How to modify Wildfly/JBoss config using Spring Boot - java

I'm migrating a Spring MVC web application to a Spring Boot. The build (maven) generates a .war file then I upload it to Wildfly Server. I used to be able to upload large file now it doesn't work.
On the old way, using Spring MVC, I updated the Wildfly' server config itself /standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml which no longer work after switching to Spring Boot
<http-listener name="default" socket-binding="http" max-post-size="304857600" redirect-socket="https" enable-http2="true"/>
So the config above says allow posting files up to ~300MB (see the 304857600)
How to modify Wildfly/JBoss config using Spring Boot?
My google search was redirected here by some user comment, but still unsure how to do it in Spring Boot
I'm on:
JDK 1.8
Wildfly 10.

SpringBoot ask to setup these two additional config parameter to control the size limits of file upload/post request. I am certain that's causing the limitation in your case, if your Wildfly server is configured to not limit it.
#Max file size.
#Max Request Size
Reference: SpringBoot guide for file upload feature.


How to configure multiple spring cloud config servers in spring boot

I am using spring boot 2.4 and application related properties are stored in spring cloud config server. It works fine and I am able to read all properties in the application. Below properties have been configured in for this purpose.
The above properties translates to:
Per my requirement, I need to read few more properties as well and these properties are already available in another spring cloud config server which can be accessed using:
The above properties translates to:
The above config server( properties have been used by multiple applications and duplicating properties into my config server( would cause maintenance issue in future as any change in properties have to get updated in 2 servers.
Is it possible to use above 2 spring cloud config servers in spring boot app so that I don't have to copy required properties into my existing config server?
Hi it's working for me when i use bootstrap first config. You can put multiple config name that you want to load. For example if you want to retreive et in the same app your should be like: http://config-server-host user-service, data-rest

How to disable write operation for Jolokia in Spring boot?

I have a Spring boot (v1.5.9) based application with Jolokia provided by Spring boot actuator.
Jolokia works fine. I can read values, for example:
gives me:
What I want is to disable writing operations, for example:
The spring boot configuration looks like this:
And the Jolokia's policy in WEB-INF\classes\jolokia.xml (in resulting war, according to contains:
Despite this I see the following note in application's log:
jolokia: No access restrictor found, access to any MBean is allowed
And the write operation from the example above is working fine.
What I'm doing wrong? Should I put the policy file somewhere else? Is it possible to configure Jolokia's policy directly from the Spring boot configuration?
It looks like you've inadvertently used Spring Boot 2.0 configuration properties with Spring Boot 1.5.x. In 1.5 you should use jolokia.config.policyLocation. There's a little more information in the reference documentation.

what is the mechanism of configuring Spring Cloud Config in a file?

According to the docs, to connect to the config server, and should be set in a file for the config client, such that the parameters fetched from the config server can be prior to those set locally. I am just wondering how this works, since:
I searched the source code of Spring Cloud Config Client, but cannot find what it does with the
It still works if I set in
Is it a feature of SpringBoot?
This feature is not located in spring-cloud-config. Instead, it is in spring-cloud-context which is a dependency of spring-cloud-config.
Basically, it creates a parent context for the actual context of the application and initializes it with the parameters of the bootstrap.
You can find more information in
It is a feature of spring cloud. The needs to be set in This comes from the spring-cloud-commons project. My guess is you might be running the config server in the default location of localhost:8888.

Spring Cloud Config server inside a Spring Boot app with MVC

I'm inserting a Spring Cloud Config server directly into my existing Spring Boot App, by adding the module dependency and #EnableConfigServer. Everything works as expected except I just realized that the config server URL mapping is hijacking some of my existing API endpoints due to they are sharing the same server.port
For example, I had an existing page at v1/docs/index.html, and this will be now mapped automatically to which has
public Environment labelled(#PathVariable String name, #PathVariable String profiles,
Wondering is there anyway I can separate config server to a different port? Or add a special prefix to it to avoid URL mapping conflicts? Or given the current configurability it's just a bad idea to utilizing existing API servers as a config server?
Found the answer I need after reading the document more carefully:)
To change the location of the server endpoints you can (optionally) set, e.g. "/config", to serve the resources under a prefix. The prefix should start but not end with a "/". It is applied to the #RequestMappings in the Config Server (i.e. underneath the Spring Boot prefixes server.servletPath and server.contextPath).

Serving static content from spring cloud config-server

All of our spring cloud microservices make use of Spring REST docs to generate documentation and serve it from /docs/index.html. This works well.
Not so for the config server. I'm running it embedded with #EnableConfigServer. I've moved the config root to /config with and can see that it has indeed been relocated both in the config server startup logs and the Eureka metadataMap for the config server (nice bit of integration there).
The documentation index.html is bound into the spring boot jar at the correct /static/docs/index.html location but it is not reachable on the config server's port.
I must be missing something straightforward here. What do I need to do to re-enable /static as a root for static resources in the jar?
