I have an array like that :
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
And I want to group elements which are '1'.
So you see I have a classical dfs by using a stack. The question is, If I have a matrix like the above, what is the time complexity of this algorithm where n is the number of matrix elements. (Row*column).If it worse than O(N) (since I must traverse whole 2D array) which approach will help me to improve this algorithm?
Example of an O(n * log n) algorithm
(where n is the number of matrix elements)
The idea of the algorithm is as follows.
Initialize a treeset of unhandled elements U by adding all matrix elements into it
While U isn't yet empty, take any u from U and check it for its value
If u = '0' then just remove it, i.e. U := U \ {u}
If u = '1' then start exploration DFS(u, U)
Where procedure DFS(u, U) uses the matrix to explore the '1' neighbours of u.
However, here comes the kicker, DFS(u, U) also removes every discovered element from U.
It is rather easy to understand and prove that this algorithm indeed always finishes in O(n * log n). Deleting an element from a treeset has worst-case complexity O(log n). Each DFS(u, U) run can visit at most |U| elements, and each element visited through any means is removed from U as the execution progresses. The algorithm terminates when U becomes empty.
Short summary
It is possible to produce an O(n^2) algorithm for example by running DFS on each element regardless of your previously attained knowledge.
Using any mechanism ensuring that you don't run DFS on an already discovered group/island is likely to produce a superior algorithm.
Sorry that I can't analyze your own algorithm directly, but this may help you do it on your own.
The lower bound of the algorithm that you need to devise should be O(m+n) - I am considering the number of rows and columns as m and n respectively. This is because you need to traverse the whole 2D array anyway. If you are solving this using two for loops, this will take O(m+n) as well. For each element in your matrix, you will compare with other 4 adjacent elements and hence, the overall checking size is <= 4mn.
I think there is no better way to solve this in less than O(m+n) time.
Please note that in your question, if you are considering m+n = N then the complexity that I am referring to is O(N).
I'm learning about time complexity and I understand the gist of it, but there's one thing that's really confusing me, it's about understanding the time complexity of a while loop in a for loop.
This is the code I am analyzing:
sum := 0
for i := 1 to n
j := 1
while j ≤ i
sum += j
I've given a shot at this and I made this table, breaking it down:
sum := 0
for i := 1 to n
int i = 1 (1)
i<=n (1)
i++ (1)
j := 1
while j ≤ i
j ≤ i (1)
sum += j
I understand the how the time complexity works for the for loop, but when I get to the while loop I'm confused.
I know that assignments have cost of 1 and comparisons have a cost of 1.
If the while loop was written as:
while j<=n
Since it's moving in increments of 5: (j*=5), its time complexity would be: log base5 n.
But the while loop in the code goes j<=i, which is throwing me off.
I someone could help me with cost/# of times the individual lines of the while loop, I would really appreciate it.
fyi: this isn't an assignment for school or anything like that, I'm genuinely trying to understand this concept for myself.
If the table above doesn't format correctly, here is a ss of it
Your loop is equivalent to the sum of log_5(i) for all i from 1 to n. The logarithm base doesn't matter, it's a constant; so i'll just say log from now on. This summation is asymptotically equal to n log n. Think about it this way: If you look at the graph of log, it's really, really flat, so most of the higher values in your summation look the same to the log function. This is only an intuition hint, not a formal proof, but it's sufficient. If you need a formal proof, check out this post
I have this problem where in class my professor said that the below statement is O(log(n)) where I thought it was O(n). Could someone please clarify how it is O(log(n))?
Printing a number of magnitude n in binary. Assume that printing each bit requires constant time.
You should work out some examples. Write some numbers in binary. For example, how many bits are there in 63, 255, and 511? Notice that the number of bits does not grow nearly as quickly as the number itself.
It's O(log(n)) because you have to divide by 2 every time you are going to print a 0 or 1.
For example, to print 256 in binary, you'd have to divide by 2 starting from 256 and print the result of % 2 every time.
256 % 2 -> 0
64% 2 -> 0
32 % 2 -> 0
16 % 2 -> 0
8 % 2 -> 0
4 % 2 -> 0
2 % 2 -> 0
1 % 2 -> 1
So, for a number of magnitude 256 you would have to iterate 8 times which is equals to log 256.
