk/baseFolder/bin
What you need to do is:
cd /usr/bin
type ls -l
This will show you all of the symbolic links in /usr/bin so look at user bin java it will look like:
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 21 Jan 25 2013 java -> /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_35/bin/java
Then go into you .bashrc/bash_profile and:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_35
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
and you will be good to go.
Your problem is that you're setting $JAVA_HOME to your java exe and it needs to be set to the JAVA jdk.
$JAVA_HOME should be set to the folder directly above where /bin/java lives
I know it's installed because when I type:
$java -version
I get:
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.5) (6b27-1.12.5-0ubuntu0.12.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
And when I type:
$locate jdk
I get:
What worries me about the first item in the list is that the 2012a folder is my MATLAB folder and not a standard 'usr/lib' folder. I'm really confused on where the JDK and JRE got installed, because I need to set the $JAVA_HOME path pointing to the folder. Where am I missing something?
WAY-1 : Updated for the shortest and easy way
Below command will give you the path, But it will only work if java command is working in other words if java path is configured.
readlink -f $(which java)
Read more at Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux?
WAY-2 (Better than WAY-1) : Below answer is still working and try it if above command is not working
for you.
You need to dig into symbolic links. Below is steps to get Java directory
Step 1:
$ whereis java
java: /usr/bin/java /etc/java /usr/share/java
That tells the command java resides in /usr/bin/java.
Dig again:
Step 2:
$ ls -l /usr/bin/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2009-01-15 18:34 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java
So, now we know that /usr/bin/java is actually a symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/java.
Dig deeper using the same method above:
Step 3:
$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2009-01-15 18:34 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/local/jre1.6.0_07/bin/java
So, thats the actual location of java: /usr/local/jre.....
You could still dig deeper to find other symbolic links.
Reference : where is java's home dir?
Please use this command:
readlink -f $(which java)
It works for me with Ubuntu gnome.
On my computer the result is:
In generally, java gets installed at /usr/lib/jvm . That is where my sun jdk is installed. check if it is same for open jdk also.
$whereis java
java: /usr/bin/java /usr/bin/X11/java /usr/share/java /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz
$cd /usr/bin
$ls -l java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Apr 15 2014 java -> /etc/alternatives/java
$ls -l /etc/alternatives/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 15 2014 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java
So,JDK's real location is /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/
Location of JRE in Ubuntu:
$ whereis java
java: /usr/bin/java /usr/lib/java /usr/bin/X11/java /usr/share/java /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz
On Ubuntu 14.04, it is in /usr/lib/jvm/default-java.
For me, on Ubuntu, the various versions of JDK were in /usr/lib/jvm.
I found the solution to this with path name:
I'm on mint 18.1
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. In my case I had to open the file:
And change the jdk location to:
Then saved the file and re-run Netbeans. It worked for me.
you can simply write the following command in the terminal of your linux system and get the java path :- echo $JAVA_HOME
The easiest way to do so is by typing echo $JAVA_HOME on your terminal.