Merging duplicate code that use different objects - java

I use two api calls to get data about vehicleUtils depending on contentFilter.
I have very similar code for both (drivers and vehicles). What i tried to do is to extract the code into a single method and apply Strategy pattern like they suggest here Refactoring methods, but i could not figure out how to implement it. Am i using a good approach or is there any better way?
if (contentFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(Contentfilters.VEHICLES.toString())) {
VuScores vuScores = new VuScores();
List<VehicleVuScores> vehicleVuScoresList = new ArrayList<>();
List<VehicleUtilization> vehicleUtilizations = RestClient.getVehicles(request).join().getVehicleUtilizations();
if (Objects.nonNull(vehicleUtilizations)) {
vehicleUtilizations.forEach(vehicleUtilization -> {
vuScores.getVehicleVuScores().forEach(vehicleVuScore -> {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(vuScores);
} else if (contentFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(Contentfilters.DRIVERS.toString())) {
VuScores vuScores = new VuScores();
List<DriverVuScores> driverVuScoresList = new ArrayList<>();
List<VehicleUtilization> vehicleUtilizations = RestClient.getDrivers(request).join().getVehicleUtilizations();
if (Objects.nonNull(vehicleUtilizations)) {
vehicleUtilizations.forEach(vehicleUtilization -> {
vuScores.getDriverVuScores().forEach(driverVuScores -> {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(vuScores);

Try to think about a common (abstract) base class, that holds the common code. The actual classes hold the differing code.
You then don't need to to work with instanceof or Contentfilters or whatever kind decission functionality you use. You just can call the common methods, as your function should take the (abstract) base class. This really removes code duplication.

Use an interface, implement it in both the classes, and use that interface in both places to get or set values.
Since all the method names are same, the interface should contain all the necessary getters and setters.
This way you won't have to use different classes.

So, everything is the same except
the types of the DTO you copy the data to (VehicleVuScores vs DriverVuScores)
the RestClient method invoked
The main challenge is sharing the code that invokes the setters. We need a way to refer to the target object without knowing whether its a VehicleVuScores or a DriverVuScores. We could declare it as:
Object vuScores;
but since Object doesn't declare the setters, we'd get compilation errors when trying to invoke the setters. To fix that, we can move the declaration of these getters and setters into a common base type:
abstract class VuScoresBase {
// fields, getters and setters
class DriverVuScores extends VuScoresBase {}
class VehicleVuScores extends VuScoresBase {}
so we can write:
public void convert(VehicleUtilization vehicleUtilization, VuScoresBase result) {
// invoke the setters here
and use this method in both cases.
With generics, we could also reuse the iteration code:
<V extends VuScoresBase> public void convertList(List<VehicleUtilization> vehicleUtilizations, List<V> resultList, Supplier<V> constructor) {
// iterate
V vuScore = constructor.apply();
convert(vehicleUtilization, vuScore);
so we could invoke it with
convertList(vehicleUtilizations, driverVuScores, DriverVuScore::new);
but i'd probably refrain from that, because the generics make the code hard to understand.
However, since the DriverVuScores and VehicleVuScores are so similar, I'd question whether we really need them to be separate types. If we can use VuScoresBase everywhere, this would vastly simplify the conversion logic:
VuScoresBase convert(VehicleUtilization vehicleUtilization) {
VuScoresBase vuScores = new VuScoreBase();
// invoke setters
return vuScores;
List<VuScoresBase> convertList(List<VehicleUtilization> vehicleUtilizations) {
// iterate


Pattern to break up external API calls?