O(log(n)) is all about cutting data by half.
When each step of an algorithm rules out a fraction of the remaining input -- e.g. you always cut the space in half, or by a third, or even to 99/100 of the previous step -- that algorithm runs in O(log(n)) time.
hope this helps
I use EJML to solve a linear equation system.
EJML uses doubles. My inputs (and expected outputs) are integers. I will omit the .000 from the toString().
My Matrix A looks like this (though it is ~1000x1000):
1 0 0 0 0
1 -1 1 0 0
0 1 -1 1 0
0 0 1 -1 1
0 0 0 0 1
My b is just a vector with a value in the first and the last index, the rest is 0.
{-10 0 0 0 10}'
For size 5x5 I can use EJML just fine, but for my 1000x1000 Matrix I get a Solution contains uncountable numbers-Error.
The result looks like this:
{NaN NaN NaN ... NaN -Infinity -Infinity 1}'
My code looks like this (the matrices are correct, I checked that via Sysout and Debugger):
// Setup A
// Setup b
SimpleMatrix x = A.solve(b);
Now I assume my System somehow behaves badly. Sadly I'm not that much into matrices, so I assume I'm maybe using the wrong methods to solve this particular problem. The other thing I can think of is that double-precision gets in my way.
Is there anything I can do or is EJML simply not the right tool here?
I want to reverse an array (or any other data structure) but because this operation is going to be done on the array for n times , im looking for the best solution possible, I have the sorted array , which is gotten in O(nlgn) time , i start looking for first element in the sorted array , inside the unsorted array ( which is equal to finding the smallest key in the unsorted array ) then I reverse the array from the beginning to the index of that value , then i do the same for the rest , find the second smallest value's index , and reverse the array again , from the second index to the end of the array and so on :
for example , consider this array :
*2 6 (*1*) 5 4 *3 // array is reversed from its 0th index to the 3rd index (0 based)
1 *5* 4 3 6 (*2*) // array is reversed from its 1st index (0 based ) to the 5th index
1 2 *6* *3* 4 5 // and ...
1 2 3 *6* *4* 5
1 2 3 4 *6* *5*
1 2 3 4 5 6
well i have to sort the array in order to have the values im looking for in the unsorted array , it'll take o(nlgn) time , and doing the algorithm above , will take o(n^2) ,any idea to make it more quick , to be done in o(nlgn) time ? so the question is reversing a sub array of the array in the least time Order , cause it's done for many times in large sized arrays. ( I can get the indices i and j ( which are the first and last index of the sub array ) in O (n) time cause i have the sorted array and i'll just look up the numbers in the unsorted array ) so im looking for the best time order for reversing an array from it's ith index to it's jth index .
thanks in advance
Here comes an O(n) solution (i think, reading your description was hard). It's a data structure wich allows 1) reversing a sub-array in O(1), 2) Getting a value from the array in O(r), where r is the number of reversings that is done, 3) find the index of an element in O(n), where n is the length of the list.
Just store our array as usual, and have a list of ReversedRange(imin, imax) elements. Reversing part of the array is as easy as inserting another element in this list.
Whenever you need to get a value from the modified array at index i, you look through all the ReversedRange for which imin <= i <= imax, and calculate the index j which corresponds to the original array index. You need to check r reversings, so it is O(r).
To get the index i of a value v, look through the original array and find the index j. Done in O(n) time. Do the same traversing of the ReversedRanges, only in the oppsite direction to calculate i. Done in O(r) time, total O(n+r) which is O(n).
Consider the following list: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Now say we reverse the list form indexes 1 through 6, and then from 0 through 5. So we have:
I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| |
II 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9
| |
III 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 7 8 9
No let us map the index i = 2 to the original array. From the graph we see that we should end up with III(2) = 4
1) since i = 2 is in [0, 5] we calculate
i <- 5 - (i - 0) = 5 - 2 = 3
2) since i = 3 is in [1, 6] we calculate
i <- 6 - (i - 1) = 6 - 2 = 4
3) there are no more ranges, we are done with result 4!
(Possibly) memory heavy...
