how do i go about populating my board with game counters? - java

so far i was able to make a board composed of tiles using jlabels. the next step of the game is for players Red and Blue, to take turns selecting a planet (by clicking on a planet tile) they initially control. once a player clicks on a planet, a meeple counter should be placed on top of that tile planet.
the array data for the planets should also be updated so the owner of the planet be known. right now, i have no idea how to link my jlabel tiles with my variables.
if you can point me to the right direction, it will be much appreciated. thanks.
package SpaceBattle;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.Random;
//import javax.smartcardio.Card;
import javax.swing.*;
public class spacebattle2 extends JFrame {
JLabel[] tilelabel = new JLabel[31];
JLabel[] hexlabel = new JLabel[31];
ImageIcon tileicon, hexicon;
int rownum, colnum;
int c, r, xloc, yloc, hexctr, tilectr;
int energy, ore, capacity;
String labelname;
String type;
int numtiles = 31;
int deckctr = 26;
String[] tiledeck = new String[numtiles];
int[] tilexloc = new int[numtiles];
int[] tileyloc = new int[numtiles];
int tileenergy[] = new int[numtiles];
int tileore[] = new int[numtiles];
int tilecapacity[] = new int[numtiles];
String tiletype[] = new String[numtiles];
String tilename[] = new String[numtiles];
int tilemeeple[] = new int[numtiles];
String[] hexnum = new String[numtiles];
int[] hexxloc = new int[numtiles];
int[] hexyloc = new int[numtiles];
String[] hexempty = new String[numtiles];
int hexenergy[] = new int[numtiles];
int hexore[] = new int[numtiles];
int hexcapacity[] = new int[numtiles];
String hextype[] = new String[numtiles];
String hexname[] = new String[numtiles];
String hexplayer[] = new String[numtiles];
String[] players = new String[6];
String playerturn;
int startingplanets = 2;
int bluemaxplanet = startingplanets;
int redmaxplanet = startingplanets;
int numplanets = 7;
int numspace = 24;
int nonplayertiles = numplanets + numspace;
String planetCode;
String planetselected = "none";
String player = "Red";
int i;
public spacebattle2() {
private void selectPlanet() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
for(i = 0; i < numtiles; i++) {
tilelabel[i].addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void shuffleDeck() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("shuffling deck...");
Random r = new Random();
int swapIndex;
String temp;
for(int startIndex = 0; startIndex < numtiles; startIndex++) {
System.out.println(startIndex + " startIndex " + tiledeck[startIndex]);
swapIndex = r.nextInt(numtiles);
System.out.println(swapIndex + " swapIndex " + tiledeck[swapIndex]);
if(swapIndex != startIndex) {
temp = tiledeck[swapIndex];
tiledeck[swapIndex] = tiledeck[startIndex];
System.out.println("Moving " + startIndex + " " + tiledeck[startIndex] + " startIndex to " + swapIndex + " swapIndex");
tiledeck[startIndex] = temp;
System.out.println("Moving " + temp + " temp to " + startIndex + " startIndex");
private void createDeck() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int s, p, xloc = 667, yloc = 10;
* Create Space tiles
System.out.println("creating space tiles...");
tilectr = 0;
for(s= 0; s < numspace; s++) {
tiledeck[tilectr] = "000";
System.out.println(tilectr + " " + tiledeck[tilectr]);
* Create Planet tiles
System.out.println("creating planet tiles...");
for(p = 0; p < numplanets; p++) {
energy = (int) (Math.random()*3 + 1);
ore = (int) (Math.random()*3 +1);
capacity = (int) (Math.random()*3 +1);
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
String planetCode = stringBuffer.toString();
tiledeck[tilectr] = planetCode;
System.out.println(tilectr + " " + tiledeck[tilectr]);
private void drawBoard() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int xloc = 10;
int yloc = 61;
int hexctr = 0;
int colnum = 7;
int rownum = 4;
xloc = 10;
yloc = 61;
hexctr = 0;
colnum = 7;
rownum = 4;
int row = 0, col = 0, numtiles = 31;
for(int c = 0; c < numtiles; c ++) {
if(tiledeck[c] == "000") {
System.out.println(c + " " + tiledeck[c] + " tile is space");
tileenergy[c] = 0;
tileore[c] = 0;
tilecapacity[c] = 0;
tiletype[c] = "space";
tilename[c] = "space";
tileicon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/000.png"));
tilelabel[c] = new JLabel();
tilelabel[c].setBounds(xloc, yloc, 115, 100);
yloc = yloc + 102;
if(row == rownum) {
xloc = xloc + 88;
row = 0;
if(col % 2 == 0) {
yloc = 61;
rownum = rownum - 1;
else {
yloc = 10;
rownum = rownum + 1;
else {
System.out.println(c + " " + tiledeck[c] + " tile is planet");
tileenergy[c] = Integer.parseInt(tiledeck[c].substring(0, 1));
tileore[c] = Integer.parseInt(tiledeck[c].substring(1, 2));
tilecapacity[c] = Integer.parseInt(tiledeck[c].substring(2, 3));
tiletype[c] = "planet";
tilemeeple[c] = 0;
tileicon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/" + tiledeck[c] + ".png"));
tilelabel[c] = new JLabel();
tilelabel[c].setBounds(xloc, yloc, 115, 100);
yloc = yloc + 102;
if(row == rownum) {
xloc = xloc + 88;
row = 0;
if(col % 2 == 0) {
yloc = 61;
rownum = rownum - 1;
else {
yloc = 10;
rownum = rownum + 1;
private Object i(int numtiles2, int i) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
spacebattle2 board = new spacebattle2();
board.setSize(900, 600);
board.setTitle("Space Battle");
}//End void main

I suggest restructuring the program to use a "tile" class to hold all the information related to a given tile. It can also be helpful to have a "tile manager" class that knows about the collection of tiles and how they relate to one another.
