I'm investigating a high CPU usage issue we're experiencing with a Glassfish hosted application running on Java 7
CPU usage will start to rise from 'normal' levels, around 5-10% to 100% over the course of 20 minutes then stay between 90-100 and not drop, a restart of the app restores normality.
The 2 excerpts below were taken from 2 thread dumps with 10 minutes between them.
Cross referencing the entire dump with visualvm CPU profiler snapshots shows there are around 10 threads executing this area of code which seem to have spent the entire time in the method seen below.
The entire stack (which is huge & abbreviated below) is the same from both thread dumps for all 10 threads apart from the locked object reference.
I'd like to know what is going on here. Including why has the locked object reference changed?
Is the code stuck in a loop or is there a lock somewhere?
thread dump 1
"http-thread-pool-8080(3)" - Thread t#112
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Throwable.java:783)
- locked <2328e584> (a java.lang.InterruptedException)
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:250)
at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:54)
at java.lang.InterruptedException.<init>(InterruptedException.java:57)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireSharedNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1325)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$ReadLock.tryLock(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:873)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.oa.poa.POAImpl.acquireLock(POAImpl.java:390)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.oa.poa.POAImpl.readLock(POAImpl.java:422)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.oa.poa.POAImpl.enter(POAImpl.java:1743)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.getServantWithPI(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:302)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatch(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:196)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequestRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1624)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.SharedCDRClientRequestDispatcherImpl.marshalingComplete(SharedCDRClientRequestDispatcherImpl.java:126)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaClientDelegateImpl.invoke(CorbaClientDelegateImpl.java:273)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaClientDelegateImpl.is_a(CorbaClientDelegateImpl.java:395)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._is_a(ObjectImpl.java:130)
thread dump 2
"http-thread-pool-8080(3)" - Thread t#112
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Throwable.java:783)
- locked <83c9c3a> (a java.lang.InterruptedException)
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:250)
at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:54)
at java.lang.InterruptedException.<init>(InterruptedException.java:57)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireSharedNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1325)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$ReadLock.tryLock(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:873)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.oa.poa.POAImpl.acquireLock(POAImpl.java:390)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.oa.poa.POAImpl.readLock(POAImpl.java:422)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.oa.poa.POAImpl.enter(POAImpl.java:1743)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.getServantWithPI(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:302)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatch(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:196)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequestRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1624)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.SharedCDRClientRequestDispatcherImpl.marshalingComplete(SharedCDRClientRequestDispatcherImpl.java:126)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaClientDelegateImpl.invoke(CorbaClientDelegateImpl.java:273)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaClientDelegateImpl.is_a(CorbaClientDelegateImpl.java:395)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._is_a(ObjectImpl.java:130)
This is the POAImpl acquireLock method that may be causing the issue...
private void acquireLock(Lock lock) {
MethodMonitor __$mm$__ = (MethodMonitor)__$mm$__0.content();
if (__$mm$__ != null) {
__$mm$__.enter(1, new Object[]{lock});
try {
long timeout = 1L;
boolean locked = false;
boolean interrupted = false;
int count = 0;
int reportingThreshhold = 1;
while(!locked) {
if (count >= reportingThreshhold) {
this.acquireLockWaiting(count, __$mm$__, 1);
if (reportingThreshhold < 1073741823) {
reportingThreshhold *= 2;
try {
locked = lock.tryLock(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException var13) {
interrupted = true;
if (interrupted) {
if (__$mm$__ != null) {
} finally {
if (__$mm$__ != null) {
As for provided code. Its essentially doing something like this:
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Thread t=new Thread(()->lock.lock()); //lets simulate that Lock is locked
int times = 0;
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); //and for whatever reasons - thread was interrupted from outside
boolean locked=false;
while (!locked) {
try {
boolean gotLock=lock.tryLock(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("Got lock?: "+gotLock);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Thrown times:" + times++);
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // iterrupts again - will throw on getLock no matter what now
So basicly having interuption once - you will dive into limbo of infinite loop - without delays - which hogs the CPU. I would suggest adding diagnostic logging around that interuption handling to see what is happening.
