How to optimize nested for loop - java

Suppose for Array A of length L and skip value = k
I have to find highest possible sum in an array for a given start point.
sum should be in such a way that the initial point taken in array should be added then the next point after initial point+k skip and so on
so what is the highest possible sum?
for example array a=[1,9,2] k=2
then highest possible sum would be 9
i used two for loops
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){
for(int j=i;j<a.length){
Though this works its complexity would be O(n^2);
how can reduce it?


Find two numbers in array x,y where x<y, x repeats at least n/3 times and y at least n/4 times

I have been struggling to solve an array problem with linear time,
The problem is:
Assuming we are given an array A [1...n] write an algorithm that return true if:
There are two numbers in the array x,y that have the following:
x < y
x repeats more than n/3 times
y repeats more than n/4 times
I have tried to write the following java program to do so assuming we have a sorted array but I don't think it is the best implementation.
public static boolean solutionManma(){
int [] arr = {2,2,2,3,3,3};
int n = arr.length;
int xCount = 1;
int yCount = 1;
int maxXcount= xCount,maxYCount = yCount;
int currX = arr[0];
int currY = arr[n-1];
for(int i = 1; i < n-2;i++){
int right = arr[n-2-i+1];
int left = arr[i];
if(currX == left){
maxXcount = Math.max(xCount,maxXcount);
xCount = 1;
currX = left;
if(currY == right){
else {
maxYCount = Math.max(yCount,maxYCount);
yCount = 1;
currY = right;
return (maxXcount > n/3 && maxYCount > n/4);
If anyone has an algorithm idea for this kind of issue (preferably O(n)) I would much appreciate it because I got stuck with this one.
The key part of this problem is to find in linear time and constant space the values which occur more than n/4 times. (Note: the text of your question says "more than" and the title says "at least". Those are not the same condition. This answer is based on the text of your question.)
There are at most three values which occur more than n/4 times, and a list of such values must also include any value which occurs more than n/3 times.
The algorithm we'll use returns a list of up to three values. It only guarantees that all values which satisfy the condition are in the list it returns. The list might include other values, and it does not provide any information about the precise frequencies.
So a second pass is necessary, which scans the vector a second time counting the occurrences of each of the three values returned. Once you have the three counts, it's simple to check whether the smallest value which occurs more than n/3 times (if any) is less than the largest value which occurs more than n/4 times.
To construct the list of candidates, we use a generalisation of the Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm, which finds a value which occurs more than n/2 times. The generalisation, published in 1982 by J. Misra and D. Gries, uses k-1 counters, each possibly associated with a value, to identify values which might occur more than 1/k times. In this case, k is 4 and so we need three counters.
Initially, all of the counters are 0 and are not associated with any value. Then for each value in the array, we do the following:
If there is a counter associated with that value, we increment it.
If no counter is associated with that value but some counter is at 0, we associate that counter with the value and increment its count to 1.
Otherwise, we decrement every counter's count.
Once all the values have been processed, the values associated with counters with positive counts are the candidate values.
For a general implementation where k is not known in advance, it would be possible to use a hash-table or other key-value map to identify values with counts. But in this case, since it is known that k is a small constant, we can just use a simple vector of three value-count pairs, making this algorithm O(n) time and O(1) space.
I will suggest the following solution, using the following assumption:
In an array of length n there will be at most n different numbers
The key feature will be to count the frequency of occurance for each different input using a histogram with n bins, meaning O(n) space. The algorithm will be as follows:
create a histogram vector with n bins, initialized to zeros
for index ii in the length of the input array a
2.1. Increase the value: hist[a[ii]] +=1
set found_x and found_y to False
for the iith bin in the histogram, check:
4.1. if found_x == False
4.1.1. if hist[ii] > n/3, set found_x = True and set x = ii
4.2. else if found_y == False
4.2.1. if hist[ii] > n/4, set y = ii and return x, y
In the first run over the array you document the occurance frequency of all the numbers. In the run over the histogram array, which also has a length of n, you check the occurrence. First you check if there is a number that occurred more than n/3 times and if there is, for the rest of the numbers (by default larger than x due to the documentation in the histogram) you check if there is another number which occurred more than n/4 times. if there is, you return the found x and y and if there isn't you simply return not found after covering all the bins in the histogram.
As far as time complexity, you goover the input array once and you go over the histogram with the same length once, therefore the time complexity is O(n) is requested.