Here is what a tile class might look like for your program. I have tried not to change any functionality, only to reorganize things. You should be able to match everything up with your original program.
class TileInfo {
TileManager manager;
public JLabel label = new JLabel();
public JLabel hexlabel = new JLabel();
int xloc;
int yloc;
int energy;
int ore;
int capacity;
String type;
String name;
int meeple;
String hexnum;
int hexxloc;
int hexyloc;
String hexempty;
// etc...
public TileInfo(Icon tileicon, int x, int y, TileManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
label.setBounds(x, y, 115, 100);
label.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
You can then extend this base class for "space" and "planet" tiles:
class SpaceTile extends TileInfo {
public SpaceTile(Icon icon, int x, int y, TileManager manager) {
super(icon, x, y, manager);
energy = 0;
ore = 0;
capacity = 0;
type = "space";
name = "space";
class PlanetTile extends TileInfo {
public PlanetTile(Icon icon, int x, int y,
int energy, int ore, int capacity, TileManager manager) {
super(icon, x, y, manager); = energy;
this.ore = ore;
this.capacity = capacity;
type = "planet";
meeple = 0;
The subclasses are not strictly necessary in your example, but tile construction is slightly different in each case and this helps keep them straight.
Each TileInfo creates its own mouse listener, but passes the events up to the tile manager. The tile manager acts like a container and holds the array:
class TileManager {
public int numtiles;
public TileInfo[] tile;
public String tiledeck[];
public TileManager(int numtiles) {
this.numtiles = numtiles;
this.tile = new TileInfo[numtiles];
this.tiledeck = new String[numtiles];
System.out.printf("TileManager(%d): tile[%d]\n", numtiles, numtiles);
public void clickedTile(TileInfo tile) {
if (tile instanceof SpaceTile) {
System.out.println("clicked space tile " + tile.label.getBounds());
} else if (tile instanceof PlanetTile) {
System.out.println("clicked planet tile " + tile.label.getBounds());
Notice now you only need a single array. TileManager could override ArrayList if you like that better; I wanted to stick as closely as possible to your original program. The clickedTile() method handles mouse clicks on tiles, but since it is in the tile manager it can see all the tiles instead of just one. If, for example, you want to de-select tile A when you click on tile B, you need to be able to see both tiles.
Having a separate tile manager is not strictly necessary; you could leave this functionality in the spacebattle2 class. I like to have a manager class to separate the functionality of creating, manipulating, and drawing groups of tiles, separate from gameplay. It acts sort of like a "tile library".
Finally, how this all fits into your main class. Lots of code omitted for clarity.
public class spacebattle2 extends JFrame {
TileManager tiles = new TileManager(31);
// didn't change anything except tiledeck[] now lives inside tiles
// this method could be moved into the TileManager
private void shuffleDeck() {
for(int startIndex = 0; startIndex < tiles.numtiles; startIndex++) {
swapIndex = r.nextInt(tiles.numtiles);
if(swapIndex != startIndex) {
temp = tiles.tiledeck[swapIndex];
tiles.tiledeck[swapIndex] = tiles.tiledeck[startIndex];
tiles.tiledeck[startIndex] = temp;
void createTile(String deck, int xloc, int yloc) {
tileicon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/" + deck + ".png"));
if (deck.equals("000")) {
tiles.tile[c] = new SpaceTile(tileicon, xloc, yloc, tiles);
} else {
int energy = Integer.parseInt(deck.substring(0, 1));
int ore = Integer.parseInt(deck.substring(1, 2));
int capacity = Integer.parseInt(deck.substring(2, 3));
tiles.tile[c] = new PlanetTile(tileicon, xloc, yloc, 0, 0, 0, tiles);
private void drawBoard() {
/* ... */
for(int c = 0; c < tiles.numtiles; c ++) {
createTile(tiles.tiledeck[c], xloc, yloc);
yloc = yloc + 102;
if(row == rownum) {
xloc = xloc + 88;
row = 0;
if(col % 2 == 0) {
yloc = 61;
rownum = rownum - 1;
} else {
yloc = 10;
rownum = rownum + 1;
The loop in drawBoard() is simplified; it had a lot of duplicate code, so I factored that out and added a createTile() method to create the two types of tile.
Thare are still improvements that could be made. I would not consider a public array with public TileInfo variables to be ideal as a way to accessing your data, but did not want to change it so much that it is unrecognizable.
This is not meant to be a final design, but to suggest a way to organize the code in a way that will make it easier to work with, and also answer your question about how to associate data with tiles.