One option is that something like that happens in code:
public void doTheJob(){
.... // fail fast for whatever reason
}catch(Exception e){
Exception occures - thats why we are seeing stacktracke. You got yourself an infinite loop.
What is very interesting is that there is an InterruptedException in the stacktrace, so it looks alike that you might try to kill some pending (timing out) tasks - and maybe reschedule them.
I'm having trouble getting over 100 threads to run simultaneously. When I do a thread dump, I noticed that many of them are in parked status, i.e.
parking to wait for <0x00000000827e1760> (java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject).
The program runs fine with about 25 threads or less. Is there a way ti identify what's causing the concurrent lock, and/or prevent it? This was running in a fixed pool size of 200 using the Executor service.
Apologies for the lack of code - it's proprietary and there's a lot to be changed to obfuscated it.
Are you using some sort of ThreadPoolExecutor such as the ones provided by java.util.concurrent.Executors class? Perhaps you are facing a case of tasks being finished by silently uncaught exceptions. The dump fragment looks like an inactive pooled thread and one reason to get an inactive thread (which should be active) is an exception throwed up but surrounded by the default thread pool implementation.
In thread pools, THREADS waiting for a TASK are locked out by LockSupport.park();. See java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer source from openjdk :
public final void await() throws InterruptedException {
// code omitted
while (!isOnSyncQueue(node)) {
if ((interruptMode = checkInterruptWhileWaiting(node)) != 0)
// code omitted
It means that the TASK which the THREAD were executing finished (abruptaly or not) and now the thread is waiting for another task to execute (see java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor openjdk source):
private Runnable getTask() {
// ...
Runnable r = timed ?
workQueue.poll(keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) :
workQueue.take(); <== the thread is blocked here
// ...
As one can see, the thread is locked out in the call workQueue.take();.
Thus, shortly, threads in "parked status" are just waiting for new tasks after the previous ones have finished.
Why does my task is no longer running?
The most reasonable cause of a finished task is the regular end of the run(). The task flow finishes and then the task is released by the respective owner thread. Once the thread releases the task, it is ready to execute another task as long there is one.
A straightforward way to check this scenario is by logging something in the end of the run() method:
class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while(/*some condition*/) {
// do my things
log.info("My Runnable has finished for now!");
If log a message is not enough you can call a method of another object instead.
Exceptions under the wood
Another (most) probable cause is an uncaught exception thrown during the task execution. Within a thread pool, an unchecked exception like this will abruptaly stop the method execution and (surprisely) be swallowed into a java.util.concurrent.FutureTask object. In order to avoid things like this, I use the following idiom:
class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while(/*some condition*/) {
try {
// do my things
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
log.info("My Runnable has finished for now!");
private void handle(Throwable throwable) {
// ...
or depending on the logic/performance requirements I also use:
public void run() {
try {
while(/*some condition*/) {
// do my things
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
System.out.println("My Runnable has finished for now!");
The code below exemplify the issues commented here in action:
package mypocs;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
public class ExceptionSwallowingInThreadPoolsPoC {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
final Object LOCK = new Object();
threadPoolExecutor.submit(() -> {
while (true) {
synchronized (LOCK) {
System.out.println("Thread 'A' never ends");
threadPoolExecutor.submit(() -> {
int lifespan = 3;
while (lifespan > 0) {
synchronized (LOCK) {
System.out.println("Thread 'B' is living for " + lifespan + " seconds");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Thread 'B' finished");
threadPoolExecutor.submit(() -> {
int lifespan = 3;
while (lifespan > 0) {
synchronized (LOCK) {
System.out.println("Thread 'C' is living for " + lifespan + " seconds");
if (lifespan < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("lifespan reached zero");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Thread 'C' finished");
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
synchronized (LOCK) {
System.out.println("==== begin");
System.out.println("getActiveCount: " + threadPoolExecutor.getActiveCount());