Finding number of subarrays whose sum equals `k`

We would be given an array of integers and a value k. We need to find the total number of sub-arrays whose sum equals k.
I found some interesting code online (on Leetcode) which is as follows:
public class Solution {
public int subarraySum(int[] nums, int k) {
int sum = 0, result = 0;
Map<Integer, Integer> preSum = new HashMap<>();
preSum.put(0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
sum += nums[i];
if (preSum.containsKey(sum - k)) {
result += preSum.get(sum - k);
preSum.put(sum, preSum.getOrDefault(sum, 0) + 1);
return result;
To understand it, I walked through some specific examples like [1,1,1,1,1] with k=3 and [1,2,3,0,3,2,6] with k=6. While the code works perfectly in both the cases, I fail to follow how it actually computes the output.
I have two specific points of confusion:
1) Why does the code continuously add the values in the array, without ever zeroing it out? For example, in case of [1,1,1,1,1] with k=3, once sum=3, don't we need to reset sum to zero? Doesn't not resetting sum interfere with finding later subarrays?
2) Shouldn't we simply do result++ when we find a subarray of sum k? Why do we add preSum.get(sum-k) instead?
Let's handle your first point of confusion first:
The reason the code keeps summing the array and doesn't reset sum is because we are saving the sum in preSum (previous sums) as we go. Then, any time we get to a point where sum-k is a previous sum (say at index i), we know that the sum between index i and our current index is exactly k.
For example, in the image below with i=2, and our current index equal to 4, we can see that since 9, the sum at our current index, minus 3, the sum at index i, is 6, the sum between indexes 2 and 4 (inclusive) is 6.
Another way to think about this is to see that discarding [1,2] from the array (at our current index of 4) gives us a subarray of sum 6, for similar reasons as above (see image for details).
Using this method of thinking, we can say we want to discard from the front of the array until we are left with a subarray of sum k. We could do this by saying, for each index, "discard just 1, then discard 1+2, then discard 1+2+3, etc" (these numbers are from our example) until we found a subarray of sum k (k=6 in our example).
That gives a perfectly valid solution, but notice we would be doing this at every index of our array, and thus summing the same numbers over and over. A way to save computation would be to save these sums for later use. Even better, we already sum these same numbers to get our current sum, so we can just save that total as we go.
To find a subarray, we can just look through our saved sums, subtracting them and testing if what we are left with is k. It is a bit annoying to have to subtract every saved sum, so we can use the commutativity of subtraction to see that if sum-x=k is true, sum-k=x is also true. This way we can just see if x is a saved sum, and, if it is, know we have found a subarray of size k. A hash map makes this lookup efficient.
Now for your second point of confusion:
Most of the time you are right, upon finding an appropriate subarray we could just do result++. Almost always, the values in preSum will be 1, so result+=preSum.get(sum-k) will be equivalent to result+=1, or result++.
The only time it isn't is when preSum.put is called on a sum that has been reached before. How can we get back to a sum we already had? The only way is with either negative numbers, which cancel out previous numbers, or with zero, which doesn't affect the sum at all.
Basically, we get back to a previous sum when a subarray's sum is equal to 0. Two examples of such subarrays are [2,-2] or the trivial [0]. With such a subarray, when we find a later, adjoining subarray with sum k, we need to add more than 1 to result as we have found more than one new subarray, one with the zero-sum subarray (sum=k+0) and one without it (sum=k).
This is the reason for that +1 in the preSum.put as well. Every time we reach the same sum again, we have found another zero-sum subarray. With two zero-sum subarrays, finding a new adjoining subarray with sum=k actually gives 3 subarrays: the new subarray (sum=k), the new subarray plus the first zero-sum (sum=k+0), and the original with both zero-sums (sum=k+0+0). This logic holds for higher numbers of zero-sum subarrays as well.