Why don't you maintain two Collections. Traverse the original collection until you have found your reverse point. Then traverse backwards from there with an iterator or indexing if you have it (ArrayList) adding each element to a new collection. Then merge the two collections (The reversed portion and the previous untouched portion). Repeat this until finished.
Seems like a very simple answer to a complicated question so maybe I'm missing something. If you are looking for an efficient way to reverse part of an array then something like the following should work. You could easily make it generic of course.
// endIndex and startIndex are inclusive here
int half = startIndex + ((endIndex + 1) - startIndex) / 2;
int endCount = endIndex;
for (int startCount = startIndex; startCount < half; startCount++) {
int store = array[startCount];
array[startCount] = array[endCount];
array[endCount] = store;
Seems like the rest of your code would be much more complex than this. Not sure what the O() is here because it is not doing comparisons which are traditionally the measure but this is doing 1.5 x N assignments to reverse the array. I don't see any way that this can be done faster.
This was a question in one my friend's programming class.
Q. How do you sort an array of ints and then arrange them such that all duplicate elements appear at the end of the array?
For example, given the input
{5, 2, 7, 6, 1, 1, 5, 6, 2}
The output would be
{1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 5, 6}
Note that the numbers are sorted and duplicate numbers are after 7, which is the maximum in the array.
This has to be achieved with out using any Java library packages/utils.
I suggested to sort the array first using insertion or bubble sort, and then go over the array, perform something like the following :
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length - 2; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < nums.length; j++) {
//current and next are same, move elements up
//and place the next number at the end.
if (nums[i] == nums[j]) {
int temp = nums[j];
for (int k = j; k < nums.length - 1; k++) {
nums[k] = nums[k + 1];
nums[nums.length - 1] = temp;
I tried this myself later (and that is how the code above) - As I try this out, I think this could be achieved by using less code, be more efficiently. And may be I gave a wrong advice.
Any thoughts?
Depending on the parameters of your problem, there are many approaches to solving this.
If you are not allowed to use O(n) external memory, then one option would be to use a standard sorting algorithm to sort the array in-place in O(n log n) time, then to run a second pass over it to move the duplicates to the end (as you've suggested). The code you posted above takes O(n2) time, but I think that this step can be done in O(n log n) time using a slightly more complicated algorithm. The idea works in two steps. In the first step, in O(n log n) time you bring all non-duplicated elements to the front in sorted order and bring all the duplicates to the back in non-sorted order. Once you've done that, you then sort the back half of the array in O(n log n) time using the sorting algorithm from the first step.
I'm not going to go into the code to sort the array. I really love sorting, but there are so many other good resources on how to sort arrays in-place that it's not a good use of my time/space here to go into them. If it helps, here's links to Java implementations of heapsort, quicksort, and smoothsort, all of which runs in O(n log n) time. Heapsort and smoothsort use only O(1) external memory, while quicksort can use O(n) in the worst case (though good implementations can limit this to O(log n) using cute tricks).
The interesting code is the logic to bring all the non-duplicated elements to the front of the range. Intuitively, the code works by storing two pointers - a read pointer and a write pointer. The read pointer points to the next element to read, while the write pointer points to the location where the next unique element should be placed. For example, given this array:
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5
We start with the read and write pointers initially pointing at 1:
write v
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5
read ^
Next, we skip the read pointer ahead to the next element that isn't 1. This finds 2:
write v
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5
read ^
Then, we bump the write pointer to the next location:
write v
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5
read ^
Now, we swap the 2 into the spot held by the write pointer:
write v
1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5
read ^
advance the read pointer to the next value that isn't 2:
write v
1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5
read ^
then advance the write pointer:
write v
1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5
read ^
Again, we exchange the values pointed at by 'read' and 'write' and move the write pointer forward, then move the read pointer to the next unique value:
write v
1 2 3 1 1 2 1 4 5 5
read ^
Once more yields
write v
1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 5 5
read ^
and the final iteration gives
write v
1 2 3 4 5 2 1 1 1 5
read ^
If we now sort from the write pointer to the read pointer, we get
write v
1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 5
read ^
and bingo! We've got the answer we're looking for.