System.out.println("getCompletedTaskCount: " + threadPoolExecutor.getCompletedTaskCount());
System.out.println("getPoolSize: " + threadPoolExecutor.getPoolSize());
System.out.println("==== end");
The code should output something like:
Thread 'A' never ends
Thread 'B' is living for 3 seconds
Thread 'C' is living for 3 seconds
Thread 'C' is living for 2 seconds
==== begin
getActiveCount: 3
getCompletedTaskCount: 0
getPoolSize: 3
==== end
Thread 'B' is living for 2 seconds
Thread 'A' never ends
==== begin
getActiveCount: 3
getCompletedTaskCount: 0
getPoolSize: 3
==== end
Thread 'C' is living for 1 seconds
Thread 'B' is living for 1 seconds
Thread 'A' never ends
Thread 'B' finished
==== begin
getActiveCount: 1
getCompletedTaskCount: 2
getPoolSize: 3
==== end
Thread 'A' never ends
Thread 'A' never ends
The class (ConditionObject) you are referring to is used to lock objects from being accessed concurrently by multiple threads. The Javadoc doesn't describe the thread state you mention, but here is my guess:
Your locked object is being blocked by one thread so long, that the other threads start to pile up on the lock. Once the thread holding the lock releases it, the next thread continues the aquire the lock. Until that new thread has done his work, new threads pile up behing the lock.
If my guess is right, then could:
reduce the time that each thread spends in the lock, or
distribute the threads on different locked things (if your problem permits that), or
you use an implementation that doesn't require locking.
Without knowing your problem domain, I hope that the information above is enough to point you into some direction that might be of help for you.
I have 2 matrices and I need to multiply them and then print the results of each cell. As soon as one cell is ready I need to print it, but for example I need to print the [0][0] cell before cell [2][0] even if the result of [2][0] is ready first. So I need to print it by order.
So my idea is to make the printer thread wait until the multiplyThread notifies it that the correct cell is ready to be printed and then the printerThread will print the cell and go back to waiting and so on..
So I have this thread that does the multiplication:
public void run()
int countNumOfActions = 0; // How many multiplications have we done
int maxActions = randomize(); // Maximum number of actions allowed
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
result[rowNum][colNum] = result[rowNum][colNum] + row[i] * col[i];
// Reached the number of allowed actions
if (countNumOfActions >= maxActions)
countNumOfActions = 0;
maxActions = randomize();
isFinished[rowNum][colNum] = true;
Thread that prints the result of each cell:
public void run()
int j = 0; // Columns counter
int i = 0; // Rows counter
System.out.println("The result matrix of the multiplication is:");
while (i < creator.getmThreads().length)
synchronized (this)
catch (InterruptedException e1)
if (creator.getmThreads()[i][j].getIsFinished()[i][j] == true)
if (j < creator.getmThreads()[i].length)
System.out.print(creator.getResult()[i][j] + " ");
j = 0;
System.out.print(creator.getResult()[i][j] + " ");
Now it throws me these exceptions:
Exception in thread "Thread-9" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-6" Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-8" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-7" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-10" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
Exception in thread "Thread-12" java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.lang.Object.notify(Native Method)
at multiplyThread.run(multiplyThread.java:49)
line 49 in multiplyThread is the "notify()"..I think I need to use the synchronized differently but I am not sure how.
If anyone can help this code to work I will really appreciate it.
To be able to call notify() you need to synchronize on the same object.
synchronized (someObject) {
/* different thread / object */
synchronized (someObject) {
While using the wait and notify or notifyAll methods in Java the following things must be remembered:
Use notifyAll instead of notify if you expect that more than one thread will be waiting for a lock.
The wait and notify methods must be called in a synchronized context. See the link for a more detailed explanation.
Always call the wait() method in a loop because if multiple threads are waiting for a lock and one of them got the lock and reset the condition, then the other threads need to check the condition after they wake up to see whether they need to wait again or can start processing.
Use the same object for calling wait() and notify() method; every object has its own lock so calling wait() on object A and notify() on object B will not make any sense.
Do you need to thread this at all ? I'm wondering how big your matrices are, and whether there's any benefit in having one thread print whilst the other does the multiplication.
