Add jnetpcap to maven fails - java

I try to add jnetpcap as a dependency to maven. I found on the internet the following that should be added to the pom file:
I tried this with multiple version numbers, but maven can't find the version:
Dependency 'jnetpcap:jnetpcap:1.4.r1425-1g' not found (the version
is colored red).,
Also I tried to add the library via the project structure in IntelliJ. The Maven repository can find the jnetpcap library but when I try to import it i get:
No files were downloaded for jnetpcap:jnetpcap:1.4.r1425-1g.
The library can be manually imported via the jnetpcap.jar file but I need it as a maven dependency in my pom for creating a jar file of my project. Otherwise I get a jar file which can't execute since it is missing the dependency.
Does somebody know how I can include the dependency or otherwise how I can create a jar file of my project without missing this dependency?

The artifact is correct, however you are missing one little detail which is obvious, looking at the info page at
Especially look at the table line Repositories. There you will see that this artifact is only listed in the "Clojars" repository, a non-standard repository you most likely have not added to your project.
Therefore adding the dependency is not enough, you also have to add the following section:

The version of the jar you are requesting is not published to the maven repository.
This would work


Pull dependencies as a jar in maven?

Is there a way I can pull some specific jar directly as a dependency defined in maven?
I have a maven project which has some internal and external dependencies. I am hosting this project on a maven registry so I can consume it in other projects. I am creating a jar and as well as creating "jar-with-dependencies" using the maven-assembly plugin in my project. Then I am hosting this on the maven repository where it has the pom, jar, and jar-with-dependencies all hosted.
In the other maven project, I want to pull the above maven project as a dependency. When I am trying to directly define it as a dependency as mentioned below, it is trying to pull the dependencies of the original project too in which some of the internal ones it could not find. Is there a way so that it can pull the hosted jar-with-dependencies directly or some other solution to this problem.
P.S. I do not want to host all those internal dependencies directly on the maven registry.
Update: I tried adding dependency with the help of the maven classifier to point to jar-with-dependencies. But it still does not resolve the issue

How to use a local maven snapshot of another local project [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to add local jar files to a Maven project?
(35 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I feel like I must be lacking some very very basic Maven knowledge here. I have a (couple of) maven project(s) and a shared library. This library should be a separate maven project with its own life cycle. I'm trying to import the library into my project using:
But maven keeps looking in my repro instead of trying to find my local build. And worst of all, it keeps looking for a jar. I get:
Could not resolve dependencies for project my.project:ejb:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact
What's my rookie mistake? Yes, I did do a clean install of my library project.
My .m2 directory has a settings file redirecting my local repro to
/ws/repro, which contains:
and some property files.
I don't think it's a duplicate. I looked at the question linked before posting my question. There is no non-maven project or external jar involved here.
Your local repository is usually in .m2/repository below the user repository. If You do clean install on your library project, it should be installed into this repository (in nl/whatever/com/my_shared_library/...). Then you can use it from all other Maven projects on the same computer.
It is furthermore important that the <packaging> is correct, i.e. the packaging needs to match the artifact you want to build. If the packaging is pom then you only create a pom (like a parent pom or a bom). Leaving out the packaging tag implictely means that you use packaging jar.
You shall try updating your pom.xml with a tag named as repositories.
Maven repositories are the places that hold build artifacts and dependencies of varying types.
A sample maven remote repository tag with its values is:
<name>Maven Repository</name>
To configure multiple repositories you can follow the guide and make use of profile in settings.xml as well.
On a side note, unless following a hierarchy or making use of specific versions of a library. You should use <dependencies> instead of <dependencyManagement>, take a look at the differences between dependencymanagement and dependencies in maven.

