Placing an object 30 meters above a person - java

Is it possible to place an object right above a person that is 30 or 50 meters higher?
When I try to place an object linked to anchor it is visible in 20 meters and not visible in 40 meters?
Why this happens and how can I configure this?

It is frustum culling issue in ARCore – objects that aren't within the viewable area of camera frustum won't be rendered. Typically FoV (field of view) in Android devices is around 60 degrees horizontally (vertical aperture depends on aspect ratio). Viewing frustum culling is the process of removing objects that lie completely outside the viewing frustum from the rendering process, thus significantly decreasing CPU's and GPU's computational burden. And don't forget that near and far clipping planes are also parts of frustum.
To setup your objects' visibility properly just use the following recommendation that you can find HERE and HERE.
To know more about frustum culling read this useful article.
For returning a projection matrix for rendering content use the following java method:
public void getProjectionMatrix (float[] dest,
int offset,
float near,
float far);
I can use it this way in file:
// Getting Projection Matrix
float[] projectionMtx = new float[16];
arSession.getProjectionMatrix(projectionMtx, 0, 0.5f, 201.0f);
// Setting Projection Matrix
...or this way in MainActivity.kt file:
// Getting Projection Matrix
private fun computeProjectionMatrix(): FloatArray {
val projectionMtx = FloatArray(16)
session.getProjectionMatrix(projectionMtx, 0, 0.5f, 201.0f)
return projectionMtx
// Setting Projection Matrix
Hope this helps.


Bar graph rotation in Androidplot orientation sensor

I am having difficulty attempting to rotate the Levels plot in the Orientation Sensor example, by 90 degrees such that the bar graph is pointing towards (or away from) the history plot.
I have tried the android:orientation="" in the xml file but with no positive result.
It does not seem to be down to simply a matter of swapping X and Y as the bar has to start from a different edge.
In my own code, I have replaced:-
SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat.Y_VALS_ONLY with
SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat.XY_VALS_INTERLEAVED as I am actually plotting a Histogram rather than a Single bar in the java file.
However I am unable to effectively rotate this plot (the history plot needs to remain as it is.)
Androidplot 1.3.1 has been released with added support for rotating the graph widget:
Unless you're using them, you'll also want to disable the domain/range cursor (normally hidden behind the origin lines):
Original answer (for anyone not yet on 1.3.1):
It's not directly supported today but could be added pretty easily.
For now, you can achieve the basic effect by rotating the canvas 90 degrees before each render cycle and restoring afterwards. This will work flawlessly if your plot space happens to be perfectly square. Otherwise, the canvas' immuatable height and width would need to be transposed to account for the altered aspect ratio, which may be possible but probably is not worth the headache involved.
Here's a quick and dirty way to rotate a plot:
plot.addListener(new PlotListener() {
public void onBeforeDraw(Plot source, Canvas canvas) {
final float h = canvas.getHeight()/2;
final float w = canvas.getWidth()/2;;
canvas.rotate(90, w, h);
public void onAfterDraw(Plot source, Canvas canvas) {
All of this approach's shortcomings can be resolved by instead extending XYGraphWidget and overriding doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF), since there we can mutate the RectF as needed. It's quite a bit more work though to wire the new instance back into the XYPlot and re-apply xml attrs to the widget.

In OpenGL, how do I make it so that my skybox does not cover any of my entities?