Perhaps it would be worth measuring this time before doing the relatively complex threading work ?
If you do need to thread it, I would create 'n' threads to perform the multiplication of the cells (perhaps 'n' is the number of cores available to you), and then use the ExecutorService and Future mechanism to dispatch multiple multiplications simultaneously.
That way you can optimise the work based on the number of cores, and you're using the higher level Java threading tools (which should make life easier). Write the results back into a receiving matrix, and then simply print this once all your Future tasks have completed.
Let's say you have 'black box' application with some class named BlackBoxClass that has method doSomething();.
Further, you have observer or listener named onResponse(String resp) that will be called by BlackBoxClass after unknown time.
The flow is simple:
private String mResponse = null;
BlackBoxClass bbc = new BlackBoxClass();
public void onResponse(String resp){
mResponse = resp;
Lets say we don't know what is going on with BlackBoxClass and when we should get answer but you don't want to continue your code till you get answer or in other word get onResponse call. Here enters 'Synchronize helper':
public class SyncronizeObj {
public void doWait(long l){
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
public void doNotify() {
synchronized(this) {
public void doWait() {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
Now we can implement what we want:
public class Demo {
private String mResponse = null;
SyncronizeObj sync = new SyncronizeObj();
public void impl(){
BlackBoxClass bbc = new BlackBoxClass();
if(mResponse == null){
/** at this momoent you sure that you got response from BlackBoxClass because
onResponse method released your 'wait'. In other cases if you don't want wait too
long (for example wait data from socket) you can use doWait(time)
public void onResponse(String resp){
mResponse = resp;
You can only call notify on objects where you own their monitor. So you need something like
notify() needs to be synchronized as well
I'll right simple example show you the right way to use wait and notify in Java.
So I'll create two class named ThreadA & ThreadB. ThreadA will call ThreadB.
public class ThreadA {
public static void main(String[] args){
ThreadB b = new ThreadB();//<----Create Instance for seconde class
b.start();//<--------------------Launch thread
System.out.println("Waiting for b to complete...");
b.wait();//<-------------WAIT until the finish thread for class B finish
}catch(InterruptedException e){
System.out.println("Total is: " + b.total);
and for Class ThreadB:
class ThreadB extends Thread{
int total;
public void run(){
for(int i=0; i<100 ; i++){
total += i;
notify();//<----------------Notify the class wich wait until my finish
//and tell that I'm finish
Simple use if you want How to execute threads alternatively :-
public class MyThread {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Object lock = new Object();
new Thread(() -> {
try {
synchronized (lock) {
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + "A");
} catch (Exception e) {}
}, "T1").start();
new Thread(() -> {
try {
synchronized (lock) {
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + "B");
} catch (Exception e) {}
}, "T2").start();
response :-
we can call notify to resume the execution of waiting objects as
public synchronized void guardedJoy() {
// This guard only loops once for each special event, which may not
// be the event we're waiting for.
while(!joy) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println("Joy and efficiency have been achieved!");
resume this by invoking notify on another object of same class
public synchronized notifyJoy() {
joy = true;
For this particular problem, why not store up your various results in variables and then when the last of your thread is processed you can print in whatever format you want. This is especially useful if you are gonna be using your work history in other projects.
This looks like a situation for producer-consumer pattern. If you’re using java 5 or up, you may consider using blocking queue(java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue) and leave the thread coordination work to the underlying framework/api implementation.
See the example from
java 5:
or java 7 (same example):
You have properly guarded your code block when you call wait() method by using synchronized(this).
But you have not taken same precaution when you call notify() method without using guarded block : synchronized(this) or synchronized(someObject)
If you refer to oracle documentation page on Object class, which contains wait() ,notify(), notifyAll() methods, you can see below precaution in all these three methods
This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this object's monitor
Many things have been changed in last 7 years and let's have look into other alternatives to synchronized in below SE questions:
Why use a ReentrantLock if one can use synchronized(this)?
Synchronization vs Lock
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java?
