Connect to HP quality center alm (version 12.50) - java

We need in our company to connect to HP alm and get differents tests and defects using Java. I work on 64bits machine (jdk 1.8). I tried many solutions on the web, here is different tests and errors I get on each test.
First method: Connecting using comp4j
Here is my Java code:
String url = "https://*****";
String domain = "DEFAULT_827852153";
String project = "827852153_DEMO";
String username = "****";
String password = "*****";
try {
ITDConnection itd = ClassFactory.createTDConnection();
System.out.println("Test1:" + itd.connected());
itd.connectProjectEx(domain, project, username, password);
} catch (Exception e) {
The exception I get:
com4j.ExecutionException: com4j.ComException: 80040154 CoCreateInstance failed : Classe non enregistrée : .\com4j.cpp:153
at com4j.ComThread.execute(
at com4j.Task.execute(
at com4j.COM4J.createInstance(
at com4j.COM4J.createInstance(
at com.mercury.qualitycenter.otaclient.ClassFactory.createTDConnection(Unknown Source)
at infrastructure.Test.main(
Second method: Connecting using rest api
I followed this tutorial step by step
This tutorial uses ALM REST API official documentation
Whatever user or password I pass to the login method it returns status code 200. So login and password aren't considered in the code. But when i try read defects using this code:
AlmConnector alm = new AlmConnector();
RestConnector conn = RestConnector.getInstance();
conn.init(new HashMap<String, String>(), Constants.HOST,
Constants.DOMAIN, Constants.PROJECT);
alm.login("***", "***");
String defectUrl = conn.buildEntityCollectionUrl("defect");
defectUrl += "/89";
Map<String, String> requestHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
requestHeaders.put("Accept", "application/xml");
conn.first = false;
Response res = conn.httpGet(defectUrl, null, requestHeaders);
String postedEntityReturnedXml = res.toString();
Entity entity = EntityMarshallingUtils.marshal(Entity.class,
List<Field> fields = entity.getFields().getField();
for (Field field : fields) {
System.out.println(field.getName() + " : "
+ field.getValue().size());
alm = null;
I get this exception:
Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: élément inattendu (URI : "", local : "html"). Les éléments attendus sont <{}Entity>
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingContext.handleEvent(
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.Loader.reportError(
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.Loader.reportError(
at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.Loader.reportUnexpectedChildElement(
I didn't change anything in the api infrastructure code.
I just want to write a simple Java code which allows me to connect to HP alm and just read defects.

For the COM4J case: you have three issues:
You have to use 32-bit version of Java, since OTAClient.dll is 32-bit and there is no 64-bit version of it unfortunately
You need to install ALM Connectivity Add-in from (https://yoursever/qcbin/PlugIns/TDConnectivity/TDConnect.exe) or register ALM Client
ALM server URL must end with qcbin, while you have: String url = "https://*****"; (ends with /)
For the REST API case: looks like you got HTML instead of XML which is possible when error happens and return code is not 200, then ALM might return HTML with some error message. I would start with checking HTTP return code and checking what is in postedEntityReturnedXml
As a side note - we are developing a product for integration with ALM which is called Bumblebee (, so maybe you might have a look at it.


Subject must match Issuer claim in the client assertion

I want to integrate office365 service management API for collecting events from it.I want to use client credential way to use service to service call but i am getting following error,
"error_description":"AADSTS50048: Subject must match Issuer claim in the client assertion.
\r\nTrace ID: 1ad7acd8-3945-4fe0-a313-07638eb76e42\r\nCorrelation ID: a6c3a3c9-b737-4bfc-894f-3086c3ce8dfa\r\nTimestamp: 2016-06-09 07:20:15Z",
"timestamp":"2016-06-09 07:20:15Z",
i use following doc to integration,
For getting client assersion, I am getting this. But for Access token, I not getting this as a response getting above error.
Somebody help me please :)
How did you get the client_assertion? The link you provide doesn’t describe how to get the ‘client_assertion’. It acquire the token with the app’s id and secret which is doesn’t support for the Office 365 Management API. You can refer the blog to about the ‘client_assertion’.
And here is an C# code sample which use the ADAL to get the access token for the client credentials flow:
string clientId = "{clientId}";
string certThumbprint = "‎{copy from mmc}";
certThumbprint = certThumbprint.Replace("\u200e", string.Empty).Replace("\u200f", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
string apiResourceId = "";
X509Certificate2 cert = null;
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
string authority = "{yourTentant}";
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
cert = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, certThumbprint, false)[0];
var certCred = new ClientAssertionCertificate(clientId, cert);
AuthenticationResult result = null;
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(apiResourceId, certCred);
catch (Exception ex)

