I am using GATE library and am getting the error
gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException: Couldn't get resource data for com.jpetrak.gate.stringannotation.extendedgazetteer2.ExtendedGazetteer2.
You may need first to load the plugin that contains your resource.
For example, to create a gate.creole.tokeniser.DefaultTokeniser
you need first to load the ANNIE plugin.
Go to the menu File->Manage CREOLE plugins or use the method
I am initialised my plugins folder and also have added the following line
Gate.getCreoleRegister().registerDirectories(new URL("file:///home/latest/plugins/ANNIE"));
and folder ANNIE contains the file cerole.xml
as told here
why am I still getting the error?
Thank you
You have to register any plugin you are using.
The class
is a GATE processing resource from a very old version of gateplugin-stringannotation .
So except ANNIE, you have to register the directory of this plugin as well.
I recently tried to add the google tink library to eclipse and it always has a "com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3$ cannot be resolved" error, I normally never have any problems with adding libraries to my project, and from what I can tell it has something to do with the all key template files since the error only occours when I try to generate a new KeysetHandle with any key template, and the error only starts when i enter in the key template file# https://github.com/Gameidite/testProject
The Protobuf library can generate Java classes for you. You need to find where these .class files have been output to (eg there should be a GeneratedMessageV3$.class somewhere) and make sure that they are included on your classpath. There's presumably somewhere in Eclipse where you can configure where it looks for class files - you'll need to add the generated files there.
If the generated class files don't exist yet you need to figure out what to do to generate them. It might be easier to use Maven or Gradle as suggested in the Tink documentation rather than directly adding things to Eclipse.
I think it's probably because Eclipse cannot find the protobuf Java runtime. Have you tried adding Tink to your project with Maven or Gradle?
I am trying to use the GATE SUMMA from the java. I am trying to run the files included in the tutorial. I have downloaded both ANNIE and SUMMA plugins seperately. What I dont understand is this part in the configuration.
// you have to register the plugins from GATE you want to use
Gate.getCreoleRegister().addDirectory(new URL("file:///"+anniePluginDir));
// you have to register the SUMMA plugin to have access to its resources
Gate.getCreoleRegister().addDirectory(new URL("file:///"+summaPluginDir));
// now create your controller
What does this mean you have to register the plugins from GATE you want to use
Even providing an plugin path throws and error
The method addDirectory(URL) is undefined for the type CreoleRegister
I see that Creole is a type of configuration management under GATE framework. Do I need to have an xml file created for that?
The full class file is as shown on the Gist ()
Do I need to have an xml file created for that?
Registers a GATE plugin directory, which has to contain the creole.xml file.
ANNIE plugin directory is a part of common GATE installation (see $GATE_HOME\plugins\ANNIE dir).
I don't know about SUMMA, but I guess it also have such a directory somewhere...
The method addDirectory(URL) is undefined for the type CreoleRegister
means that your code was created for a different version of GATE. Apparently, your current version of GATE doesn't have the addDirectory(URL) method. I think it was replaced by
CreoleRegister.registerDirectories(URL) method in the current GATE (ver. 8.x series).
Adding to what #dedek said. The actual code is
URL ANNIEcreoleURL = new URL("resources/plugins/ANNIE");
I need to write a java plugin will draw on the attributes using the rhapsody . What do you recommend for that. Where should I start ? Previously I did not write plug-ins.
First place to start is to look at the samples provided by IBM. You can find them (on Windows 7, version 7.5.3 of Rhapsody) in:
There are 3 types you can create:
1. A plugin (what you are asking about)
2. A Check plugin (ties into the model check sub-system)
3. Event callback plugin (don't know much about this one)
I've written 1 and 2.
There should be a how-to document in and around that directory area that walks you through creating a simple plugin. If not, it probably is available in the Rhapsody help (from within the tool)
Basically, you write your Java plugin to conform to a specific interface that IBM provides(com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.RPUserPlugin), create a .hep file that describes the details of that, and then drop the .hep file into the .rpy folder of your project. You then create a new profile in your model with the same name as your .hep file and that should link to the .hep information.
A sample .hep file looks like this:
#REM: Tranformer Generation plug-in
name1=Generate Transformers
Take special note of the numbers added to the end of the attribute names:
ex. isPlugin1, isVisible1
You will want to match that to the name# attribute in the file.
Then make sure your java plugin class files are on the classpath or (better yet), co-located to your .rpy folder. For example, our plugins sit in a folder right next to (at the same level as) our .rpy folder.
If all goes well, you should see an initialization string spit out in the Rhapsody console window for the plugin.
Hope this gets you started...
I am currently working on an API for a server software so users can extend my software by programming plugins for it instead of modifying the software themselves, and allow other users without programming knowledge to easily change the software by adding these plugins. So far, everything is working fine. But, I am running into a problem with configuration.