Creating new levels

As a beginner in Java, I'm working on a project of Space Invaders. Looking to add more levels.
private void LevelInit() {
aliens = new ArrayList<>();
int currentLevel = 1;
if (currentLevel == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var alien = new Alien(Constants.ALIEN_INIT_X + 18 * j, Constants.ALIEN_INIT_Y + 18 * i);
else if (currentLevel == 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var alien = new Alien(Constants.ALIEN_INIT_X + 18 * j, Constants.ALIEN_INIT_Y + 18 * i);
// System.out.println(currentLevel);
else if (currentLevel == 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
var alien = new Alien(Constants.ALIEN_INIT_X + 18 * j, Constants.ALIEN_INIT_Y + 18 * i);
player = new Player();
bullet = new Bullet();
This function is the logic behind the code that initializes the game and gets called by the constructor. The simple way of adding levels is adding more Aliens.
This is how it looks after being updated from yesterday, levels are being added but the arraylists are being stuck together. Like the 12 - 16 - 24 aliens are together printed, some spaceships take 1 hit some 2 and some 3 and when they are all destroyed system give message of You passed level 1 and 2 and 3 together which is confusing me why are they bound together like that and not being passed.
And I can't figure it out. Also,
private void update() {
if (deaths == 12) {
inGame = false;
message = "Next Level!";
// player
// shot
if (bullet.isVisible()) {
int shotX = bullet.getX();
int shotY = bullet.getY();
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
int alienX = alien.getX();
int alienY = alien.getY();
if (alien.isVisible() && bullet.isVisible()) {
if (shotX >= (alienX)
&& shotX <= (alienX + Constants.ALIEN_WIDTH)
&& shotY >= (alienY)
&& shotY <= (alienY + Constants.ALIEN_HEIGHT)) {
var ii = new ImageIcon(explImg);
int y = bullet.getY();
y -= 4;
if (y < 0) {
} else {
// aliens
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
int x = alien.getX();
if (x >= Constants.BOARD_WIDTH - Constants.BORDER_RIGHT && direction != -1) {
direction = -1;
for(Alien a2 : aliens) {
a2.setY(a2.getY() + Constants.GO_DOWN);
if (x <= Constants.BORDER_LEFT && direction != 1) {
direction = 1;
for(Alien a : aliens) {
a.setY(a.getY() + Constants.GO_DOWN);
for(Alien alien : aliens) {
if (alien.isVisible()) {
int y = alien.getY();
if (y > Constants.GROUND - Constants.ALIEN_HEIGHT) {
inGame = false;
message = "Invasion!";
// bombs
var generator = new Random();
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
int shot = generator.nextInt(15);
Alien.Bomb bomb = alien.getBomb();
if (shot == Constants.CHANCE && alien.isVisible() && bomb.isDestroyed()) {
int bombX = bomb.getX();
int bombY = bomb.getY();
int playerX = player.getX();
int playerY = player.getY();
if (player.isVisible() && !bomb.isDestroyed()) {
if (bombX >= (playerX)
&& bombX <= (playerX + Constants.PLAYER_WIDTH)
&& bombY >= (playerY)
&& bombY <= (playerY + Constants.PLAYER_HEIGHT)) {
var ii = new ImageIcon(explImg);
if (!bomb.isDestroyed()) {
bomb.setY(bomb.getY() + 1);
if (bomb.getY() >= Constants.GROUND - Constants.BOMB_HEIGHT) {
This function is to update the game whenever anything happens. The code is made from a bunch of YouTube videos and GitHubs, so excuse the copying if you see any.
I need to create new levels by simply adding more aliens, tried using a for loop but that resulted in either the aliens move faster or the bullet doesn't destroy an alien, it just hits.
Board class:
public class Board extends JPanel {
private Dimension d;
private List<Alien> aliens;
private Player player;
private Bullet bullet;
private int level;
private int direction = -1;
private int deaths = 0;
private boolean inGame = true;
private String explImg = "src/images/explosion.png";
private String message = "Game Over";
private Timer timer;
public Board() {
private void initBoard() {
addKeyListener(new TAdapter());
d = new Dimension(Constants.BOARD_WIDTH, Constants.BOARD_HEIGHT);
timer = new Timer(Constants.DELAY, new GameCycle());
private void gameInit() {
aliens = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var alien = new Alien(Constants.ALIEN_INIT_X + 18 * j,
Constants.ALIEN_INIT_Y + 18 * i);
player = new Player();
bullet = new Bullet();
private void LevelInit() {
inGame = true;
int level = 1;
if (aliens.isEmpty()) {
int AlienCount;if(level == 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
var alien = new Alien(Constants.ALIEN_INIT_X + 18 * j, Constants.ALIEN_INIT_Y + 18 * i);
} else if (level == 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
var alien = new Alien(Constants.ALIEN_INIT_X + 18 * j, Constants.ALIEN_INIT_Y + 18 * i);
player = new Player();
bullet = new Bullet();
private void drawAliens(Graphics g) {
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
if (alien.isVisible()) {
g.drawImage(alien.getImage(), alien.getX(), alien.getY(), this);
if (alien.isDying()) {
private void drawPlayer(Graphics g) {
if (player.isVisible()) {
g.drawImage(player.getImage(), player.getX(), player.getY(), this);
if (player.isDying()) {