I am working on an OpenGL game in Java with LWJGL (ThinMatrix's tutorials at the moment) and I just added my skybox. As you can see from the picture, however, it is clipping through the trees and covering everything behind a certain point.
Here is my rendering code for the skybox:
public void render(Camera camera, float r, float g, float b) {
shader.loadFogColor(r, g, b);
GL11.glDrawArrays(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, cube.getVertexCount());
private void bindTextures() {
GL11.glBindTexture(GL13.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture);
GL11.glBindTexture(GL13.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, nightTexture);
also if it is needed, here is my code for my master renderer:
public void render(List<Light> lights, Camera camera){
shader.loadSkyColor(RED, GREEN, BLUE);
terrainShader.loadSkyColor(RED, GREEN, BLUE);
skyboxRenderer.render(camera, RED, GREEN, BLUE);
There are two things you can do
If you draw your skybox first, you can disable your depth test glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) or your depth write glDepthMask(false). This will prevent that your skybox draws depth values, and the skybox will never be in front of anything that will be drawn later.
If you draw your skybox last, you can make it literally infinitely big by using vertex coordinates with a w-coordinate as 0. A vertex (x y z 0) means it is a vertex infinitely far in the direction of the vector (x y z). To prevent clipping, you have to enable depth clamping glEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP) this will prevent OpenGl to clip away your skybox faces, and you are sure that the skybox is always at the maximum distance and will never hide anything you have drawn earlier.
the advantage of the second method is within the depth test. Because you already have a depth values written for your scene, the OpenGL pipeline can skip the calculation of the skybox pixels that are already covered by your scene. But the fragment shader for skyboxes is usually very trivial, so it shouldn't make that much of a difference.
I am not familiar with LWJGL, are you alllowed to write shader? In plain opengl, you don't have to worry about the size of skybox cube, it can be {1.0, 1.0, 1.0} if you like. What you need is first place your camera at {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} and make skybox fail depth test against everything in your scene, you can achieve that by making the skybox's z value in normalized device coordinate be 1.0.
Do this in your vertex shader
gl_Position = (mvp_mat * vec4(xyz, 1.0)).xyww;
after the perspective divide by w, z will be w / w or 1.0.
You might want to check out How can I increase distance (zfar/gluPerspective) where openGL stops drawing objects?
The problem in that instance is that the skybox itself was too small and intersecting with the geometry.
I also see that you're rendering your terrain first, and then your skybox. I would try flipping the order there; draw the skybox first then the terrain.
First, you should remove the skybox and render the scene again to check if it is skybox that clip the tree.
If it is skybox, simply scale the skybox to make it contain all the object in the terrain.
If not, it is likely to be the problem of camera (like Hanston said). You need to set the far clipping plane at least behind the skybox. That is, it should be larger the diameter of your skybox.
If you want to scale the skybox or any other object, use the transformationMatrix. the game engine use a 4x4 matrix to control the size, location and rotation of the model. you can see example in source, at function loadModelMatrix. It create a transform matrix and uploads it into the shader. You should do the same thing, but change the scale parameter into what you want.

Android OpenGL ES: How do you select a 2D object?

