We have a costumer that have 3 stores with different databases. In every store has a wildfly running some webservices which communicate between them. Each json request with 10/30 rows spends 1 seconds in average. Every wildfly uses 1,5 gb of RAM. I know that memory is always a problem in Java, but can I be more economic using some microframework like Javalin or microservices rather than a java ee app server? And node.js would be a option for better performance?
Before you start looking into a different architecture, which would probably make for a major rewrite, find out where all that time is going. Set up profiling on the WildFly servers. Start by doing that on one, then have some calls coming in. Check how much time is spent in various parts of the stack. Is one call to the web service handled rather slowly? Then see where that time goes. It might be the database access. Is one such call handled pretty quickly on the server itself once it comes in? Then your best bet is your losing time on the network layer.
Check the network traffic. You can use Wireshark or a similar tracing tool for this. See how much time actually passes between a request coming in and the response going out. Is that slow but the processing on Wildfly itself seems fast enough? Maybe there's some overhead going on (like security). Is the time between request and response very fast? You're definitely looking at the network as the culprit.
Eventually you may need to have profiling and network tracing active on all three servers simultaneously to see what's going on, or for each combination of two servers. It may turn out only one of them is the bottleneck. And if you have servers A, B and C, from the sound of it your setup might cause a call from A to B to also require a call from B to C before some result can be returned to A. If that is the case, it's little wonder you may see some serious latency.
But measure and find the root of the problem before you start deciding to change the entire framework and a different programming language. Otherwise you may put a lot of time into something for no improvement at all. If the architecture is fundamentally flawed you need to think of a different approach. If this is still in the prototyping phase that would be substantially easier.
Well, first you may prune your WildFly installation or try Quarkus :)
Basically I want a Java, Python, or C++ script running on a server, listening for player instances to: join, call, bet, fold, draw cards, etc and also have a timeout for when players leave or get disconnected.
Basically I want each of these actions to be a small request, so that players could either be processes on same machine talking to a game server, or machines across network.
Security of messaging is not an issue, this is for learning/research/fun.
My priorities:
Have a good scheme for detecting when players disconnect, but also be able to account for network latencies, etc before booting/causing to lose hand.
Speed. I'm going to be playing millions of these hands as fast as I can.
Run on a shared server instance (I may have limited access to ports or things that need root)
My questions:
Listen on ports or use sockets or HTTP port 80 apache listening script? (I'm a bit hazy on the differences between these).
Any good frameworks to work off of?
Message types? I'm thinking JSON or Protocol Buffers.
How to make it FAST?
Thanks guys - just looking for some pointers and suggestions. I think it is a cool problem with a lot of neat things to learn doing it.
As far as frameworks goes, Ginkgo looks promising for building a network service (which is what you're doing). The Python is very straightforward, and the asynchronicity enabled by gevent lets you do asynchronous things without generally having to worry about callbacks. The gevent core also gives you access to a lot of building blocks.
Rather than having lots of services communicating over ports, you might look into either 1) a good message queue, like RabbitMQ or 0mq, or 2) a distributed coordination server, like Zookeeper.
That being said, what you aim to do is difficult, especially if you're not familiar with the basics. It's a worthwhile endeavor to learn about those basics.
Don't worry about speed at first. Get it working, then make it scale. Of course, there are directions you can go that will make it easier to scale in the future. Zookeeper in particular gives you easy-to-implement primitives for scaling horizontally (i.e. multiple workers sharing the load). In particular, see the Zookeeper recipe book and their corresponding python implementations (courtesy of the kazoo, a gevent-based client library).
Don't forget that "fast" also means optimizing your own development time, for quicker iterations and less time cursing your development environment. So use Python, which will let you get up and running quickly now, and optimize later if you really truly start to bind on CPU time or memory use. (With this particular application, you're far more likely to bind on network IO.)
Anything else? Maybe a cup of coffee to go with your question :-)
Answering your question from the ground up would require several books worth of text with topics ranging from basic TCP/IP networking to scalable architectures, but I'll try to give you some direction nevertheless.
Listen on ports or use sockets or HTTP port 80 apache listening script? (I'm a bit hazy on the differences between these).
I would venture that if you're not clear on the definition of each of these maybe designing an implementing a service that will be "be playing millions of these hands as fast as I can" is a bit hmm, over-reaching? But don't let that stop you as they say "ignorance is bliss."
Any good frameworks to work off of?
I think your project is a good candidate for Node.js. There main reason being that Node.js is relatively scaleable and it is good at hiding the complexity required for that scalability. There are downsides to Node.js, just Google search for 'Node.js scalability critisism'.