inGame = false;
private void drawShot(Graphics g) {
if (bullet.isVisible()) {
g.drawImage(bullet.getImage(), bullet.getX(), bullet.getY(), this);
private void drawBombing(Graphics g) {
for (Alien a : aliens) {
Alien.Bomb b = a.getBomb();
if (!b.isDestroyed()) {
g.drawImage(b.getImage(), b.getX(), b.getY(), this);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
private void doDrawing(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
if (inGame) {
g.drawLine(0, Constants.GROUND,
Constants.BOARD_WIDTH, Constants.GROUND);
} else {
if (timer.isRunning()) {
private void gameOver(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(0, 0, Constants.BOARD_WIDTH, Constants.BOARD_HEIGHT);
g.setColor(new Color(0, 32, 48));
g.fillRect(50, Constants.BOARD_WIDTH / 2 - 30, Constants.BOARD_WIDTH - 100, 50);
g.drawRect(50, Constants.BOARD_WIDTH / 2 - 30, Constants.BOARD_WIDTH - 100, 50);
var small = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 14);
var fontMetrics = this.getFontMetrics(small);
g.drawString(message, (Constants.BOARD_WIDTH - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2,
Constants.BOARD_WIDTH / 2);
private void update() {
if (deaths == aliens.size()) {
inGame = false;
message = "Next Level!";
// player
// shot
if (bullet.isVisible()) {
int shotX = bullet.getX();
int shotY = bullet.getY();
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
int alienX = alien.getX();
int alienY = alien.getY();
if (alien.isVisible() && bullet.isVisible()) {
if (shotX >= (alienX)
&& shotX <= (alienX + Constants.ALIEN_WIDTH)
&& shotY >= (alienY)
&& shotY <= (alienY + Constants.ALIEN_HEIGHT)) {
var ii = new ImageIcon(explImg);
int y = bullet.getY();
y -= 4;
if (y < 0) {
} else {
// aliens
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
int x = alien.getX();
if (x >= Constants.BOARD_WIDTH - Constants.BORDER_RIGHT && direction != -1) {
direction = -1;
Iterator<Alien> i1 = aliens.iterator();
while (i1.hasNext()) {
Alien a2 =;
a2.setY(a2.getY() + Constants.GO_DOWN);
if (x <= Constants.BORDER_LEFT && direction != 1) {
direction = 1;
Iterator<Alien> i2 = aliens.iterator();
while (i2.hasNext()) {
Alien a =;
a.setY(a.getY() + Constants.GO_DOWN);
Iterator<Alien> it = aliens.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Alien alien =;
if (alien.isVisible()) {
int y = alien.getY();
if (y > Constants.GROUND - Constants.ALIEN_HEIGHT) {
inGame = false;
message = "Invasion!";
// bombs
var generator = new Random();
for (Alien alien : aliens) {
int shot = generator.nextInt(15);
Alien.Bomb bomb = alien.getBomb();
if (shot == Constants.CHANCE && alien.isVisible() && bomb.isDestroyed()) {
int bombX = bomb.getX();
int bombY = bomb.getY();
int playerX = player.getX();
int playerY = player.getY();
if (player.isVisible() && !bomb.isDestroyed()) {
if (bombX >= (playerX)
&& bombX <= (playerX + Constants.PLAYER_WIDTH)
&& bombY >= (playerY)
&& bombY <= (playerY + Constants.PLAYER_HEIGHT)) {
var ii = new ImageIcon(explImg);
if (!bomb.isDestroyed()) {
bomb.setY(bomb.getY() + 1);
if (bomb.getY() >= Constants.GROUND - Constants.BOMB_HEIGHT) {
private void doGameCycle() {
private class GameCycle implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
private class TAdapter extends KeyAdapter {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
int x = player.getX();
int y = player.getY();
int key = e.getKeyCode();
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
if (inGame) {
if (!bullet.isVisible()) {
bullet = new Bullet(x, y);
As #JoachimSauer mentioned, your code needs refactoring. Here is one possible solution to your problem.
You will need two extra variables and one extra method.
1: int currentLevel - keeps track of the current level
2: boolean isLevelOver - keeps track if the current level is still active or not
private void levelInit(int currentlevel)
aliens = new ArrayList<>();
int alienCount = //calculate alien count depending upon the current level
//Add aliens to aliens ArrayList
player = new Player();
bullet = new Bullet();
You have to provide implementation of how alienCount will be calculated depending upon currentLevel. The nested loop you used earlier to add aliens to aliens will also change. You have to make the loop dependent upon currentLevel.
Few of your methods will require some change.
public Board()
private void initBoard()
addKeyListener(new TAdapter());
d = new Dimension(Constants.BOARD_WIDTH, Constants.BOARD_HEIGHT);
timer = new Timer(Constants.DELAY, new GameCycle());
private void update()
if (deaths == aliens.size())
isLevelOver = true;
message = "Next Level!";
private void doGameCycle()
if (isLevelOver)
isLevelOver = false;
This is one of the possible ways to achieve what you want. There
might be other ways, probably better, but this is what I came up
I tried to find as many additions and updation required in your code. However, I do not know its structure, you do. So there might be more additions or changes required.
I noticed you are were calling gameInit() in initBoard() and then again in Board() constructor. I think that might be unnecessary, please look into it.