I just started out with threading. I wrote a main class that sets up and starts 100 threads, waits 5 seconds and then interrupts them (at least that's what I thought it did):
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Walker());
System.out.println("Starting threads...");
for (Thread thread : threads) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// don't do anything
System.out.println("Time's up - Terminating threads...");
for (Thread t : threads) {
for (Thread t : threads) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// don't do anything
System.out.println("All done.");
The threads looked a bit like this:
public class Walker implements Runnable {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
//do some complicated stuff that takes some time
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + i);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
Now, the output I got was that the main thread began interrupting threads, but some sub threads continued to run a few times (i.e. loop iterations) before terminating, e.g.
Starting threads...
Time's up - Terminating threads...
..All done.
[output from threads sometimes continued even here - after the join()]
At that time I didn't fully understand that a single thread could be allocated enough processor time to run a few times - I expected at most one additional run before the main thread had the opportunity to interrupt it.
But while I now see that it is absolutely fine for a thread to be executed for some (long) time before the main thread gets a chance to terminate (i.e. interrupt) it, I am still wondering: is there an easy way to interrupt all child threads in a timely manner from the main thread? (Setting a "time to live" through a thread's constructor and then testing inside the Walker class for it is not what I want.)
Also: is it possible for the last print statement to execute and then see some output from individual threads - after all threads were join()ed? (Maybe I have a glitch somewhere else; the actual code is a bit more complex...)
The problem you observe is probably due to how System.out.println works. It is a synchronized method. So a likely explanation is:
when calling System.out.print("."); after t.interrupt();, your main thread acquires the lock to print
before the lock is released, worker threads arrive at System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + i); and wait for the lock
when the main thread releases the lock, all the worker threads that were waiting print their progress.
the main thread arrives at System.out.print("."); again and has to wait for the print lock to be available, etc.
Regarding the fact that you see more prints from the worker threads after "All Done" is printed: you only join for 10 ms, so it is possible that it is not enough and a thread is not finished within 10ms of being interrupted. If you just use join() you should not see that any longer.
Example of Worker class that reproduces the behaviour you observe:
class Walker implements Runnable {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
//do not respond to interruption too quickly on purpose
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + i);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
It would be easier with ExecutorService, eg
int nThreads = 100;
ExecutorService ex = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
ex.execute(new Walker());
Maybe I have a glitch somewhere else; the actual code is a bit more complex...
Yes it is a glitch, unfortunately isn't a simple set 1 property, java side.
If the code is commercial, complex, than you can allocate a bit more time to write some native libraries, for major Os type. With that help you can easily play with threads as you wanted.
The first times has an overhead for developing and understanding how the threads are woking in native, os side, than just call a function with a few params :)
Not sure, if is helping, the glitch exists.
Title says it all. I have some code which is included below and I am wondering how I would go about obtaining the statistics/information related to the threads (i.e. how many different threads are running, names of the different threads). For consistency sake, image the code is run using 22 33 44 55 as command line arguments.
I am also wondering what the purpose of the try blocks are in this particular example. I understand what try blocks do in general, but specifically what do the try blocks do for the threads.
public class SimpleThreads {
//Display a message, preceded by the name of the current thread
static void threadMessage(String message) {
long threadName = Thread.currentThread().getId();
System.out.format("id is %d: %s%n", threadName, message);
private static class MessageLoop implements Runnable {
String info[];
MessageLoop(String x[]) {
info = x;
public void run() {
try {
for (int i = 1; i < info.length; i++) {
//Pause for 4 seconds
//Print a message
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
threadMessage("I wasn't done!");
public static void main(String args[])throws InterruptedException {
//Delay, in milliseconds before we interrupt MessageLoop
//thread (default one minute).
long extent = 1000 * 60;//one minute
String[] nargs = {"33","ONE", "TWO"};
if (args.length != 0) nargs = args;
else System.out.println("assumed: java SimpleThreads 33 ONE TWO");
try {
extent = Long.parseLong(nargs[0]) * 1000;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.err.println("First Argument must be an integer.");
threadMessage("Starting MessageLoop thread");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Thread t = new Thread(new MessageLoop(nargs));
threadMessage("Waiting for MessageLoop thread to finish");
//loop until MessageLoop thread exits
int seconds = 0;
while (t.isAlive()) {
threadMessage("Seconds: " + seconds++);
//Wait maximum of 1 second for MessageLoop thread to
if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > extent) &&
t.isAlive()) {
threadMessage("Tired of waiting!");
//Shouldn't be long now -- wait indefinitely
threadMessage("All done!");
you can use VisualVM for threads monitoring. which is included in JDK 6 update 7 and later. You can find visualVm in JDK path/bin folder.