You see, each plugin has a plugin.yml file stored with these 4 attributes:
Main: The main class is stored here
Name: This is where the plugin name is stored
Version: This is where the plugin version is stored
Author: This is where the plugin author is stored
Now, in order for the plugin to print something to the console, they use a function called: this.getServer().getLogger().info("MESSAGE); (They extend another class for plugins, thats why they use "this" instead of another class to log)
But, I do not have any idea on how to get which plugin is which when they are calling the function. I have a ArrayList of PluginSessions which event handlers use to cycle through to run Event Functions.
My solution is to get the jar from which a class is being called so I can then get the plugin.yml from there. But, I have NO idea on how to get that, I have tried using Class.forName(); and some other code. But because the class is non-existent within the jar/project running the code, It will throw a ClassNotFoundException.
Does anyone here know how to get the jar from which a class is coming from without using Class.forName()? Thanks! -Trent
Take a look at Class.getResource.
If you call MyClass.getResource("plugin.yml") (or "/plugin.yml" with leading slash, I forget) you get back a file URL pointing to the plugin.yml file in the same jar as MyClass. (Or null if the path is wrong or the jar doesn't contain a "plugin.yml" file.) You can then open an InputStream to that resource. In a plugin framework you may want to use myPluginInstance.getClass().getResource.
Assuming jar for 'PluginSessions' is already added in you classpath by eclipse then you can try the following trick -
Select/highlight PluginSessions by double clicking on it
Now press CTRL+SHIFT+T
A dialog named Open Type is appeared. Here you found from where the PluginSessions class is coming from. If you have more than one jar containing PluginSessions class than you have a list of them.
To benefited from this CTRL+SHIFT+T trick you need to add all of your jar need by the project to be added in your classpath.
I'm using GWT 2.4 with gquery-dnd-bundle 1.0.4 so that I can construct trees with drag-and-drop nodes. I've bumped into an annoying bug (http://code.google.com/p/gwtquery-plugins/issues/detail?id=6). The gist of it is I need to guarantee that the file "gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar" gets loaded by the classloader at runtime before the gwt-servlet.jar file in my WEB-INF/lib directory.
How can I guarantee this?
I'm using Eclipse Indigo with a GWT Web Application project if that is useful.
Here's the exact error I'm seeing
[ERROR] [draganddroptree] - Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/E18538/workspace/DragAndDropTree/war/WEB-INF/lib/gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar!/gwtquery/plugins/droppable/client/gwt/DragAndDropCellTree.java'
[ERROR] [draganddroptree] - Line 24: The type com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTreeNodeView is not visible
[ERROR] [draganddroptree] - Line 86: CellTreeNodeView cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] [draganddroptree] - Line 87: The constructor DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView<T>(DragAndDropCellTree, CellTreeNodeView<?>, TreeViewModel.NodeInfo<T>, Element, T) refers to the missing type CellTreeNodeView
[ERROR] [draganddroptree] - Unable to load module entry point class com.cme.draganddroptree.client.DragAndDropTree (see associated exception for details)
[ERROR] [draganddroptree] - Failed to load module 'draganddroptree' from user agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.835.202 Safari/535.1' at localhost:4490
You cannot arrange the loading of your "WEB-INF/lib" JAR's in any kind of deterministic order. The only surefire workaround I can think of is to place the lower-priority JAR file in a directory that is scanned prior to "WEB-INF/lib".
For example, if you are using Tomcat, then you could:
Place the "gwt-servlet.jar" file in the "$CATALINA_BASE/lib" directory.
Keep the "gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar" file inside your WAR.
This way, "gwt-servlet.jar" will be loaded into the CLASSPATH first, and "gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar" will be loaded second... overwriting any conflicting classes from "gwt-servlet.jar".
If you are using some other app server, then the server-level "lib" directory will be different... but the basic idea is that the lower-priority JAR needs to go into the app server's "lib", while the higher-priority JAR needs to stay in the webapp's "lib".
Not the cleanest situation in the world, but it will guarantee the result you want.
UPDATE: You know, after thinking about it and re-reading the Tomcat docs more carefully, I may actually have this backward. You may need to put "gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar" in your app server "lib", and "gwt-servlet.jar" in your webapp's "lib". If you try my suggestion and find that it works for you with one approach over the other, let me know and I'll edit my answer to be more precise.
To solve this bug you should have gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar set before GWT in your classpath. Using Eclipse in your project properties go to Java Build Path / Order an export and make sure gquery lib is before GWT.
Anyway you may have another problem as gquery-dnd-bundle-1.0.4.jar is compatible with GWT 2.3.x and you are using GWT 2.4. Until a new release of dnd-bundle you can use the enhance-plugin-1.0.2.jar (contains the DND bundle) and gwtquery-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
You should look also at the native drag and drop support added in GWT 2.4. Documentation is scarce, but I found this example (you can drag templates from the right and drop them in the task details), and the relevant source code. (info from this post)