The main point against Node.js as opposed to using a more general purpose framework is that scalability is difficult, there is no way around it, and Node.js being so high level and specific provides less options for solving though problems.
The other drawback is Node.js is Javascript not Java or Phyton as you prefer.
Message types? I'm thinking JSON or Protocol Buffers.
I don't think there's going to be a lot of traffic between client and server so it doesn't really matter I'd go with JSON just because it is more prevalent.
How to make it FAST?
The real question is how to make it scalable. Running human vs human card games is not computationally intensive, so you're probably going to run out of I/O capacity before you reach any computational limit.
Overcoming these limitations is done by spreading the load across machines. The common way to do in multi-player games is to have a list server that provides links to identical game servers with each server having a predefined number of slots available for players.
This is a variation of a broker-workers architecture were the broker machine assigns a worker machine to clients based on how busy they are. In gaming users want to be able to select their server so they can play with their friends.
Have a good scheme for detecting when players disconnect, but also be able to account for network latencies, etc before booting/causing to lose hand.
Since this is in human time scales (seconds as opposed to miliseconds) the client should send keepalives say every 10 seconds with say 30 second session timeout.
The keepalives would be JSON messages in your application protocol not HTTP which is lower level and handled by the framework.
The framework itself should provide you with HTTP 1.1 connection management/pooling which allows several http sessions (request/response) to go through the same connection, but do not require the client to be always connected. This is a good compromise between reliability and speed and should be good enough for turn based card games.
Honestly, I'd start with classic LAMP. Take a stock Apache server, and a mysql database, and put your Python scripts in the cgi-bin directory. The fact that they're sending and receiving JSON instead of HTTP doesn't make much difference.
This is obviously not going to be the most flexible or scalable solution, of course, but it forces you to confront the actual problems as early as possible.
The first problem you're going to run into is game state. You claim there is no shared state, but that's not right—the cards in the deck, the bets on the table, whose turn it is—that's all state, shared between multiple players, managed on the server. How else could any of those commands work? So, you need some way to share state between separate instances of the CGI script. The classic solution is to store the state in the database.
Of course you also need to deal with user sessions in the first place. The details depend on which session-management scheme you pick, but the big problem is how to propagate a disconnect/timeout from the lower level up to the application level. What happens if someone puts $20 on the table and then disconnects? You have to think through all of the possible use cases.
Next, you need to think about scalability. You want millions of games? Well, if there's a single database with all the game state, you can have as many web servers in front of it as you want—John Doe may be on server1 while Joe Schmoe is on server2, but they can be in the same game. On the other hand, you can a separate database for each server, as long as you have some way to force people in the same game to meet on the same server. Which one makes more sense? Either way, how do you load-balance between the servers. (You not only want to keep them all busy, you want to avoid the situation where 4 players are all ready to go, but they're on 3 different servers, so they can't play each other…).
The end result of this process is going to be a huge mess of a server that runs at 1% of the capacity you hoped for, that you have no idea how to maintain. But you'll have thought through your problem space in more detail, and you'll also have learned the basics of server development, both of which are probably more important in the long run.
If you've got the time, I'd next throw the whole thing out and rewrite everything from scratch by designing a custom TCP protocol, implementing a server for it in something like Twisted, keeping game state in memory, and writing a simple custom broker instead of a standard load balancer.
In the documentation http://ehcache.org/documentation/user-guide/monitor there is a phrase:
It is recommended that you install the Monitor on an Operations server separate to production.
Why it is so? What will be if I install it on the production?
And, the second question on which I did not find the answer there - is it really this monitor does not affect the performance of application?
I'll try to explain what I think they mean.
First of all, I don't think the intention is that you not use the Monitor in production. Rather, I think they mean that the Monitor should be installed on a separate server in a production environment. There are at least three good reasons to do this.
The first is one of security. The clients that your production server is servicing shouldn't be able to reach the Monitor's services. By putting it on a separate server (perhaps behind a firewall) you prevent this.
The second is one of landscape simplicity. The Monitor can monitor several servers. By putting it on a separate server, you prevent one application server from being "special" - all the application servers are identical as far as this is concerned. Easier for scaling and maintenance of your landscape.
The third reason is one of performance. Calls to the Monitor won't impact the application server/s. This is as it should be.
As for the second part of your question- obviously, adding ehcache monitoring will affect performance to some extent. Probably it's meant to only incur a minimal overhead, but nothing is completely without cost. But if you end up optimizing the caches, it will probably be worth it.
