I am working on camel project using JbossFuse. Here I am using blueprint. Now what I want is that when any exception comes in any of the route then that will be handled by some processor and a valid response will be returned to the client.
You can cover any of the route in blueprint file with try catch and process the final response to the client. The logic will be something like:
<route id="route_1">
<from id="_from_1" uri="direct:processDemo1"/>
<doTry id="_doTryDemo1">
<process id="_process_processDemo1" ref="processorBean"/>
<doCatch id="_doCatchDemo1">
<to id="_handleExceptionDemo1" uri="direct:HandleException_demo1"/>
<doFinally id="_doFinallyDemo1">
<log id="_log_Demo1Process_finally" message="Demo1 operation completed"/>
Here processorBean is the Bean class to process Demo1 route and uri="direct:HandleException_demo1" is an another route which will be called if there is exception comes in Demo1 route. So the exception route will be for this route will be
<route id="routeDemo1Exception">
<from id="_fromdemo1Exception" uri="direct:HandleException_demo1"/>
<log id="log_demo1Exception" message="Demo1 Exception called"/>
<process id="_process_exception_Demo1" ref="processDemo1ExceptionBean"/>
I'm bothered with returning an updated JSON, in fact, I receive a JSON defined as an opportunity (it's a business term, we don't need to explain it) from the cxfrs endpoint, convert it to String, then check the method invoked in jax-rs controller, if the we want make an update of Affair json, we publish the message as string in queue q.gestioncougar.cl.creation as described below:
<route id="serviceToCustomerLinksInboundRouting">
<from uri="cxfrs:bean:oab_serviceToObsIT?loggingFeatureEnabled={{gestioncougar.wscall.log.enable}}&loggingSizeLimit={{gestioncougar.wscall.log.size}}" />
<to uri="bean:log?method=info(*,'Body : ${body}')"/>
<convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String" />
<simple>${header.operationName} == 'updateAffair'</simple>
<to uri="activemq:queue:q.gestioncougar.cl.creation?disableReplyTo=true" />
The config of cxfrs service that is bonded to jax-rs controller:
<cxf:rsServer address="{{gestioncougar.service.in.obsit.url}}" id="oab_serviceToObsIT"
serviceClass="fr.oab.sie.esb.gestioncougar.customerLink.controller.CougarToCL" />
The JAX-RS controller:
public interface CougarToCL {
void updateAffair(String request);
Then we create a route that read from the queue q.gestioncougar.cl.creation, next unmarshal the body to POJO format (Java Model), moreover, read it by the method convertToCLFormat defined in the bean traiterCallFromCougar:
<route id="serviceToCustomerLinksCreationOutboundRoute">
<from uri="activemq:queue:q.gestioncougar.cl.creation" />
<!-- Sauvegarde du body initial -->
<unmarshal ref="formatJsonOpportunity" />
<!-- Sauvegarde du body -->
<setProperty propertyName="savedBody">
<bean ref="traiterCallFromCougar" method="convertToCLFormat"/>
<to uri="bean:log?method=info(*,'CustomerLinks Body Format: ${body}')"/>
The method convertToCLFormat:
public void convertToCLFormat(Exchange exchange){
Opportunity opportunity = exchange.getProperty("savedBody",Opportunity.class);
EsbLogger.info(exchange, "opportunity {}", opportunity.toString());
exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 200);
Affair affair = opportunityAffairMapper.toDealCL(opportunity.getDealCL());
String clBody = affairJsonParser.parsePojoToJson(affair);
EsbLogger.info(exchange, "affair {}", clBody);
and here is the problem !, even if I set the body with the newly mapped JSON defined as Affair, I don't see any change in postman response, but the body is changed when I check the log.
Take a look at the postman request:
Thanks a lot for your time and your help.
Do not put the converted JSON into the "out" message, but rather in the "in" one.
This was so confusing that they now recommend to simply use exchange.getMessage() (without any distinction whether in or out)
See more here:
So this should work:
Looks like a weird issue or the docs are missing
Case 1
from("direct:ROUTE2").log("${body}"); // BODY is printing
Case 2
from("direct:ROUTE2").log("${body}"); // BODY is empty
Does adding log clear the exchange body??
As #Spara and #Claus suggested and to save the hassle on how to enable Stream caching.
Below is the sample code:
Using Java DSL for Single route
Using Spring DSL for Single route
<route streamCache="true">
<from uri="direct:ROUTER1"/>
<to uri="direct:ROUTER2"/>
For global and per route scope using JAVA DSL
For global and per route scope using Spring DSL
<route streamCache="true">
<from uri="direct:ROUTER1"/>
<to uri="direct:ROUTER2"/>
Note link: Camel Stream Caching
why stream caching
I'm trying to setup an Apache Camel route in a Java application where the consumer endpoint is a restlet component that handles an HTTP file upload as a POST of multipart form data and then the producer endpoint forwards the request to a rest service that also accepts multipart form data. I'm new to Camel and can't quite figure out how to wire it up properly. Below is how my route looks so far. Do I need to do any conversion on the body or will the multipart form data be forwarded as is? Can someone provide me some guidance on the proper way to do this or point me to the correct documentation?
