Using Async-IO of servlet3.1 with Spring - java

How to use Async-IO(setWriteListener) of Servlet3.1 with Spring-5 ?
Also, I found Link-A which mentions one needs to add Listener to outputStream.
On other hand Link-B says it should work with spring 5 and tomcat 8.5+.
Next I profiled a JVM and found that CoyoteOutputStream.checkNonBlockingWrite always return false with both deferredResult and NON-DeferredResult sample code.
public DeferredResult<DummyDTO> upNRuning(){
DeferredResult<DummyDTO> defferedResult = new DeferredResult<>();
newCachedThreadPool.submit(() ->
defferedResult.setResult(new DummyDTO()));
return defferedResult;
I was not able to try Link-A recommandation as i am not sure of NioReadListener implementation and its arguments.
Environment Spring-boot-2.0.4.RELEASE + Windows


Spring SpEL not compiling even when spring.expression.compiler.mode is set

I have a SpEL expression that I am trying to use for an FtpMessageHandler (specifically for outputHandler.setRemoteDirectoryExpressionString("headers['" + ftpOutPath + "']");).
Through debugging I have found that this SpEL expression is not getting compiled. When compilation time comes, SpelCompilerMode is set to OFF. So as a result the expression is not being compiled and just returning null (and my FTP client is trying to just write to the root directory instead of the one I am specifying).
Looking at the Spring SpEL documentation ( , it says that in order to enable SpEL compilation you need to set the property spring.expression.compiler.mode. I have done this to no effect - I have set spring.expression.compiler.mode to immediate in my file, yet SpelCompilerMode is still OFF.
Why is this happening? How can I fix this?
I know someone will ask for a code sample but honestly I have no idea what I can provide as this is all stuff internal to Spring. But here are some samples of related code:
The FtpMessageHandler:
private String ftpOutPath;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "myChannel")
public MessageHandler getOutputHandle(){
FtpMessageHandler outputHandler = new FtpMessageHandler(mySessionFactory());
outputHandler.setRemoteDirectoryExpressionString("headers['" + ftpOutPath + "']");
return outputHandler;
mode: immediate
outPath: myPath
I still am not sure why the expression was not compiling / intrepreting properly, however changing the code to use LiteralExpression worked instead of using the String.
outputHandler.setRemoteDirectoryExpression(new LiteralExpression(ftpOutPath));

In the startup scripts generated by gradle's application plugin, how can I have the program name passed in to the application?

Executing the gradle application plugin's installDist task creates a directory build/install/my-application-name/bin that contains wrapper scripts, my-application-name and my-application-name.bat. Running either of these scripts runs the application, and arguments passed to these scripts are passed to the underlying application.
In UNIX shell scripts you can access the name that was used to execute the program as $0. In fact, the UNIX version of the gradle-generated startup script uses $0 several times.
How can I configure the gradle application plugin such that these scripts will pass the value of $0 (and whatever the Windows equivalent is on Windows) into the underlying application, perhaps as a Java system property?
Since parameter for obtaining the name of the script being run is referenced differently in Linux($0) and in Windows(%0), the most straightforward way to generate custom scripts would be to use separate custom templates for the respective start script generators:
startScripts {
unixStartScriptGenerator.template = resources.text.fromFile('unixStartScript.txt')
windowsStartScriptGenerator.template = resources.text.fromFile('windowsStartScript.txt')
The default templates are easy to obtain invoking e.g. unixStartScriptGenerator.template.asString()
Documentation on customizing the start scripts can be found here.
This is what I ended up doing, based on jihor's answer. I'm posting it here just so that there's a working answer for anyone else interested:
startScripts {
def gen = unixStartScriptGenerator
gen.template = resources.text.fromString(
gen.template.asString().replaceFirst('(?=\nDEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=.*?\n)') {
'\nJAVA_OPTS="\\$JAVA_OPTS "\'"-Dprogname=\\$0"\''
// TODO: do something similar for windowsStartScriptGenerator
This uses replaceFirst is instead of replace so we can match a pattern. This is a little less brittle, and also lets us use lookahead so we don't have to actually replace what we're looking for. (This is groovy's variant of replaceFirst that takes a closure, by the way. This requires far less escaping than the version that takes a replacement string in this case.)
Also, instead of:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dprogname=$0"
we actually need something like:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS "'"-Dprogname=$0"'
This is because $0 may contains special character (like spaces), and the startup script removes one level of quoting in the value of $JAVA_OPTS using eval set --.
(If anyone knows how to make this work on Windows, pleas feel free to update this answer.)
I took an alternative approach. According to the documentation, as far back as Gradle 2.4 and all the way through Gradle 4.8, we should be able to set the following properties within the startScripts task:
Unfortunately, this is not true for the following properties, which seem to have never been exposed:
If appNameSystemProperty were exposed as the documentation describes, then we should be able to simply do the following:
startScripts {
applicationName = 'foo'
appNameSystemProperty = 'appName'
This would then result in the addition of -DappName=foo to the Java command constructed within both of the start scripts.
Since this is not the case, I took the following approach, which is a bit more verbose than the earlier solution to this question, but is perhaps less brittle because it does not rely on tweaking the out-of-box templates. Instead, it results in the documented behavior.
startScripts {
mainClassName = '...'
applicationName = 'foo'
unixStartScriptGenerator =
new CustomStartScriptGenerator(generator: unixStartScriptGenerator)
windowsStartScriptGenerator =
new CustomStartScriptGenerator(generator: windowsStartScriptGenerator)
class CustomStartScriptGenerator implements ScriptGenerator {
ScriptGenerator generator
void generateScript(JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails details,
Writer destination) {
details = new CustomDetails(details: details)
this.generator.generateScript(details, destination)
static class CustomDetails implements JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails {
JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails details
String getAppNameSystemProperty() { 'appName' }