I found this paragraph detailing how often the Monitor samples:
Memory is estimated by sampling. The first 15 puts or updates are measured and then every 100th put or update
(this is from the statistics section of the Monitor page)
Here's the situation:
I currently have a web application that uses PHP to serve HTML/CSS/JS and that talks to a MySQL DB. Completely vanilla and common. The PHP is a mixture of presentation logic (HTML generation, etc) and business logic (the app uses Ajax extensively to make requests for data or to tell the server to make changes to something).
As part of a redesign of this system I am removing all of the presentation logic from the PHP. Instead, I will be using Ext JS 4 (a javascript-based windowing toolkit / app) connected to a web socket gateway (a COMET/AJAX replacement that allows bi-directional communication) on the server. Let's wave a magic wand for a minute and forget about how the Ext JS 4 gets delivered to the browser and how it talks to the web socket gateway.
What we are left with is a web socket gateway (written in Java and running persistently listening on a specific port for web socket connections) and some business logic / DB interaction currently written in PHP.
At this point, I see one of two options:
Keep the business logic / DB interaction in the PHP and execute it by calling either PHP from the command line or by having the PHP / Apache listen on a different port only for communications from the web socket gateway.
Write a new Java or C++ application that will be persistent and listen on a specific port for communications from the web socket gateway. The business logic / DB integration is re-written in Java or C++ code and is part of this application.
Would re-writing in Java or C++ give better performance than calling PHP over and over? (The PHP code is pretty cleanly written: object-oriented using packages like CodeIgniter and Doctrine).
Would the performance benefits outweigh the hassle of re-writing all the business logic? Obviously dependent on many factors such as quantity of code but what is your gut feeling?
In case it might influence your thinking / feedback, you should know that the web socket gateway (Kaazing) supports JMS, Stomp, AMQP, XMPP, or something custom you build yourself.
Let me know if there is any other info I can provide to help you with your answers.
I know a lot of the solutions I mention here are "ugly" but you sound like a person who's looking to get results and refactor, so I hope it's okay.
Do it the easy way (PHP if I understood correctly) first. Then run a realistic stress test. Since you're making PHP calls, just create a realistic sequence (log in, change this, do that, log out) and run as many as you think is realistic. 100? 10000? It depends on how stressed you expect this thing to be and still preform.
That step is easier than it sounds. Don't think "ultimate test framework", think 20 line python script that runs as many threads as you want executing a few lines that will keep your application busy. If it takes you more than 40 minutes, stop and simplify. The hour you spend will be worth it.
If CPU hits 100 or you run out of some resource then perhaps it's time for a rewrite, or you can probably guess what's taking the longest and write it in C. If you do use C/C++ and you're not 100% comfortable with it, avoid a major rewrite, since it's a dangerous language with lots of opportunities for introducing bugs. Maybe even call compiled code from the PHP you have if that suits your application.
I've written server-side HTML-generating C code once. It's not exactly the right tool for the job. PHP may be hackish but it gets the job done fast. I would avoid optimization unless/until it is actually needed.
Good luck, don't forget to tell us how it goes!
Edit: If you do go for a mixed-language solution, don't forget to clean it up after! Standardize what you do fast and what you do in PHP, do it in a common format, maybe write up a short readme. Again, those fifteen minutes will save you, or the next person, a few days and many hairs.
Writing in a compiled language (Java or C++, in your examples) would almost certainly give better performance than an interpreted language like PHP. The performance benefits almost certainly would not outweigh the hassle of rewriting all of the code.
If your business logic has high processing costs, Java or C++ will give you a much better performance.
If you are simply fetching some results from a DB, do not expect any great performance gains.
I would do some prototyping/testing to identify the performance bottleneck.
My opinion is that PHP is too slow for processing HUGE datasets if you have many 100,000s of objects to analyse C++ rocks and Java benefits from the HotSpot JIT performance optimizer.
The HotSpot effect is very specific to doing number crunching in Java. You really can see the JRE is pushing the accelerator, ironing out detected bottlenecks. In some rare cases HotSpot JIT optimised Java can be even faster than C.
In some also very rare cases HotSpot performance voodooism can make your code slower!
Have you ever thought of turning a PHP application into a faster Java or C++ app?
Maybe the HipHop php2cpp compiler is all you want:
Quercus is a php4java runtime which can help you migrate more cheaply to Java.