VisualVM presents data for local and remote applications in a tab
specific for that application. Application tabs are displayed in the
main window to the right of the Applications window. You can have
multiple application tabs open at one time. Each application tab
contains sub-tabs that display different types of information about
the application.VisualVM displays real-time, high-level data on
thread activity in the Threads tab.
For the first issue:
Consider using VisualVM to monitor those threads. Or just use your IDEs debugger(eclipse has such a function imo).
I am also wondering what the purpose of the try blocks are in this particular example.
InterruptedExceptions occur if Thread.interrupt() is called, while a thread was sleeping. Then the Thread.sleep() is interrupted and the Thread will jump into the catch-code.
In your example your thread sleeps for 4 seconds. If another thread invokes Thread.interrupt() on your sleeping one, it will then execute threadMessage("I wasn't done!");.
Well.. as you might have understood now, the catch-blocks handle the sleep()-method, not a exception thrown by a thread. It throws a checked exception which you are forced to catch.
If you are not able to use tools like VisualVM (which is very useful, IMHO), you can also dump the thread stack in Java, e.g. to your logfile. I am using such dumps on my server programs, when certain thresholds are crossed. I found doing such snapshots as part of the program very helpful. Gives you some hints on what happened before the system crashes and it is too late to use profilers (deadlock, OutOfMemory, slowdown etc.). Have a look here for the code: Trigger complete stack dump programmatically?
I have a method, wich supposed to interrupt a thread, but it's not. Do I need to always check the thread interrupted in the while method to stop the thread? How can I just terminate the thread at anytime?
solverTh = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//do lot of stuff here for long time
public void terminate(){
if(solverTh != null){
okay than I thought the "lot of stuff" is irrelevant, but I will post it than. It makes openGL operations, I added the boolean variable "terminated" to the code it works now, I just wanted to find a nicer solution:
(glc is a GLCanvas, and the rotmultiplecube method rotates 3 objects)
Anyways I've solved the problem now, thanks for the answers.
terminated = false;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(BruteForce.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
int colorToBeSolved = Statics.RED_BLUE_TABLE[stateToBeSolved];
System.out.println(stateToBeSolved + "," + colorToBeSolved);
if(entities[0].getColor() != colorToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(Statics.FIRST_ROW, Statics.DOWN);
if(entities[1].getColor() != colorToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(Statics.SECOND_COL, Statics.RIGHT);
if(entities[2].getColor() != colorToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(Statics.THIRD_COL, Statics.RIGHT);
if(entities[3].getColor() != colorToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(Statics.SECOND_ROW, Statics.DOWN);
if(entities[6].getColor() != colorToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(Statics.THIDR_ROW, Statics.DOWN);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
int col = i % 3;
int row = 3 + i/3;
while(entities[i].getState() != stateToBeSolved){
for(int j = 0;j < 2; ++j){
if(entities[i].getState() != stateToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(col, Statics.LEFT);
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(row, Statics.UP);
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(col, Statics.RIGHT);
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(row, Statics.DOWN);
for(int j = 0;j < 2; ++j){
if(entities[i].getState() != stateToBeSolved){
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(col, Statics.RIGHT);
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(row, Statics.UP);
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(col, Statics.LEFT);
if(terminated) return;
fullRotate(row, Statics.DOWN);
and the fullrotate method:
private void fullRotate(int selectionIndex, int direction){
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
glc.rotMultipleCubeSlow(selectionIndex, direction);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
glc.setMovesText(selectionIndex, direction);
glc.setMultipleStateAndColorsByTable(selectionIndex, direction);
while(somethingistrue !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){
//do lot of stuff here for long time
Does not have to work for blocking IO. Use dirty tricks: override Thread.interrupt() close IO object, cause IOException that if properly handled may end thread run method.