I am trying to wrap my mind around how I would go about implementing this specific problem. We have an external API that performs some logic and returns back the result of that logic. Unfortunately, the API returns a new object as the result as opposed to just the part that I am interested in. For example, the code would look something like this:
public class ComplexObject {
//lots of fields
public interface LogicApplier {
LogicResult applyLogic(ComplexObject obj);
public class LogicResult {
ComplexObject result;
public ComplexObject getResult();
public class FirstImplementation {
private LogicApplier _applier;
public Implementation(LogicApplier applier) {
_applier = applier;
public ComplexObject mainImplementation (ComplexObject apply) {
LogicResult logicResult = _applier.applyLogic(apply);
ComplexObject newComplexObject = logicResult.getResult();
//Do some other stuff with new ComplexObject
So question is: what would be the best way to put a limit on LogicApplier's "power" over FirstImplementation? For example, our motivation to call logic in the first place is to derive a missing field, let's say "name". This field could potentially be different in, say, SecondImplementation where that implementation is now looking to derive "street address" from LogicApplier API. However, there is nothing to stop LogicApplier from changing some other field, say "idNumber".
Is this best solved by a adding an interface for our specific implementations and manually mapping fields? Something like:
public interface SecondImplementationLogicApplier {
public String deriveAddress(ComplexObject o);
public class LimitedImplementationLogicApplier implements FirstImplementationLogicApplier, SecondImplementationLogicApplier {
LogicApplier _applier;
public LimitedImplementationLogicApplier(LogicApplier applier) {
_applier = applier;
public String deriveFirstName(ComplexObject o) {
LogicResult res = _applier.applyLogic(o);
return res.firstName;
public String deriveFirstName(ComplexObject o) {
LogicResult res = _applier.applyLogic(o);
return res.address;
I think you are on right track with your LimitedImplementationLogicApplier. You should guard objects in your domain from possible corruption from the outside. Only update fields that you need.
It looks like your ComplexObject is mutable. I'd consider hiding it behind the immutable interface (that don't have any setters or way to change the object exposed) and pass immutable interface into your LimitedImplementationLogicApplier so its got no chance of mutating ComplexObject.
If your API requires ComplexObject type and you can't change that, to prevent mutation you could:
Option 1
Create a clone of your base ComplexObject instance and pass it into the API. After you've got the result back, you update the needed fields on untouched base instance. This will work nicely if ComplexObject is "thing in itself" and changes in its state does not have side effects outside of the class instance, like changing databases or affecting other state.
If mutation of ComplexObject has side effects or may have them in future then its a real trouble.
Option 2
Inherit a ReadonlyComplexObject class from ComplexObject and pass that into the API. In ReadonlyComplexObject you will suppress all the behavior of the parent to prevent modification.
This is hacky in my opinion and will create more work later - if ComplexObject will be extended with new properties later you will need to make changes to ReadonlyComplexObject otherwise mutation will still occur.

Generic overload at compile-time

Its possbile, to design a way to call different method-overloads at compile-time?
Lets say, I have this little class:
public class BaseValidator<T> {
private final T newValue;
Now, I need methods that returns diffrent Objects (depends on the T).
Like this:
private StringValidator getValidator() {
return new ValidationString(newValue);
private IntegerValidator getValidator() {
return new Validation(newValue);
At the end, I want a call-hierachy that is very fluent and looks like this:
new BaseValidator("string")
.getValidator() // which returns now at compile-time a StringValidator
new BaseValidator(43)
.getValidator() // which returns now a IntegerValidator
And in my "real"-case (I have a very specific way to update objects and a lot of conditions for every object and the chance of a copy-and-paste issue is very high. So the wizard enforces all developer to implement exact this way.) :
I tried diffrent ways. Complex generics inside the Validators, or play around with the generics. My last approch looks like this.
public <C> C getValidator() {
return (C) getValidation(newValue);
private ValidationString getValidation(String newValue) {
return new StringValidator(newValue);
private ValidationInteger getValidation(Integer newValue) {
return new IntegerValidation(newValue);
What is the trick?
//edit: I want it at compile-time and not with instanceof-checks at runtime.
What is the trick?
Not to do it like this.
Provide static factory methods:
class BaseValidator<T> {
static ValidationString getValidation(String newValue) {
return new ValidationString(newValue);
static ValidationInteger getValidation(Integer newValue) {
return new ValidationInteger(newValue);
class ValidationString extends BaseValidator<String> { ... }
class ValidationInteger extends BaseValidator<Integer> { ... }
Although I consider this to be odd: you are referring to subclasses inside the base class. Such cyclical dependencies make the code hard to work with, especially when it comes to refactoring, but also perhaps in initialization.
Instead, I would suggest creating a utility class to contain the factory methods:
class Validators {
private Validators() {}
static ValidationString getValidation(String newValue) {
return new ValidationString(newValue);
static ValidationInteger getValidation(Integer newValue) {
return new ValidationInteger(newValue);
which has no such cycles.
A really important thing to realize about generics is that it is nothing more than making explicit casts implicit (and then checking that all of these implicit casts are type-safe).
In other words, this:
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
is just a nicer way of writing:
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add((String) "foo");
System.out.println(((String) list.get(0)).length());
Whilst <String> looks like it is part of the type, it is basically just an instruction to the compiler to squirt in a load of casts.
Generic classes with different type parameters all have the same methods. This is the specific difficulty in your approach: you can't make the BaseValidator<String>.getValidator() return something with a checkIsNotEmpty method (only), and the BaseValidator<Integer>.getValidator() return something with a checkIsGreaterThan method (only).
Well, this isn't quite true to say you can't. With your attempt involving the method-scoped type variable (<C> C getValidator()), you can write:
new BaseValidator<>("string").<StringValidator>getValidator().checkIsNotEmpty()
(assuming StringValidator has the checkIsNotEmpty method on it)
Let's not mince words: it is ugly.
Worse than being ugly, it isn't type safe. You can equally write:
new BaseValidator<>("string").getValidator().checkIsGreaterThan(42)
which is nonsensical, but allowed by the compiler. The problem is that the return type is chosen at the call site: you will either have to return null (and get a NullPointerException when you try to invoke the following method); or return some non-null value and risk a ClassCastException. Either way: not good.
What you can do, however, is to make a generic validator a parameter of the method call. For example:
interface Validator<T> {
void validate(T b);
class BaseValidator<T> {
BaseValidator<T> validate(Validator<T> v) {
And invoke like so, demonstrating how you can chain method calls to apply multiple validations:
new BaseValidator<>("")
.validate(s -> !s.isEmpty())
.validate(s -> s.matches("pattern"))
new BaseValidator<>(123)
.validate(v -> v >= 0)
We decided to add more class-steps. You can go a the generic way or a way with explict types (in this examples, String). Our requirement for all updates-methods (we have many database-objects ...) are a little complicated. We want only one update-method (for each db-object), which ...
Ignore fields, that are null.
Ignore field, that are equal to "old" value.
Validate not ignored fields.
Save only, when no validation-issues occur.
To do that with many if-blocks is possbile but not really readable. And copy-paste-fails haves a high probably.
Our code look like this:
private void update(#NonNull final User.UpdateFinalStep params) {
.notEmptyAndMatchPattern(USERNAME_PATTERN, () -> this.checkUniqueUsername(params.getUsername(), params.getId()))
This is very readable and allows to add new field in a very simple way. With the generics, we dont give the "stupid developer" a chance to do an misstake.
As you can see in the image, accountStatus and username points to different classes.
At the end, we can use in a very fluent way the update-method:

Best practice for getters and setters for collection properties and object properties in a java class

i have the following implementation
public class PartGroup {
private Part iPart;
private ArrayList<Part> iParttList;
public Part getPart() {
return iPart;
public void setPart( Part aPart ) {
iPart = aPart;
public ArrayList<Part> getParttList() {
return iParttList;
public void setParttList( ArrayList<Part> aParttList ) {
iParttList = aParttList;
Is it ok to have setters for iParttList and iPart ?
i think it is safe to have a getter only then the consumer can use getter to get the created instance of the collection and clear or add elements to the collection
should i remove the setter and add the following implementation
public ArrayList<Part> getParttList() {
if(iParttList == null)
iParttList = new ArrayList<Part>();
return iParttList;
public Part getPart() {
if(iPart == null)
iPart = new Part();
return iPart;
What is the best practice?
The second implementation guards against returning null, right? So if there's a chance this object could return null (because what constructors there are permit this or it otherwise could come to pass) and that would be a Bad Thing for your intended use case, then use the second implementation.
Your original implementation seems like the standard implementation for getters and setters. Why do you think you'd need to rearrange it to the second code block?
As we see you do not have construction to create list once you create instance of PartGroup.
I think:
If you have construction to create list of Part objects, and if you want to restrict consumer to change or create list via setter, then I think it is better not to have setter
But, if you dont have constructor to create list of Part objects, then setter is only way to create list of Part objects.
The second implementation seems better from my point of view. It ensures that the lists aren't null under any circumstances. It also helps to reduce duplicate code that checks if the list is empty or not. Finally, callingpublic void setParttList( ArrayList<Part> aParttList ) may be risky since it may set a new list even though there's one already exist.

how can I identify the type of object at runtime?