You made one call to timer.stop() after setting isGame = false. This again might be unnecessary since you are already doing so inside doDrawing(...). Please also check that.
You should probably set a limit to either the levelCount() or max alien that can be on the screen since if you just keep on adding more aliens in each new level, they might fill up the entire screen.
I have provided many hints which should help you in your problem. If you still face any more problems or someone finds anything wrong with the answer, please comment.

How to update the position of snakes and ladders in an 2D array code?

public class ChutesAndLadders2d {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int[][] numbersOnBoard = new int [6][6];
boardSetUpA (numbersOnBoard);
public static void boardSetUpA (int[][]twoD) {
//Square with even size
//even rows
for (int row = 0;row<twoD.length; row ++) {
if (row %2 ==0) {
int num = twoD.length*(twoD.length-row);
for (int col = 0; col<twoD[row].length; col ++ ) {
twoD[row][col] = num;
else {
int num = twoD.length*(twoD.length-(row + 1))+ 1;
for (int col = 0; col<twoD[row].length; col ++ ) {
twoD[row][col] = num;
}//for row
public static void printTwoD(int [][] array){
for (int row = 0; row < array.length; row++){
for (int column = 0; column < array[row].length; column++){
System.out.print(array[row][column] + "\t");
public static void boardDetails(String[][]board) {
for (int row = 0;row<board.length; row++){
for (int col = 0;col<board[row].length; col++){
if( col+2 == row||col+1 == row*2 ){
board[row][col] = "Lad"; // Append value
else if (col*2 == row|| row*2 == col){
board[row][col] = "Cht";// Append value
else {
board[row][col] = " ";
board[board.length-1][0] = "Start";
if (board.length%2 ==0) {
board[0][0] = "End";}
else {
public static void printBoard (int[][]twoD, String[][]strTwoD) {
for (int row = 0;row<twoD.length;row++) {
for (int col = 0;col<twoD[row].length;col++) {
System.out.print(twoD[row][col] + " "+strTwoD[row][col]+"\t\t");
This is the starter code I have for setting up the snakes and ladders game. I also tried to set the chutes/snakes and ladders on the board but it is not printing. How should I fix it and how do I develop this code to have three methods: update the moves of a player once he reaches a snake, a ladder, and once he rolls his die, from one place to another?
Is it possible to implement a Shutes & Ladders game using a 2D Array? For sure! Does that make sense in an object-oriented language such as Java? I dont know ....
What do you need for that?
A square board with e.g. 36 playing fields.
Connections between two playing fields. (shutes and ladders)
Pawns and a dice.
A renderer that outputs the playing field (as text or graphics).
A program that allows input and connects everything to a functioning game.
Here is an example that works with a List instead of an Array. That can certainly be changed if it is necessary for your purposes.
I hope this is of some help to you.
P.S .: After the start, the board is displayed with field numbers. Shutes are shown as red lines. Ladders as green lines. Keys 1-6 on the keyboard simulate rolling the dice..
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ChutesAndLadders2d {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Chutes and Ladders 2D");
Game game = new ChutesAndLadders2d().new Game();
game.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
class Game extends JPanel{
private final Font defaultFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 16);
private final BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(4f);
private static final int SCALE = 64;
// board and pawns
private final Board board = new Board(6);
private final List<Pawn> pawns = new ArrayList<>();
public Game(){
setFocusable(true); // receive Keyboard-Events
addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
char c = e.getKeyChar();
if(c >= '1' && c <= '6'){
int steps = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(c));
Pawn pawn = pawns.get(0);
Field field = board.get(pawn.fieldIndex);
if(field.targetKind() != Kind.NONE){
pawn.move(field.getTarget().index - field.index);
board.connect(5, 12); // Ladder 5 -> 12
board.connect(8, 4); // Shute 8 -> 4
board.connect(15, 32); // Ladder 15 -> 32
board.connect(35, 17); // Shute 35 -> 17
board.connect(23, 30); // Ladder 23 -> 30
pawns.add(new Pawn(Color.BLUE, board.size() - 1));
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
for(Field field : board){
Point p = field.getLocation();
g2d.drawRect(p.x * SCALE, p.y * SCALE, SCALE, SCALE);
g2d.drawString(field.text, p.x * SCALE + 24, p.y * SCALE + 40);
for(Field field : board){
if(field.targetKind() != Kind.NONE){
g2d.setColor(field.targetKind() == Kind.LADDER ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED);
Point source = field.getLocation();
Point target = field.getTarget().getLocation();
g2d.drawLine(source.x * SCALE + 40, source.y * SCALE + 24, target.x * SCALE + 40, target.y * SCALE + 24);
for(Pawn pawn : pawns){
Point loc = board.get(pawn.fieldIndex).getLocation();
g2d.fillOval(loc.x * SCALE + 32, loc.y * SCALE + 32, 16, 16);
class Board implements Iterable<Field>{
private final List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
public Board(int size){
for(int index = 0; index < size * size; index++)
fields.add(new Field(index, size));
public Field get(int index){
return fields.get(index);
public void connect(int startFieldnumber, int targetFieldnumber){
get(startFieldnumber - 1).setTarget(get(targetFieldnumber - 1));
public Iterator<Field> iterator() {
return fields.iterator();
public int size(){
return fields.size();
class Field{
final int index;
final String text;
final int size;
private Field target;
public Field(int index, int size){
this.index = index;
this.size = size;
text = "" + (index + 1);
public void setTarget(Field target){
if(target == this) return; = target;
public Field getTarget(){
return target;
public Kind targetKind(){
if(target == null) return Kind.NONE;
return index < target.index ? Kind.LADDER : Kind.SHUTE;
public Point getLocation(){
int x = index % size;
int y = index / size;
if(y % 2 != 0) x = size - x - 1;
return new Point(x, size - y - 1);
class Pawn{
int fieldIndex = 0;
int maxIndex;
Color color;
public Pawn(Color color, int maxIndex){
this.color = color;
this.maxIndex = maxIndex;
public void move(int steps){
fieldIndex += steps;
if(fieldIndex < 0) fieldIndex = 0;
if(fieldIndex > maxIndex) fieldIndex = maxIndex;
enum Kind{

Cannot get sprite to collide with map images (java)

I am creating a 2D game which the zombie moves with WASD keys and is supposed to collide with the walls and not enter them, as well as collide with the brains and removes them. Every type of code I have used does not create collision. I am using a zombie sprite sheet i found on google as well as 2 backgroundless images for walls and brains.