The elegant solution is to modify your fullRotate() method to throw InterruptedException.
private void fullRotate(int selectionIndex, int direction)
throws InterruptedException{
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
glc.rotMultipleCubeSlow(selectionIndex, direction);
glc.setMovesText(selectionIndex, direction);
glc.setMultipleStateAndColorsByTable(selectionIndex, direction);
When you call Thread.interrupt() you cause InterruptedException when any of the methods that throw it is invoked, in your case the Thread.sleep() or Thread.yield(). This means that the best approach is to use it to actually interrupt the calculation.
You still need to check Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() if you want immediate response to your Thread.interrupt()
You can ether remove if(terminated) return; or substitute it with Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() check. Removing will be fine because the Thread.sleep(20)/Thread.yield() from fullRotate() will throw the InterruptedException. Also code will be cleaner without all these if(terminated) all over the place.
Use Thread.yield() instead for Thread.sleep(20). Obviously you don't want to sleep, because you put 20 millis. 20 milis is very close to the context switch time quantum. The thread will ether sleep more, or less. You don't want it to sleep more without any reason, so use yield().
Your thread run() then becomes:
solverTh = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while(somethingistrue &&
!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
try {
//do lot of stuff here for long time
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// handle stop processing
Also you have to remove the try catch from the following:
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(BruteForce.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
The only way to interrupt thread is to make it exit itself. Strightforward interruption is not even implemented in Java because of deadlocks possibility. So your thread code must look like:
solverTh = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Do a little stuff here
And somethingistrue is a kind of a signal for thread to interrupt.
When a thread is running ( consuming CPU cycles ) , then it will not by default ( automatically ) respond to Thread.interrupt(). You will have to write the code to do this explicitly.
Break up //do lot of stuff here for long time into 2 or more steps , and insert between these steps checks for the Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() - if true - break out , else continue. This is only safe way to achieve what you want.
It depends on what the long running stuff is, you will have to design the steps and decide when its best to check for interruption and breakout.
The only thing that can reliably stop the execution of one thread from another is the OS. So, there are not many choices:
1) Signal the thread to stop itself. This scheme kinda depends on what the thread is doing. If it's running on another processor or stuck on a blocking call you cannot unblock, (note-many blocking calls can be persuaded to return early), there can be problems.
What is 'lot of stuff' doing?
2) Use an OS call to terminate the thread. This can be a viable option, depending on what the thread does. If there is any possibility of terminating the thread while it holds a public lock on a vital resource, (eg. it's in the middle of a malloc() and has the memory-manager locked), then you can get into trouble. You have to be sure of what thread is doing to safely abort it in this way.
3) Use a separate process to run the 'stuff'. This will obviously work OK, but usually involves slow and painful inter-process comms to pass data and return results.
4) Design the app so that it does not need to terminate the thread. Some apps never need to terminate any threads except at app shutdown, so there's no problem - the OS can stop anything. In those cases where a thread must be 'stopped' during an app run and is running a lengthy CPU-intensive operation or is blocked for a long and possibly indeterminate period, 'orphaning' a thread by setting its priority to minimum/idle and just leaving it to eventually die off is another common approach.
The worst possible scenario is a thread running a lot of stuff for long time that uses the memory-manager or other public locks, possibly in a library where you don't know exactly what it's doing, can't be hooked and reads/writes data in such a way that 'orphaning' it off means that another thread cannot be started to use the data. You're really stuft then and you may have to terminate the app and restart. It's just best to avoid designs where a thread can get into such a state :)
5) Forgot one - if the thread is using data you can get at, setting something to NULL, 0, MaxInt or some other like bodge can cause an exception to be raised in the thread running the long stuff. When execution bubbles out of long stuff, the thread can check the Interrupted state in the exception handler and exit if set.