In (untested, sorry...) Java code, this fixup step might look like this:
int read = 0;
int write = 0;
while (read < array.length) {
/* Swap the values pointed at by read and write. */
int temp = array[write];
array[write] = array[read];
array[read] = temp;
/* Advance the read pointer forward to the next unique value. Since we
* moved the unique value to the write location, we compare values
* against array[write] instead of array[read].
while (read < array.length && array[write] == array[read])
++ read;
/* Advance the write pointer. */
++ write;
This algorithm runs in O(n) time, which leads to an overall O(n log n) algorithm for the problem. Since the reordering step uses O(1) memory, the overall memory usage would be either O(1) (for something like smoothsort or heapsort) or O(log n) (for something like quicksort).
EDIT: After talking this over with a friend, I think that there is a much more elegant solution to the problem based on a modification of quicksort. Typically, when you run quicksort, you end up partitioning the array into three regions:
| values < pivot | values = pivot | values > pivot |
The recursion then sorts the first and last regions to put them into sorted order. However, we can modify this for our version of the problem. We'll need as a primitive the rotation algorithm, which takes two adjacent blocks of values in an array and exchanges them in O(n) time. It does not change the relative order of the elements in those blocks. For example, we could use rotation to convert the array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2
and can do so in O(n) time.
The modified version of quicksort would work by using the Bentley-McIlroy three-way partition algortihm (described here) to, using O(1) extra space, rearrange the array elements into the configuration shown above. Next, we apply a rotation to reorder the elements so that they look like this:
| values < pivot | values > pivot | values = pivot |
Next, we perform a swap so that we move exactly one copy of the pivot element into the set of elements at least as large as the pivot. This may have extra copies of the pivot behind. We then recursively apply the sorting algorithm to the < and > ranges. When we do this, the resulting array will look like this:
| < pivot | dup < pivot | > pivot | dup > pivot | = pivot |
We then apply two rotations to the range to put it into the final order. First, rotate the duplicate values less than the pivot with the values greater than the pivot. This gives
| < pivot | > pivot | dup < pivot | dup > pivot | = pivot |
At this point, this first range is the unique elements in ascending order:
| sorted unique elems | dup < pivot | dup > pivot | = pivot |
Finally, do one last rotation of the duplicate elements greater than the pivot and the elements equal to the pivot to yield this:
| sorted unique elems | dup < pivot | = pivot | dup > pivot |
Notice that these last three blocks are just the sorted duplicate values:
| sorted unique elems | sorted duplicate elements |
and voila! We've got everything in the order we want. Using the same analysis that you'd do for normal quicksort, plus the fact that we're only doing O(n) work at each level (three extra rotations), this works out to O(n log n) in the best case with O(log n) memory usage. It's still O(n2) in the worst case with O(log n) memory, but that happens with extremely low probability.
If you are allowed to use O(n) memory, one option would be to build a balanced binary search tree out of all of the elements that stores key/value pairs, where each key is an element of the array and the value is the number of times it appears. You could then sort the array in your format as follows:
For each element in the array:
If that element already exists in the BST, increment its count.
Otherwise, add a new node to the BST with that element having count 1.
Do an inorder walk of the BST. When encountering a node, output its key.
Do a second inorder walk of the BST. When encountering a node, if it has count greater than one, output n - 1 copies of that node, where n is the number of times it appears.
The runtime of this algorithm is O(n log n), but it would be pretty tricky to code up a BST from scratch. It also requires external space, which I'm not sure you're allowed to do.
However, if you are allowed external space and the arrays you are sorting are small and contain small integers, you could modify the above approach by using a modified counting sort. Just replace the BST with an array large enough for each integer in the original array to be a key. This reduces the runtime to O(n + k), with memory usage O(k), where k is the largest element in the array.
Hope this helps!
a modified merge sort could do the trick: on the last merge pass keep track of the last number you pushed on the front of result array and if the lowest of the next numbers is equal add to the end instead of front
Welcome to the world of Data Structures and Algorithms. You're absolutely right in that you could sort that faster. You could also do it a dozen different ways. PHD's are spent on this stuff :)
Here's a link where you can see an optimized bubble sort
You might also want to check out Big O Notation
Have fun and good luck!
Use quicksort to sort the array. When implementing the sort you can modify it slightly by adding all duplicates to a seperate duplicate array. When done simply append the duplicate array to the end of the sorted array.