Build a jar file with only maven dependency classes - java

I have 2 projects, project A and project B. Project A is dependent on project B.
pom.xml of project A:
Next, I compile my project and it creates a jar with all the dependencies that I don’t need. Created extra folders that do not have to be included in the jar file. I think these dependencies drag along with the dependency from project B.
Using the dep.xml file, I indicate which folders you do not need to include in the jar file.
This method is just awful. Please tell me whether it is possible to add only classes from the dependency to the jar file and not to pull all these other folders.

You can try using scope provided:
You should take into account that, as maven documentation states:
indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide the dependency at runtime

You are creating a jar with dependencies, probably to run it standalone.
So if A needs B, and B has dependencies on its own, A probably needs those as well to run. It is therefore sensible to pack all the dependencies of B into the runnable jar.
If B has unnecessary dependencies, these should be removed from B.
If B has dependencies, that for some reason are not required when A uses B, you should add a proper exclusion to the dependency in the POM.


How to distribute Java application with library dependence chain?

I have a Java project Foo, it has dependence on bar.jar and its maven build is as following:
-- foo/
---- foo.jar
---- lib/
------ bar.jar
------ (other lib jars)
The foo.jar's MANIFEST.MF has field Class-Path: . lib/bar.jar ... (other lib jars) and Main-Class: and it can be invoked by command java -jar foo.jar
The bar.jar is created from another Java project Bar which has dependence on httpclient-4.5.jar.
So the question is, when distributing the build of Foo which contains bar.jar in its subfolder lib already, do I need to include the httpclient-4.5.jar as well?
I figured out the real question I want to ask is about Transitive Dependencies. According to, Maven is able to discover the lib(dependence) that your own lib requires.
In my case is that Maven can figure out foo depends on bar and bar depends on httpclient-4.5.jar, and it will grab the httpclient-4.5.jar to Project Foo's Maven Dependencies list.
This works well for most dependencies in my project, i.e. the dependencies' dependencies also appear in my Maven Dependencies. However, there is one dependency(bar.jar) that Maven does not retrieve its dependencies(httpclient-4.5.jar). That's the key issue I have right now.
You can use maven-assembly-plugin with it you can build a bundle zip for distribute you java project.
for example
in the pom.xml
<!-- foo dependencies -->
<Build-Maven>Maven ${maven.version}</Build-Maven>
<!-- <finalName>${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar</finalName> -->
you must give the specification of what it's in the bundle into the asembly.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns=" plugin/assembly/1.1.0"
when you do mvn clean install then in the target forlder, must appear the bundle as
in the zip you will have in the /lib folder bar.jar and every other jar declared as dependency and in the forlder /bin foo.jar.

Maven not including manifest attributes for LWJGL install

I am trying to setup a LWJGL project using Maven. I am using the example "getting started" source code from the official website.
This includes a few lines accessing LWJGL's manifest attributes, such as a simple version check:
System.out.println("Hello LWJGL " + Version.getVersion() + "!");
This runs without any problems in the Eclipse environment (of course after having built the project with Maven), but when running clean install and then running **-jar-with-dependencies.jar through cmd, the following exception get's thrown:
at org.lwjgl.system.APIUtil.apiGetManifestValue(
at org.lwjgl.Version.getVersion(
at HelloWorld.main(
This is because the Manifest object created by APIUtil does not include any attributes - but only in the built version by Maven.
Why is this? Is my pom.xml buggy, or is LWJGL 3.0.0 just not ready for this?
This is my pom.xml:
This errors happens because LWJGL 3.0.0 is looking inside the Manifest a property called "Implementation-Version", but when you made the uber-jar, this property was not set.
This is not really an issue with how you made the uber-jar: the Manifest that was created by maven-assembly-plugin looks like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Built-By: Me
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.3.9
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_102
Main-Class: HelloWorld
You can see it inside META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of the jar-with-dependencies. This file does not have a "Implementation-Version" property. This is normal: when this executable JAR was created, all the MANIFEST of all dependencies were (rightfully) ignored, only to generate one containing the "Main-Class", just so that the JAR is executable.
The uber-jar cannot contain what is inside each of the dependencies manifest. For example, "Implementation-Version" is a property that is present in the manifest of multiple libraries, so which one should it keep? (There can be only one Manifest at the end, in the uber-jar). So the issue comes up because we're making an executable JAR, which can only have 1 Manifest so it cannot aggregate all the properties inside each of the dependencies manifest.
There are 2 possible solutions:
Ignore it. After all, this is not really an error.
Don't make an executable jar by embedding all the dependencies inside a single JAR, but create a ZIP assembly with each dependencies inside a lib folder: this way, each Manifest will be kept. This is done by telling the maven-jar-plugin to add a Manifest entry for the main class with the addition of the classpath and creating a custom assembly descriptor.
where /path/to/assembly.xml is the path to the assembly descriptor, relative to the location of the POM, being:
<assembly xmlns=""
With such a configuration, running mvn clean install will create a ZIP file Unpacking it and running (replacing <finalName> with the finalName of your JAR)
java -jar lib\<finalName>.jar
will print the version without any issues.