Quite interesting was Joshua Bloch's talk about "Performance Anxiety" last year.
http://parleys.com/#st=5&id=2103 (32min video)
I am developing a application for benchmarking purposes, for which I require to create large number of http connection in a short time, I created a program in java to test how much threads is java able to create, it turns out in my 2GB single core machine, the limit is variable between 5000 and 6000 with 1 GB of memory given to JVM after which it hits outofmemoryerror with heap limit reached.
It is suggested that erlang will be able to generate much more concurrent processes, I am willing to learn erlang if it is capable of solving the problem , can erlang be able to generate somewhere around 100000 processes which are essentially http requests waiting for responses, in a matter of few seconds without reaching any limit like memory error etc.,
According famous Richard Jones blog you can handle 100k connection almost out of the box. You have to increase process limit, see +P parameter and it needs little bit memory management trickery e.g. gc or hibernate. To achieve significantly more you have to do more hacking with C.
It can handle pretty much anything you throw at it. Erlang processes are extremely light weight.
See http://www.sics.se/~joe/apachevsyaws.html for a benchmark in concurrency between Yaws and Apache. It gives you a good idea of what's possible.
I thought an interesting thing for this is that a guy was able to get a million comet connections with mochiweb http://www.metabrew.com/article/a-million-user-comet-application-with-mochiweb-part-1
As previously stated, a lot is a good answer. And also given your requirement is to write a tsunami client, you can/should distribute code over to several erlang nodes.
Even better, you might want to check out Tsung. It is a distributed load testing application written in erlang.
And if you don't want to use it, I am pretty sure there's code you want to read in there.
I have to write an architecture case study but there are some things that i don't know, so i'd like some pointers on the following :
The website must handle 5k simultaneous users.
The backend is composed by a commercial software, some webservices, some message queues, and a database.
I want to recommend to use Spring for the backend, to deal with the different elements, and to expose some Rest services.
I also want to recommend wicket for the front (not the point here).
What i don't know is : must i install the front and the back on the same tomcat server or two different ? and i am tempted to put two servers for the front, with a load balancer (no need for session replication in this case). But if i have two front servers, must i have two back servers ? i don't want to create some kind of bottleneck.
Based on what i read on this blog a really huge charge is handle by one tomcat only for the first website mentionned. But i cannot find any info on this, so i can't tell if it seems plausible.
If you can enlight me, so i can go on in my case study, that would be really helpful.
Thanks :)
There are probably two main reasons for having multiple servers for each tier; high-availability and performance. If you're not doing this for HA reasons, then the unfortunate answer is 'it depends'.
Having two front end servers doesn't force you to have two backend servers. Is the backend going to be under a sufficiently high load that it will require two servers? It will depend a lot on what it is doing, and would be best revealed by load testing and/or profiling. For a site handling 5000 simultaneous users, though, my guess would be yes...
It totally depends on your application. How heavy are your sessions? (Wicket is known for putting a lot in the session). How heavy are your backend processes.
It might be a better idea to come up with something that can scale. A load-balancer with the possibility to keep adding new servers for scaling.
Measurement is the best thing you can do. Create JMeter scripts and find out where your app breaks. Built a plan from there.
To expand on my comment: think through the typical process by which a client makes a request to your server:
it initiates a connection, which has an overhead for both client and server;
it makes one or more requests via that connection, holding on to resources on the server for the duration of the connection;
it closes the connection, generally releasing application resources, but generally still hogging a port number on your server for some number of seconds after the conncetion is closed.
So in designing your architecture, you need to think about things such as:
how many connections can you actually hold open simultaneously on your server? if you're using Tomcat or other standard server with one thread per connection, you may have issues with having 5,000 simultaneous threads; (a NIO-based architecture, on the other hand, can handle thousands of connections without needing one thread per connection); if you're in a shared environment, you may simply not be able to have that many open connections;
if clients don't hold their connections open for the duration of a "session", what is the right balance between number of requests and/or time per connection, bearing in mind the overhead of making and closing a connection (initialisation of encrypted session if relevant, network overhead in creating the connection, port "hogged" for a while after the connection is closed)
Then more generally, I'd say consider:
in whatever architecture you go for, how easily can you re-architecture/replace specific components if they prove to be bottlenecks?
for each "black box" component/framework that you use, what actual problem does it solve for you, and what are its limitations? (Don't just use Tomcat because your boss's mate's best man told them about it down the pub...)
I would also agree with what other people have said-- at some point you need to not be too theoretical. Design something sensible, then run a test bed to see how it actually copes with your expected volumes of data. (You might not have the whole app built, but you can start making predictions about "we're going to have X clients sending Y requests every Z minutes, and p% of those requests will take n milliseconds and write r rows to the database"...)