enter code hereI am calling an API successfully using Rest Template. However, I have found that the API rate limits me to only 8 calls per minute, returning a 429 error after 8 calls. Is there any way to limit the number of calls made by Rest Template in a minute?
I have tried using the RateLimiter guava dependency but that has not helped
Code Snippet of the lambda function I'm using to call the API
responseEntity = object.stream().map(dataFeedInformation -> {
try {
return restTemplate.exchange(dataFeedInformation.getDataElement().get(0).getDownloadURL(), HttpMethod.GET,
dataFeedRestClient.getHttpEntity(), new ParameterizedTypeReference<AccountPlanItemDto>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
This was my Solution:
while (responseEntityList.size() < listOfDownloadUrls.size()) {
if (responseEntityList.size() > 0) {
for (int iterations = numberOfIterations * 20; iterations < (numberOfIterations * 20) + 20; iterations++) {
if (responseEntityList.size() == listOfDownloadUrls.size()) {
I am a beginner for Selenium Webdriver, I have written a script in Java to test a functionality, and it is working fine. Sometimes I faces an issue.
Suppose I just click on create button to create something (let suppose customer) and after this I need to do some work with a screen which comes after create successfully customer. Sometimes due to slow response from server, my script get failed due to search a DOM element which comes after create customer.
If response come with in predefined time in my code, no issue, if not come then script failed (it search a element which has not rendered yet).
1) click on button
// let suppose creatButtonElement is the web element of Create Button.
}catch(Exception e){
throw new Exception("Unable To Click on element [ " + element + " ] , plz see screenshot [ UnableToClick_" + element);
Expecting: after click on create button my script is expecting success message for assertion.
I had faced this issue once but I had handled this manually. This will work if after click button loader is appearing. It waits for one minute.
Please use the following code to wait manually to get response of server. It check the visibility of loader to know the response each second.
public static void loading_wait() throws Throwable {
int i = 0;
int maxloopDependOnBrowser = 60;
int totalSecond=0;
boolean loadinImageTakingMuchTime=false;
while (true) {
if( !(loaderDisplayed(APP_LoadingImage_xpath)) ){
if (i > maxloopDependOnBrowser) {
totalSecond=maxloopDependOnBrowser + 1;
} else {
throw new Throwable();
}catch (Throwable t) {
throw new Exception("FAILED:>>> Loading image is taking too much time :>>"+Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(t));
XpathKey :- to find the loader element
public static boolean loaderDisplayed(String XpathKey) {
int i = 0;
try {
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
List<WebElement> elementList = getORObject_list(XpathKey/*, 0, 500*/);
for (Iterator<WebElement> iterator = elementList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
WebElement webElement = (WebElement) iterator.next();
if (webElement.isDisplayed()) {
i = 1;
} catch (Throwable t) {
finally {
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(Long.parseLong(1), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (i == 0) {
} else {
return true;
You can join waiting
WebDriverWait wait = new NWebDriverWait(driver, 10); //10 second
My application uses https://app.bandwidth.com/ for receiving incoming calls. I have an api to handle the incoming calls which record the calls when the call is not answered(This recording is treated as a voice mail).
if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.ANSWER.toString())) {
Timestamp callStartTime = new Timestamp(TimeUtil.now().getTime());
callStatus = transferCall(callId, incomingCall.getVoiceForwardNumber(), 1);
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.TIMEOUT.toString())) {
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.SPEAK.toString()) && PLAYBACK_STOP.equalsIgnoreCase(callState)) {
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.RECORDING.toString()) &&
state.equalsIgnoreCase(BandwidthCallStatus.COMPLETE.toString())) {
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.TRANSCRIPTION.toString()) && status.equalsIgnoreCase(BandwidthCallStatus.COMPLETED.toString())) {
This is the code for recording call
private void recordVoiceMail(String callId) {
BandwidthClient client = BandwidthClient.getInstance();
client.setCredentials(bandwidthUserId, bandwidthApiToken, bandwidthApiSecret);
try {
Call call = Call.get(client, callId);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("An exception occurred while recording voice mail : " +
e.getMessage(), e);
Now i need to transcribe these vocie mails.
From documentation i got methods in python, js, c#, ruby etc. to transcribe the recordings using the recordings.
For example in js,
client.Recording.createTranscription(recordingId, function(err, transcription){});
I searched every where, but i couldn't find any method in java for that.
Can any one help me if you know ?
Anyway, as I see, you need that link for java doc.
And here you can follow to java sdk located on Github.
And, also, you can find some more information about transcriptions API here which you are looking for.
First of all, why do you need that? Perhaps, you do not need that.
As I find, you can't do transcribe with POJO, but you can do something like that.
If you want to do that, you can make it with
public void transcribeOn() throws Exception {
final List<Recording> list = Recording.list(0, 5);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
final Recording recording = Recording.get(list.get(0).getId());
System.out.println("\nRecording by Id");
final String recordingUri = mockClient.getUserResourceUri(BandwidthConstants.RECORDINGS_URI_PATH);
client.post(recordingUri + "/" + list.get(0).getId() + "/transcriptions", null);
final JSONObject jsonObject = call.toJSONObject(client.get(recordingUri, null));
I'm not sure it works correctly, but I hope it put you on correct way
My task is simple to download a file from a url using selenium. I did till clicking on the download part. Now I want to wait till the file is downloaded.Fine. I use following and done.
do {
while ((downloadeBuild.length()/1024) < 138900);
Now challenge is for how much time do I wait ? Can I set some threshold ? I can think of is use a counter in do while and check till counter goes to 10 or something like that ? But any other way in Java ? As such I do not have any action to do till the file is downloaded.