After I figure out collision, I then then to implement a autorun sequence to where it bounces around like a screensaver and does the same thing just automatically until all brains are collected.
The EZ is just a library that is utilized by UH Manoa, that can be found here: EZ Graphics
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ZombieMain {
static EZImage[] walls = new EZImage[500];
static EZImage[] sideWalls = new EZImage[500];
static EZImage[] brains = new EZImage[50];
static int wallsCount = 0;
static int sideWallsCount = 0;
static int brainsCount = 0;
/*public static void addWall(EZImage wall) {
walls[wallsCount] = wall;
public static void addCoin(EZImage brain) {
brains[brainsCount] = brain;
/*public static void CollisingCoin(EZImage me) {
int x = me.getXCenter();
int y = me.getYCenter();
for (int i = 0; i < brainsCount; i++) {
if ((brains[i].isPointInElement(me.getXCenter() - 30, me.getYCenter() - 30))
|| (brains[i].isPointInElement(me.getXCenter() + 30, me.getYCenter() - 30))
|| (brains[i].isPointInElement(me.getXCenter() - 30, me.getYCenter() + 30))
|| (brains[i].isPointInElement(me.getXCenter() + 30, me.getYCenter() + 30))) {
brains[i].translateTo(-20, -20);
System.out.println("You ate a brain!");
public static void main(String[] args) throws {
//initialize scanner
Scanner fScanner = new Scanner(new FileReader("boundaries.txt"));
int w = fScanner.nextInt();
int h = fScanner.nextInt();
String inputText = fScanner.nextLine();
//create backdrop
EZ.setBackgroundColor(new Color(0, 0,0));
Zombie me = new Zombie("zombieSheet.png", 650, 450, 65, 63, 10);
//set reading parameters and establish results of case readings
int row = 0;
while(fScanner.hasNext()) {
inputText = fScanner.nextLine();
for (int column = 0; column < inputText.length(); column++){
char ch = inputText.charAt(column);
case 'W':
walls[wallsCount] = EZ.addImage("barbwire.jpg", column*32, row*32);
case 'M':
sideWalls[wallsCount] = EZ.addImage("barb.jpg", column*32, row*32);
case 'B':
brains[brainsCount] = EZ.addImage("brains.png", column*32, row*32);
// Do nothing
//printed count of walls, side walls, and brains
System.out.println("W = " + wallsCount);
System.out.println("M = " + sideWallsCount);
System.out.println("B = " + brainsCount);
while (true) {
// check if going to collide with wall
// we want to check this before we actually move
// otherwise, we get "stuck" in a situation where we can't move
// if no collision, we can move
/*if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('a')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, -2, 0)) {
me.translateBy(-2, 0);
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('d')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, 2, 0)) {
me.translateBy(2, 0);
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('w')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, 0, -2)) {
me.translateBy(0, -2);
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('s')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, 0, 2)) {
me.translateBy(0, 2);
public class Zombie {
EZImage zombieSheet;
int x = 0; // Position of Sprite
int y = 0;
int zombieWidth; // Width of each sprite
int zombieHeight; // Height of each sprite
int direction = 0; // Direction character is walking in
int walkSequence = 0; // Walk sequence counter
int cycleSteps; // Number of steps before cycling to next animation step
int counter = 0; // Cycle counter
Zombie(String imgFile, int startX, int startY, int width, int height, int steps) {
x = startX; // position of the sprite character on the screen
y = startY;
zombieWidth = width; // Width of the sprite character
zombieHeight = height; // Height of the sprite character
cycleSteps = steps; // How many pixel movement steps to move before changing the sprite graphic
zombieSheet = EZ.addImage(imgFile, x, y);
private void setImagePosition() {
// Move the entire sprite sheet
zombieSheet.translateTo(x, y);
// Show only a portion of the sprite sheet.
// Portion is determined by setFocus which takes 4 parameters:
// The 1st two numbers is the top left hand corner of the focus region.