I have been searching for a introductory to 2D selection in OpenGL ES in Stack Overflow. I mostly see questions about 3D.
I'm designing a 2D tile-based level editor on Android 4.0.3, using OpenGL ES. In the level editor, there is a 2D, yellow, square object placed in the center of the screen. All I wanted is to detect to see if the object has been touched by a user.
In the level editor, there aren't any tiles overlapping. Instead, they are placed side-by-side, just like two nearby pixels in a bitmap image in MS Paint. My purpose is to individually detect a touch event for each square object in the level editor.
The object is created with a simple vertex array, and using GL_TRIANGLES to draw 2 flat right triangles. There are no manipulations and no loading from a file or anything. The only thing I know is that if a user touches any one of the yellow triangles, then both yellow triangles are to be selected.
Could anyone provide a hint as to how I need to do this? Thanks in advance.
This is the draw() function:
public void draw(GL10 gl) {
gl.glTranslatef(-(deltaX - translateX), (deltaY - translateY), 1f);
gl.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f);
//TODO: Move ClientState and MatrixStack outside of draw().
gl.glVertexPointer(2, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
I'm still missing some info. Are you using a camera? or pushing other
matrixes before the model rendering?. For example, if you are using an
orthographic camera, you can easily unproject your screen coordinates
[x_screen, y_screen] like this (y is analogous):
I'm not using a camera, but I'm probably using an orthographic projection. Again, I do not know, as I'm just using a common OpenGL function. I do pushing and popping matrices, because I plan on integrating many tiles (square 2D objects) with different translation matrices. No two tiles will have the same translation matrix M.
Is a perspective projection the same as orthographic projection when it comes to 2D? I do not see any differences between the two.
Here's the initial setup when the surface is created (a class extending GLSurfaceView, and implementing GLSurfaceView.Renderer):
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig arg1) {
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
gl.glOrthof(0f, super.getWidth(), 0f, super.getHeight(), 1, -1);
private void clearScreen(GL10 gl) {
gl.glClearColor(0.5f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
A basic approach would be the following:
Define a bounding box for each "touchable" object. This could be
just a rectangle (x, y, width, height).
When you update a tile in the world you update its
bounding box (completely in world coordinates).
When user touches the screen, you have to unproject screen
coordinates to world coordinates
Check if unprojected point overlaps with any bounding box.
Some hints on prev items.[Edited]
1 and 2. You should have to keep track of where you are rendering
your tiles. Store their position and size. A rectangle is a
convenient structure. In your example it could be computed like
this. And you have to recompute it when model changes. Lets call it Rectangle r:
r.x = yourTile.position.x -(deltaX - translateX)
r.y = yourTile.position.y -(deltaY - translateY)
r.width= yourTile.width //as there is no model scaling
r.height = yourTile.height//
3 - if you are using
an orthographic camera, you can easily unproject your screen
coordinates [x_screen, y_screen] like this (y is analogous):
x_model = ((x_screen/GL_viewport_width) -0.5 )*camera.WIDTH + Camera.position.x
4 - For each of your Rectangles check if [x_model; y_model] is inside it.
[2nd Edit] By the way you are updating your matrixes, you can consider you are using a camera with postition surfaceView.width()/2, surfaceView.height()/2. You are matching 1 pixel on screen to 1 unit in world, so you dont need to unproject anything. You can replace that values on my formula and get x_screen = x_model - (You 'll need to flip the Y component of the touch event because of the Y grows downwards in Java, and upwards in GL).
Final words. If user touches point [x,y] check if [x, screenHeight-y]* hits some of your rectangles and you are done.
Do some debugging, log the touching points and see if they are as expected. Generate your rectangles and see if they match what you see on screen, then is a matter of checking if a point is inside a rectangle.
I must tell you that you should not set the camera to screen dimensions, because your app will look dramatically different on different devices. This is a topic on its own so i won't go any further, but consider defining your model in terms of world units - independent from screen size. This is getting so off-topic, but i hope you have gotten a good glimpse of what you need to know!
*The flipping i told you.
PS: stick with the orthographic projection (perspective would be more complex to use).
Please, allow me to post a second answer to your question. This is completely more high-level/philosophical. May be a silly, useless answer but, I hope it will help someone new to computer graphics to change it's mind to "graphics mode".
You can't really select a triangle on the screen. That square is not 2 triangles. That square is just a bunch of yellow pixels. OpenGL takes some vertices, connects them, process them and colors some pixels on the screen. At one stage on the graphics pipeline even geometrical information is lost, and you only have isolated pixels. That's analogous to a letter printed by a printer on a paper. You usually don't process information from a paper (ok, maybe a barcode reader does :D)
If you need to further process your drawings, you have to model them and process them yourself with auxiliary data structures. That's why I suggested you created a rectangle to model your tiles. You create your imaginary "world" of objects, and then render them to screen. The user touch-event does not belong to the same world, so you have to "translate" screen coordinates into your world coordinates. Then you change something in your world (may be the user drags her finger and you have to move an object), and back again tell OpenGL to render your world to screen.
You should operate on your model, not the view. Meshes are more of a view thing, so you shouldn't mix them with the model information, it's a good practice to separate both things. (please, an expert correct me, I'm quite a graphics hobbyist)
Have you checked out LibGDX?
Makes life so much easier when working with OpenGL ES.