How about this?
I think using TimeOut is not stable since there is no need to wait for a un-predictable downloading operation.
You can just turn to CompletableFuture using supplyAsync to do the downloading and use thenApply to do the processing/converting and retrieve the result by join as follows:
public class SimpleCompletableFuture {
public static void main(String... args) {
private static void testDownload() {
CompletableFuture future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> downloadMock())
private static String downloadMock() {
try {
Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt() + 1000); // mock the downloading time;
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
return "Downloaded";
private static String processDownloaded(String fileMock) {
System.out.println("Processing " + fileMock);
return "Processed";
You can use guava Stopwatch
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
while ((downloadeBuild.length()/1024) < 138900 && topWatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS) < 60);
If what you want is a time out practice, may be you can try code below:
long timeout = 10 * 60 * 1000;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while(System.currentTimeMillis() - timeout <= start ){
//Not timeout yet, wait
//Time out, continue
It's quite common in java library.
I have issue keep throw error of unable to find the xpath , as i set the loop for opening this xpath to insert data . Although i set the time wait for existance to 60secound but it still couldn't find it. I been trying alot method calling this by using title or status hence it still not working . Kindly advise
public void clickOnItemTax () {
By xPath = By.xpath("//a[contains(#href,'edit_total_amt')]");
if (this.waitForExistence(xPath,60)) {
WebElement domLink = linkGet(xPath);
} else {
JLog.fail("Unable to find a writable item taxdialog!");
public boolean waitForExistence(By by, int timeoutSeconds){
boolean exists = false;
Long polling_interval = (long) 250;
Long timeout = (long) timeoutSeconds * 1000; // in seconds
Long elapsed = (long) 0;
while (elapsed <= (timeout)) {
if (exists(by)) {
exists = true;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
elapsed += polling_interval;
if (elapsed >= timeout) {
JLog.warning("waitForExistence waited for " + timeout/1000 + " seconds, but unable to find: " + by.toString());
return exists;
Thanks you
If it's an internal company webpage could I suggest that you give the an 'id' to make your life easier. If not you can do this. I'm always surprised by people writing their own wait method when you could use either the implicit or explicit wait time in Selenium.
The former is as follows, the only thing to be aware using this method is that when looking for an element it will always wait this long. It is however a much safer way to write your scripts looking for elements and doesn't bloat your code:
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(6, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("//*[#title=\"Override total tax amount\"]")).size()!=0)
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("//*[#title=\"Override total tax amount\"]")).click();
JLog.fail("Unable to find a writable item taxdialog!");
The explicit way to do it would be as follows where 10 is your seconds:
WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))
.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector("//*[#title=\"Override total tax amount\"]")));
See the following link for more on this.
I have this java agent that processes a huge amount of documents that it could run overnight. The problem is that I need the agent to retry if the network got suddenly disconnected briefly. The retry could have a maximum number.
int numberOfRetries = 0;
try {
while(nextdoc != null) {
// process documents
numberOfRetries = 0;
} catch (NotesException e) {
if (numberOfRetries > 4) {
// go back and reprocess current document
} else {
// message reached max number of retries. did not successfully finished
Also, of course I do not want to actually retry the whole process. Basically I need to continue on the document it was processing and move on to the next loop
You should do a retry loop around each piece of code that gets a document. Since the Notes classes generally require a getFirst and getNext paradigm, that means you need two separate retry loops. E.g.,
numberOfRetries = 0;
maxRetries = 4;
// get first document, with retries
needToRetry = false;
while (needToRetry)
while (needToRetry)
nextDoc = myView.getFirstDocument();
catch (NotesException e)
if (numberOfRetries < maxRetries) {
// you might want to sleep here to wait for the network to recover
// you could use numberOfRetries as a factor to sleep longer on
// each failure
needToRetry = true;
} else {
// write "Max retries have been exceeded getting first document" to log
nextDoc = null; // we won't go into the processing loop
// process all documents
while(nextdoc != null)
// process nextDoc
// insert your code here
// now get next document, with retries
while (needToRetry)
nextDoc = myView.getNextDocument();
catch (NotesException e)
if (numberOfRetries < maxRetries) {
// you might want to sleep here to wait for the network to recover
// you could use numberOfRetries as a factor to sleep longer on
// each failure
needToRetry = true;
} else {
// write "Max retries have been exceeded getting first document" to log
nextDoc = false; // we'lll be exiting the processing loop without finishing all docs
Note that I'm treating maxRetries as the max total retries across all documents in the data set, not the max for each document.
Also note that it's probably cleaner to break this up a little. E.g.
numberOfRetries = 0;
maxRetries = 4;
nextDoc = getFirstDocWithRetries(view); // this contains while loop and try-catch
while (nextDoc != null)
nextDoc = getNextDocWithRetries(view,nextDoc); // and so does this
I would not recommend what you are doing at all.
The NotesException can fire for a number of reasons, and there is no guarantee you will be returning to a safe state.
Also the fact the agent needs to run for such a long time means you need to change the server "Maximum execution timeout" to allow it to run correctly. Setting that to a very high value makes the server more prone to performance/deadlock issues.
A better solution would be to batch workload and have the agent run for a set time on a batch. Update as you go so that when the agent comes back it knows to work on the next batch.