Getting a Security Token for Azure Pack in Java Using Apache CXF

I am trying to write code in Java that can obtain a Security Token from the STS for Azure Pack, which I can then use to authenticate calls to the Azure Pack APIs. Here is example code that Microsoft provides (which works) for obtaining this token in C#:
string windowsAuthSiteEndPoint = EnvironmentToUse + ":30072";
var identityProviderEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(windowsAuthSiteEndPoint + "/wstrust/issue/windowstransport"));
var identityProviderBinding = new WS2007HttpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = false;
identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.None;
identityProviderBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Windows;
var trustChannelFactory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(identityProviderBinding, identityProviderEndpoint)
TrustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13,
var channel = trustChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
var rst = new RequestSecurityToken(RequestTypes.Issue)
AppliesTo = new EndpointReference("http://azureservices/AdminSite"),
KeyType = KeyTypes.Bearer,
RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr = null;
SecurityToken token = null;
token = channel.Issue(rst, out rstr);
Here is what I currently have in Java, where I am attempting to do the same thing:
import org.apache.cxf.Bus;
import org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.SpringBusFactory;
import org.apache.cxf.sts.STSConstants;
SpringBusFactory springBusFactory = new SpringBusFactory();
Bus bus = springBusFactory.createBus();
STSClient stsClient = new STSClient(bus);
stsClient.setLocation("https://" + endpoint + ":30072/wstrust/issue/windowstransport");
bus.setProperty(SecurityConstants.STS_CLIENT, stsClient);
bus.setProperty(SecurityConstants.STS_APPLIES_TO, "http://azureservices/AdminSite");
SecurityToken securityToken = stsClient.requestSecurityToken();
I get a 401 Unauthorized HTTP response when running my Java test code:
Caused by: org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPException: HTTP response '401: Unauthorized' when communicating with https://endpoint:30072/wstrust/issue/windowstransport
It looks like I'm missing the following pieces of functionality when attempting to recreate what the C# code does, but I can't figure out what the equivalent of the following code would be in Java/using the Apache CXF library:
1) identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = false;
2) identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.None;
3) identityProviderBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Windows;
It's also possible I'm doing other things wrong as well. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Have you tried using management certificates to authenticate your requests instead of security tokens. has information on how to do it in Azure, but it should not differ much for Azure Pack.

How to perform Amazon Cloud Search with .net code?

I am learning Amazon Cloud Search but I couldn't find any code in either C# or Java (though I am creating in C# but if I can get code in Java then I can try converting in C#).
This is just 1 code I found in C#:
This is 1 method i found in this code:
public IResultSet Search(ISearchQuery query)
AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig config = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainConfig();
config.ServiceURL = "";
AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient domainClient = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient("AKIAJ6MPIX37TLIXW7HQ", "DnrFrw9ZEr7g4Svh0rh6z+s3PxMaypl607eEUehQ", config);
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
List<string> suggestions = new List<string>();
StringBuilder highlights = new StringBuilder();
if (query == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("query");
foreach (var field in query.HighlightedFields)
if (highlights.Length > 2)
highlights.Append(", \'");
highlights.Append("\':{} ");
SuggestRequest suggestRequest = new SuggestRequest();
Suggester suggester = new Suggester();
suggester.SuggesterName = field.ToUpperInvariant() + "_suggester";
suggestRequest.Suggester = suggester.SuggesterName;
suggestRequest.Size = query.Take;
suggestRequest.Query = query.Text;
SuggestResponse suggestion = domainClient.Suggest(suggestRequest);
foreach (var suggest in suggestion.Suggest.Suggestions)
if (query.Filter != null)
searchRequest.FilterQuery = this.BuildQueryFilter(query.Filter);
if (query.OrderBy != null)
searchRequest.Sort = string.Join(",", query.OrderBy);
if (query.Take > 0)
searchRequest.Size = query.Take;
if (query.Skip > 0)
searchRequest.Start = query.Skip;
searchRequest.Highlight = highlights.ToString();
searchRequest.Query = query.Text;
searchRequest.QueryParser = QueryParser.Simple;
var result = domainClient.Search(searchRequest).SearchResult;
//var result = domainClient.Search(searchRequest).SearchResult;
return new AmazonResultSet(result, suggestions);
I have already created domain in Amazon Cloud Search using AWS console and uploaded document using Amazon predefine configuration option that is movie Imdb json file provided by Amazon for demo.
But in this method I am not getting how to use this method, like if I want to search Director name then how do I pass in this method as because this method parameter is of type ISearchQuery?
I'd suggest using the official AWS CloudSearch .NET SDK. The library you were looking at seems fine (although I haven't look at it any detail) but the official version is more likely to expose new CloudSearch features as soon as they're released, will be supported if you need to talk to AWS support, etc, etc.
Specifically, take a look at the SearchRequest class -- all its params are strings so I think that obviates your question about ISearchQuery.
I wasn't able to find an example of a query in .NET but this shows someone uploading docs using the AWS .NET SDK. It's essentially the same procedure as querying: creating and configuring a Request object and passing it to the client.
Since you're still having a hard time, here's an example. Bear in mind that I am unfamiliar with C# and have not attempted to run or even compile this but I think it should at least be close to working. It's based off looking at the docs at
// Configure the Client that you'll use to make search requests
string queryUrl = #"http://search-<domainname>";
AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient searchClient = new AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient(queryUrl);
// Configure a search request with your query
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
searchRequest.Query = "potato";
// TODO Set your other params like parser, suggester, etc
// Submit your request via the client and get back a response containing search results
SearchResponse searchResponse = searchClient.Search(searchRequest);