<route id="createentityattachment">
<from uri="restlet:/EntityAttachments?restletMethod=POST&restletBinding=#queryStringToHeadersRestletBinding"/>
I was able to get this working with the below route definition. Note the streamCache="true" attribute on the route. This setting is required for the InputStream to be properly handled in the Exchange. See the Camel docs for more information.
<route id="createentityattachment" streamCache="true">
<from uri="restlet:/EntityAttachments?restletMethod=POST&restletBinding=#queryStringToHeadersRestletBinding"/>
<removeHeaders excludePattern="X-eviCore-EntityAttachments*" pattern="^(Camel|Backbase|User-|Accept|Cache|Cookie|breadcrumbId|Host|Connection|DNT|Upgrade-Insecure-Requests|org.restlet.startTime).*$"/>
<setHeader headerName="CamelHttpMethod">
<to uri="http4://api.innovate.lan:8280/entityattachments/"/>
Hi there I'm pretty new to Java, camel, etc. Here's my problem:
I have code that passes an order containing order items and some other info in xml format from one camel Processor to another. This particular Processor then splits up the order and creates multiple orders, and then passes them all on to the next endpoint as separate messages.
Currently this Processor uses ProducerTemplate to explicitly accomplish this. I would like to move this behaviour to RouteBuilder itself and not use ProducerTemplate. I've looked at Splitter and MessageTranslator, but I don't have all the pieces yet I think.
So basically I want to split the message in the RouteBuilder using Splitter, but I want to supply custom code that will take the message, then deserialize it into an Order object, then create multiple Order objects, and then send them all as separate messages to the next endpoint. How do I accomplish this?
e.g. I want to be able to do something like
//where MyCustomStrategy will take the message,
//and split it up and pass all the newly created messages to endPoint.
You can have a bean or processor in your route which creates the Order objects and returns them as a collection (e.g., List<Order> or similar). Splitter EIP can then be used to process each Order in that collection, one at a time by e.g. passing each order to another processor/bean that handles a single order, possibly continuing on to another endpoint as needed, etc.
// Pseudocode:
// etc...
Or something along those lines; sorry, I use Spring DSL not Java DSL but camel docs show both. Here's some actual spring DSL code where a collection is being split to process each item in the collection:
<log message="A.a1 -- splitting batches for transfer" loggingLevel="DEBUG" />
<setHeader headerName="currentBatchNumber">
<setHeader headerName="CamelFileName">
<log message="A.a2 -- marshalling a single batch to XML" loggingLevel="DEBUG" />
<jaxb prettyPrint="true" contextPath="generated.gov.nmcourts.ecitation"
partNamespace="EFileBatch" />
<log message="A.a3 -- xslt transform to add schema location" loggingLevel="DEBUG" />
<to uri="{{addSchemaLocationXsltUri}}"/>
<log message="A.a4 -- ftp now initiating" loggingLevel="DEBUG" />
<log message="ftping $simple{in.header.CamelFileName}" loggingLevel="DEBUG"/>
<bean ref="markFtpStatusOnTickets"/>
<to uri="{{ftpOdysseyInputPath}}"/>
<log message="A.a5 -- ftp now complete" loggingLevel="DEBUG" />
<bean ref="ticketExceptionHandler" method="handleException"/>
I have an OSGi bundle deployed on Apache Karaf. I have a simple camel route:
<camelContext trace="true" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<from uri="jetty:"/>
<setHeader headerName="CamelHttpQuery">
<to uri=""/>
<!-- <split>
<convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String" />
I can not get it working. When I invoke http://localhost:8282/services it should route to the uri specified in below the setHeader. Instead I am getting this exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid uri: /services.
If you are forwarding/bridging http endpoints, then enable the bridgeEndpoint
option on the endpoint:
It says that I need to enable bridge endpoint, but this is not an endpoint, it is an absolute URL to which I am trying to point my route.
I have tried to set up Spring as shown here but this did not work either.I have also tried to change this:
<to uri=""/>
to this:
<to uri="jetty//"/>
No success as well. Maybe someone knows how to route from jetty uri to absolute url?
Have you tried bridgeEndpoint? As described below:
Your target url will look like:
<to uri="jetty//"/>
Worked for me:
public void configure() throws Exception {
Note the .componet("jetty") in rest configuration