In this code, I am trying to creating something like this-
public String KLYA_JSON_LookUp_MultiNode(String KLYA_To,String KLYA_DLRURL,String KLYA_To2) {
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("dlrurl", KLYA_DLRURL);
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
JSONObject Array_item = new JSONObject();
Array_item.put("to", KLYA_To);
Array_item.put("to", KLYA_To2);
jsonObj.put("lookup", array);
CreatedJson = jsonObj.toString();
return CreatedJson ;
{"lookup": [{
"to": "890XXXXXXX"
}, {
"to": "890XXXXXXX"
}], "dlrurl": ""
but I dont get as per the above comment, it ends up printing only one to in the array where as it should print two.
Array_item = new JSONObject();
between the two calls to Array_item.put.
So after Thomas and Petter's suggestion, I worked on it and this is how it got resolved.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
JSONObject Array_item = new JSONObject();
JSONObject NextArray_item = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("dlrurl", "url");
Array_item.put("to", "XXX");
jsonObj.put("lookup", array);
CreatedJson = jsonObj.toString();
I'm currently trying to parse some JSON in my android application but I keep getting an error saying "No value for users"
This is the current code I am using:
JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(finalJSON);
JSONObject childObject = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(parentObject));
JSONArray parentArray = childObject.getJSONArray("users");
JSONObject finalObject = parentArray.getJSONObject(0);
String userName = finalObject.getString("username");
String profileLink = finalObject.getString("profileimage");
Log.d("JSON", String.valueOf(finalObject));
return profileimage+ " - " + profileLink ;
and here is my JSON:
"reply": {
"users": [
"userid": "001",
"loggedIn": 1,
"username": "joe.bloggs",
"profileimage": "",
"realname": "Joe Bloggs",
Thanks in advance!
You forgot the reply level.
Here is what you should do.
JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(finalJSON);
JSONArray userArray = parentObject
JSONObject finalObject = userArray.getJSONObject(0);
you can't take new object for object inside object.
you have to do this for parse object inside object.
JSONObject object1 = new JSONObject(finalJSON);
JSONObject object2 = object1.getJSONObject("reply");
JSONArray jsonArray = object2.getJSONArray("users");
JSONObject object3 = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);
try the following:
JSONObject root = null;
try {
root = new JSONObject("reply");
JSONArray childArray = root.getJSONArray("users");
String userName = childArray.getString(0);
} catch (JSONException e) {
This is very simple one but struggeling. help me out of this.
I am having a json data { "abc":"test","bed":"cot","help":"me"}
I want to convert above jsonObject into JSON ARRAY like [{ "abc":"test","bed":"cot","help":"me"}]
JSONObject obj= new JSONObject(str.toString());
Iterator x = obj.keys();
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (x.hasNext()) {
for(int i=0;i<obj.length();i++) {"=============");
String key = (String);
I am getting only values. Please help me solve this.
Directly put JsonObject i.e. obj into jsonArray
//result is [{ "abc":"test","bed":"cot","help":"me"}]
Final code
JSONObject obj= new JSONObject(str);
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
//simply put obj into jsonArray
//result is [{ "abc":"test","bed":"cot","help":"me"}]
It works for me.
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result.toString());
JSONArray arr = obj.getJSONArray("value");
I have to make a file in JSON format which must look like the following:
"imagelist": "/oracle/public/oel6",
"label": "test_higgs",
"shape": "small",
"name" : "/Compute-computecli1/computeadmin/",
"networking" : {
"eth0" : {
"ipnetwork" : "/Compute-computecli1/computeadmin/ipnet"
The array should be added in the JSON file without {}, and these curly brackets have to come inside the JSON array.
The code for
"imagelist": "/oracle/public/oel6",
"label": "test_higgs",
"shape": "small",
"name" : "/Compute-computecli1/computeadmin/",
"networking" : {
"eth0" : {
"ipnetwork" : "/Compute-computecli1/computeadmin/ipnet"
This code adds json array as a value to "instance" key, but I want to add json array without json key.
JsonObject ipnetwork = new JsonObject();
ipnetwork.addProperty("ipnetwork", ipNetworkName);
JsonObject interface_type = new JsonObject();
interface_type.add("eth0", ipnetwork);
JsonObject instance = new JsonObject();
instance.addProperty(imageListCmdText, "/oracle/public/oel6");
JsonArray instances = new JsonArray();
JsonObject launch_plan = new JsonObject();
launch_plan.add("instances", instances);
Please tell how does this code has to be changed in order to get the output asked above.
JsonObject launch_plan = new JsonObject();
launch_plan.add("instances", instances);
These two lines create the JSON object with curly braces. You don't need them, you can just remove them and use instances, which doesn't have curly braces as it's a json array and not a json object.
JsonObject ipnetwork = new JsonObject();
ipnetwork.addProperty("ipnetwork", ipNetworkName);
JsonObject interface_type = new JsonObject();
interface_type.add("eth0", ipnetwork);
JsonObject instance = new JsonObject();
instance.addProperty(imageListCmdText, "/oracle/public/oel6");
JsonArray instances = new JsonArray();
// not needed
//JsonObject launch_plan = new JsonObject();
//launch_plan.add("instances", instances);
I have json libs (json-simple) and trying to make jsonarray from jsonobjects.
My aim to make JSON string look something like string below
[{"name": "somename","surname": "somesurname"},
{"name": "somename2","surname": "somesurname2"}]
and it will have possibility of adding new objects in the same array.
This what im "hardcoding" now.
JSONObject obj= new JSONObject();
JSONArray arr = new JSONArray();
for(int i = 0 ; i< arr.size() ; i++)
obj.put("name", name);
obj.put("surname", surname);
obj= new JSONObject();
I need to create in a Java (Android) a JSONObject/JSONArray with the exact following structure:
Can somebody help me on this please?
What i have is this:
JSONArray obj = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("listId", folderId);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("id", obj);
But this produces something like:
You've got your array creation a bit mixed up. What you really want is an object holding an array of string, but what you're doing is creating an array of JSONObject.
Try this instead:
String[] arr = { "c02bc683-fcd7-47a5-b157-853e26ed099e", "f8e1c9d7-ae45-4433-a315-726c1d912d09" };
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(arr);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("listId", jsonArray);
System.out.println(json); // {"listId":["c02bc683-fcd7-47a5-b157-853e26ed099e","f8e1c9d7-ae45-4433-a315-726c1d912d09"]}