AWS cognito does not generate tokens when run from a serverlet

I am trying to get amazon cognito to work. If I run the code to generate a login token from a standalone java program it works.
public class cognito extends HttpServlet
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("*******", "********");
AmazonCognitoIdentityClient client =
new AmazonCognitoIdentityClient(credentials);
GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityRequest tokenRequest =
new GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityRequest();
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
//Key -> Developer Provider Name used when creating the identity pool
//Value -> Unique identifier of the user in your <u>backend</u>
map.put("test", "AmazonCognitoIdentity");
//Duration of the generated OpenID Connect Token
GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResult result = client
String identityId = result.getIdentityId();
String token = result.getToken();
System.out.println("id = " + identityId + " token = " + token);
However when I run this code from a servlet on a redhat linux server, it always times out.
Any suggestion would be helpful
map.put("test", "AmazonCognitoIdentity");
are you sure your developer provider name is "test"?
you can see it in your cognito identity pool edit page.
And "AmazonCognitoIdentity" should be your own unique user-id.
Without the actual exception, it is hard to tell what is the exact issue. It could be that something else running in your servlet engine is setting a much more aggressive socket timeout than the default when it runs from the command line. You might want to explicitly set the connection and socket timeouts using methods using this class and pass it in to the identity client constructor.

Bing Search API error using odata4j

I am trying to run Bing search API. I used odata4j and tried the code provided here:
How to use Bing search api in Java
ODataConsumer c = ODataConsumers
.setClientBehaviors(OClientBehaviors.basicAuth("accountKey", "{your account key here}"))
OQueryRequest<OEntity> oRequest = c.getEntities("Web")
.custom("Query", "stackoverflow bing api");
Enumerable<OEntity> entities = oRequest.execute();
After I registered in the bing service, I obtained the key and placed it inside the double quotation in the above code. I got the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Expected status OK, found Bad Request. Server response:
Parameter: Query is not of type String
at org.odata4j.jersey.consumer.ODataJerseyClient.doRequest(
at org.odata4j.consumer.AbstractODataClient.getEntities(
at org.odata4j.consumer.ConsumerQueryEntitiesRequest.doRequest(
at org.odata4j.consumer.ConsumerQueryEntitiesRequest.getEntries(
at org.odata4j.consumer.ConsumerQueryEntitiesRequest.execute(
at BingAPI.main(
Caused by: org.odata4j.exceptions.UnsupportedMediaTypeException: Unknown content type text/plain;charset=utf-8
at org.odata4j.format.FormatParserFactory.getParser(
at org.odata4j.jersey.consumer.ODataJerseyClient.doRequest(
... 5 more
I could not figure out the problem.
All what you need is to set your query like that %27stackoverflow bing api%27
Here is my source code:
ODataConsumer consumer = ODataConsumers
"{My Account ID}"))
System.out.println(consumer.getServiceRootUri() + consumer.toString());
OQueryRequest<OEntity> oQueryRequest = consumer.getEntities("Web")
.custom("Query", "%27stackoverflow%27");
System.out.println("oRequest : " + oQueryRequest);
Enumerable<OEntity> entities = oQueryRequest.execute();
You can further try different queries with different filters by keep adding name-value pairs by using .custom("Type of parameter","parameter") of the oQueryrequest object.Say you want to search for indian food but you want only small square images.
ODataConsumer consumer = ODataConsumers
System.out.println(consumer.getServiceRootUri() + consumer.toString());
OQueryRequest<OEntity> oQueryRequest = consumer.getEntities("Image")
.custom("Query", "%27indian food%27");
oQueryRequest.custom("Adult", "%27Moderate%27");
oQueryRequest.custom("ImageFilters", "%27Size:Small+Aspect:Square%27");
System.out.println("oRequest : " + oQueryRequest);
Enumerable<OEntity> entities = oQueryRequest.execute();
int count = 0;
Iterator<OEntity> iter = entities.iterator();