repeated element in Array

I have an array of N elements and contain 1 to (N-1) integers-a sequence of integers starting from 1 to the max number N-1-, meaning that there is only one number is repeated, and I want to write an algorithm that return this repeated element, I have found a solution but it only could work if the array is sorted, which is may not be the case.
int i=0;
int rep = A[i];
I do not know why RC removed his comment but his idea was good.
With the knowledge of N you easy can calculate that the sum of [1:N-1]. then sum up all elementes in your array and subtract the above sum and you have your number.
This comes at the cost of O(n) and is not beatable.
However this only works with the preconditions you mentioned.
A more generic approach would be to sort the array and then simply walk through it. This would be O(n log(n)) and still better than your O(n²).
I you know the maximum number you may create a lookup table and init it with all zeros, walk through the array and check for one and mark the entries with one. The complexity is also just O(n) but at the expense of memory.
if the value range is unknown a simiar approach can be used but instead of using a lookup table a hashset canbe used.
Linear search will help you with complexity O(n):
final int n = ...;
final int a[] = createInput(n); // Expect each a[i] < n && a[i] >= 0
final int b[] = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (b[i] >= 2)
return a[i];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No duplicates found");
A possible solution is to sum all elements in the array and then to compute the sym of the integers up to N-1. After that subtract the two values and voila - you found your number. This is the solution proposed by vlad_tepesch and it is good, but has a drawback - you may overflow the integer type. To avoid this you can use 64 bit integer.
However I want to propose a slight modification - compute the xor sum of the integers up to N-1(that is compute 1^2^3^...(N-1)) and compute the xor sum of your array(i.e. a0^a1^...aN-1). After that xor the two values and the result will be the repeated element.

implementing quick sort only on one half of the array

I have an excercise in which I have to improve an algorithem. This algorithem takes an array and puts the evens in the left side (SORTED) and the odds in the right side (NOT-SORTED).
The algorithem is inefficient so I have to improve it.
Here is the original code of the excercise, the one I have to "improve":
public void what (int [] arr) {
int temp;
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if (arr[i]%2 == 0) {
temp = arr[i];
for (int j=i; j>0; j--)
arr[j] = arr[j-1];
arr[0] = temp;
I wanted to implement quick sort algorithem on this excercise, but the problem is I don't know how the use the pivot: usually, the pivot is the median, the number half of the array is smaller and the other half is bigger.
The problem here is that the left part has to be evens and the right part, odds.
I have to implement this "sorting" in an efficiency less than O(n^2).
Any ideas?
Thank you!
How about having two indexes, one starts from the begining (i=-1)and one from the end(j=a.length). increment i and put the even numbers and decrement j to put the odd numbers. Once the iteration is complete, i would point to the last element of the even elements. Apply quick sort taking middle element as pivot(ie from 0 to i).
Suggestion one: Pass linearly through the array and split it in two - even elements and odd elements. This takes Theta(n) time. As you are doing linear sweep and you check each element anyways you can find out which one is the biggest and which one is the smallest element. Then you can implement counting sort on the array of even integers. Counting sort examples:
Counting sort interactive
Counting sort video
Counting sort running time is O(n) amortised so your overall running time of the algorithm would be O(n).
Suggestion two: If you wish to use quicksort, threat every odd value as + infinity and it would naturally go at the end of the list, without comparing. If you happen to choose odd pivot, just put it at the end, and try again. I suggest using random pivot rather than first/last.
As #zerocool suggested, implemented by code:
private static int medianEven(int [] arr){
int i=-1, j=arr.length; int temp=0; int w=0;
while ((w<j)){
if (arr[w]%2==0){
return i;
after that, called quickSort method from arr[0] to arr[i]:
Thank you for the advice.