Netflix Zuul filters pulled from Cassandra not working

I have been using Zuul in combination with other Netflix OSS softs like Eureka, Hystrix, etc. At first, I was able to create my own filter and make it work from the FileSystem. Then, I wanted to use ZuulFilterDAOCassandra API to be able to pull filters from a Cassandra database. The problem is that I'm not able to make it work.
I have translated the Java filter I used from the FileSystem to a Groovy filter, and added it to Cassandra using the ZuulFilterDAO.addFilter() method, and activate it using ZuulFilterDAO.setFilterActive().After that, I started the ZuulFilterPoller to start pulling the filters from the database, if it already had any. For the database table model, I assumed it by looking at the FilterInfo object and its attributes, and from the ZuulFilterDAOCassandra.addFilter()method.
Here's a more complete section of code :
ZuulFilterDAO dao = new ZuulFilterDAOCassandra(keyspace);
try {
FilterInfo fi = dao.addFilter(code, "pre", "testFilter", "false", "1");
dao.setFilterActive(fi.getFilterName(), 1); // 1 is the filter revision
} catch (Exception e) {
// Logging
// Show every active filter
List<FilterInfo> allActiveFilters = dao.getAllActiveFilters();
for (FilterInfo fi : allActiveFilters) {"FilterName: " + fi.getFilterName()); // outputs : FilterName: testFilter
In the Zuul console, I also get the following :
adding filter to diskFilterInfo{filter_id='zuul-server:testFilter:pre',
filter_name='testFilter', filter_type='pre', revision=1, creationDate=/*date*/,
isActive=true, isCanary=false, application_name=zuul-server}
filter written testFilter.groovy
I can then edit the testFilter.groovy at the root of my project, which contains the code I have mentioned in the dao.addFilter() method. I know the code is working, since it worked when pulling filters from the FS. And, when adding a filter, there's a verification of the code done by FilterVerifier.
And when I send my http requests to my application, Zuul doesn't filter them anymore. Am I missing something ?
Try using the FilterFileManager. It's my understanding that ZuulFilterPoller saves the filters from Cassandra to disk, and the FilterFileManager puts them to work.

Java Jinput: rescan / reload controllers

I am using java jinput library to read data from joypad, and I have trouble reloading Controllers, I use this to load them:
public Controller[] findStickControllers() {
ControllerEnvironment ce =
Controller[] cs = ce.getControllers();
System.out.println(cs.length); //test
ArrayList<Controller> sel = new ArrayList<>();
for (Controller c: cs) {
if(c.getType() == Type.STICK) {
return sel.toArray(new Controller[]{});
This works fine, but if I disconnect my controller, calling this will find it again, and vice versa (connecting it after the first check will not find it at all).
I have tried to put sleep before the fist lookup, with these results:
Controllers are acctually scanned when this method is called first time (not at start of the program)
When called again, this always returns same controllers as it returned for the first time.
First call will also write warning bellow
Even when controller is connected (and works), then disconnected (it will still find it though) and reconnected, it will not work
Warning from point 3: (didn't format well in the list)
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 8
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
I am using Win 8, and had same problem on Win 7. I had also tried this with mouse, same results.
How can I acctually reload controllers for the 2nd, 3rd, and so on time?
I encountered the same problem. The reason is that the actual hardware scan happens only once for each DefaultControllerEnvironment object. Since the only accessible instantiation is a singleton, it never does another scan.
A simple way to force a hardware scan is to create a new object, but neither the class nor the constructor are public. You can however work around this limitation by calling the constructor via reflection.
private static ControllerEnvironment createDefaultEnvironment() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// Find constructor (class is package private, so we can't access it directly)
Constructor<ControllerEnvironment> constructor = (Constructor<ControllerEnvironment>)
// Constructor is package private, so we have to deactivate access control checks
// Create object with default constructor
return constructor.newInstance();
// Be aware that creating a new environment is fairly expensive
Controller[] controllers = createDefaultEnvironment().getControllers();
Remove Windows 8 Warnings
* Fix windows 8 warnings by defining a working plugin
static {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
public Object run() {
String os = System.getProperty("", "").trim();
if (os.startsWith("Windows 8")) { // 8, 8.1 etc.
// disable default plugin lookup
System.setProperty("jinput.useDefaultPlugin", "false");
// set to same as windows 7 (tested for windows 8 and 8.1)
System.setProperty("", "");
return null;
If you use the accepted answer, you might want to consider killing the thread that was spawned by the previous environment before setting a new one because it won't be cleaned up otherwise. You can do so by calling something like:
final Set<Thread> threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet();
for (final Thread thread : threadSet) {
final String name = thread.getClass().getName();
if (name.equals("$QueueThread")) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
The warning is because the last time I updated that code windows 7 wasn't even out IIRC, I'll update it.
The controller reload is a feature that has been requested a number of times, but no-one deems it important enough to spend any time implementing it. If you submit a patch I'll take a look and see about committing it. Until someone finds it important enough to spend the time to write it, it's just a missing feature.
I had the same problem before.
I add the rescanning feature (for Windows back-end only) and post the patch on Java gaming forum but no ones seem interested in to integrate it.
So if you need it, apply my patch from here:

How to detect that code is running inside eclipse IDE

How to detect that code is running inside eclipse IDE
I am not aware of a generic way to get this kind of information.
One suggestion:
When you start a Java program (or a web server) inside Tomcat, simply add an argument that will indicate that this program is launched by Eclipse.
You can do that by opening the "Open Run Dialog" ("Run" menu), then select your type of application and add in the "Arguments" tab a -DrunInEclipse=true.
In your Java code, you can check the value of the property:
String inEclipseStr = System.getProperty("runInEclipse");
boolean inEclipse = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(inEclipseStr);
This way, if the program is not running inside Eclipse (or unfortunately if you forgot to set the property) the property will be null and then the boolean inEclipse will be equal to false.
Although I agree that having the code detecting a single IDE as the dev env is not an optimal solution, the following code works.
Like others proposed, using a flag at runtime is better.
public static boolean isEclipse() {
boolean isEclipse = System.getProperty("java.class.path").toLowerCase().contains("eclipse");
return isEclipse;
1) Create a helper method like:
public boolean isDevelopmentEnvironment() {
boolean isEclipse = true;
if (System.getenv("eclipse42") == null) {
isEclipse = false;
return isEclipse;
2) Add an environment variable to your launch configuration:
3) Usage example:
if (isDevelopmentEnvironment()) {
// Do bla_yada_bla because the IDE launched this app
Actually the code is not being run inside Eclipse, but in a separate Java process started by Eclipse, and there is per default nothing being done by Eclipse to make it any different than any other invocation of your program.
Is the thing you want to know, if your program is being run under a debugger? If so, you cannot say for certain. You CAN, however, inspect the arguments used to invoke your program and see if there is anything in there you do not like.
If your workspace matches some pattern like "/home/user/workspace/Project" you can use the code below:
Boolean desenv = null;
boolean isDevelopment() {
if (desenv != null) return desenv;
try {
desenv = new File(".").getCanonicalPath().contains("workspace");
catch (IOException e) {
return desenv;
A more generic and precise way, that can be used on any IDE would be loop at:
looking for "-Xdebug" || (starting with) "-agentlib:jdwp=".
I came with this from #saugata comment here.
This is excellent if you want to throw a conditional exception preventing the application from simply exiting. Use a boolean like "ideWait" and add it to Eclipse watch expressions as ideWait=false, so whenever you stop at that throw, and "drop to frame" you can continue debugging happily (I mean it!)
I don't think there is any way to do this. But what I would suggest is just a command line argument such as 'debug'. Then in your main method just do
if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) {
// do whatever extra work you require here or set a flag for the rest of the code
This way you can also get your extra code to run whenever you want just by specifiying the debug parameter but under normal conditions it will never execute.
This might work if your alternative execution work flow provides a different set of dependencies:
boolean isRunningInEclipe = false;
try {
isRunningInEclipe = true;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError error) {
//not running in Eclipse that would provide the Workbench class
You could detect if you're inside a JAR or not, as per Can you tell on runtime if you're running java from within a jar?
Eclipse will run your app from the classes/ dir, whereas most of your end users will be running the app from a JAR.
System.out.println("Is my parent eclipse[.exe]? " +
.flatMap(parent ->
You may try something like this:
if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("org/eclipse/jdt/core/BindingKey.class")!=null){
System.out.println("Running within Eclipse!!!");
} else {
System.out.println("Running outside Eclipse!!!");