// The 2nd two numbers is the bottom right hand corner of the focus region.
zombieSheet.setFocus(walkSequence * zombieWidth, direction, walkSequence * zombieWidth + zombieWidth, direction + zombieHeight);
public void moveDown(int stepSize) {
y = y + stepSize;
direction = 0;
if ((counter % cycleSteps) == 0) {
if (walkSequence > 6)
walkSequence = 0;
public void moveLeft(int stepSize) {
x = x - stepSize;
direction = zombieHeight * 2;
if ((counter % cycleSteps) == 0) {
if (walkSequence < 0)
walkSequence = 6;
public void moveRight(int stepSize) {
x = x + stepSize;
direction = zombieHeight;
if ((counter % cycleSteps) == 0) {
if (walkSequence > 6)
walkSequence = 0;
public void moveUp(int stepSize) {
y = y - stepSize;
direction = zombieHeight * 3;
if ((counter % cycleSteps) == 0) {
if (walkSequence < 0)
walkSequence = 6;
// Keyboard controls for moving the character.
public void go() {
if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('w')) {
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('a')) {
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('s')) {
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('d')) {
public void translateBy(int i, int j) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getXCenter() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return x;
public int getYCenter() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return y;
public int getWidth() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public int getHeight() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
EZElement provides a getBounds property, which returns a java.awt.Shape object; why is this important? Because the Java 2D Graphics API already provides some hit detection.
From this, we then need to determine the player shape's intersection with any other shapes. To do this, we need to wrap both shapes in a Area and use it to make the final determinations.
Area meArea = new Area(me.getBounds());
Area checkArea = new Area(elementToCheck.getBounds());
if (!checkArea.isEmpty()) {
//... We have collision
Obviously, this should all be wrapped up in some kind of method to handle the core functionality, but you could have a helper method which simply took two EZElements and return true/false if the collide
For brevity and testing, I stripped back your example, but the basic idea should continue to work
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class Test {
private List<EZImage> brains = new ArrayList<>(25);
private Zombie me;
public static void main(String[] args) throws {
new Test();
public Test() {
int w = 10;
int h = 10;
//create backdrop
EZ.initialize(w * 33, h * 32);
EZ.setBackgroundColor(new Color(0, 0, 0));
me = new Zombie("Zombie.png", 0, 0);
brains.add(EZ.addImage("Brains.png", (w * 33) / 2, (h * 32 / 2)));
while (true) {
// check if going to collide with wall
// we want to check this before we actually move
// otherwise, we get "stuck" in a situation where we can't move
// if no collision, we can move
/*if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('a')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, -2, 0)) {
me.translateBy(-2, 0);
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('d')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, 2, 0)) {
me.translateBy(2, 0);
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('w')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, 0, -2)) {
me.translateBy(0, -2);
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('s')) {
if (!isCollisingWall(me, 0, 2)) {
me.translateBy(0, 2);
public boolean doesCollide(EZElement element, EZElement with) {
Area a = new Area(element.getBounds());
Area b = new Area(with.getBounds());
return !a.isEmpty();
public void detectCollision() {
Iterator<EZImage> obstacles = brains.iterator();
while (obstacles.hasNext()) {
EZElement next =;
if (doesCollide(me.zombieSheet, next)) {
System.out.println("Me = " + me.getBounds().getBounds());
System.out.println("next = " + next.getBounds().getBounds());
public class Zombie {
EZImage zombieSheet;
int x = 0; // Position of Sprite
int y = 0;
Zombie(String imgFile, int startX, int startY) {
x = startX; // position of the sprite character on the screen
y = startY;
zombieSheet = EZ.addImage(imgFile, x, y);
public Shape getBounds() {
return zombieSheet.getBounds();
private void setImagePosition() {
// Move the entire sprite sheet
zombieSheet.translateTo(x, y);
public void moveDown(int stepSize) {
y = y + stepSize;
public void moveLeft(int stepSize) {
x = x - stepSize;
public void moveRight(int stepSize) {
x = x + stepSize;
public void moveUp(int stepSize) {
y = y - stepSize;
// Keyboard controls for moving the character.
public void go() {
if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('w')) {
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('a')) {
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('s')) {
} else if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown('d')) {
I would recommend that you give each entity (and block/tile) a collision box, then test if a specific entity's bounding box collided with another entity's bounding box, then make it so that the entities can't move in that direction until there isn't a bounding box in a direction, if that made any since.
Do the same for testing for the brains, though I recommend making an ArrayList of brains, and removing specific ones if that brain had been touched.

Grid line collision checking

Lately I've been working on a grid line detection system, I know that there was an algorithm out there that did excactly what I wanted it to do, but I'm that kind of person who wants to make stuff themselves. ;)
So I've had some succes when checking with 1 line, but now that I use a grid of 20x20 to check the lines it doesn't work anymore.
The problem is found somewhere in the collision class I made for this system.