UVa 10134: Is Bigger Smarter? (Dynamic programming and longest increasing subsequence)

private void findLDS() {
Integer[] array = Arrays.copyOf(,;
Hashtable<Integer, Integer> eq = elephants.elephantiqs;
Integer[] lds = new Integer[array.length];
Integer[] prev= new Integer[array.length];
lds[0] = 0;
prev[0] = 0;
int maxlds = 1, ending=0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
lds[i] = 1;
prev[i] = -1;
for (int j = i; j >= 0; --j) {
if(lds[j] + 1 > lds[i] && array[j] > array[i] && eq.get(array[j]) < eq.get(array[i])) {
lds[i] = lds[j]+1;
prev[i] = j;
if(lds[i] > maxlds) {
ending = i;
maxlds = lds[i];
for(int i = ending; i >= 0; --i) {
if(prev[i] != -1) {
I have based this algorithm on this SO question. This code is trying to find longest decreasing subsequence instead of increasing. array[] is sorted in descending order, and I also have a hashtable with the elephants IQ's as keys for their weights.
I'm having a hard time properly understanding DP, and I need some help.
My algorithm seems to work fine besides tracking the chosen sequence in prev[], where it always misses one element. Does anyone know how to do this?
A few ways to approach this one:
Sort by weight in decreasing order, then find the longest increasing subsequence.
Sort by IQ in decreasing order, then find the longest increasing subsequence of weights.
and 4. are just (1) and (2), switching the words "increasing" and "decreasing"
If you don't understand the DP for longest increasing subsequence O(N^2), it's basically this:
Since the list has to be strictly increasing/decreasing anyway, you can just eliminate some elephants beforehand to make the set unique.
Create an array, which I will call llis standing for "Longest Increasing Subsequence", of length N, the number of elephants there now are. Create another array called last with the same length. I will assume the sorted list of elephants is called array as it is in your problem statement.
Assuming that you've already sorted the elephants in decreasing order, you will want to find the longest increasing subsequence of IQs.
Tell yourself that the element in the array llis at index n (this is a different "n") < N will be the length of the longest increasing subsequence for the sub-array of array from index 0 to n, inclusive. Also say that the element in the next array at index n will be the next index in array in the longest increasing subsequence.
Therefore, finding the length of the longest increasing subsequence in the "sub-array" of 0 to N - 1 inclusive, which is also the whole array, would only require you to find the N - 1 th element in the array llis after the DP calculations, and finding the actual subsequence would simplify to following the indices in the next array.
Now that you know what you're looking for, you can proceed with the algorithm. At index n in the array, how do you know what the longest increasing subsequence is? Well, if you've calculated the length of the longest increasing subsequence and the last value in the subsequences for every k < n, you can try adding the elephant at index n to the longest increasing subsequence ending at k if the IQ of the elephant n is higher than the IQ of the elephant at k. In this case, the length of the longest increasing subsequence ending at elephant n would be llis[k] + 1. (Also, remember to set next[k] to be n, since the next elephant in the increasing subsequence will be the one at n.)
We've found the DP relation that llis[n] = max(llis[n], llis[k] + 1), after going through all k s that come strictly before n. Just process the n s in the right order (linearly) and you should get the correct result.
Procedure/warnings: 1) Process n in order from 0 to N - 1. 2) For every n, process k in order from n - 1 to 0 because you want to minimize the k that you choose. 3) After you're done processing, make sure to find the maximum number in the array llis to get your final result.
Since this is tagged as homework, I won't explicitly say how to modify this to find the longest decreasing subsequence, but I hope my explanation has helped with your understanding of DP. It should be easy to figure out the decreasing version on your own, if you choose to use it. (Note that this problem can be solved using the increasing version, as described in approaches 1 or 2.)