Maven project depending on two versions of the same artifact

I have a project with two seperate modules that uses sqlline and another library(say OtherLib) that depends on jline. However on different versions.
External Libraries
Module1 uses Sqlline depends on jline 2.10
Module2 uses OtherLib depends on jline 0.9.94
And the two versions are incompatible.
Therefore I have set the classpaths such that Module1 will search in $HOME/lib/module1 folder first and Module2 in $HOME/lib folder first.
Is there a way to specify maven to download the artifact to a source directory first(say ../resources/lib) and then copy it to package during packaging time in assembly.xml?
I know that for copying from source directory the following code can be used.
Also to get maven to download the dependency I can use (for Module2)
How can I make sure jline:jline:jar:2.10 is downloaded to ../resources/lib folder first?
If you're absolutely sure, what you're doing, you can repackage one of the version using something like maven-shade-plugin. But please be absolutely sure, what you're doing.
With maven-shade-plugin you could create a new Maven module, say jline:jline_2_10:jar:1.0 and use jline:jline:jar:2.10 as a dependency. The maven-shade-plugin would then package it in your jline_2_10-1.0.jar.
Since your new artifact has its own groupId:artifactId combination, there will be no conflicts with the other jline:jline:jar:0.9.94 artifact, so you'll happily have both in the classpath.
I found a an answer here using maven-dependency-plugin
In pom.xml
And in assembly.xml
jline-0.9.94 is included in a dependencySet as any other dependency.
I hope this helps. :)

Maven Assembly Exclusion of Dependencies suddenly dont work.

I have had a project set up for the past year or so and have been using the maven assembly plugin to package the jar.
I have been using the project.xml descriptor to specify the exclusions of the jar as follows:
This has been working fine. My jar would be packaged perfectly, excluding the dependencies that it was supposed to and would end up only being around 850KB by the end of everything. So today I go to package my jar as normal after doing some updates and none of the exclusions are being applied, and my final Jar is at about 12MB. This was quite alarming and frankly annoying. The thing is I have done absolutely nothing to the pom.xml. I back up my eclipse workspaces every night and I went to back to what I had yesterday (which I know produced a 850KB jar) and its the same result, a 12MB jar. Is there any sort of thing that would change this. An update of some kind? Anything?

Maven - generate archive of every dependency source

Is there a way to get an archive containing every dependency source as a separate artifact ?
What i know is that there is a way to download every source jar using the dependency-plugin as stated here. However these files are downloaded to the local repository.
What i try to achieve is:
Ship a JAR containing some runnable code. In addition a ZIP archive cotaining the source-code of shipped dependencies inside the JAR.
I needed to do something similar, except I also needed to filter the included sources to just those produced by teams at my company. You may use a combination of the maven-dependency-plugin and the maven-assembly-plugin to achieve this.
Here's the configuration I use.
And here is the assembly descriptor, dep-source-assembly.xml, which should be placed in src/main/assembly.
<id>dep-sources</id> <!-- whatever you'd like the classifier to be -->
<!-- Define the includes if you'd like to have sources only for certain
packages. For my use case, I needed to include just source files
produced elsewhere in my company, not commonly available jars like
Spring. -->
It sounds like your use case may be a little different than mine, so you might be able to use the assembly plugin's dependencySet in place of the separate invocation of maven-dependency-plugin and the fileSet.
One other potential gotcha: if you are doing this for a war or ear, you will need to add a dependency on the project's POM to get the complete set of dependencies. (See MNG-1991.)
