Generating JAR on IntelliJ - java

I have some problems while creating a jar of my intelliJ project. First of all I just do the usual procedure:
Go to project structure
Select artifacts
Create a new one with modules and dependecies
Go to build artifact, build it
Execute it at console with java -jar "ddddd.jar"
So when I execute the project (not the jar) all runs ok, libreries and all works, but not in the JAR.
Terminal of IntelliJ:
My libraries are located in the project like: project>lib>"some jars here">otherjars>"here some jars and respective dll
This is because the "other jars" need the dll to work. I already tried to run them without the .dll but doesn't work without it.
Also I have them in the project on Modules>Dependencies I have the folder selected as a library.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit 1:
Here I add some pictures about how I have my libraries structured.


Eclipse Java Build Path Jar Library classes not found even if available in jar

Recently I wanted to add the nebula shelf to my eclipse plugin. Therefore I added the org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pshelf.source_1.1.0.201701302244.jar the build path of my eclipse project.
Sadly eclipse can't find the class files inside of the jar, even after cleaning and rebuilding the whole project.
Checking the same jar file with jd-gui results in:
I exported the *.java files with jd-gui and copied them to my project. Using this method my project built successfully and worked as expected.
Can someone tell me how I can use the jar file without exporting all of the java files manually? Thanks for your help! :-)
Do not use source jars. You can tell eclipse while debugging to use the source jar.
Add the jar to build path: right click on jar -> build path -> add to build path
Don't try to add Eclipse plugins directly to the build path of another plugin as it won't work.
Instead add the plugin to your target platform or import it in to your workspace.
Then add the plugin to your plugin's Dependencies. In the MANIFEST.MF editor you do this on the 'Dependencies' tab in the 'Required Plug-ins' list.

How to package dependencies into java project with eclipse

I get this error when I try to run my project.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/yaml/snakeyaml/Yaml
I am trying to include the dependency SnakeYaml.jar in my project so my project is only one jar instead of requiring an external dependency.
in my project SnakeYaml.jar is located at /Libs/SnakeYaml.jar
but it is not being loaded at runtime, what can I do to get it to load the resource at runtime?
The best solution to avoid such problems is creating maven based project by eclipse. when you export your project as jar or war files it puts all dependencies in the jar or war files
In Eclipse, to put the dependency packaged inside your project executable jar you can do this:
I cannot post images due to my reputation so will try to explaing it writting.
Make sure the dependency is in your class path: right click the project -> Build Path
Right click your project again and select "Export"
Now choose "Runnable JAR file" (you can filter the list by typing)
In the next dialog choose the right option for you, in your case it could be "Package required libraries into generated JAR"
Hope it helps

After building the project from pom.xml using Maven, how do I use its resources

It's been tedious. This is the API I am trying to use. Its resources were set up in a pom.xml which I built using Maven. On built up, it gave me the project socrata-publisher that has
src/main/java the source folder with packages com.socrata.api, com.socrata.util where each contains only .java
JRE System Library and Maven Dependency hierarchies where each contains a number of jar files
Problem is com.socrata.api and the 2 other contains classes which I want to deploy in a project outside socrata-publisher. I tried using import com.socrata.api but it didn't work. Moreover, since its a Java project and not android it doesn't have the is Library option in preferences which could rather give me the solution. Both socrata-publisher and tutorial (where i want to use the resources and which is the android application) lie in the same directory eclipseApps in My Documents.
Here's a little visual queue. Help will be greatly appreciated.
You will need to first of all get the output of the socrata project and all its dependencies.
In command line, going to the project folder of the socrata project, where the pom.xml file is, run MVN INSTALL. You shall see a jar file called socrata-api.jar in $HOME/.m2/repository. If you are using windows and installed MAVEN by default, $HOME should be your user profile folder. Once you see the jar file, add it to your tutorial build path.
I think what you actually want to do is just set up the "socrata-publisher" as a project dependency for your "tutorial" project. That will allow you to reference the built Socrata libraries from the code in your project.
Right click on the project and select "Properties". From within that dialog select "Java Build Path" on the left, then the "Projects" section, and click the "Add" button to add the "socrata-publisher" project.
I think that'll work better than creating a separate jar file that you then include, and then you can also keep the socrata-publisher code up to date using Git.

NetBeans - How to Build Project jar file with all required libraries

I've tried to build my project with NetBeans 6.5; The thing is the project contains external jars added so I need them all being placed into my jar file (because it is to be signed); but IDE just places project classes in the jar :(
So my question is how to place project dependent external libs into my project JAR with NetBeans ?
I think you need something like this fat jar tutorial. I'm not sure if it's easier than building with an Ant script, but it should do the trick.

How to build a runnable jar with internal jar files that have internal jar files?

I have a huge project (Application) with another project inside it (Core). Application has a big set of libraries inside as does Core. I'm using Eclipse and so I'm using the Export Runnable Jar option to create Application.jar but when I run it part of the code uses the Core which has a dependency on an image library within that. When I look inside the runnable jar file all the libraries for the Application project are there but when I look inside the Core project jar file the libraries aren't there. To give you an idea of what I mean the structure I'm expecting looks like this:
- Core.jar
+ ImageLibrary.jar
+ OtherLibraries.jar
+ OtherLibraries.jar
I'm using Maven to build the projects individually. But I'm not really an expert with Maven as I've only being using it for a short time.
Is it possible to build Application so that Core also has its libraries with it?
Thanks in advance,
Alexei Blue.
In your Maven build for Application, is Core not specified as a dependency? If so, it should be included with all its dependencies. You should probably check whether the dependencies themselves have the correct scope in Maven to be included.
Okay so I figured this one out in the end. When I was using Maven to build the project it was doing so and then not updating the build path in eclipse. So I in the core directory I ran:
# mvn clean install
# mvn eclipse:eclipse
As the image library was an addition to the Core dependencies I had to ensure that the build path for eclipse was set otherwise eclipse won't pick up the changes. The eclipse:eclipse command did this for me but I think it only works in projects that are one module, however it reads any dependencies from your pom file and ensures your project can see and access them.
And then in the App directory I re built the project:
# mvn clean install
Then from within eclipse I exported the App project as a Runnable Jar which worked fine.
Hope this helps anyone having the same problem.
Alexei Blue.
