I am currently developing a mobile app and I am pretty stuck at the login process with google auth and firebase. Basically, I want a two steps authentication.
Google Sign in, then switch to the second intent
Let user to change the displayed name and then register user in firebase.
I saw this implementation in Uber Mobile App login flow and I was wondering how I can get the same approach.
Is there any way to save user app data in android without authentication. Actually, I am working on an Android app. In this app user purchase in app coins when the app is reinstalled or app data are cleared the user data is also deleted. I am using Firebase in this app but I want to save user's data without authentication.
Is there any way to do this
so i have been trying to publish my app on the amazon app store.
but as i have made my app on the firebase system i use mobile authentication or google login to let users login to my app but as amazon is not able to login to my app using those features they're unable to login to my app and is continuously rejecting my app.
can anyone please tell me what is the correct way to let them login to my app.
or do i need to create a fake login system with a fake account just for them to login.
here is my app link http://texts.ga
i did contacted them and told them to login via any of the two methods and they did login via the google login but still they are asking for login credentials again.
thanks in advance for any kind of help
Firebase Authentication, along with some other Firebase products, require Google Play services installed on the device in order to work correctly. Amazon devices don't have Google Play services, so Firebase Authentication will not work on them.
I have just developed a new Android app for my company.
On the home page of the app we would like to display a number of our companies latest Facebook posts.
When send the request to the API i am receiving the error
"message": "(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform. https://developers.facebook.com/status/issues/205942813488872/"
I have looked into this extensively and understand it is due to Facebook upgrading their APIs due to the recent data breach.
Within the app i have successfully implemented the Facebook Login API and can retrieve a new access token for the user.
I have generated all the necessary hash keys for the android app and have set it all up correctly on the facebook developer console.
I can achieve the functionality i require by getting the Access token from the Facebook developers Graph API Explorer however, this is not a good implementation as it is linked to my Facebook account and also only lasts for an hour.
The Facebook API states that public pages can be accessible using any user access token.
Is there currently anyway at all to use a user access token generated from the user login to retrieve a Facebook page data.
the only data i wish to retrieve is; the message, the time created and the image.
Is this possible with the current state of the Graph API or is it just a waiting game to see what Facebook will do next in the coming weeks?
Hello I am creating some cards game online using LibGDX, and I want to connect my app using facebook so they can invite friends to join the game room. I want to make people to connect without having facebook too.
The game should not have authentication besides facebook, users without facebook just enter their nickname and they will have user-id that can be used to get invited.
My question is, what would be the best way to integrate it so this can be done in both ways?
What if friends in facebook doesn't have that application? Is there a way to detect friends that have that app? Or a way to invite them to download this app and connect?
And how does facebook integration work for my case?
My question is, what would be the best way to integrate it so this can
be done in both ways?
First of all you need some kind of server which handles all the user accounts/nicknames/login/logout etc.
After this works you can add Facebook integration. Since Facebook provides an unique id for each user you just have to link this id to a normal user account on your server. So the user has two ways to login: A) normal login (just nickname) and B) Facebook, which redirects login to the linked normal account.
Advantage: You can add other login options (Google+, Twitter, ...) later on easily. Just link to the normal account.
What if friends in facebook doesn't have that application?
Does not matter, since your server does not know whether somebody has logged in from facebook or normal way. He just matches the logged in players and good to go.
Is there a way to detect friends that have that app?
I do not know if there is currently a solution for that. Due to privacy regulations this will change from time to time.
Or a way to invite them to download this app and connect?
Facebook SDK allows you to open friend invite dialog. You can customize as well. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/app-invites
And how does Facebook integration work for my case?
As said above: Server, login normal, link facebook logins.
If you want to use Facebook to handle game related stuff then there is now way to play your game without Facebook.
I am building a native android app that require facebook login each time it's initiated. This authentication is done using the FB SDK (SSO).
Later on in the app, the user opens a WebView to the mobile versions of facebook profile page (http://m.facebook.com/some page). My problem is that when opening the webview, the user is required to enter user name and password for the facebook site. Since I already have a facebook access token, and the user might have installed the facebook app, I assume there some way to skip this annoying phase of signing in to facebook website in the webview.
I have searched the web and tried different solution with no success. It will help me a lot if someone could posts a solution code that works. Thank you!
There's tutorial available on Developer site of Facebook for Single-Sign-On (SSO) login. One is using webview and another is using SDK.
Although I think if the user selected remember the password checkbox, it should not ask for login again.