Somehow the numbers get out of the grid array and I don't know why
here is the code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
* beschrijving
* #version 1.0 van 22-6-2016
* #author
public class gridline extends JApplet {
// Begin variabelen
int[][] grid = new int[20][20];
int[] light = new int[2];
int[][] line = new int[2][2];
// Einde variabelen
public void init() {
Container cp = getContentPane();
cp.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 600);
// Begin componenten
for (int a=0; a<20; a++) {
for (int b=0; b<20; b++) {
grid[a][b] = (int) (Math.random()*10);
} // end of for
} // end of for
line[0][0] = (int) (Math.random()*20);
line[0][1] = (int) (Math.random()*20);
line[1][0] = (int) (Math.random()*20);
line[1][1] = (int) (Math.random()*20);
light[0] = (int) (Math.random()*20);
light[1] = (int) (Math.random()*20);
// Einde componenten
} // end of init
//Custom classes
private boolean collide(int x1, int y1,int x2, int y2) {
boolean collide = true;
int tempx = x1 - x2;
int tempy = y1 - y2;
int sx = 0;
int sy = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
if (tempx == 0) {
tempx = 1;
sx = 1;
} // end of if
if (tempy == 0) {
tempy = 1;
sy = 1;
} // end of if
if (sx == 0) {
x = tempx + tempx/Math.abs(tempx);
} // end of if
else {
x = tempx;
} // end of if-else
if (sy == 0) {
y = tempy + tempy/Math.abs(tempy);
} // end of if
else {
y = tempy;
} // end of if-else
int absx = Math.abs(x);
int absy = Math.abs(y);
int nex = x/absx;
int ney = y/absy;
int off = 0;
float count = 0;
float step = 0;
if (absx != absy) {
if (absx == Math.min(absx,absy)) {
step = (float) absx/absy;
calc1: for (int a=0; a<absy; a++) {
count += step;
if (count > 1 && x1+off != x2) {
count -= 1;
off += nex;
} // end of if
if (grid[x1+off][y1+a*ney] == 9) {
collide = false;
break calc1;
} // end of if
} // end of for
} // end of if
step = (float) absy/absx;
calc2: for (int a=0; a<absx; a++) {
count += step;
if (count > 1 && y1+off != y2) {
count -= 1;
off += ney;
} // end of if
if (grid[x1+a*nex][y1+off] == 9) {
collide = false;
break calc2;
} // end of if
} // end of for
} // end of if
else {
calc3: for (int a=0; a<absx; a++) {
if (grid[x1+a*nex][y1+a*ney] == 9) {
collide = false;
break calc3;
} // end of if
} // end of for
} // end of if-else
return collide;
private int length(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1-x2,2)+Math.pow(y1-y2,2));
return (int) distance;
// Begin eventmethoden
public void paint (Graphics g){
boolean draw = true;
Color col;
for (int a=0; a<20; a++) {
for (int b=0; b<20; b++) {
draw = collide(a,b,light[0],light[1]);
if (draw) {
int len = Math.max(255-length(a*30+15,b*30+15,light[0]*30+15,light[1]*30+15),0);
col = new Color(len,len,len);
} // end of if
col = new Color(0,0,0);
} // end of for
} // end of for
// Einde eventmethoden
} // end of class gridline
I'll understand it if nobody wants to look through a code as big as this, but it could be helpful for your own projects and I'm completely okay with it if you copy and paste my code for your projects.
Many thanks in advace.

Parabolas within bounds

I have a JPanel 200x200.
I trying to create a function that will generate random parabola's with the bounds of the JPanel, with a constraint that the height can't be lower than a 100 (middle of the screen), I basically want to move a shape around these parabolas
Here is some code I'm using to get started:
Random random = new Random(); int y; int x;
int size = random.nextInt(10);
int translation = random.nextInt(50);
int height = random.nextInt(100) - 200; //between 100 and 200
//Parabola functions : y = ((x/7 - 30))^2
// x and y are coordiates of where the shape is drawn
while(y != 200){
y = (float)Math.pow((float)xloc / size - translation ,2) + height;
I've been researching about FlatteningPathIterator but not too sure how to use them. my function
y = (float)Math.pow((float)xloc / size - translation ,2) + height;`
prints parabola's sometimes outside the bounds, how would i edit it to print parabola's inside the bounds?
There is a Java Swing shape generator for this called Quad2dCurve. The getPathIterator call gives you an enumerator for points on the curve.
Here is some example code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;
final class TestCanvas extends JComponent {
int size = 200;
int n = 10;
float[] ph = new float[n];
float[] pw = new float[n];
float[] px = new float[n];
Random gen = new Random();
TestCanvas() {
addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
float [] coords = new float [6];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PathIterator pi = getQuadCurve(i).getPathIterator(null, 0.1);
System.out.print(i + ":");
while (!pi.isDone()) {
switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) {
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
System.out.print(" move to");
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
System.out.print(" line to");
System.out.print(" unexpected");
System.out.println(" (" + coords[0] + "," + coords[1]+")");;
QuadCurve2D.Float getQuadCurve(int i) {
return new QuadCurve2D.Float(px[i] - pw[i], size,
px[i], size - (2 * ph[i]),
px[i] + pw[i], size);
void makeRandomParabolas() {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
float x = 0.2f + 0.6f * gen.nextFloat();
px[i] = size * x;
pw[i] = size * (Math.min(x, 1 - x) * gen.nextFloat());
ph[i] = size * (0.5f + 0.5f * gen.nextFloat());
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g0) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
public class Main extends JFrame {
public Main() {
getContentPane().add(new TestCanvas());
getContentPane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Main().setVisible(true);