Java OpenGL Camera

I've started with JOGL lately, I know how to create and draw objects on the canvas, but I couldn't find tutorial or explanations on how to set and rotate the camera.
I only found source code, but since I'm quite new with this, it doesn't help too much.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial or place to start? I googled but couldn't find anything (only for JOGL 1.5, and I'm using 2.0).
As datenwolf points out my explanation is tied to the OpenGL 2 pipeline, which has been superseded. This means you have to do your own manipulation from world space into screen space if you want to eschew the deprecated methods. Sadly, this little footnote hasn't gotten around to being attached to every last bit of OpenGL sample code or commentary in the universe yet.
Of course I don't know why it's necessarily a bad thing to use the existing GL2 pipeline before picking a library to do the same or building one yourself.
I'm playing around with JOGL myself, though I have some limited prior experience with OpenGL. OpenGL uses two matrices to transform all the 3D points you pass through it from 3D model space into 2D screen space, the Projection matrix and the ModelView matrix.
The projection matrix is designed to compensate for the translation between the 3D world and the 2D screen, projecting a higher dimensional space onto a lower dimensional one. You can get lots more details by Googling gluPerspective, which is a function in the glut toolkit for setting that matrix.
The ModelView1 matrix on the other hand is responsible for translating 3D coordinates items from scene space into view (or camera) space. How exactly this is done depends on how you're representing the camera. Three common ways of representing the camera are
A vector for the position, a vector for the target of the camera, and a vector for the 'up' direction
A vector for the position plus a quaternion for the orientation (plus perhaps a single floating point value for scale, or leave scale set to 1)
A single 4x4 matrix containing position, orientation and scale
Whichever one you use will require you to write code to translate the representation into something you can give to the OpenGL methods to set up the ModelView matrix, as well as writing code than translates user actions into modifications to the Camera data.
There are a number of demos in JOGL-Demos and JOCL-Demos that involve this kind of manipulation. For instance, this class is designed to act as a kind of primitive camera which can zoom in and out and rotate around the origin of the scene, but cannot turn otherwise. It's therefore represented as only 3 floats: and X and Y rotation and a Z distance. It applies its transform to the Modelview something like this2:
gl.glTranslatef(0, 0, z);
gl.glRotatef(rotx, 1f, 0f, 0f);
gl.glRotatef(roty, 0f, 1.0f, 0f);
I'm currently experimenting with a Quaternion+Vector+Float based camera using the Java Vecmath library, and I apply my camera transform like this:
Quat4d orientation;
Vector3d position;
double scale;
public void applyMatrix(GL2 gl) {
Matrix4d matrix = new Matrix4d(orientation, position, scale);
double[] glmatrix = new double[] {
matrix.m00, matrix.m10, matrix.m20, matrix.m30,
matrix.m01, matrix.m11, matrix.m21, matrix.m31,
matrix.m02, matrix.m12, matrix.m22, matrix.m32,
matrix.m03, matrix.m13, matrix.m23, matrix.m33,
gl.glLoadMatrixd(glmatrix, 0);
1: The reason it's called the ModelView and not just the View matrix is because you can actually push and pop matrices on the ModelView stack (this is true of all OpenGL transformation matrices I believe). Typically you either have a full stack of matrices representing various transformations of items relative to one another in the scene graph, with the bottom one representing the camera transform, or you have a single camera transform and keep everything in the scene graph in world space coordinates (which kind of defeats the point of having a scene graph, but whatever).
2: In practice you wouldn't see the calls to gl.glMatrixMode(GL2.GL_MODELVIEW); in the code because the GL state machine is simply left in MODELVIEW mode all the time unless you're actively setting the projection matrix.
but I couldn't find tutorial or explanations on how to set and rotate the camera
Because there is none. OpenGL is not a scene graph. It's mostly sophisticated canvas and simple point, line and triangle drawing tools. Placing "objects" actually means applying a linear transformations to place a 3 dimensional vector on a 2D framebuffer.
So instead of placing the "camera" you just move around the whole world (transformation) in the opposite way you'd move the camera, yielding the very same outcome.

How to cast rays given an arbitrary camera?

I'm writing a ray tracer (using left-handed coordinates, if that makes a difference). It's for the sake of teaching myself the principles, so I'm not using OpenGL or complex features like depth of field (yet). My camera can have an arbitrary position and orientation; I indicate them by way of three vectors, location, look_at, and sky, which behave like the equivalent POV-Ray vectors. Its "film" also has a width and height. (The focal length is implied by the distance from position to look_at.)
My problem is that don't know how to cast the rays. I have two quantities, vx and vy, that indicate where the ray should end up. They both vary from -1 to 1. If they're both -1, I'm casting the ray from the camera's position to the top-left corner of the "film"; if they're both 1, the bottom-right; if they're both 0, the center; and the rest is apparent.
I'm not familiar enough with vector arithmetic to derive an equation for the ray. I would appreciate an explanation of how to do so.
You've described what needs to be done quite well already. Your field of view is determined by the distance between your camera and your "film" that you're going to cast your rays through. The further away the camera is from the film, the narrower your field of view is.
Imagine the film as a bitmap image that the camera is pointing to. Say we position the camera one unit away from the bitmap. We then have to cast a ray though each of the bitmap's pixels.
The vector is extremely simple. If we put the camera location to (0,0,0), and the bitmap film right in front of it with it's center at (0,0,1), then the ray to the bottom right is - tada - (1,1,1), and the one to the bottom left is (-1,1,1).
That means that the difference between the bottom right and the bottom left is (2,0,0).
Assume that your horizontal bitmap resolution should be 1000, then you can iterate through the bottom line pixels as follows:
width = 1000;
cameraToBottomLeft = (-1,1,1);
bottomLeftToBottomRight = (2,0,0);
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
ray = cameraToBottomLeft + (x/width) * bottomLeftToBottomRight;
If that's clear, then you just add an equivalent outer loop for your lines, and you have all the rays that you will need.
You can then add appropriate variables for the distance of the camera to the film and horizontal and vertical resolution. When that's done, you could start changing your look vector and your up vector with matrix transformations.
If you want to wrap your head around computer graphics, an introductory textbook could be of great help. I used this one in college, and I think I liked it.