Maven dependency issue - artifact not found in central repo

I'm trying to build the project from this site I downloaded the sources jar file, unpacked it and ran maven package in the root folder. Maven fails at the last minute saying it couldn't resolve the dependency..
could not find artifact seventytwomiles:architecture-rules:jar:3.0.0-M1 in central repo - ..
I have a feeling I might need to change something in the pom.xml file for this to work, but have no idea what. Googling for this missing dependency lead me no where. In general, how would one know what to do to handle such errors (and also please help with this specific case).
According to the Building notes on
JOptimizer is build on maven 3.0. Before building it, you must resolve
(in pom.xml) the external dependency on Colt and other dependencies
that aren't in public repositories. Please refer to the "Dependencies"
report for a complete treatment. For ease of use a boundle with
these external libraries is provided (visit "Download"): extract the
boundle in a folder and run the "maven-install.cmd" (translate it in
your own shell language), and you will get the artifacts in your local
To get the bundle for this, go to, and download the appropriate version of Unzip in your own folder, and run mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=seventytwomiles -DartifactId=architecture-rules -Dversion=3.0.0-M1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=architecture-rules-3.0.0-M1.jar -DpomFile=architecture-rules-3.0.0-M1.pom
Use a tool like to search for another version of the missing dependency and update your POM with the proper version. If MVNRepository doesn't know about it, you can install the dependency yourself. If you are working with a group of developers, as Eric Jablow mentions, an artifact repository like Nexus or Artifactory is great for sharing non-public dependencies. If it's just you, you can install the artifact in your local repo as described here: How to manually install an artifact in Maven 2?
You should add your own repository manager like Nexus or Artifactory. Then, find out where this dependency is kept; there are repositories other than central. If it's kept on another repository, have your repository mirror that too.
Otherwise, Nexus or Artifactory have commands to enter the dependency manually. Create a local repository called "Third-party" and add it there.
Finally, change your settings.xml file to refer everything to your repository manager.
The most common case for this is when a company refuses to license their products to be held at the central repository. For example, Microsoft won't let its sqljdbc.jar file be distributed through Central. So, you need to add it by hand.
Change the dependency as follows
Add the repository in pom

add external jar to our dependency

There is a jar file lets say "abc.jar" which maven dependency does not exist(ie created a jar by using java command of own classes). I want to add this jar as maven dependency so that at build time it will automatically copy that jar in lib folder as like other maven dependency. how i will do. please help .
Add it as a dependency with a system scope. See the docs here.
However, rather than adding it as a system dependency it might be better to mavenize the jar itself, then you can build and install it into your dependency management system.
Also, see this question: Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?
You can use the systemPath attribute in the dependency tag in the POM file of your project.
In your pom.xml, use the following snippet corresponding to abc.jar:
<!-- Other dependencies -->
The scope parameter corresponding to this artifact must be set to system, for the artifact to be picked up from the specified systemPath.
Hope this helps!
A normal maven dependency is always resolved by looking into a repository. So you must put your JAR file into a repository.
You could install your JAR into your local repository. Have a look at the install plugin. The install-file goal is your friend.
If other developers also need this JAR (because they are working with the same project), they either need to install it locally too, or - better - you deploy the JAR to a remote repository. Have a look at the deploy plugin. Here the deploy-file goal is your friend. For deploying artifacts, you need a repository manager like Nexus or Artifactory.
However, a dependency could also have the system scope (look at the other answers).

Add a dependency in Maven

How do I take a jar file that I have and add it to the dependency system in maven 2? I will be the maintainer of this dependency and my code needs this jar in the class path so that it will compile.
You'll have to do this in two steps:
1. Give your JAR a groupId, artifactId and version and add it to your repository.
If you don't have an internal repository, and you're just trying to add your JAR to your local repository, you can install it as follows, using any arbitrary groupId/artifactIds:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.stackoverflow... -DartifactId=yourartifactid... -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/jarfile
You can also deploy it to your internal repository if you have one, and want to make this available to other developers in your organization. I just use my repository's web based interface to add artifacts, but you should be able to accomplish the same thing using mvn deploy:deploy-file ....
2. Update dependent projects to reference this JAR.
Then update the dependency in the pom.xml of the projects that use the JAR by adding the following to the element:
You can also specify a dependency not in a maven repository. Could be usefull when no central maven repository for your team exist or if you have a CI server
Actually, on investigating this, I think all these answers are incorrect. Your question is misleading because of our level of understanding of maven. And I say our because I'm just getting introduced to maven.
In Eclipse, when you want to add a jar file to your project, normally you download the jar manually and then drop it into the lib directory. With maven, you don't do it this way. Here's what you do:
Go to mvnrepository
Search for the library you want to add
Copy the dependency statement into your pom.xml
rebuild via mvn
Now, maven will connect and download the jar along with the list of dependencies, and automatically resolve any additional dependencies that jar may have had. So if the jar also needed commons-logging, that will be downloaded as well.
I'd do this:
add the dependency as you like in your pom:
run mvn install it will try to download the jar and fail. On the process, it
will give you the complete command of installing the jar with the error message. Copy that command and run it! easy huh?!
I'll assume that you're asking how to push a dependency out to a "well-known repository," and not simply asking how to update your POM.
If yes, then this is what you want to read.
And for anyone looking to set up an internal repository server, look here (half of the problem with using Maven 2 is finding the docs)