public abstract class BaseHolidayPackageVariant {
private Integer variantId;
private HolidayPackage holidayPackage;
private String holidayPackageType;
public class LandHolidayPackageVariant extends BaseHolidayPackageVariant{
public class FlightHolidayPackageVariant extends BaseHolidayPackageVariant{
private Destination originCity;
public class HolidayPackage{
ArrayList<BaseHolidayPackageVariant> variants;
BaseHolidayPackageVariant defaultVariant;
At runtime, how can I know if a given Object in variants[] is of Type LandPackageVariant or FlightPackageVariant without doing something of the sorts of:
obj = (LandHolidayPackageVariant)variant[i];
else if(holidayPackageType.equals("FlightHolidayPackageVariant")
obj = (FlightHolidayPackageVariant)variant[i];
This question stems from a design question I asked here
In a good object-oriented design, you shouldn't ever need to know if the object is of a particular type. You just call methods on it, and the object does the right thing.
For example, FlightHolidayPackageVariant has a field originCity that isn't in the other HolidayPackageVariant classes, and you want to render that in the UI. The object-oriented way to solve this is to make the HolidayPackageVariant responsible, in some way, for controlling its own rendering. Let's say your UI is going to show a list of properties for each variant. You can let the variants supply those lists:
public abstract class BaseHolidayPackageVariant {
private int cost;
public Map<String, String> getDetails() {
HashMap<String, String> details = new HashMap<String, String>();
details.put("cost", String.format("%.2f", cost / 100.0));
return details;
public class FlightHolidayPackageVariant extends BaseHolidayPackageVariant {
private Destination originCity;
public Map<String, String> getDetails() {
Map<String, String> details = super.getDetails();
details.put("origin city", originCity.getName());
return details;
Now, your UI code can simply ask each variant object for its details, without having to know what kind of variant it is.
try this:
if (variant[i] instanceof LandHolidayPackageVariant) {
LandHolidayPackageVariant obj = (LandHolidayPackageVariant)variant[i];
// do stuff
else if (variant[i] instanceof FlightHolidayPackageVariant) {
FlightHolidayPackageVariant obj = (FlightHolidayPackageVariant)variant[i];
// do other stuff
Note that if you also have types derived from one of those types, you should check for those first, as the upper checks would return true for that case, too.
A better approach might be to let the derived classes implement the required specific logic via defining appropriate methods to be overridden on the base class. That way you don't need to check for the types and can take full advantage of polymorphism.
like this:
if(object instanceof LandPackageVariant) {
System.out.println("it's a LandPackageVariant");
obj = (LandHolidayPackageVariant)variant[i];
else if(holidayPackageType.equals("FlightHolidayPackageVariant")
obj = (FlightHolidayPackageVariant)variant[i];
Well doing this obj has to be a BaseHolidayPackageVariant so you don't even need to cast nor to do the if thingy.
If you want an object with the specific class Land or Flight to call a specific method, then maybe you should review your Object model.
You can use the instanceof operator for this:
if (variant[i] instanceof LandHolidayPackageVariant)
obj = (LandHolidayPackageVariant) variant[i];
However, usually you shouldn't need it. There are few good reasons to use instanceof to differentiate between classes, but usually the subclasses themselves should provide the different functionality needed through their common super class' interface.
You can use instanceof.
For example:
enter code here
if (variant[i] instanceof LandHolidayPackageVariant) {
//do something
} else if(variant[i] instanceof FlightHolidayPackageVariant){
//do something
Take a look at:
A better option would be to design you program so that you don't need the instanceof Operator.
Yeah, both answers here are - paradoxically - right.
Tom's answer that your question is dubious is on the ball. There generally isn't a reason to determine an object's specific type from other's in its hierarchy. (I mean outside of fancy reflection-uses)
Botz3000's answer is (like all the others that just appeared as i type) technically correct.
At a guess, you're working out which method to call in the class? In which case, use the #Override annotation, re-define the method in the child classes, and provide an abstract method in the parent (or a concrete version that does base things?)
From your class names, I suspect you should have a quick squiz at the Abstract Factory pattern and the (extremely simple) strategy pattern.
PS If you want to get fancy and use reflection, you can just call getClass() and check that. But there is, and I want to underscore this, no reason to do this, and it is bad practice. But there you are.

Constant specific method using Enums OR Refection ? Need to invoke methods based on string

I have DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) sent to the DAO (Data Access Object).
DTO has an identifier string.
Based on this string (or rather the DTO), I want to invoke specific methods in the DAO.
These methods make database calls.
I have found two options to do this:
1. Constant specific method implementation using Enum
2. Invoke the method based on reflection ( in which case the DTO will carry the name of the method that needs to be invoked.)
I want to know which is a better option. Are there any other alternatives ? Is it okay to have database calls within the Enum.
The programming language used is Java.
I would not put database calls within your Enum. Instead, provide a method on your DAO that accepts the DTO, and then let that method call other methods within the DAO based on the string on the DTO. You could use a switch statement on the Enum, and make this very efficient. (Alternatively, put this implementation in a separate "adapter" class, since it could be argued that this code doesn't strictly belong in the DAO, either.)
I would also avoid reflection, mainly due to additional complexities - including in debugging and troubleshooting, as well as potential security concerns. (What if the String contained a method name that you didn't want called?)
You can create a map that maps the strings to method calls:
class YourDAO {
private interface Action {
public void perform();
private Map<String, Action> actions;
public YourDAO() {
actions.add("String1", new Action() {
public void perform() {
actions.add("String2", new Action() {
public void perform() {
public void daoMethod1() {
public void daoMethod2() {
public void doSomethingWithDTO(YourDTO dto) {
You can even adapt this idea to perform specific actions on different DTO types if you
change the key type of the map to Class<?> and instead of dto.getIdentifier() use dto.getClass().
