iOS style shadow for Android? - java

I am a student and is beginner to Android app development. Also, I specifically aim for a great UI/UX that will contribute a lot in my project.
Does anyone know how to implement this iOS shadow style for Android app (preferably java)? Like the shadow is a blurred version of the ImageView (or any other view). A third-party library could help as well.
Image reference:
Apple Music now playing screen

To set the default (resting) elevation of a view, use the android:elevation attribute in the XML layout. To set the elevation of a view in the code of an activity, use the View.setElevation() method.
Here is the material design documentation for the functionality


How to implement slider view with tabs in custom keyboard or input method service

I'm working on a android keyboard app. The only problem I couldn't get around is slider tabbed view like this:
I don't know how to implement tabs with view pager in an input method service. It's fairly easy to do with activities and fragments but no idea about how to get it done in a custom keyboard.
Can anyone point me in right direction?
Is there any available library for this or a nice hack?
I'd really appreciate your help at this point.
For implementing sliding tabs with ViewPager you can refer this link or in Android studio you can select from samples available while creating a new Activity.
If you want to add library support for it you can implement this library.
Mind the min sdk version of the library to avoid any trouble in future.

How to create a horizontally scrollable header in Android Studio?

guys I am developing an Android Studio, and I would like to create a scrollabe header, a similar one that this app has: Donald Trump Soundboard.
Do you know any lectures on youtube or anywhere where I can learn a required skills to create such a header?
If you want to have a scrollable Tab Layout, I have created an android library that does just that. It has custom animations too if you're into that. You can take a look here
and see if it suits your purpose.
I just saw the app, the one you are talking about is swipe​ view. The tabs are not fix rather it moves. It has been asked here( How to make scrollable tab in Android? )

Android Studio automatically changes button style. Why?

I just developed an app on Android Studio and I used normal default grey button of kitkat. But some time later I made a copy of that app (to make another project) and now in this copied app, new buttons as well as those old buttons are shown with some different style. I am confused as to where I got that new style. It looks cool but I don't want to lose it as automatically as I got it.
I am attaching an image, this will show the changes in design.
Either you are using Theme.Material or Theme.AppCompat, or something that inherits from those (e.g., Theme.AppCompat.Light), as the basis for your app's theme. Or, you have no theme, and you are running on an Android 5.0+ device, and so you get Theme.Material by default.
Both Theme.Material and Theme.AppCompat (the latter in conjunction with AppCompatActivity and the rest of the appcompat-v7 library) aim to implement the Material Design aesthetic, and Material Design says that button captions are in all caps.
add this line in style
<item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>

Using the camera inside an Android app

I want to create an Android app which uses a camera, but I don't want the app to redirect to the default camera app on the device.
I want a custom-made camera app specifically for the app. How do I implement it?
Here is a nice tutorial to accomplish it.
Camera Integration with Surface View
You can make your custom changes on the SurfaceView according to your requirements.
Look into this tutorial
Link 2
you can use SurfaceView Fragment.
I used to get custom camera done.
The library #commonsware made, great library with great documentation and support.

Android View similar to Google's Youtube app?

I know that Android's Youtube app is not open source, but I pulled apart the apk with apktool and found that they have a class, YoutubeListView used frequently in their app. Is there already an open source implementation of the Youtube Player Activity's title/ fling view/ layout? I know of similar views like Joao Machete's FlingAndScrollViewer, but I need it to be rigge to a title menu and work as smoothly as that on the Youtube app. If there is no open source implementation, either how hard would it be to convince Google to release just that component's source, or to implement it myself?
Btw, the footer in this layout is what I am talking about. It has titles like Info & Related videos that can be clicked and it scrolls to them, and it can be scrolled left and right.
I've come to the conclusion that there is no such view. It would be best to make my own custom layout.
